Today I Will ______________



  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    TGIF! I feel good about the week I've had, even though the most delicious pound cake that my husband brought home has been here calling to me each day. I'm going to have a splurge meal tonight, pancakes for dinner. I usually don't do bread/potato/rice things with dinner, so it will indeed be a splurge. Hopefully I'll still wake up tomorrow with a spring in my step rather than feeling like I'm wearing concrete pajamas!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! :)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Its time!!
    Time I came back. I had a wonderful christmas, of course it went to fast. I did the usual christmas slurging, but unlike last year, I kept up with the exercise. I am up 3 lbs, which is not too bad for me, but I need to get back on the wagon before it goes higher. That is what happened to me last year, I didn't get myself back on track and did a lot of damage after the holidays were over.
    Yesterday I did an strength video, today I plan to run on the treadmill. I'd like to go outside, but not sure....its snowing hard and I think the roads are icy.

    Hope you're all doing good, and hopefully I'll be checking in regularly!! :)
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    A good rainy Monday morning to you all. I lost 3.4 lbs my first week back and I'm very pleased. I maintained healthy eating and workouts throughout the weekend.

    This week will be a challenge because I'll be getting back to a busier tutoring schedule. The kids don't need me their first week back after holiday break, but this week, they are filling my schedule. I got off to a good start this morning though. Despite the foggy gray wake up call, I still got out to walk between rain showers this morning. I know working out first thing will be a great way to be sure to burn those calories before my day goes haywire.

    Maureen, great to see you here. Good luck reigning in your holiday eating this week. We'll be rooting for you!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good evening! Got my mile walk today. I've been doing the mile walk after work and like it, relaxes me from the stressful day. My usual workouts will be done in the morning still, back to being up at 5 am to get it done! Have my Fitbit waking me up - seems to get me out of bed. The buzzing gets annoying!

    Have a great rest of the day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Morning! Nice to wake up to a sunny day. Great job on the loss Pam, WTG! Brenda, great job on the walk! and so early in the morning, you are dedicated.

    Yesterday I got in a treadmill run, the roads were bad and we don't have sidewalks so I didn't venture out. Today will be a strength workout. got lots of bookwork to catch up on! Have a great day :)
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Happy hump day! Glad to see some active ladies getting work done.

    I may be getting a fitbit flex, it's being offered with the phone I'm upgrading to. We're Windows phone people (one of the few who aren't doing the iphone or android thing). I'm past due for an upgrade and they're offering the phone and a fitbit flex for $99. Sounds like a good deal to me! I'm going into the AT&T store to check it out today and make sure I love it as much as my older windows phone.

    I hit a little speedbump on Monday evening and had an unplanned sweet snacking incident. Not too unusual after a great weigh in for me to throw commitment to the wind and dig into something inappropriate. But I've been pulling it together these last couple days and the scale was heading in the correct direction this morning.

    I have failed at waking up to workout before the kids though, which means I'm trying to squeeze it in somewhere during the homeschool day, or like last night, trying to squeeze it in before my 5:30 tutoring student walked up. I was doing zumba in the living room and feeling a little panicked about him getting here early and seeing me salsa and chacha my way across the living room. I've got to start getting up ealier! All this gray, fogginess that we're stuck in here is not helping!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good Morning!

    Its grocery day! haha I love getting groceries and having the house all stocked up. Finally seeing the scale move in the right direction, I am almost back to where I was before the holidays. Its all about the evening snack for me.

    Got outside for a 6K run yesterday, the roads weren't bad, a little slush on the sides. I wish we had sidewalks. I hope to get a strength workout in today, this afternoon probably after I get back from town.

    The next few weeks I will be working some (I am casual), will be carpooling with my son who has the work term. I hope to keep up on the exercise those days.

    Pam - great deal on the fitbit and phone offer! Let us know how you like it. I have thought about getting a fitbit as well, I'd like to get the one with the gps for my pace/etc when running.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Saturday! Kept up with my one mile walk every day thus far and have been running three days a week. Pam, I'm having the same problem with getting up in the morning to exercise and have to fit it in when I get home from work. I'm going to attempt this week again, 5 am! Need to get in strength training as well, missed that all week.

    Have a great weekend!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Well, it's Sunday Funday over here. We're going to head out to a local mountain bike/horse trail park. I'll hike with my oldest son while my husband bikes with my youngest son. The weather has finally strung together some dry, sunny days. What a relief!

    I got the phone and fitbit, and I'm having a blast with both! Love my new phone SO much, and the fitbit is really cool. As long as you understand it's really just monitoring activity level, not exact steps so much. The first day I used it I saw how far I was from 10,000 steps and I decided to do Zumba after dinner. Zumba really got the step # up! I hope the novelty of wanting to hit that goal doesn't wear off too soon, I'm enjoying the "game" of it so far.

    If I were going to go buy one, I'd definitely be more interested in one with gps and heart rate information.

    I've been doing well this week, had some cheats earlier on, but the eating the last few days has been very clean. I look forward to weigh in tomorrow!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Happy Saturday! Been pretty quiet around here, hope everyone is doing well! I've been doing okay with exercising; walking a mile every day and running three miles three times a week. Need to get my strength training now and all will be good! Son decided he wanted homemade pancakes this morning and of course when we make homemade pancakes we have to have bacon. Needless to say I'll be working out at least twice today to make up for breakfast!

    Have a great weekend!
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Mmm pancakes! I also indulged yesterday morning at a delicious diner in Decatur. I was a little worried eating so rich, I've had a rough week with the GI tract. Hasn't seemed viral because I've mostly felt fine otherwise. But it's been long lasting.

    I'm down another 1.6 lbs this week, so that's good. I'm sure the intestinal distress has made that loss easier! I've lost almost 7 lbs. so far and I'm keeping up the consistency. The fitbit has really helped more than I thought it would. I had a really low step day Friday because I was feeling bad. Then I turned it around and made up for it on Saturday, getting in almost 13,000 steps.

    I hope y'all are doing great! And best of luck to those of you in the path of the big blizzard.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am back from my cruise, quite a bit heavier (mostly water weight probably) but very tanned, & feeling motivated to get back at it! I will go run on the treadmill today.

    I have been in quite a slump since November, maybe even depression. I do feel better after all that sunshine. I know that the key for my mood is to run. I get hard on myself & embarrassed because I am slow. I am not going to let that stop me anymore. I need to focus on being happy & moving. I am certainly not going to get faster sitting on the couch. Maybe I will never get faster. Who cares.

    My husband was very sick for 4 days of the cruise. When he thought he was better we walked through San Juan Puerto Rico. It was mostly uphill & HOT. He passed out when we stopped to get out of the rain. I think it scared him enough to lose his weight & get more active. I think it will help me with him on board. That should mean no sabotaging junk in the house.

    Have a good day! I look forward to us all motivating each other again!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Good morning! Just back from my run/walk on the treadmill at the gym. I think it is time to retire my shoes as I had some lower leg pain. I will drink more water today & see if that makes it better.

    My weight is dropping rapidly (2lbs/day) so I am pretty sure that the weight I gained was mostly water. I didn't even log it because i don't feel that it was a true weight gain. I will log my weight on February 1st, when I set my monthly goals.

    Hope you are all doing well!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome back Lisa! Sorry to hear your hubby was sick part of the cruise. How awesome though to be in all that sun!

    I've been working on getting back to my 10 minute mile - stuck at 12:28 though. Not a big deal because I'm enjoying my runs and that's what counts. I've been running about four miles three times a week. My left hip has started hurt. Going to try a new pair shoes, but not sure if that's the answer. Hoping it just goes away!

    Have a great weekend!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Brenda: make sure you stretch or roll out your hip flexors after running. I always skip that step but my mom is forcing me this week & i have been pain free. I am not running far, but running everyday for 30 minutes (4 days in a row, WooHoo!) I haven't worked out very consistently since November so I am taking it easy.. Weight lifting restarts next week!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks Lisa - will give the hip flexor stretch a go - starting today! It's getting annoying! Nice job on the running!

    I've scheduled all my workouts for the month of February. Put them in my calendar so it beeps at me every day! Hopefully this will keep me on track. So far having IFit has really helped since I schedule those workouts and if I don't do the workout that day, it messes up the whole schedule (literally, the program throws everything where I don't want it). Easier just to make sure it gets done!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great week!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning!

    It's pretty quiet around here - hope everyone is doing well! I will run today. Trying to get in 10 miles a week. Have a goal set to run 40 miles for February.

    Have a great weekend!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yep it is quiet here Brenda. I don't think some people are logging on anymore. Good goal for February. How are your hips?

    I met with a trainer on Thursday. She corrected my form on a few things & pushed me a little harder than I would have since I haven't been going to the gym very much. I am in pain again. Hopefully one day I will remember that consistently going to the gym keeps the starting over pain away.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi all! Lisa, since I've started stretching more before and after running (doing yoga after running actually) hips are much better - thanks!

    I'm the same as you - take a break from strength training and then sore again. Someday we will learn :)

    Haven't ran in three days - miss it. I've had a head cold - head pounding - so haven't gotten on the treadmill. Will definitely get back to it tomorrow morning. There, I've said, now I have to do it!!

    Have a great night!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I feel that my mojo is back! I am pretty sure I am ready to hit the gym on a regular basis again. I am eating properly & feel good. Hopefully it sticks! It usually does at this time of the year.

    I am going in to work again so I have to go to the gym early. Seems to work best for me anyway.

    Glad to hear that the stretching helped Brenda. Isn't your schedule all screwed up if you muss a day?

    We are away for a conference next week. Will be a challenge to stay on track.