June workout check in: June-o you want to deadlift



  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    The weekend was horrible for me. I ate like a pig all weekend. Didn't even bother logging any food. lol. I gained 3 pounds. BLEH! Back on track today.

    this is probably 90% water weight, especially if your weekend included alcohol. I always panic after an extra-fun weekend, but its usually just a day or two of water retention.

    YES. Beer and wine on Friday, wine on Saturday and Sunday. It doesn't help that when I drink I tend to eat a LOT more than I should... :)
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Looks like this weekend was food packed for more than just me :). I was hoping my workout today would be awesome but blah I had a migraine this morning and still feeling ill from all the pain meds.
    Sunday I managed to get my long run in (6.5 km)

    Workout a today
    Squat 160lbs 5/5/4
    Bench 85 lbs 3x5
    Row 75lbs 5/5/4

    Front raises 3x8 30lbs
    One arm rows 3x10 25 lbs
    Flies 3x8 15lbs
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    bleck...it's monday and that workout sucked...wow

    Squats @ 160...I got ATG on all of them set 2 rep 3/4 I know my hips came up too fast...then rep 5 was hard as I took a few sec break, screwed up my breathing...took it slower on set 3 and they were better. When I get "tired" my hips come up too fast.

    OHP fail x3...3x3@93.5 time to deload on those

    DL 1x5@ 210...I know these need deloaded form was just not there...

    After disecting my diet tho...it's the carbs...

    On Friday by lunch I had 130 grams today 69 :grumble: and in the last couple days it's been half of what my macro is ...so gonna deload workout B all by 10% and get my carbs in and nail my form before I hurt myself :laugh:

    But at least I have the room now...@2k calories this week...guess I am going to have to really look at the food now and see what I can switch out (fats probably.)
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Did a 5k walk/run this weekend with a cousin that's been struggling to lose a lot of weight for a long time. I hung back and stayed at her pace, it was her first 5k. I am super proud of her for finishing.

    Had a realization while I was doing the 5k. I used to be a running fanatic, used only the weight machines at the gym for light weights, high reps, you get the idea... In the last few years, I've run a (painful) full marathon, half marathons, 10ks, and plenty of 5ks. I gave up most dedicated cardio workouts a month ago to focus on SL. I felt better during that 5k than I'd felt in a long time. We did walk/run intervals, and not once did I feel out of breath, sweaty, tired, sore, thirsty, or anything else that I would normally feel during a race. I don't think my heart rate was elevated at all either. That was kind of a cool feeling. I felt so strong.

    Anyway, back to SL:

    Workout B today:

    Squat 65lb 1x5, 85lb 1x5, 105lb 1x3, 110lb 1x3, 120lb 5x5. Felt like I could have squatted the whole squat rack this morning. Some high school aged kid that's always at the gym the same time as me lately gets on one of the machines that's right behind the squat rack when I'm using it........... how awkward is that? He purposely does a bunch of sets too so he's there for like 20 minutes sitting right behind me while I squat. It's so weird. He gets up and starts using another machine as soon as I'm done with squats.

    OHP: 45lb 1x5, 55lb 1x3, 65lb 5x5. I need to get some big washers or fractional plates because there's no way I can do 70lb next time. I've already tried it and had to de-load for a week after getting barely one wobbly rep at 70lbs and then failing at 65lbs.

    Deadlift: 175lb 1x5. I may have audibly grunted when I lifted that weight. It was so heavy. I tried to focus on pressing into the ground with my feet and legs instead of thinking about using my arms to pull the weight.

    I was waiting to hear the lunk alarm at the planet fitness I go to... only like a week until the new gym 5 mins from my house opens. I've already got a membership. I hear they have TWO squat racks, more free weight area, and no prohibited lifts. Bring it on. And it's cheaper than PF.

    Decreased cals from 2300 to 2200 today. I haven't seen the scale move in a while. It's going up, in fact. :/ Today was the first day of week 7 of SL. TDEE is still calculated at 2750 cals a day. I want the scale to go down at least a teeny bit before I leave for vacation on 6/27.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    @liz big girl weights on bench are awesome!
    @willrun4bagels I noticed an improvement in my running once I started lifting as well. They complement each other.

    B today

    Squats: 115lbs 3x5. I think I was supposed to go up to 120lbs since I've been here for awhile. I've been upping reallyyyy slowly to try and mitigate the lifting hungry while on a cut.
    OHP: urgh tried 56lbs for 2 (weight I did last time but could only get 5,5,3) and decided to go ahead just drop it down to 50.
    Deads: 1x5 115lbs.

    Cutting is awesome and yet not awesome for killing my lifts.
  • mlanders22
    mlanders22 Posts: 140 Member
    Yesterday's session:
    Squat - 5x5 @ 60lbs
    OHP - 5X5 @ 50lbs
    DL - 1x5 @105lbs

    Also spent 45 minutes on the elliptical.
    I know it's not the best to do, but I lifted two days in a row this weekend. I have shared custody of my toddler so on weekends I don't have her I like to spend lots of time at the gym. It's hard taking her with me there because she's not a fan of the child care center.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Stef you might want to try messing with carb timing? Like eating some fruit x amount of time before you lift? Then you could have a similar diet to what you have now with just a little tweak.

    Todays workout is TWO in one. I have a beauty appt tomorrow and Wed is my fast day so I decided to do Full squat+bench today

    45x10m 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 220x5, 250x3, 280x4

    Bench 45x10, 65 2x5, 85 2x5, 95 2x5, 105x5, 115x3, 127.5x3. This was so hard still. I guess I just need to build my bench back up :sad: The good news is my 1rm didn't change just my ability to bench for reps.

    Supersetsx5 30# DB
    DB benchx10
    DB rowx10

    DB incline Flye 10#DB

    Front squat- went lighter as I decided to not wear a belt for excitment
    95 3x10

    Hip thrust- Someone was using the 25 bumpers and I was like "whatevs I can squat over 300 lbs." Yeah my butt hurt so badly :laugh:
    115 3x10

    Ab rollout 3x8

    Back extension holding 25# 3x10

    15# curl x10
    60# rope pushdown x10

    Then I came home and ate EVERYTHING.

    Now I shall shower and sleep.
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Ugh today's workout was actually kind of crap. I had no energy and couldn't do the full 5x5 for bench and OHP. I'm upping my calories to 1600 to see how that works out for me.

    Squats: warm up, 2x5@95, 3x5@100
    BP: warm up, 3x5@55
    BR: warm up, 3x5@60
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    I'm not sure how to qualify this morning's workout. It was... interesting. But wonky knee isn,t quite going away so I was a little hesitant on them squats and I landed on the balls of my feet a few times during the snatches. Definitely won't be running for a few days still. Anyways I doubt my running shoes will be dry any time soon!

    EMOTM x6 of
    1 snatch + 1 hang snatch x2 @ 55lbs

    EMOTM x4
    Squats x3 @ 145lbs
    1 min rest
    EMOTM x4
    Squats x2 @ 150lbs

    20-15-10 for time of
    DB Hang squat clean @ 20lbs
    Knees to Bows

    My hands hurt now xD I wish my grip wasn't as flimsy as it is. Might need to add in some farmer's walks or something to work it a wee bit more.
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Squat 65lb 1x5, 85lb 1x5, 105lb 1x3, 110lb 1x3, 120lb 5x5. Felt like I could have squatted the whole squat rack this morning. Some high school aged kid that's always at the gym the same time as me lately gets on one of the machines that's right behind the squat rack when I'm using it........... how awkward is that? He purposely does a bunch of sets too so he's there for like 20 minutes sitting right behind me while I squat. It's so weird. He gets up and starts using another machine as soon as I'm done with squats.

    @willrun4bagels: he's definitively checking you out while you squat!!!!! On a running note, it's great that you have seen such improvements. I am hoping it will do the same! I've been running for around 8 months now and yes now i can run non stop without walking but its still as hard as it always was so hopefully I will notice a difference soon :)

    @mlanders22: I don't think its that bad that you lift 2 days in a row. Last week I had to do that as well. I was a bit more sore but I also had a 3 day break after so in the end it's all good! At least you are including it in your schedule and do what works best for you!

    Have a good day ladies! :)
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    @willrun4bagels: he's definitively checking you out while you squat!!!!! On a running note, it's great that you have seen such improvements. I am hoping it will do the same! I've been running for around 8 months now and yes now i can run non stop without walking but its still as hard as it always was so hopefully I will notice a difference soon :)

    Lol I know he's checking me out! But he's so blatantly obvious about it that I think it's really weird/creepy.
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    @Willrun, you are probably this boy's fantasies come true. Aren't you lucky?

    Last night, day B:

    Squats, 5x5 @ 75
    OHP, 2x5, 1x4, 2x5 @ 40 (don't know why my arms got super tired there in the middle!)
    Deadlift, 1x5 @ 130 -- This was REALLY hard for me. REALLY hard. I did it, but it was unpleasant.

    I ran for a few minutes while I waited for my daughter to get out of the pool and that was a mistake. I was really looking forward to getting out this morning to run on the trails near my house, you know, the fresh air, etc., but I had a really hard time because my one shin hurts. I ended up walking a bunch which bothered me. I was never a runner until last year when I started the c25k program and found out I really enjoyed it and now running is my mental health thing. If I don't run for a couple of days, my family starts pushing me out the door. I hate when a run I looked forward to ends up being crap.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Uuugggghhh, today was wrought with failure! But it's okay. my weights are getting higher and I'm not stressing too much over the fails.

    Squats: 5, 5, 5, 4, 4 @130lbs got down and just couldn't get back up, leaned back and dumped the bar onto the safety rails and went down to my knees. Glad I watched some failure videos.
    OHP: 5, 5, 4, 3, 3 @75lbs which I found actually pretty impressive after my almost 3 time stall at 70. I did better than I thought moving straight up to 75.
    DL: After the squat and OHP failures I was pretty exhausted by this point, and now have 2 warmup sets before my working set on DL. I did 135lbs for 5, then 165 just for 3, and my working set was 175 but I only got 2 reps. I just didn't have it. My legs felt okay, but my grip was terrible. I couldn't keep my hands on the bar. I also ripped off a blister during this...lol, gross. I need chalk.

    @willrun I also had an admirer today, luckily he was more of age...lol, but still not my type.
  • caseys29
    caseys29 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm on week 4. I haven't upped my squats or deadlifts since the middle of week 3 because my grip isn't strong enough and my hips/knee have been bothering me on squats.

    Squats - 5x5@85
    Overhead Press - 5x5@55
    Deads - 1x5@135, 1x5@185
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Ugh. Did not get to do what I wanted tonight because the weight room at the gym was PACKED. I only had access to one of the bench presses, so I camped there to do everything. Got in 40 minutes before my selective claustrophobia (aka can't stand other people in large groups and I get irritated and angry) kicked in and my workout buddy and I walked the track for 40 minutes.

    This is what made it into my routine:
    Bench - 3x8 @ 80lbs
    Bicep dumbbell curls - 6,8,6 @ 25lbs
    Upright rows - 7,8,9 @ 55lbs
    Split squats - 3x10 @ 65lbs
    1-arm dumbbell rows - 3x8 @ 40lbs
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    I went to an olympic weightlifting class at a cross-fit gym tonight. Got some coaching on power snatches. Also did overhead squats and regular squats. To his credit the coach didn't overload my weights on the snatch before I had the form down - that has been my experience every other time I've been to crossfit - but the culture is just so...... "doing it badly is better than not doing it".

    I guess because I hang out here and with a couple other powerlifters that form just seems *essential* to me. I was really blown away by some of the scary bails I saw tonight.

    I came home and did deadlifts, lol.
    135 1x5
    185 1x5
    225 1x5
    250 1x5
  • muroo
    muroo Posts: 68
    Workout B for me! Finishing week 3 maybe? Had absolutely sucky workouts yesterday and the day before...but today was alright. Maybe I should always eat an entire subway footlong an hour before? =P

    Sq 85 5x5...I keep thinking my form is going to break, but then I'm never completely convinced that it is (or that it isn't). But I have some knees with a history so I assume I'll feel it if I'm going at it wrong? Anyone else have clicky knees? The kind that happens on a day to day basis that isn't necessarily accompanied by pain? Have you also heard that this is fine? I should probably find some way to post a form video.

    OHP 55 5x5 with an extra 45lb 1x5, 1x10 afterwards since I still don't know about this weight...I feel like I'm still working on my hip motion for this. They were shaky, but I'm more okay with calling it a full 5x5 than the past two times...but I still don't want to add on 5lbs! No washers yet. :-) 55lbs Forever.

    DL 105 1x5 and used a bar for the first time instead of a preweighted barbell. I think I am sore or a tiny bit hurt from bad form from loading it. Grabbing the 25lb plates should not be the worst part of my workout...haha what will become of me if I ever have to use 45s?

    Added in the usual 2 sets of assisted pullups and dips, and dip station leg raises. Been trying to cut down on my time in the gym. I haven't gone to one consistently in so long (used to belong to work gym, left that job last year) it's still very candy store to me. "Look at all of these different weights of kettlebells!" "may as well learn to use a rowing machine" "Oh the crunch that guy is doing looks cool I'm gonna try it along with 4 other kinds in no useful number of reps or sets".

    I'm realizing reading this post that maybe this lack of focus is a part of a lot of my life. :-)
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    I went to an olympic weightlifting class at a cross-fit gym tonight. Got some coaching on power snatches. Also did overhead squats and regular squats.

    Oooh, I'm jealous! Sounds like fun & huzzah for a smart instructor!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Running on 4 hours of crap sleep. You could probably stick those googly eye stickers (can't remember what they're called. The eyes move around when shaken?) on me and the facial expression would not be much different! But I was awake at 5 and figured I was better off heading to the gym than trying to go back to sleep. I think I figured out what causes the onsets of really bad inflammation in my knee last night so there's at least that. I'll have to limit my dairy intake from now on :( Oi, milk! iI's been fun while it lasted! (But I can't give up mah cheese xD)

    My coordination was so off this AM I think I missed more rope jumps than I made during my usual warm-up. It was BAD.

    Did EMOTM work again ,this time power cleans
    4x2 @85lbs then
    4x2 @ 90lbs

    then OHP
    superset with assisted pull-ups
    5/5/5/7 (more assist on the last set)

    The WOD was 3 rounds of 3 min AMRAP
    2 clean and jerks @ 65
    3 muscle-up progression (I did my traditional false grip recline rows with box ring dips)
    4 burpees

    Manage 2 + 1 C&J twice, then 2 rounds + 2 C&J. Tried to keep form tight over pushing too hard.

    Which is why I ended the whole thing with a tabata set of alternating between
    - Mountain Climbers
    - Sit-Outs

    And I had a muffin once I got to work because OMG I'm drained. It's gonna be a long week O.o (see? Googly eyes)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Krok - I don't think I could do that on 4 hours of sleep. If I don't get 7 I'm in trouble for the day.

    Liza - Glad you had a good coach. I've always found bailing out on a snatch looks rough, but this one always makes me wince and then shake my head:


    I know I haven't been posting my workouts, but I'm still chugging along with Strong Curves. Making some good progress. Got my bench up to 3x8 and 100 lbs. I did 130 lb squats yesterday and form is feeling a bit better. I'm also making the increase on my hip thrusts and will do 150 lbs Friday. My pull ups are coming along nicely and I was able to do all 3 sets of 5 yesterday so my reps are increasing which I like. I still miss deadlifts though and seeing all the DL numbers here makes me want to test them out again to see if I can break the 200 mark again.