

  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    Good job logging it anyway! I need to work on that more.
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    I need to work on that too. When I have a bad day, I tend to "forget' to log in. Yesterday I forced myself to log my 1200 calorie dinner (plus another 400 in ice cream). Not pretty but it's in the past.

    Today I did my first "official" workout in well, a really long time (probably since before my cancer diagnosis last year). It was tough and slow and my neighborhood has more hills than I thought but I got in a 40 minute walk. I probably could have done another few blocks of a flat surface but our apartment is at the top of one of the inclines and I didn't want my husband to have to come back with the car to get me from the bottom of the hill ;-)
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    andilynn good job with the walk. 40 min on hills is really good in my opinion especially when your just getting into exercising!!!

    yesterday was good and today I will need to make up some calories at dinner for the bagel sandwich I had for breakfast, but we are crazy busy tonight so should be to tuff to eat a smaller portion. Tomorrow starts our vacation so I am just hoping to maintain.
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    Enjoy your vacation jafray! Good luck eating in moderation. :smile:
  • TiffanyRW84
    TiffanyRW84 Posts: 7 Member
    I know I have been terrible at checking-in. I usually just use my app on a daily basis. But, I am happy to report that I had my first 1 month weigh in last week (Thursday) and I lost 15 pounds. YAY! Anyways, I have still been doing really well, staying at my calorie goal and being as active as possible. I also got a FitBit, which has been a great motivator. Hope everyone is doing good too! <3
  • fizzbuzz
    fizzbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    Not been in here for a couple of days as I mostly log things from my phone app..

    I just allowed my daughter to make my lunch and a cheese sandwich has cost me an estimated 550+ calories .. ouch!

    Well tonight will have to be a light tea.

    I think I Have about 350-400 cals left for tea ( a northern England term for the late afternoon/evening meal )

    In UK Beaver scouts go from 6 -8, cub scouts go from 8-10.5, scouts 10.5 - 14, and explorer scouts from 14 - 18. we have an adult group called network which goes from 18-25, and doesn't have any formal meetings like the youth groups.. and from 18 they can also join in as adult helpers/leaders of youth groups.

    Well done Tiffany on 15lb loss in first month :) you must be feeling a lot more energetic!
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    Back from vacation, lost 2 lbs so I'm taking it as a victory. But I really made a lot of bad choices just tried to make up with it in activity. It helped it was so nice we hit the beach and did some swimming and tubing/ skiing regularly.
  • andilynn82
    andilynn82 Posts: 75 Member
    Checking in, kinda disappeared for a while. Hopefully the group will pick up again soon.

    Nice job losing on vacation jafray4!

    I'm trying to get started again. I let things get out of hand for a while, but I'm updating my weight here on MFP and admitting how much I've gained (not recently...over the last several months), and getting back on track. I spent yesterday making this week's breakfasts and lunches for my husband and I, dinners are (tentatively) planned out. Made a spreadsheet to track our progress. We're both determined to lose 25 pounds by Thanksgiving.
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    I'm trying to get started again. I let things get out of hand for a while, but I'm updating my weight here on MFP and admitting how much I've gained (not recently...over the last several months), and getting back on track. I spent yesterday making this week's breakfasts and lunches for my husband and I, dinners are (tentatively) planned out. Made a spreadsheet to track our progress. We're both determined to lose 25 pounds by Thanksgiving.

    Good luck on your goal! Smart idea making this week's breakfasts and lunches already. I may need to try that.
  • jafray4
    jafray4 Posts: 118 Member
    I like that idea too. I am horrible and try to remember the night b4 then I forget and end up eating crappy food. I have also been slipping did really well until last week and now I need to get back on track. I had high hopes and wanted to lose 50 more lbs by February. I have a cut dress I want to wear for an event. Now I really need to get my butt in gear!!!! its already almost August