June workout check in: June-o you want to deadlift



  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    Yesterday I ran 3 miles in the morning. Morning running is working great, though I am creeping into mid-morning which is not as nice as early morning.

    I went to the olympic lifting class at the crossfit gym in the evening. Worked on snatches which I think I am finally getting. I am having *so much fun* with this lift. Its been super fun to change it up with olympic lifting. I plan to buy a punch card and go to this class for the next few months. Love it.

    At the class we also did a bunch of heavy snatch position push presses and overhead squats. And a set of *20* back squats @ 130 pounds. That was crazy. Don't really "feel the burn" with powerlifting so much - I felt the burn with that!

    This morning was a 4 mile run. No lifting today, thank god. I am going to be sore from yesterday.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    @suremeansyes My left leg is somewhat okayish, but the right is so unstable :/

    I'm opposite! That left leg is the one that gives me a bit of trouble still on pistols.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    So yesterday I started C25K and oh my god am I sore and hungry today! Can't wait till I get through the first week and my body starts getting to the extra exercise, because I was definitely struggling today.

    Workout A
    Squat 5x5x65 - could feel it a lot more in my glutes today, but I'm not sure what I'm doing differently
    Bench 5/5/5/5/4 x 65

    ...and then I was too hungry so I went to get food and didn't bother with rows.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I did try something the other day that did make me realize my core is weak even with all this lifting so gonna start some core work on my off days from lifting. I will be visiting the crazy core ladies workout thread and see what I can get from that...

    Any suggestions for "weighted" exercises for core?

    @stef - I do weighted planks with a barbell plate on my back. You'll have to fiddle with the placement of the plate to find where works your core the most once you get into plank position. You can also do crunches or sit ups with a resistance band or oblique side bends while holding a plate. Or if you want to make it more of a full-body movement with core work, you can do walking lunges with oblique twists while holding a plate.

    Great thanks...I will put my hubby to work with placement (after i get to that point)...how long is a good time to plank? I will have to dig out my matt as well for the crunches etc.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey Ladies it's Wednesday...Workout B for me today...Yah DL's...(although I was a bit worried about those today...see below)

    @jc Yah I am always surprised at how heavy 5lbs is...nice bench tho...
    @katerina biking sounds like a great reason...you get your warmup in, some cardio etc...and what Sure said...I am sure she will understand..
    @sure Yah on the DL...awesome
    @dapunks nice DL # too...as for the progression yah I think we all do partially because of all the muscle groups it uses..from neck to ankles...
    @mlander the bruises...could be from your benching...I had a sore shoulder blade too at one point blamed squats then after really getting a bad bruise (pics to prove) I realize it was my benching...had to put a towel under me for extra padding...I bruise easily as well...and the extra padding did help...you have to remember you've lost 80lbs...from everywhere...you may need that external extra padding now...:drinker:
    @gen awesome on trainer and time away
    @coady the deeper you get the more you feel it in your bum...parallel more in quads.

    So yes my workout...

    Squats warmup of course...working weight @145 3x8...holy crap...I was actually sweating today...I have never not once broke a sweat since I started SL...I did today...2nd set about rep 5...and it just got worse on last set and boy were my legs spent...moving to 150 Friday 3x5..work my way up to 3x7 or 8...to build the endurance and see how I fair @160 regular 3x5 as my hips were coming up to fast when I got "tired"

    OHP @85lbs today 3x5 no issues...wondering if a 10% deload is correct if using fractionals...since a normal deload would have taken me down to 85...and 3 workouts to get to my deload weight where as 10% took me down to 83.5 and is gonna take me 5 workouts to get back up to my deload weight....hmm thoughts to ponder.

    DL...so my scary thing today was on Friday after I did them my butt was sore...immediately...and it was sore the next day...mainly my right side...took advil and it was fine...started my squats and it was ....twingy (afraid I had strained my right glute or lower back)...so I did some extra warmups...


    and then decided to try straight leg again after doing sumo since January....

    1x5@190 SL'd...and my butt is sore....wow again...I feel like I am really getting a good work in the last two workouts with these...

    Wondering if me really concentrating on my Form and push my feet down into the floor if that is why...again thoughts to ponder.

    Went for a couple walks this week..short ones due to a meeting and rain.

    One last thing...not sure if any of you may have some insight...

    I pretty much drank my calories on Saturday...I admit that...ate Sunday...not the greatest but not the worst...Then on Monday I ate well..but it was a hungry day...lifted and did fine...hungry day yesterday...again...ate well...some what better today but still have hunger...

    wondering if it has to do with Saturday and not eating well or if it's just hungry days...to give perspective...I gave up my chocolate on Monday to have fat free cheese, ham and pita crackers for a snack on Monday night as I knew the chocolate wasn't gonna cut it and I went to bed shortly after my snack otherwise I would have eaten more....:bigsmile:
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    @stef kind of a tmi question but is TOM creeping up for you. Those are hungry hungry days for me. Usually it's me wanting to stuff my face for 2 days, then it starts and I go "well damn that explains SO much"

    Workout A today
    Squat 140lbs 3x5 I felt really weak today with these and it sucked
    Bench 3x5 86lbs these felt great though
    Row 4/5/4 76 lbs just didn't get it quite to my chest for the last reps on set 1 and 3

    Front raises 9/8/8 30 lbs
    One arm rows 3x8 26 lbs
    Flies 3x8 15 lbs

    And I'm getting an oly bar at the end of the month! I am so excited :D I was at the most my standard bar could handle for deadlifts, but I had 3 fails at that weight. I won't be back at that weight until long after I get my new bar.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Llama well...I actually get the shot so I don't cycle but...I am due for my shot in 2 weeks...might explain it.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    So just started feeling better and figured I'd get back to it on Sunday and wouldn't you know, TOM shows up with major cramping and moodiness. Then yesterday I was supposed to go for the 2nd workout this week and things seemed to happen and the day was over. I finally realized that I was probably making pathetic excuses so I buckled down today and made it back.

    Stronglifts 5x5 A done and I'm so glad I did it!

    Picked up where I left off earlier this month with Squats@95#, upped my bench for a PR of 75# and backed off from Upright Rows a little bit @60#.

    We are leaving to go camping on Friday morning so I'm not sure if I'll make it in before we go but we will be back Saturday so I will hit it hard and be back to it full on next week. Showing up was definitely MOST of the battle, not being there and doing it! lol
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Workout A today and rows sucked! :D

    Squats: warm up, 5x5 @ 55kg / 121lbs
    BP: warm up, 5x5 @ 30kg / 66lbs
    Rows: 5/4/4/3/3 @ 42,5kg / 94lbs
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Workout B for me today.

    I FINALLY was able to do all my OHP sets with the 45 lb bar. FIRST TIME EVER.
    Squat 5x5 @ 82.5
    DL 107.5

    I had just finished working 11 hrs straight and just didn't have it in me to do much of anything else.

    Going for Bod Pod test tomorrow morning. I'm anxious to see where I stand.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I FINALLY was able to do all my OHP sets with the 45 lb bar. FIRST TIME EVER.

    GEEEEET IIIITTTT! Good job. ;)
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @coady the deeper you get the more you feel it in your bum...parallel more in quads.

    I hope that's why.. I've been trying to inch further down every time but my flexibility is not great. But I was really concentrating on sitting back from the knees so maybe that helped :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Holy mole-y shoulder-destroying session right here O.o Dammit program, I have a desk job! lol

    Snacth push press + snatch balance + OH Squat 4 sets of 3. Started at 80lbs then dropped to 75 on the 3rd set because this is supposed to be explosive skill work and I was struggling to get the bar up at all. It was just really heavy today...

    Front squats

    superset with extended ROM pike presses (I put down 2 bumper plates for my hands, propped my feet on an aerobic step and tried that. I like this better than straight on the floor, my wrists needed a break, too xD Was only able to get about 5 per set though)

    Finished up with this grinder - 2 rounds for time
    10 pull-ups
    10 OH Squat
    10 chin-ups
    10 Front Squats
    10 muscle ups (recline row and dips on rings, as usual)
    10 back squats

    bar was 75lbs, assistance for pull-ups was about 80-100lbs, managed 14:45 (to the 16:20 of 2 weeks ago). I are happy :)

    I then proceeded to collapse on the floor and wish I could go back to bed. I was DRENCHED! Woop!

    @dloddy Grats on getting your sets at 45lbs! That OHP is a tough customer!
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    I finally got to the gym last night, about a week after I went before. I hate when things get crazy and I can't find the time to get there.

    Squats -- 5x5 @ 75 -- later I realized that this is the 3rd time I've been at 75 lb. and I should have gone up to 80. Dur.
    OHP -- 5x5 @ 45 -- I was thrilled about this because when I started SL almost 8 weeks ago, I couldn't do 5x5 @ 30 lb! It's astounding to see improvements that fast, IMHO.
    Deadlift -- 1x5 @ 135 -- I should have gone to 140 but I knew I would fail and so I decided to use the bar plus the 2 big 45 lb. weights that are always on it. It wasn't easy but I did all 5 so I was happy about that.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    Oh gosh, no time to catch up now, but y'all are awesome as always.

    Skipped A yesterday and then because I'm taking a pill break (I normally take them straight through with no monthly "period" but take a break every now and then because I (TMI)) start spotting because of the build up) I didn't feel like doing anything today (and wasn't even that hungry today, weird) but did force myself to do 30 minutes on the elliptical. May get over to the gym tomorrow again if I'm feeling better and try and do A.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I know there's still a few days left of June, but as far as I'm concerned June is over! lol. I haven't touched a barbell since Monday and I think I'm going to continue my little break until Sunday (I'm going to start my July on June 29th). After doing higher reps and lower weights in June, I'm going back to regular SL 5x5 for July. It's been easier to maintain a deficit, yes, but I've seen no change in scale weight or body measurements so, pfffft, I'll go back to making strength progress.
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Just finished week 5 with workout B. And there's another reason to celebrate...

    squats: warm up, 5x5 @ 57.5 kg / 127 lbs
    OHP: warm up, 5x5 @ 30 kg / 66 lbs (this is getting reeeaally tough!)

    and now... for the celebration of the day...

    DL: warm up, 1x5 @ 75 kg / 165 lbs - YES, I deadliftet my own bodyweight!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Wednesday I did workout B:

    Squat warmup, then 135 5x5. Kept the weight the same from Monday and worked on breathing.

    OHP sucked.. Warmup then 65 1x4, 1x3, deloaded to 60lb then did 3x5. Deadlift also sucked. Should have been at 170. Since OHP was so bad and I felt weak, I loaded 165 on the bar. Literally could not lift it... Wtf? Deloaded to 155 and did 1x5. That felt heavy. Last week (?) I did 175. I think I was dehydrated. Idk!

    Today I did workout A. This is my last SL workout until 7/7/14 (leaving for vacation tonight, the two gyms I have access to on vacation do not have oly bars or squat racks (WTF? Do they even lift?!?!?). Going to try a few bodyweight exercises while I am away.

    Anyway, these are this morning's numbers:

    Squat: warmup, then 140 5x5. Worked on breathing so each set took me a bit longer as I focused on breathing at the top of each squat.

    Bench press: 80lb 5x5. Failed on set 1 of these on Monday, so my goal today was to do all 5x5 without failure. I did it! Practiced breathing when the bar was up, lowering it to touch my chest, and back up and exhaling and taking another breath before the next rep. Felt pretty good.

    Barbell row: 65lb 5x5. I deloaded to 60lb on Monday to work on form. I think I finally have it figured out! My back was nice and flat and I put my hands a bit farther apart than before. I had been stacking the loaded bar on two 25lb plates on each side (to raise it like 4-5 inches higher off the ground), but I may try adding another thinner plate to give me another inch or so next time. I am 6'2" with a 37" inseam and short t-rex arms (well not really, but my legs seem so much longer than my arm's length when I try to pick things up), so I think that will help as I continue to work on form.

    I'll be back on 7/7/14! :drinker:
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    and now... for the celebration of the day...

    DL: warm up, 1x5 @ 75 kg / 165 lbs - YES, I deadliftet my own bodyweight!

    Awesome! :drinker:

    Workout B
    Squats 5x5x70 - this was the weight I noticed my major form issues at before I deloaded back to the beginning, so I'm really happy to see it again... going to stay here next time to try and get lower

    OHP 4/5/4/3/3 x 50 - this was my goal weight for June! I'm so happy to have gotten past 45 finally that I don't even care that I didn't get all my sets :)

    Deadlift 2x125. Not going to make my June goal of bodyweight (130), but I guess that's what happens when you take a week and a half off

    Question about deadlifts - my biggest plates are 25s so I've been pulling from the lowest rung of my squat rack, which puts the bar at about a foot off the ground or mid-shin on me. Is this too high? Should I start doing them from ground level? I can't afford 45s right now but I want to be doing them right
  • jennycjenny
    jennycjenny Posts: 15 Member
    Finished Workout #4 yesterday... oh boy, overhead press is going to be a problem, eh? Otherwise a lil impatient to lift heavier weights but I know I will get there soon!

    Squat @ 65lbs
    OHP @ 50 lbs
    DL @ 90lbs

    This is such an awesome workout to get me back into loving the gym... quick and to the point.

    Hope everyone else has an awesome Friday, so glad I found this group :)