


  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Nutmeg76 wrote: »
    Sigh. I did it again. Why?!?!?! Please, stop me!

    Oh boy, what now? Also, don't be afraid to report (not flag, report) people. They claim to be cracking down on this crap, so feel free to put them through their paces.

    They didn't do anything to violate the TOS. Just stated that it is impossible to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. I didn't bother getting into a discussion. It isn't worth it.

  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    Anytime I see someone post about wanting to try paleo or clean eating I just scream at my screen, "RUN *kitten*!!!!! RUUUUUN!!!!" I made the mistake of standing behind clean eating and was ripped to shreds. I was flabbergasted! I keep to myself now or if I see someone post that they are interested I'll message them. I guess I'm just not one of the cool kids who can eat "what ever I want in moderation"
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Unless you are there for "car wreck" type entertainment, or are in a fightin' mood, yeah. I've noticed there are about 5-6 people there who think they are experts on everything and will fight down to an un-dotted i for no reason except to be right about something and make someone else feel inferior. Then they call it "just being honest" and say "toughen up this is a public forum if you're going to post anything get ready to be [torn to shreds]"
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    Thorbjornn wrote: »
    If you really want to see the fur fly, say "gluten intolerance" on the main forums. It's like the old skit 'Niagara'... "slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch... " :bigsmile:

    LOL and "sugar addiction" and "I can't eat x or it will ruin my diet" - that really gets them riled up!

  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    carrieann8 wrote: »
    Agree with everyone who commented Paleo needs a new name. So many people get caught up with "what a caveman would eat" that they don't see the bigger picture. I recently went to some friends house for the day (including bbq picnic and campfire). I had no worries whatsoever about going. They apologized that the grilled pork wasn't grassfed, but then offered me chocolate and smores. HUH??? I was happily fed that day with grilled pork, veggies, and the bowl of organic mixed fruit I brought. I was more happy with the stars than the smores and the company than the food. But the misconceptions were huge. Just a short list:

    1. You shouldn't eat meat if it isn't grassfed.
    2. Chocolate and grains are fine though.
    3. Alcohol is healthy.
    4. You shouldn't eat tropical fruits like papaya because cavemen wouldn't have those.
    5. It's too expensive to buy fruits and vegetables. (See my thread on Is Paleo Expensive?)
    6. It's just too restrictive.

    wait...alcohol isn't healthy??? :#
  • Kimberly_Harper
    Kimberly_Harper Posts: 409 Member
    ...sorry for all the posts I didn't realize this thread was started last August and just got caught up.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    Thanks for all the great posts above. Almost made me cry.

    I agree with Nutmeg that most people who "tried" Paleo and found it too "hard" are usually just lazy and gave up far too quickly. Yes, it takes some thought, effort, and for some of us, learning new skills. However, our ancestors spent most of their lives focused on getting and preparing food. It's normal! Working in office jobs, commuting, then plopping our butts in front of the television (to watch cooking shows!) is NOT normal. Maybe that's the new normal, but eating healthy food or not is still a matter of CHOICE.

    Paleo can be as easy or complicated as one chooses. My favourite meal above all is rare steak, fried mushrooms, and tossed salad. Hard or time consuming to make? Not.

    I'm so sick of the mental disconnect that food quality can possibly affect health. It's just so damn illogical.

    You know, I worry about that CHOICE being taken away, if big food companies can put enough pressure on governments to regulate the small, organic, sustainable producers out of business. Sheesh.
  • homesweeths
    homesweeths Posts: 792 Member
    ...sorry for all the posts I didn't realize this thread was started last August and just got caught up.

    S'okay. It just got re-started a day or two ago, so you're good.