June workout check in: June-o you want to deadlift



  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    @muroo: bummer having to share 'your' equipment! .... I mean, don't they know it's yours?! heh.

    My husband and I always check to see what's available as we're walking into the gym and will joke about... 'so and so is on our rack, get ready to rumble...' :laugh:

    Here's a funny flip side: there are some regulars there that know I often occupy the rack for a long time - when doing squats and OHP. They'll see me coming and starting my warm ups and they'll hurry over to the rack to get their lifts done!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Supersetx5 with 35# DB's- I normally use 30 but the only set available one dude just had clenched in his crotch while doing shape magazine style triceps dips on a bench. I don't mind most sweat...but ball sweat is unacceptable. grumble angry

    This made me think of this:

    And this is why I love this thread and you awesome ladies!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    Gym last night at 11:30. I had to go later because my 19 yo had to be picked up from work so that just pushed the time back, but it was ok because the weight room was even deader than usual. I'm wondering how it would be if I showed up at 1 a.m.?

    Squats -- 1x5 @ 90, 3x5 @ 85, 2x5 @ 65 -- I'm really working on form and find that when I add weight, it falls apart. I can feel the muscles working even at lower weights, so I'm ok with slowing my progression here.

    Overhead press -- 5x5 @ 40

    Deadlift -- 1x5 @ 120 -- This was a struggle but I did all 5. I suspect the next time is going to be a fail.

    Overall, I was happy. And today, the weather is clear enough for me to sneak a run in this morning, which will really cheer me up.

    OH! I've been logging my food this week but still, no weight loss. I really don't understand how I can keep hovering between 160 and 164, even with working out and eating fairly well. Last night, I did a quick measurement check and I've lost 1/2" off my waist, hips and thighs and an inch off my chest. This is from when I measured on 5/15 so a bit under a month ago. It's something!
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I took another rest day yesterday. Well, sort of. Still got in my walking and I built an adjustable bench! So for tonight's workout, I can incorporate some bench press.

    This is my PLANNED workout:

    Empty Bar - 2x for each pyramid (3x each would be ideal, but let's start small with the goals)

    Pyramid A
    5x Overhead tri extension
    15x Upright rows
    25x Bench press
    35x Bent over rows
    45x Hip thrusts
    35x Bent over rows
    25x Bench Press
    15x Upright rows
    5x Overhead tri extension

    Pyramid B
    10x Bi curls
    20x Side lunges
    30 sec 35lb weighted plank
    40x SLSB Deadlifts
    50x Squats
    40x SLSB Deadlifts
    30 sec 35lb weighted plank
    20x side lunges
    10x bi curls
    OH! I've been logging my food this week but still, no weight loss. I really don't understand how I can keep hovering between 160 and 164, even with working out and eating fairly well. Last night, I did a quick measurement check and I've lost 1/2" off my waist, hips and thighs and an inch off my chest. This is from when I measured on 5/15 so a bit under a month ago. It's something!
    I'm in the same boat. My scale weight has been hovering around the same number since February, but I'm losing inches. I know the inches are better, but it still gets me down to see the scale not match up!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    OH! I've been logging my food this week but still, no weight loss. I really don't understand how I can keep hovering between 160 and 164, even with working out and eating fairly well. Last night, I did a quick measurement check and I've lost 1/2" off my waist, hips and thighs and an inch off my chest. This is from when I measured on 5/15 so a bit under a month ago. It's something!
    I'm in the same boat. My scale weight has been hovering around the same number since February, but I'm losing inches. I know the inches are better, but it still gets me down to see the scale not match up!

    Remember that water/glycogen retention in the muscles can mask quite a bit of weight loss. The decreased measurements are a great sign at this point. It is easy to get the sads from the scale not dropping, but eventually the loss will out pace the water gain so you will see the drop again.
  • cstringfellow2013
    cstringfellow2013 Posts: 172 Member
    Supersetx5 with 35# DB's- I normally use 30 but the only set available one dude just had clenched in his crotch while doing shape magazine style triceps dips on a bench. I don't mind most sweat...but ball sweat is unacceptable. grumble angry

    This made me think of this:

    And this is why I love this thread and you awesome ladies!! :laugh: :laugh:

  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    OH! I've been logging my food this week but still, no weight loss. I really don't understand how I can keep hovering between 160 and 164, even with working out and eating fairly well. Last night, I did a quick measurement check and I've lost 1/2" off my waist, hips and thighs and an inch off my chest. This is from when I measured on 5/15 so a bit under a month ago. It's something!
    I'm in the same boat. My scale weight has been hovering around the same number since February, but I'm losing inches. I know the inches are better, but it still gets me down to see the scale not match up!

    Remember that water/glycogen retention in the muscles can mask quite a bit of weight loss. The decreased measurements are a great sign at this point. It is easy to get the sads from the scale not dropping, but eventually the loss will out pace the water gain so you will see the drop again.

    Yep, I keep trying to keep this in mind and remember that the scale doesn't tell the full story. I know my body has changed in just SIX weeks (well, this Saturday) of SL. Six weeks is such a short amount of time! I've also gone down in sizes for pants -- couldn't fit in a 14 before I started lifting then was able to fit in a 10 right after I started and now the size 8s are doable.

    I'm happy about the changes but the number on the scales keeps tripping me up!
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Ball sweat is icky, lol. And I feel for those who aren't seeing the scale move, I know that inches lost is better, and I know about water weight. But arg it's just soon frustrating. Personally I only loss weight one week of the month, it is seriously the only time I lose scale weight. Those other 3 weeks are super frustrating.

    Anyway workout b
    Squat 3x5 155 lbs
    Ohp 3x5 53 lbs
    Dl's 1/1/1 180lbs grip failed on the first try after one rep, then my form started to break down. Three tries was all I had in me. Now I'm hungry as all hell. BRING ME ALL OF THE FOOOOOOODZ. Sorry just needed to get that out of my system.

    Sldl 3x10 100 lbs I pushed these since traditional dl's went so poorly
    Glute bridges 3x10 75lbs
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member
    Anyone ever have a really bad workout day?

    I'm struggling today.

    My kids are home for summer, so my workout has been interrupted at least a dozen times, between them (fighting), my mother calling, and the dog who just had minor surgery needing attention, which makes it harder to get through.

    The main thing, however, is that I feel weak today. My higher end warm up weights just feel so heavy and I don't want to continue.

    I'm going to try to push through, maybe at a lower weight, but I don't know that I'll finish...

    So, how do you deal with these days? Or don't you have them?

    Next two weeks, my schedule is just weird and I'll have to move my lifting to evenings, which isn't best.

    I hate summer. It messes up my well-planned schedules.

    I'm just so afraid that this is the first step in quitting. I've been lifting heavy for two years come October (did four months of New Rules until it got way too complicated) and I'm still afraid I'll quit.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    Anyone ever have a really bad workout day?

    I'm struggling today.

    My kids are home for summer, so my workout has been interrupted at least a dozen times, between them (fighting), my mother calling, and the dog who just had minor surgery needing attention, which makes it harder to get through.

    The main thing, however, is that I feel weak today. My higher end warm up weights just feel so heavy and I don't want to continue.

    I'm going to try to push through, maybe at a lower weight, but I don't know that I'll finish...

    So, how do you deal with these days? Or don't you have them?

    Next two weeks, my schedule is just weird and I'll have to move my lifting to evenings, which isn't best.

    I hate summer. It messes up my well-planned schedules.

    I'm just so afraid that this is the first step in quitting. I've been lifting heavy for two years come October (did four months of New Rules until it got way too complicated) and I'm still afraid I'll quit.

    You're not alone. I have those a lot lately, as well. I get very angry with myself and sometimes I feel like I'm not pushing as hard as I know my body can push. I feel like as long as I'm getting in the gym and doing SOMETHING with lifting, I'll be ok. It'll get better, I promise. Your mind is your worst enemy in all of this.
  • glwerth
    glwerth Posts: 335 Member

    I'm just so afraid that this is the first step in quitting. I've been lifting heavy for two years come October (did four months of New Rules until it got way too complicated) and I'm still afraid I'll quit.

    You're not alone. I have those a lot lately, as well. I get very angry with myself and sometimes I feel like I'm not pushing as hard as I know my body can push. I feel like as long as I'm getting in the gym and doing SOMETHING with lifting, I'll be ok. It'll get better, I promise. Your mind is your worst enemy in all of this.

    Thanks for responding. I will get through this...and you're right, my mind is my worst enemy here.

    I just threw in the towel for today. I'll get back on it Monday (since I'm going to be at the in-laws over the weekend).

    Next two weeks, I have to drive the kids into town and pick them up, I will have just enough time at home between to do my workouts, hopefully, my 5 year old will cooperate.

    A short break won't be the end of the world, it will just let me get my mind back together.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Workout A for me today:

    Squat 65lb 1x5, 85lb 1x5, 105lb 1x4, 115lb 5x5. I feel like I've finally found that sweet spot for foot placement and angle with squats so that I can go ATG without my knees bending in on the way up. Downside to today's squats: My pants may have been see-through when I was squatting... #5x5problems

    Bench press 45lb 1x5, 55lb 1x5, 65lb 1x5, 75lb 5x5!!!!!!! Felt super strong on those 5 sets. Feeling like 80lb is doable next time.

    Row 70lb 5x5.... Keeping weight the same next time because my form really sucks and I don't feel like I'm doing it right. At 65lbs, I felt like I had the hang of it. Add one measly 2.5lb plate on each side, can't execute them properly. WTF??

    Have a good weekend everyone!
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member

    A short break won't be the end of the world, it will just let me get my mind back together.

    That's exactly what I did a few weeks ago. Took a short break to get my mind back in order.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    WHHHEEEEE, hit 70 pounds on OHP today. Good thing, because I didn't want to deload. lol...I took 4+ min breaks between sets.

    Squat: 5x5 @120 pounds, I have videos of it on my feed
    OHP: 5x5 @70 pounds after a two time stall :)
    DL: 1x5 @165 pounds OOF, I really felt this one.

    Then I did adductor and abductor machines, 4x8 on both. Started at 115 pounds and increased each set up to 160, that made rep 7 and 8 difficult to hit, which is what my trainer suggested.

    Off to swim lessons now, today is an easy day, only 2 hours 45 mins in the pool. :)
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    WHHHEEEEE, hit 70 pounds on OHP today. Good thing, because I didn't want to deload. lol...I took 4+ min breaks between sets.

    Squat: 5x5 @120 pounds, I have videos of it on my feed
    OHP: 5x5 @70 pounds after a two time stall :)
    DL: 1x5 @165 pounds OOF, I really felt this one.

    Then I did adductor and abductor machines, 4x8 on both. Started at 115 pounds and increased each set up to 160, that made rep 7 and 8 difficult to hit, which is what my trainer suggested.

    Off to swim lessons now, today is an easy day, only 2 hours 45 mins in the pool. :)

    Congrats on the 70lb OHP!!! I've been stalling at 65lbs! I did a 165lb deadlift for the first time earlier this week... every muscle in my body felt that one too lol.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It's Friday...the 13th with a full moon last night...hence the tinfoil hat...

    @Gen with benches try keeping your body totally stiff and you will find you won't wobble...
    @jc Yah I switched to 3x5 as well and I find I have more time to do other stuff...Wed it was a 5km bike ride...
    @fit...oh new job that is always fun
    @wolf wow that DL...
    @lady I love when you find that perfect weight for a certian lift even if it's higher than what you are used to...
    @rps haha workout at 1am...I know we have a 24hour gym...I bet ours is dead at that time...would be nice if I were a night owl. And yes you will lose inches before weight typically and perhaps even have a whoosh soon...those are always fun.
    @GL yes I've had bad bad workout days...typically Wednesdays for me...depending on the ages of your kids I would make the rule unless there is blood or broken bones no yelling for mom between x and x time...the dog kind of hard...but you have mini slaves too aka kids...for me I just go in and do it...and I am typically glad I did as I feel better...and if on those days you are really battling with the kids shorten it up to 3x5..
    @will_run lol @ #5x5problems...

    So Workout A for me today squats @ 160 and my first set was okay and as I sat I thought might be time to deload again...2nd and 3rd set bam..nailed it...but I am staying here next week just to make sure.

    BP...I was suppose to deload due to 3rd fail but I knew it was a grip thing...dug out my chalk...bam 3x5@128.5...felt like a boss who owned the bar, spanked it and sent it to bed without supper....esp since my DH did a set and he was shaking the entire time...I suspect he will start lifting again soon...hehe

    Rows @ 118.5 just to ensure my form was spot on...nailed it...really feeling it in my back that good feeling.

    So...it's 10months of lifting for me...as of today...:drinker: taking measurments Sunday and Pics just to compare...

    Still not eating at Maitenance I have another 3 weeks of reverse dieting to go...but yes the extra food definately helps with the lifts but I am so glad I am at goal weight now...easier to do BW stuff...hehe...

    And since I am in such a good mood after nailing that workout...here is a gif I found today...I wanted to use it in the general forum but I don't want a strike and I just ...well feel you ladies will love it. However if you are offended please let jstout know she can take it down...

    the caption was

  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    I posted a video on the form check if anyone could check it out and let me know. That was with 90 lbs. I am currently stuck at 95. thanks
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member

    My husband and I always check to see what's available as we're walking into the gym and will joke about... 'so and so is on our rack, get ready to rumble...' :laugh:

    Here's a funny flip side: there are some regulars there that know I often occupy the rack for a long time - when doing squats and OHP. They'll see me coming and starting my warm ups and they'll hurry over to the rack to get their lifts done!

    ^^Lol. There was a guy curling in the (only) squat rack when I got to the gym at 5am this morning. He saw me walking towards that area of the gym and was like "I should probably move over to the curling station before you come over here and squat me out of here" and then reracked his weights and moved out of my way without me even asking. I'd have tipped my hat to him, had I been wearing a hat. :laugh:
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    @glwerth yeah I think we all have our bad days, sad days, and defeated days. Sometimes you need a break! Back when I was running though I had to remember that you really have to give it some time (10 min for me in case of a run) to know if it's truly going to not work and it wasn't going to be a productive workout. And a bad day doesn't mean a bad workout same as a great day doesn't mean a great one. If you have the time, always try to give it a shot. But dangit, life. Getting in the way sometimes. :)

    @rps after my last workout I'm never going before 10pm again. My sleepy apartment gym was packed even at 9, with no machines open to waste time on. (sometimes I'll elliptical and put on some netflix :P) I'd previously only been there late at night when it'd be eerily quiet with no machines going. Good thing I started around then though, cuz if I went during a busy time my first attempt at SL I would have never gotten to know the equipment. Closes at midnight though... Wish I could work out at 1am :)
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    My workout went almost to plan! I'm happy with it either way. My glutes are already barking!

    Made it 55 minutes on my pyramids; 3x for Pyramid A and 1.5x for B. I completely ran out of steam after the box squats on the second try of B.

    Pyramid A
    5x Overhead tri extension
    10x Upright rows
    15x Bench press
    20x Bent over rows
    25x Hip thrusts
    20x Bent over rows
    15x Bench Press
    10x Upright rows
    5x Overhead tri extension

    Pyramid B
    10x Bi curls
    20x Side lunges
    30 sec incline plank
    40x SLSB Deadlifts
    50x Box Squats
    40x SLSB Deadlifts
    30 sec incline plank
    20x side lunges
    10x bi curls