May workout check-in; May your squats be deep and plentiful



  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Tomorrow is my first official "day off" since Easter. I plan to skip the weights on Tuesday, too.

    I gotta hand it everyone -- this month's seen some crazy awesome lifting. Can't wait to see what we can do in June!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks to whoever suggested a thumb- over grip for squats. It made a big difference in my form and stopped my shoulders hurting.:happy:
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Alright, so Day 1 of "modified" SL...

    Bench - 8,7,8 @ 76lbs
    Bicep hammer curls - 3x5 @ 25lbs
    Squats - 7,8,10 @ 115lbs
    Side planks - 3x30 sec/side
    Upright rows - 5,7,8 @ 55lbs
    Reverse lunges - 7,8,9 (each leg) @ 55lbs
    1-arm rows - 3x7 @ 40lbs
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Just wanted to say thanks to whoever suggested a thumb- over grip for squats. It made a big difference in my form and stopped my shoulders hurting.:happy:

    Might've been me, in which case i'm glad it's helped! ^^

    Deload week day 1 for me! Power bench and pistol squat skill work! I had only benched once in the last month so this felt great. I kept the weight relatively easy and focused on explosiveness and I think it's going to pay off ^^

    Bench Press
    85 for 2 sets of 5

    Then did medium incline DB press 8x8
    (5 sets @ 30, 3 sets @ 25lbs, 30s rest between sets.)

    3 sets of 10
    Double pistol w/ 3 secs hold at the bottom (so essentially a very close stand squat)
    superset with EZ bar skullcrushers

    3x10 single leg step downs
    superset with 30s hollow hangs

    3x10 TRX assisted pop-up/deck squats (because I just couldn't do it :( ) - yousquat down to the floor, roll onto your back, then swing back up to a standing position. My butt's still too big or my hip drive sucks or a bit of both. So, something to work on
    superset with 30s superman

    Ended with 2min AMRAP of sitout. Shoulders and abs huuurt now!

    This workout sounded easier on paper than it ended up being, but it's mostly bodyweight and I pushed absolutely nothing to failure so recovery should be fine. I might tone it down a smidge for the next one, still, though. I need a nap lol.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    Krok, I know everything's relative, but I couldn't help but laughing. Your so-called "deload week" could probably kill me :laugh:

    Cardio day for me and some unnecessary stats (yeah, I love stats)
    5th-9th week of Stronglifts:
    Squat went from 65 kg to 75kg
    Bench press: 40 kg to 42.5kg
    Row: 35 kg to 40kg
    Overhead press: 32.5kg to... 32.5kg
    Deadlift: 65kg to 67.5kg
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    aww I'm just finishing my deload week. Work has been crazy so I typically just read posts on my phone here and there, and posting on a phone sucks so I usually don't. :laugh: I have to say though I'm a dork and get excited when I see a new post in here.

    So here are my workouts for the week:
    Sunday: Conditioning: Supersetx5 Hill sprint+10 burpees. rest repeat
    Monday: Gym closed. booo. Day off Yay! I went for a long walk and enjoyed the sunshine:
    Tuesday: Worked ot then hit the gym for a super quick deload:
    Squats: 45x5, 95x5. 115x5, 145x5, 175x5+ Bench 45x5, 55x5, 65x5, 80x5
    Wed& Thurs Off
    Friday: Deload+conditioning
    Deads: 135x5, 165x5, 205x5, OHP 45x5, 55x5, 65x5

    Farmers walks with strongman style handles: Pick, walk 30'ish, drop, turn around, pick, walk back
    55# per handx2
    105# per hand x1
    125# per handx3

    First time I've done those so it was okayish. I wanted to play with a new strongman event since I deloaded everything else, and I didn't feel like setting up the yoke. :laugh:

    Conditioning. Reverse pyramid from 10. KB swing+ Burpees. The kb was too light maybe? It was 30#. When I tried the next one up my shoes felt too squishy for balance. I had switched to sneakers instead of chucks for the burpees. Then again I was sucking wind hard after the first set so maybe it was fine.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    My trainer teaches a Crossfit type class on Saturdays, so went to that at 10am. It was rough, lol, I woke up dehydrated and tired. I drank 22oz of beer last night, a Russian stout, and I was drunk! Ridiculous. I think it was because it might have been like drinking on an empty stomach even though I'd had more than 2k calories that day.

    I've lost 2 pounds since Monday, which means I need to eat a bit more to fuel my workouts and swim lessons next week.

    Here's the workout I did today:
    3 rounds, 20 reps
    Wall balls
    Hand release push ups
    Box Jumps
    Push press (just 45lb bar)
    KB Swings (25lb)
    Tire Flip
    Pull ups (I used a tire to jump a bit and pull myself up)

    In 45 mins I made it through 2 rounds and didn't get to the last 4 of the 3rd round. Not bad for my second time doing something like that. :)
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Wow! you guys are amazing! I see all these high numbers and am in awe! I've had my weight set since mothers day (thanks for the gift hubby!) but i was doing some lifting before that with what i had available. I always workout fasted in the am, about 5:30 I get going. That is about the only time i have available to do it. I also run on my off days, 2 short half hour and a longer 45 mins. Wondering if I should take another rest day somewhere in there? My quads are a bit sore most days. My squats were 100 today down from 105(but those were rough), OHP 45 down from 47, DL 125 down from 135. Last bench was 57 and rows were 65 down from 70 that day. I probably could have pushed them all but today I just didn't have it in me to lift like i did the last few times. I am thinking that is ok as i want to make sure my form is good and not to start getting sloppy. Thoughts from the group?
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Today I did ICF 5x5 workout A. I didn't do the squats and am really hoping I can get back to them on Tuesday and that it won't hurt anymore behind my left knee. So, I did:

    Bench press 3x5x85
    Barbell row 3x5x80
    Barbell shrugs 2x8x45
    Tricep extensions 2x8 with resistance bands
    Straight bar curls 3 and 1 x45. I really need some dumbbells so I can do incline curls instead because I can barely curl the 45# bar. We don't really have the means to get dumbbells right now though so I am thinking I will just be working on reps for awhile.
    Good mornings 2x8x45. I will be doing these instead of hyperextensions because I don't think we have the right bench for me to be able to do hyperextensions.
    Cable crunches 2x8 with resistance bands
    Hip thrusts 8x45 These aren't part of the program but I wanted to do them just for fun.

    I think as long as I stick to the plan and do 3x5 for the main moves and 2x8 for the accessories I will do just fine.
  • Katterin227
    Katterin227 Posts: 105 Member
    Today's workout had nothing notable except for the very fact that it wasn't notable. I got in, did my workout, and got out, and none of the lifts gave me a huge amount of trouble. Feels like I'm getting the hang of things.

    Squats: 5x5 @ 60 pounds
    Bench: 5x5 @ 60 pounds
    Rows: 5x5 @ 75
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Wow! you guys are amazing! I see all these high numbers and am in awe! I've had my weight set since mothers day (thanks for the gift hubby!) but i was doing some lifting before that with what i had available. I always workout fasted in the am, about 5:30 I get going. That is about the only time i have available to do it. I also run on my off days, 2 short half hour and a longer 45 mins. Wondering if I should take another rest day somewhere in there? My quads are a bit sore most days. My squats were 100 today down from 105(but those were rough), OHP 45 down from 47, DL 125 down from 135. Last bench was 57 and rows were 65 down from 70 that day. I probably could have pushed them all but today I just didn't have it in me to lift like i did the last few times. I am thinking that is ok as i want to make sure my form is good and not to start getting sloppy. Thoughts from the group?

    Having to deload one time might just be a bad day. If you have to deload continually and you want to progress with weights you'll either have to eat more or rest more. There's nothing wrong with working on form, but make sure you're not just using it as an excuse to avoid adding weight. Foam rolling can have a huge effect on recovery for a lot of people so it's something to try if you haven't already. Also make sure you're going past parallel which is when the posterior chain takes over,
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Pull & HSPU day was pretty nice! I'm feeling pretty energetic right now!

    Pendlay rows

    Every rep was explosive, pulled from a dead stop, and I filmed 2 sets and can also safely say, my back remained static the entire time. No momentum whatsoever! Aaand this is how I'll get myself to enjoy deloads haha (as a reference, last week I was pulling 85 for sets of 10)

    Wide(ish) grip pulldowns, 70x8x8 30s rest between sets. Learned from yesterday and went a lot more conservative with the weight so I didn't have to drop down. My shoulds are sore and stiff from those incline DB presses haha.

    Then I was supposed to do 15-45s kick ups and holds but, as was the case with the deck squats yesterday, I simply do not have the hip/leg power to propel my heavy butt up without assistance. I tried. I couldn't get to a handstand. So I did wall walks ups to get into position. I'll work from there. 30s was hard to hold up there, anyway. I'll just do better next deload week!

    Then did 3 sets of submax floor pike presses superset with supinated recline ring rows. Hit something like 7/6/7 and 10/8/8. Kinda lousy IMO but then again I'd already been pulling a lot and my shoulders weren,t fresh either.

    Then 3 sets of 20 1LRDL (per leg!) superset with plank knee tucks.

    Aaand finished out with 6 50m shuttle (25m x2) sprints in the parking lot because, my gawd, today's weather is awesome! Best time was like 10.38 seconds... I'm a slowpoke even when sprinting, apparently. And then I went to the grocery store right by the gym and picked up a bunch of berries and stuff that was on sale because hey, I'm a little tacky too. And now I wanna play some ball before I make protein pancakes with chocolate spread and honey dew melon >_>

    Awesome work to everyone still trudging along through the weekend, btw!

    Oh and hey I just realized it's June now. Oops?
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    This is my May to June, had to skip 2 days before last one.

    Workout A (Tues)

    squats 5 X 5 - 105

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 105

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 65

    Overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 80

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 50

    flys 5 x 5 - 40

    Ab crunches - 100 reps

    Workout B (Thurs)

    Squats 5 X 1 - 125 (did it but not good form, moved down)

    squats 5 X 5 - 115

    upgright rows 5 X 1 - 105

    overhead press 5 x 5 - 55

    reverse 5 x 5 - 50

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 80

    flys 5 x 5 - 40

    Workout A (Sun, needed 2 days break, think because of going up too much on the one set of squats on Thurs.)

    squats 5 X 5 - 115

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 115

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 70 (couldn't do the complete movement to my chest so went back to 65)

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 65

    Overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 80

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 50

    flys 5 x 5 - 40
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Wow! you guys are amazing! I see all these high numbers and am in awe! I've had my weight set since mothers day (thanks for the gift hubby!) but i was doing some lifting before that with what i had available. I always workout fasted in the am, about 5:30 I get going. That is about the only time i have available to do it. I also run on my off days, 2 short half hour and a longer 45 mins. Wondering if I should take another rest day somewhere in there? My quads are a bit sore most days. My squats were 100 today down from 105(but those were rough), OHP 45 down from 47, DL 125 down from 135. Last bench was 57 and rows were 65 down from 70 that day. I probably could have pushed them all but today I just didn't have it in me to lift like i did the last few times. I am thinking that is ok as i want to make sure my form is good and not to start getting sloppy. Thoughts from the group?

    Having to deload one time might just be a bad day. If you have to deload continually and you want to progress with weights you'll either have to eat more or rest more. There's nothing wrong with working on form, but make sure you're not just using it as an excuse to avoid adding weight. Foam rolling can have a huge effect on recovery for a lot of people so it's something to try if you haven't already. Also make sure you're going past parallel which is when the posterior chain takes over,

    Thanks for the reply! I eat 2300 when my tdee is 2700 (bodymedia), try to get at least 100 gr protein a day, usually more. I have been wanting a roller but haven't done out to get one yet, a few clients have said they are a life saver. I'm thinking i will need to cut down on the running :( My quads and knees hurt after that and feel better when i lift. :) I love running but that isn't going to get me the body i want. Plus working out 6 days a week is alot. I will try and go down on time or days with running and see if that helps.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I'm very naughty and have been only tracking my squats and deadlifts.

    Right now I'm at 170# 5,5,5,5,5 for squats and 1x5 for deadlifts. I've hit my goal of lifting my body weight on Friday. I started at 95# Squats and 100# DL at the end of February. This program really works!!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I'm thinking i will need to cut down on the running :( My quads and knees hurt after that and feel better when i lift. :) I love running but that isn't going to get me the body i want. Plus working out 6 days a week is alot. I will try and go down on time or days with running and see if that helps.

    I had to cut back on my running as well. Especially since I am doing cardio teaching swim lessons M-F. After the summer though, I'm gonna go back to just running 3 miles on Sundays. I used to run 4 times a week, about 7 miles total.