Daily Check In



  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I've been really watching my salt and nighttime snacking since I joined this group a couple of weeks ago, and lo and behold, 2 lbs down with not much difficulty. It sure helps that DH was read the riot act by his doctor about his weigh and BP, and I'm starting to win him over to the healthy side. I am not making desserts and he's not constantly bring irresistible treats home. Happy Friday everyone. On to the weekend soon.
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Well I wasn't going to exercise tonite but was barely under calorie goal when the mini candy bar started calling my name. Instead of eating my treat I got on the elliptical and worked out for 20 minutes. Hope the scale will reward my amazing will power on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    Happy FRIDAY!!

    That pound I gained....its gone...along with another one. :)
    WTG!! :love:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    I've been really watching my salt and nighttime snacking since I joined this group a couple of weeks ago, and lo and behold, 2 lbs down with not much difficulty.
    great success! :flowerforyou:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    SATURDAY - ahhhh the weekend!
    feeling every muscle today from my workout yesterday. though it's a good ache. :happy: taking the day off today - will just go for a relaxing walk later this afternoon. even during the fight w menopause my body needs a break sometimes. My DD school had Field day yesterday...they play outdoor games and there are concession stands - snow cones, popcorn and cotton candy. None of which tempt me thank goodness. I worked the cotton candy machine for 1 1/2 hours twirling away making cotton candy for the students. There was warm, sugary cotton candy "hairs" flying all over. I was covered in it! It was actually pretty fun. Though I wondered how many calories I burned doing that "exercise" for 1 1/2 hours :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    Good Saturday morning to you all. I was thinking taking today off from exercising, but remembered we have a dance party to attend tonight. Ahhh, dancing! One of my favorite ways to burn calories.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Happy Saturday to all!

    Did the grocery shopping today. Got my fruit and some sugarless Jell-O. I spice it up with whipped cream which doesn't add many calories. Its a nice treat.

    I made an appointment to get my hair done next week. That always gives me shot in the arm, moodwise. I only get my hair done twice a year so its a big deal for me.

    This is my off day for exercise...I did some time on the stationary bike yesterday. Will be crocheting this evening....have a LOT of projects that need finishing.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    I feel that I've been neglecting you all this week. It has been silly busy with the boys back at school, preparing for the summer fair and just general busy-ness.

    I have been logging daily though and despite a night out on Tuesday have stayed within my calorie limits if not always the best fit for my macros. I am rather pleased with myself about dinner on Tuesday though - it was Indian food so of course I had to have a poppadom but I didn't have any starters, breads, curries or rice and had a delicious tandoori-cooked Chicken Shashlick (marinated chicken, peppers, tomatoes and onions on a skewer) and it was really nice. Had to give myself a talking-to and remind myself that it won't be the last indian meal I ever have, and just for once (or three, four, however many times) I don't have to have a curry, onion bhajis etc.

    I am however starting to lose the will with chicken - need to get more fish and some lean beef I think. I'm not a big fan of pork which would have been another good choice.

    Loved reading your updates, welcome to the new ladies, and what achievements you've all had this week - makes me feel positively lazy by comparison.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I wonder how many calories shopping burns? That's what I did most of today. DH and I took a trip to a city an hour south of us(we live in a small town) to go to a great outlet mall, and to Costco to stock up on healthy lunch options for both of us. I got some great deal on cute summer clothes. Because I don't plan on losing much more, and certainly not on gaining any, I am not longer in the "Wait until" group. "Until I lose weight" is here now. It feels good to put on cute tops in small sizes and see how I look now. It's hard to wrap my head around. I sometimes see the slim woman that other's see, but just as often see the fat girl who used to weigh 100 pounds more.
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    So so day today, need to have a better day tomorrow.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    s. Because I don't plan on losing much more, and certainly not on gaining any, I am not longer in the "Wait until" group. "Until I lose weight" is here now. It feels good to put on cute tops in small sizes and see how I look now. It's hard to wrap my head around. I sometimes see the slim woman that other's see, but just as often see the fat girl who used to weigh 100 pounds more.

    Congratulations, I bet it feels good and I hope you enjoy it. I am looking forward to this feeling - don't care if its summer, autumn, winter or heck even next summer as long as it happens.
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    Today. Today I will take the day off. Which probably means I will end up doing yard work or something. lol

    Have a great Sunday.
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    had two days with family and friends activities

    saturday my mom, sister and I went to town for a all day shopping , lunch and theatre. had a great day with lots of talking and walking.

    today we had a once a year all family gathering (picnic) so my grandma her siblings and all offspring down to the last 1 being about 3 month old (4 generations all from my great grandma). was as always some missing but we where about 40 of us so made for great photos. we had great weather so could all be outdoors.

    Diet went ok ate a few things i shouldn't eat but in small bites so I'm pleased.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    @Crochetluvr - nice work dropping that pesky pound. Hope you had a fun filled weekend!

    @Sprintto50 - Good reminder to watch my salt intake. I could probably drop 5 water lbs easily:) Having your DH in this with you will be a great benefit.

    @jreneecal - I'm impressed - no mini candy bar AND a workout. I'm sure that will pay off!

    @Jill - I see a LOSS on your ticker - WTG. Nice work

    @sabower02 - a dance party sounds like fun! Hope it was good and sweaty:)

    @josparkle - eating out is rough- you did a great job controlling it. I’m going to use that mindset the next time I think I MUST have the Enchilada Mu-cha-cha. A tip to replace your chicken with : Turkey Cutlets. They are very lite when simmered in a little water. I grill up some peppers/onions to top it off with. Low in calorie and yummy.

    @nillalis - sounds like a great weekend. Getting together with family is the best!

    I had a successful weekend food wise. Really stuck to it and logged everything. I did plenty of housework and moving around but I didn't take a long walk like I wanted to. Kids can throw the best plans out the window. Oh well - being my first week back I feel so much better than I did before getting back at it.

    Happy Monday
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member

    today we had a once a year all family gathering (picnic) so my grandma her siblings and all offspring down to the last 1 being about 3 month old (4 generations all from my great grandma). was as always some missing but we where about 40 of us so made for great photos. we had great weather so could all be outdoors.
    that sounds like a wonderful time!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    I had a successful weekend food wise. Really stuck to it and logged everything. I did plenty of housework and moving around but I didn't take a long walk like I wanted to. Kids can throw the best plans out the window. Oh well - being my first week back I feel so much better than I did before getting back at it.

    Happy Monday

    HAPPY FIRST WEEK BACK! :drinker:
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    MARVY MONDAY! why am I so excited that my DD will be done w school soon??? you'd think it was MY last week of school for the year - lol. Maybe it's excitement in MFP success. hhmmmm....Okay, I will take that. :smile:
    Everyone sounds so cheery these past couple days - yeah!
    I know this week is going to fly by w school ending. Summer seems to be FINALLY here and 'cabin fever' is gone!
    My new yummy fav sandwich - Costco canned chicken, mixed w a little plain greek yogurt, a few spinach leaves (for some crunch) on light wheat bread - yum!
    Need to begin mentally grocery shopping for our trip up north in a couple weeks. We always like to make sure we have good healthy eats to take. My oldest DD is a health nut. Wish I could be more like her :laugh:
    Happy Day All!
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Happy Monday - walked to the gym and back and it felt good getting some structure back after the weekend festivities. Off to book our moving truck and plan for the big move only 43 days away! It will be hard to leave but so excited to move to our new home and live by the ocean. This is huge for a prairie girl although we have spent almost every year there for the past 14 yrs! One of my challenges through all this change will be keeping track of my food and getting my exercise in. We won't be settled in our new home until Oct. but I'm up for it!! Have a good one!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    where r you gals? :bigsmile:
    deetee - what ocean? I have always wanted to move to an ocean/beach area. sounds absolutely awesome!

    Kicked bootie today on my run/walk - ran about 70% and fast walked the other 30%. Music soooo helps to move and motivate me when I run/walk! I was down a pound afterwards....but I know it's water weight from exercising. However, it's fun to jump on the scale and see the number gone down - lol.
    Had a quick green smoothie, then it was off to show house (realtor here). Now back at the computer w my chicken breast lunch. Feeling extra healthy today - feel good!

    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    Feeling extra healthy today - feel good!

    Love this Jill - it is a great feeling isn't it? I need to remember that the next time I'm tempted with one of my old time favs.

    TUESDAY has been good to me so far. Healthy eating and got a nice walk in at noon. Dinner might be a challenge since I have a meeting at the school tonight. Guess I should put a little thought into it so I won't be drawn to a drive-thru.

    Busy week ahead with our DD's 8th gr semi-formal dance and graduation ceremony. Nails/hair/limo's - OMG. Everything is so elaborate these days.

    Jill - what do you make your green smoothie with? I did the Standard Process cleanse last fall and wondered if I could use the leftover protein powder to make a healthy (but tolerable) smoothie for breakfast.?? PS - Great run/walk for you today - WTG!!

    Keep up the great work ladies.