Today I Will ______________



  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning all! Lisa, glad you got you mojo back!

    Haven't been very good this week. No exercise since Sunday :\ . Work has been crazy and it's been a busy week at home, but still no excuse. I'm going to run today and tomorrow and then get back on track. Lost my 290 day logging on MFP this week too! Bummer!!

    Have a great weekend and Happy Valentines Day tomorrow!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Well only 3 days left until I start my annual 90 day challenge. It seems silly but the Monday after my birthday I set 90 day challenge goals. I do 90 day challenges both for fitness & work. It seems to get me refocused. It is a little different now as I don't completely stop working out or eating properly. I did stop logging though.

    Starting Monday I am back at it, logging for 90 days & refocusing. Anybody joining me?
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    I'm in, Lisa! I definitely need to refocus, mostly on my food. Have been eating crap and not logging. Monday it is....a new start!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hello everyone, I guess I took a big break from posting! Winter has really been getting to me, I guess everyone feels the same no doubt. Its just storm after storm, no running outside the roads are a mess and there are no sidewalks here. So....its been treadmill and my strength videos. My exercise has been pretty on....but food....has not. I am struggling with my eating....late day and evening. Tired of eating the same things over and over. Tonight I'm making a stirfry I think. Haven't had one in awhile.

    My birthday is in April. I would love to be at my goal weight by then. It is do-able....if I start now and stick with it. I need to get my head focused....a few good days under my belt and it will get easier.

    Lisa, I am with you! I will call it my 90 day challenge. How are you doing with it?

    Brenda - how are you making out? I always feel the same on on Monday....a new week a new start!

    Lets do it!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Meant to add....just finished a treadmill workout. I did a pre-programmed workout that had a bit of hills in it, so I did a lot of sweating!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I have a cold. Great way to start my 90 day challenge :( no exercise until I feel better, but it gives me the time to focus on food. I have been mindlessly eating. I realized today while I was working & almost grabbed a bag of gummy candy. I am probably going to go through sugar withdrawal. Lol. I also almost grabbed jelly beans! Oh well water & tea will have to get me through the worst of it. I was drinking a lot of wine to get through this cold cold winter too! This is only the beginning. I thought I was taking it slow & would step it up after the 1st 30 days. Hopefully will see some good progress
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Yoga today for me. Started a new upper body workout yesterday and am feeling the awesome pain today! Still having hip issues so no running until I get it worked out. Have a pinched nerve that just won't budge. Haven't ran since last Tuesday and I REALLY miss it! :'(

    I too have been mindlessly eating. Today wasn't good at all - stress eating at work. Ugh. Will have to get some veggies so I can stress eat that instead of sweets or popcorn!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Not too bad a day for me yesterday. Last night ended up having a snack of mini-crisps (just my herbal tea would have been preferred) but I measured so it wasn't terrible. Had a homemade chicken stirfry for supper, with 2/3 C of frozen yogurt for dessert.

    Its crazy cold out there today, -34C with the windchill. And its not windy! It looks like a deepfreeze that needs to be defrosted out there. Today I plan to do a strength workout, Chalean Extreme videos are great.

    Lisa - sorry that you have a cold on the go! You are right though, just get focused on the eating for now....that is a challenge in itself anyway. Last night I had the first feeling of a sore throat coming on.

    Brenda - the upper body workout sounds great, I love that "sore" feeling the next day. Hope you can soon run. Its the worst when you really want to do something and physically can't.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Maureen, it is crazy cold here too. I would live to head outside & go for a walk but I would probably get frost bite!

    Gotta say that this cold sucks. I am hungry (always seem hungrier when I am sick!) and stuck at home. My son had the veggie tray out all day (he is sick too) so at least we smacked on that. There is no snack food in this house right now, so it is a bit easier... Sticking to 1200 calories is harder then I remember.

    I remember when my hips hurt from running. I am not sure what made it go shoes? Stretching? Weight lifting? I know it drove me crazy. It was really bad a couple of years ago & my hips clicked when I walked. Rarely happens now though.

    Ok. Back to blowing my nose & drinking water with lemon hoping to feel better tomorrow!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    So all schools cancelled here today...not that it really means anything to me, I have none in school here. lol does mean storm day, whats new!!? lol

    Yesterday I got my Chalean Extreme strength video done, I am using as high as 20lb would be 40lbs for a squat or lunge, etc. I can really feel it in my legs today. Today....I will probably run on the treadmill.

    yesterday was a busy day. We got a new dishwasher hooked up, and a new bed delivered. carpets for the boys rooms will be ordered....which are very much needed.

    Last night....could have done better. My mom had made peanut butter cookies, and I went over for a quick visit....of course came home with a bag full. I will not have anymore. I had 3.

    Hate thinking about what to have for supper. It seems all we have is chicken and rice, chicken and potato, I am going to look through my deepfreeze and see what else I can find in there! Would love some fresh fish.

    Lisa - hope that cold goes away soon. So far my sore throat (that I thought was coming) hasn't developed into anything.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning!
    Weekend is here. Need to get my will power out and try to have a good weekend food-wise. Had a glass of wine last night, and will likely have one tonight, but as long as I don't eat too much along with it.....its ok.
    Planning to get a strength workout in today. Hope you're all having a good weekend!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Back to running - yeah!! Ran two miles yesterday and it felt awesome. Will run again today then take a couple days off and only do a little strength training and yoga. I've been doing yoga pretty much every day and it's amazing how I am so not flexible! Hopefully with enough yoga I'll get there!
    Have a great weekend!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy Monday! I am finally feeling better! I woke up really early, so rather than waste time I am dressed & ready to to the gym. I am going to start back to weights & running. It has been 2 weeks since I went because I went away & then caught a bad cold so I will be feeling it tomorrow. Oh well. There is a snow/maybe ice storm coming tomorrow. I hate driving in bad weather. I hope it misses us so that I can go to the gym. Have a great day!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Good morning!

    Brenda - glad that you are back into the running, feels great to get back at something you haven't been able to do.
    Lisa - Glad that you're feeling better and can get back at your weights and running too! I still feel once in awhile like a cold is coming....but it just keeps going away. I guess I won't complain. I woke up to a fresh layer of snow this morning. Hope its not too messy your way.

    I am planning a strength/weight workout today. I did take the weekend off, so should feel pretty fresh today. Need to figure out what I'm having for supper. My son cooked a fettuccine alfredo meal yesterday so that will be supper for him and my dh, but I'm going to have something else. Anyway, hope you have a great day!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Happy Friday! Hope everyone is doing well.

    I am finally adjusting to eating only 1200 calories. I feel like I have more energy than when I was eating crap. I am still not getting to,the gym as much as I should but it will happen. Seems I can waste a whole morning away and not do anything.

    My son is sick today. He threw up last night. Hopefully it does not pass through the entire house. It is the final game of playoff for our son & our daughter has a dance competition in the states.
    Have a good weekend!
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Good morning! Lisa, sounds like you have a busy household! My son has been sick this past week. Threw up last Saturday, but still has a really bad cold. Husband had it three weeks ago. I'm hoping to avoid it!! So for so good!

    Will run today. Ran on Wednesday and had my best time - 11:55 for 3 miles. Have been doing a little weight training a couple times a week as well. Eating has been so so and I haven't been logging. Need to get back on track with that.

    Have a great weekend!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Great job on running Brenda!

    I am hoping to get an outside run in tomorrow because it is going to be 50F! WOOHOO! There are huge puddles because the snow is melting, but I need to get out there. I haven't been "exercising" this week, but moving skids of product & rearranging our store is keeping me very active & making my muscles sore. I am sure I must have gotten some squats in there cuz I feel like I have been doing them!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    edited March 2015
    OMG I can not wait for the warm weather to come! Woke up to -13C here today, still no running outside but I did get a 40 minute treadmill workout in. Yesterday was my strength video. I have seen the scale go down 4 lbs in a last while so I'm pretty pumped about that. I hope to keep it going so that when the warm weather does arrive I will be comfortable in my spring clothes.

    Lisa - although you say you haven't been "exercising" it does sound like you've been "exercising"! Just in a different way. Did you get for your run in the 50F temp? I have been also eating roughly 1200 cals and trying to get them mostly in during the day and not eating after supper. I find that I am most sucessful if I don't eat in the evening. I know that it shouldn't matter when you eat your calories but I find it hard to stop in the evening. I often dip in for more. So....lately I have been having herbal tea around 8pm....and it has been satisfying me. Once I get in the habit of it...its really not too hard. However....its the WEEKEND! Wine is a killer.

    Brenda - great job on the running, and hope that your son is better and you don't catch it! Stuff is going around here as well, my sister has it now. far so good.

    My son is coming home from college for his spring break today, so things will be a bit busier here this coming week. Tends to throw me off my schedule a bit...but hopefully I will keep going as I have this week.
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Evening everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. I ran a St. Patrick's Day challenge in Dublin today on iFit. Made me think about Siannah! 3.79 miles through the streets, was beautiful. Lots of stores and restaurants. Was fun! Trying to run three to four days a week. Want to get in some strength training, but seems hard to find the time. Getting busy on the farm again.

    Have a great weekend!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I guess I am not the only one MIA here. I am still working on my 90 day challenge, but work is taking up most of the physical energy that I have. We are still moving stuff around, will continue painting again next week. Time just seems to pass by so fast.

    I am starting to run again, with the goal of doing a half marathon at the end of May 2016. It is a fun one finishing at a winery.

    Hope all is well with everyone & that you are all keeping at it.