Daily Check In



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Stuff happens LadyBos... My diary is public & you can see that I did eat a large amount of carbs (for me) at dinner tonight, but on the upside... I worked the fat/carb ratios perfectly for lunch & dinner. One hi fat/lo carb and one hi carb/lo fat. No 'storage of fat' messages from my insulin, heheheh!
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Too many carbs for me today, but I'll burn them off tomorrow. I'm doing some weed eating again. Better get to bed, everyone have a great weekend!
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    @SCREWMENOPAUSE Thank you, support and advice that all sounds good. I have bookmarked reviews on your suggested workouts - they sound exactly what I'm looking for. And I have ordered new trainers, I used mine for dog walking, so I can go back to the gym and get some advice and act on it there.

    Disappointingly I failed to take any of your advice yesterday. DS2 was sick so dog got a five minute walk round the block, I stayed home and sat on the sofa with him for most of the day and capped the day off by eating pizza and drinking wine. Its a good job I don't like chocolate as I would probably have done that too. I wasn't reacting to anything, it was just one of those days and I truly couldn't be bothered at the time.

    Today however I have got up, done my normal stuff and just eaten good rye bread and quark breakfast, and coffee. I'm back to normal though I suspect the scales may say differently tomorrow. And later, whilst the football is on (is it ever not going to be?) I will take the dog for at least a six mile walk - might even do a double park circuit and up it to 10 miles.

    I am loving hearing all these new ideas - have never thought of aqua aerobics. It always looks so sedentary and staid when I see them do it in the pool at the gym, so I will have to investigate and see if there is anything more dynamic going on.

    Enjoy your weekend ladies.
  • LadyBos
    LadyBos Posts: 30 Member
    Stuff happens LadyBos... My diary is public & you can see that I did eat a large amount of carbs (for me) at dinner tonight, but on the upside... I worked the fat/carb ratios perfectly for lunch & dinner. One hi fat/lo carb and one hi carb/lo fat. No 'storage of fat' messages from my insulin, heheheh!

    I didn't know there was an optimal ratio? If you offset them as you've done, does that mean no insulin spike?
  • LadyBos
    LadyBos Posts: 30 Member

    Ladies who do strength training, what weights did you start on? And how swiftly did you increase? I have a shoulder that dislocates so I am wary of too much and there will always be moves that I cannot/will not do but I would like your opinions, please?

    I work out twice a week with a personal trainer. She has shown me that you don't have to lift weights to gain muscle, there are plenty of body weight exercises as well. Lunges, squats, pushups, etc.

    That said, I DO lift heavy - I use 25 pound weights for bicep curls, but I avoid injury by using really good form.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    just got back form a great 6+mile run (well 6.40 to be exact :laugh: ) downed a yummy green smoothie and then onto the day!
    needed that run - cause I too ate more carbs than usual - reduced fat wheat thins to be exact - too mucgh sugar in those things - they are addicting! especially when dipped in hummus :blushing:
    one week count down till our trip up north - two weeks in northern Michigan is just what I (and my girls) need! will step up the workouts next week.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Stuff happens LadyBos... My diary is public & you can see that I did eat a large amount of carbs (for me) at dinner tonight, but on the upside... I worked the fat/carb ratios perfectly for lunch & dinner. One hi fat/lo carb and one hi carb/lo fat. No 'storage of fat' messages from my insulin, heheheh!

    I didn't know there was an optimal ratio? If you offset them as you've done, does that mean no insulin spike?

    Sure does mean that! Insulin sends the message out to store fat so if you keep your insulin levels lower when you eat higher fat foods and vice versa there will be very little or no storage. I always eat (according to MFP, lol) too low in net carbs ie: total carbs minus fibre carbs by 1/3 to 1/2, and too high in fat, and quite often more protein by 1/2 again. It works like a charm - I eat whatever for breakfast (caveat - I never have been a Danish or Poptart breakfast kind of person) then choose whether I want my 'fat meal' at lunch/'carb meal' at dinner or vice versa and eat accordingly. Studies were done in the 70's that showed that people could maintain & even lose weight while eating 6000 fat calories a day *as long as they separated higher carbs from fats in their meals*. They still had optimal blood lipids & sugars while doing this. I will try to re-find the studies for everyone and post the links here.

    You'll notice though, if you think of our favorite sorts of restaurant foods or what you might term bad foods for weight loss they are a combination of high fats AND high carbs - baked potato with sour cream, pizza with high carb crust and fatty meat & cheese, chili with cheese & sour cream, ice cream (fat & sugar), chips/crisps for UK people (potato carb - deep fried in fat), etc.
    It's not the potato... or the sour cream that's the problem... its the COMBO.

    For instance yesterday's lunch was: Meat wrapped around cheese and raw veg in full fat dip. I often eat avocados & nuts - it isn't always meat & dairy fats, lol. But this is what I felt like eating that day.
    Mastro - Genoa Salami, 4 slices (30g) 100 0 8 8 0 0 
    Armstrong Light - Old Cheddar Cheese, 90 g 270 0 18 24 0 0 
    Cucumber - With peel, raw, 1 cup slices 16 4 0 1 1 2 
    Generic - Bell Peppers-mixed (Yellow, Orange, Red), 0.75 cup 14 3 0 0 1 2 
    Simply Food Caesar Dressing - Caesar Dressing, 30 ml 120 2 12 1 0 0 

    520 9 38 34 2 4
    Calories, Carbs, Fats, Proteins, Fibre, Sugars

    yesterday's supper/dinner was: Chili & rice with toast (lots of veg too)
    O'dough's - Gluten Free Flax Loaf Bread, 2 Slice (43g) 240 44 5 4 10 8 
    Butter - Salted, 1 pat (1" sq, 1/3" high) 36 0 4 0 0 0 
    Fresh - Green Onion, Chopped, 7.5 g 1 stalk 3 1 0 0 0 0 
    Vegetable - Celery Stalk 7 -8" Long (Kym), 1 stalk 6 1 0 0 1 1 
    Onions - Raw, 0.15 medium (2-1/2" dia) 7 2 0 0 0 1 
    Fresh - Large White Mushrooms, 6 mushroom 30 6 0 6 0 0 
    Frank's - Red Hot Sauce - Original Cayenne Pepper Sauce, 2 tsp (5mL) 2 0 0 0 0 0 
    Saporito - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 tsp (10 ml) 40 0 5 0 0 0 
    La Costena - La Costena Salsa Hot, 93 g (2tbsp) 30 9 0 0 3 0 
    Uncle Ben's Bistro Express - Wholegrain Brown Rice, 62.5 ml(90g) 65 12 1 1 1 0 
    Stagg - Silverado Beef Chili With Beans, 1 cup (247 g) 260 30 8 17 6 6 

    719 105 23 28 21 16
    Calories, Carbs, Fats, Proteins, Fibre, Sugars

    I didn't even have a tiny weight spike this morning from water retention or anything else. My weight has stayed between 131&134 eating this way the whole time.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member

    I am loving hearing all these new ideas - have never thought of aqua aerobics. It always looks so sedentary and staid when I see them do it in the pool at the gym, so I will have to investigate and see if there is anything more dynamic going on.

    Enjoy your weekend ladies.

    Hahahah, yes the picture comes to mind of little old ladies in flowered rubber bathing caps bobbing around to music while chatting to each other.
    Not quite what we do...well, there are a couple that do this but they are in their 80's and I say good for them! Actually it is used to train race horses and athletes & increase their power. If you can swing a bat underwater or run through the water then thanks to training in the density of that environment, it becomes even easier through the air. It is also good for injury or surgery retraining as the water can be very supportive and you don't need to fight against gravity. I used it for my own rehab - seriously broken leg with plates & screws still implanted - as well as rehab for others with hip replacements and car accident injuries.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Told ya I'd post when I found this "Studies on maintaining or losing weight while eating up to 6000 fat calories' from my previous post upthread.


    American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. You can also see the abstracts from their monthly journals for free, but have to pay for the full studies. I'd bookmark the journal site anyhow and lurk on the abstracts til you find something that piques your interest.

  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Hope you all had lovely weekends, mine was good - lots of outdoor stuff and time with my boys.

    Short walk this morning as DS1 needed his french homework to be emailed to him (only when I got it to him,it turns out it wasn't needed!) so I will go again after lunchtime.

    And no weight training for a little while, somewhere along my walk yesterday I jolted my back and am in pain around the kidney area. It seizes up and bending is painful, as is any major change of movement. Slightly better today than last night so I feel its nothing serious but will not make it worse with deadweights and lunges!

    Wishing you all a great start to the week - poached eggs, spinach & mushrooms for breakfast and I feel ready for anything - until I move, ouch.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    I am having a twilight zone moment - I swear I posted yesterday and said "happy fathers day" to those w DH....but I don't see my post (head scratch) maybe this is a senior moment - lol
    JOSPARKLE - I hope you feel better soon! that stinks when the "back" is in pain.
    hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. had a great run yesterday w my DH - it's always great to enjoy a little exercise together. today, relatives in town visiting so it's off to see what the agenda will be for today.
    scrambled EW, spinach and a little turkey "scramble for breakfast this morning.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Feeling a bit less sore now but back still giving me twinges. I'm trying not to whinge but am definitely feeling rather sorry for myself.

    Hopefully another day or two and it will be ok again, it must be truly dreadful to suffer with a bad back all the time. Thanks for the sympathy, much appreciated.
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Shopping with my sis today and had a grilled chicken panini, just checked the cals and it's like 800!!! What was I thinking?? Need to be more aware of calories before I eat! Lesson learned.....again! Damn I hate all these lessons ;)
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Yeah I don't know how many times I have eaten something I thought wouldn't be too high calorie and nearly fainted when I checked and found out how many calories it was. Yikes!
    Have not been eating too carefully the last few days the only saving grace is that I have been working on weedeating 5 acres so I've been burning up a lot of calories. Thank goodness I'm done, I've got aching muscles I didn't even know I had.
    Hope everyone has a terrific week.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    Ladies today I have bought a new belt - a medium. Now I think there was a bit of vanity sizing going on in the shop as the sizes ranged from XL to XXS which is a little off for a mainstream store, but still it is a M and I am not at the far end of it either. So something is working.

    Back is a little less painful today so dog walk was a little longer and then I took extra long having an hour or two shopping but kept moving all the time - good job I wasn't trying anything on. So I'm hoping that the 1/2lb off the scales showed this morning might be joined by another 1/2 in a day or two's time. Hope you're all doing well.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    josparkle: if you are having inflammation you will be holding on to a bit of weight - not fat tho. Glad your back is feeling a bit better - keep moving whatever you do. That's the best way to fix it - stretches and a bit of cold if it really bugs you after. Heat right now will make you seize up later. :) Or at least alternate heat & cold in 10 min increments if you can't take the cold :tongue:


    congrats on the new belt btw!
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I went fencing last night with our local club. The warm up was much different than I am used to, with lots of walking lunges, grapevines and such. My thighs are killing me! Not to mention the workout from the matches, too.

    I got fresh Ontario strawberries at the grocery store. They are late this year, as is everything. But so worth waiting for.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member

    **sprinto50 - that sounds like a great workout! I never realized fencing warm-ups involved all that leg work. awesome!
    **liana - hi! :happy:
    **deetee- -no worries...live and learn :flowerforyou:
    **josparkle - WTG on the belt size!
    **jreneecal - will you come to my house and weed - I hate weeding :sad:

    out of town family still in town for another day. went a bit overboard on the calories yesterday - but I forced myself into a good sweaty run/walk, so I feel great. though a bit tired today.
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    great workout - the hour flew by! have had a couple days of not so clean eating, but am back on track (and company gone - lol - that helps) and have all of my food planned for the day... low carb, high protein and moderate fat.
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    great workout - the hour flew by! have had a couple days of not so clean eating, but am back on track (and company gone - lol - that helps) and have all of my food planned for the day... low carb, high protein and moderate fat.

    Well done on getting straight back onto it.
    I'm having a better day, back is so much better today even after a disastrous night's sleep. Hopefully will have it sorted finally tomorrow and I can get out better - have two errands that must be done each at least 1 mile in opposite directions so that's at least 4 additional miles to stomp tomorrow.

    Enjoy your day.