Leslie Sansone July 2014 Walk Challenge



  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Rounding out the day with 2.5 miles.

    46/ 110
    Weekend walking here we come folks!
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 advanced miles with Leslie today

    2 miles outside today

    52 miles with Leslie to date

    54 miles outside to date

    106 miles total to date

    goal 150

    Happy Walking!!! LouAnn
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Good morning and happy Saturday walkers. I walked 4.5 miles this morning. When I started it there was a mesmerizing full moon followed by a stunning sunrise. I feel so lucky to witness both within an hour. I love my walks and hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    106 miles total to date

    LouAnn 106 miles, that's great. I now how much will power it takes to do this kind of distance. Keep it up :happy:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal 120 Miles for July! :explode:

    July 1st, 4 miles 3 Mile Weight Loss Walk - did mile 3 twice.
    July 2nd, 5 miles 4 Mile Super Challenge plus the Muscle Mile
    Jule 3rd, 3 Miles Walk and Jog plus Mile 1 of the 4 mile super challenge.
    July 4th, 6.8 miles Trail walking with my DH
    July 7th, 3 Miles 3 Mile Power Walk
    July 8th, 4 Mile Super Challenge
    July 9th, 4 Miles 2 of Debbie Rocker's Walking for Weight Loss and 2 of Leslie's 5 Day Slim Down
    July 12th 5 miles The 5 Day Slim Down

    34.8 Miles done 65.2 miles to go!
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Hello Walkers!

    I haven't been able to get my walking in lately but am trying to catch up now. I can see a lot of people are laying down some big mileage.

    ** AwakeningCordy, Welcome. You're doing fine. All miles are good. And each time you walk, you stronger, so stay with us. :flowerforyou:

    ** zichab, good to see you here again.

    PinkyPan1, hope you don't have those symptoms again, but if you do, get thee to a physician, or at least call one. :smile:

    **startergal, Good on you for those 12 multi-tasking miles. I can't do two things at once so that doesn't work for me, haha.

    ** lindenalex, Just Wow! You are so consistent. I know I'm going to see you post every day. 85.5 mile done. Just wow!

    ** heavenlyb, what can I say, you are a walking machine!

    **texasgardnr, lot's of minutes walked, lot's of calories slaughtered. :happy:

    ** 2essie, great job, as always.

    ** Louann, you are amazing. 106 miles already?!!

    It's so inspiring to read everyone's progress.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Good morning and happy Saturday walkers. I walked 4.5 miles this morning. When I started it there was a mesmerizing full moon followed by a stunning sunrise. I feel so lucky to witness both within an hour. I love my walks and hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.

    Hi PinkyPan1,
    The super moon is amazing. I hear it's reaching it's zenith tonight. Clear skys forecast for my area so looking forward to seeing it.
  • wjennyl
    wjennyl Posts: 8 Member
    Miles walked this week:
    Two miles with Leslie U5DW Purple and Green miles.
    Two outside miles

    Total for the month: six
    goal: ten

    I walked to the river and back up the hill without help for the first time in two years :)

    How long does it take to learn all the steps on the dvd's? Right now I am having trouble with some of the faster moves and combinations like grapevines with kickbacks are just beyond me.
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    today before the morning coffee: 2.5 miles
    today after the morning coffee: 5 miles

    total to date: 93 miles

    total calories to date: -7300 cal
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    5 miles walked today

    52.65 miles walked to date
  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    Miles walked this week:
    Two miles with Leslie U5DW Purple and Green miles.
    Two outside miles

    Total for the month: six
    goal: ten

    I walked to the river and back up the hill without help for the first time in two years :)

    How long does it take to learn all the steps on the dvd's? Right now I am having trouble with some of the faster moves and combinations like grapevines with kickbacks are just beyond me.

    Oh wjennyl- I laughed when I read this because I can so relate. Girl just so you know it's about moving keeping it in motion don't focus on the steps. Leslie repeats it often for the likes of us who could let it become a stumbling block if we let it.

    Back when "The Eye of the Tiger" was playing in my younger days and we did jazzercize at the Y it was all about the steps. Everyone would be going right and I would be heading left. Grapevine! Lol I am just beginning to get the hang of it and I think the reason is I don't care anymore. My feet do what they do and I laugh along with the dvd and enjoy keeping my feet moving.

    Yo are doing fine no frets!
  • startergal53
    startergal53 Posts: 120 Member
    5 advanced miles with Leslie today

    2 miles outside today

    52 miles with Leslie to date

    54 miles outside to date

    106 miles total to date

    goal 150

    Happy Walking!!! LouAnn

    Woot! You are doing fab- and wedding ready if I do say so.
    You are no doubt brushing up on your grapevine so you will be ready to dance at the wedding in September. Those new group dances were fun and challenged as I was last month at my nephew's wedding and had a wonderful time.

    Must report in: walked 1 mile today

    But... I biked 34 miles!! Ding ding ding! Let's keep moving folks.
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    106 miles total to date

    LouAnn 106 miles, that's great. I now how much will power it takes to do this kind of distance. Keep it up :happy:

    thank you so much! I am working hard at it! Helps to have my daughters wedding as a goal. I am dedicated!
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    5 advanced miles with Leslie today

    3 miles outside today

    57 miles with Leslie to date

    57 miles outside to date

    114 miles total to date

    goal 150

    Happy Walking!!! LouAnn

    I can't even begin to tell you how good it feels not to be the fattest person in the room anymore!!! I still see myself as fat but when I am standing next to someone that was always smaller then me and now I am smaller then them it feels amazing!!!! I still have a long way to get to my goal but but I am feeling so good!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Everyone is rocking it! WTG!

    Goal for July: 135 miles
    To date: 42 miles
    Left: 93 miles
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    Good morning and happy Saturday walkers. I walked 4.5 miles this morning. When I started it there was a mesmerizing full moon followed by a stunning sunrise. I feel so lucky to witness both within an hour. I love my walks and hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.

    Hi PinkyPan1,
    The super moon is amazing. I hear it's reaching it's zenith tonight. Clear skys forecast for my area so looking forward to seeing it.

    It is spectacular indeed!! Clear skies also for me :happy: .

  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member

    0 DVD miles:

    80 outdoor minutes.

    Goal for July: 40 + miles (plus focus on strength more)

    So far: 22.5 Leslie/ or other walking DVD miles

    So far: 320 outdoor minutes

    Nighty night everyone :yawn: Spectacular Super Moon tonight!!

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,454 Member
    I can't really set a goal this month as I am doing too much traveling. So, my goal will be as many miles as I can while visiting my son and new granddaughter and then traveling later in the month! July is busy this year!

    July 4-Endomondo tracked 3.13 miles walked around my son's neighborhood in the The Hague. I miss my USA fireworks Happy 4th to all the Americans!
    July 12- Endomondo tracked 6.23 miles walked in Amsterdam. We traveled from The Hague to Ann Frank's house in Amsterdam today as my wonderful Daughter-in-law knew I loved Ann's diary and bought us tickets as a gift. What an experience to actually see and be in the very rooms where Ann wrote her diary. In her room, all the pictures she glued to her wall of her favorite movie stars/art etc are preserved. Most heart wrenching were the lines her parents drew on the wall charting the growth of Ann and her sister Margot. It is amazing how children and their parents continue to do the most normal things even in the most abnormal of circumstances. It was an emotional day, but added miles to my month at least! 9.36 total
  • lidenalex
    lidenalex Posts: 283
    As I went for the morning walk, my thoughts went on a journey of its own. Usually i spin around something I have read and try to elaborate on it, making up a little story. Her's a story I made up this morning.

    A group of would be zen monks were walking through the monastery where they were studying hoping to be enlightened some day. Another student run up to them out of breath.

    "Have you heard that Ananda was enlightened today!"

    "What", they all shouted, and started to run to their student friend Ananda's dwellings. As they entered they saw him sitting on his bed.

    With admiration in their voices they asked: "Is it true did you got enlightened today?"

    "Yes" he said and looked calmly at them.

    "Well, how did you feel before the enlightenment and what did you think about?", they asked.

    "I was feeling miserable and I thought of how unhappy my life is", he answered.

    "And how do you feel now, and what are you thinking about?", they asked with enthusiasm in their voices.

    "Right now I'm feeling miserable and I'm thinking about how unhappy my life is", he answered thoughtfully.

    They were all stunned by his answer. "But what is the difference then?", they asked perplexed.

    "The difference is that before I thought that my feelings and thoughts were important. Now I see clearly they they are totally unimportant".

    That is the end of the story. And what is the sense moral? Well, feeling and thoughts are volatile and evaporative things. They come and go changing al the time. But the real you is not your feelings nor your thoughts. In meditation you learn to watch your feelings and thoughts pass by, like water flowing down the river. To be enlightened means not to attach yourself with the feelings or thoughts. Instead you do what you have to do without letting them control your life. There is a Zen saying "Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water. Or as another wise person said "The kingdom of God is within us, but most people do not see it".
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Checking in with everyone....

    Awesome moon last night - really cool....

    So far I have 37.5 miles - all outside though.... Three dogs to walk today so heading out to do that before the bugs get us.. the horse flies have been really bugging the dogs in the afternoons and even the evenings...

    Happy walking everyone - no matter where you are walking..