July workout check-in thread - Don't July about your PR



  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    @Gen2703 - power cleans are so cool.. one day I'll stop being intimidated and try them

    Workout A today

    Squat: 5x5x90 - Was getting tough on the last two reps, so we'll see how Friday goes, but with three lifting days left in July I think I might hit 100 before August

    Bench: 4/5/5/4/4x75 Deloading next time :(

    Row: 3/4/4/3/0x65 I'm still having trouble finding the right arm width - my left elbow tends to lock up at the wrong angle

    And then I did a set of sumo deadlifts at 65 just to see how they felt and I loved them
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks everyone...we should know tomorrow or Friday...ie Son...as for the fitbit..I read some reviews...it won't sync with my phone..but the Jawbone is looking promising and apparently was just bought out by body media

    @perseverance great on those DL and Squats
    @coady I used to do the sumo (mainly due to comfort) recently switched back to SL and wow what a difference the SL isn't nearly as heavy
    @Gen if we had a crossfit gym I would give it a go
    @katro will definately be watching you with the wendler thinking of starting in Sept

    Workout B for me today...minor mishap..

    Squats warmup + 3x5 @ 165..these felt great...
    DL warmup +1x5@195
    OHP...minor mishap...barbell math...1x3@98.5....then nada..should have been 93.5...but I am impressed with myself anyway
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Thanks everybody, @ Stef hope things work out well for your son.

    Had to look up Sumo deadlift and powerclean...wow, not sure when I am going to be ready for the powerclean, awesome though!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Hey guys, haven't been too chatty lately. Been insane with swim lessons, going through a separation/divorce, trying to work out AND spend time with my kid.

    I did this workout yesterday:

    Squats @130 5x5
    OHP @80 4/4/3/3/3...which is up from 4/3/3/3/2, so decent increase but I can feel the deload. lol
    DL @135 1x5 taking it easy on this one and going up slowly, I was at 185 before that slight back pain I got
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    So I have been back at work for 3 days now and I love my job, I just hate working lol. Getting into the groove there is taking some time and the kids are slowly adjusting. I found out that there is a running club that goes every Wednesday and that the building has change room/shower so I think I'll get back into running a little more.

    Run at lunch was 35 minutes, running with people that run faster than me is great, love the extra motivation. Downside, it was effing tough.

    Workout B late tonight was
    Squat 140 lbs 3x5 still working back up
    OHP 65 lbs 3/3/3 2x5 55lbs
    DL 185 1x5 another fail and deload or get it and up the weight and I got it. Very happy about that

    SLDL 10/9/8 135 lbs
    Glute bridge 10/9/10 135 lbs

    On a side note, my company has this wellness program that has a different brand of pedometer. It is kind of a pain in the *kitten* because it has special equipment to get the data off of it, but I am curious to see how it matches up with my FitBit.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    @suremeansyes . . . that really sucks.
    So I have been back at work for 3 days now and I love my job, I just hate working lol.

    +1, and i'm not even working. two interviews in two days, on extremely short notice. one of them i only heard about on monday, the other around this time last week, with the request coming in two days after the recruiter 'presented' me. plus all the footwork of keeping each recruiter in the loop about the status of their 'competition' job from the other one . . . both jobs looking to start someone next monday. i'm exhausted just from wearing the clothes.

    pretty standard for freelancing, but i've been having such a nice peaceful not-in-work-mode phase and now my brain has suddenly thrown itself back into okay-you-work-fulltime mode. so i haven't had much mental time free for thinking about lifting and form during the day, and i felt kind of on the left foot through most of the workout today.

    anyway. workout a, i guess.

    squats: 5x5 @ 65. i think this is 5lb up from last time, not sure. seemed strong but the knees . . . .

    bench press: 5x5 @ 55. also 5lb up, and that was pushing it. doable and i feel i kept form all the way through, but it was HARD.

    rows: 5x5 @ 50. this is the same weight as last time. i carted the mid-size bar over to the scales and weighed myself and it together, and it's only 30lb, not 35 as i thought i'd been told.


    i don't think it's the squats that are hurting my knees. i think it's something in that deadlift/row stance, with the knees only a little bit bent. the tissue over the surface of the entire knee feels like it's taking a hell of a load. going to keep thinking that thought and see what i think by the next workout, i guess. i may join the sumo revolution . . . my inner thighs need the work.

    rows are weird. a) there's this weird little bermuda triangle space about two inches deep right in front of my chest, and some reps just kind of . . . vanish into it when i get up that high. it doesn't feel like weakness and i don't think it's impingement since i can do it sometimes. it's just a kind of neuromuscular black hole. maybe it is fatigue, since it seems to develop as i continue the set. and b) i never get the doms in the muscles that are supposedly doing the work. i get it in my bum - not so much the muscles themselves but maybe the 'skin' layer of the muscles. anyway, i repeated the sets that didn't quite make it there for all reps, since the weight wasn't that heavy and i felt good enough.

    did a little supplementary stuff, not 100% seriously. lat pulldowns, and that cable one where you pull the handle horizontally across your body.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Running late, all I had time \for this morning:

    Workout B (Thurs)

    squats 5 X 5 - 145

    overhead press 5 x 5 - 60

    barbell rows 5 X 5 - 80

    reverse curls 5 x 5 - 60

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 100

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 15 - 40
  • rps67
    rps67 Posts: 163 Member
    Went to the gym last night and...

    Squats, 5x5 @ 75 -- my knee felt better but it's driving me crazy because it seems like when I try to add weight, it starts acting up again. Ugh.

    OHP, 5x5 @ 45

    Deadlift, 1x5 @ 155

    I weighed myself yesterday at 156 so I basically lifted my own weight. It wasn't easy but I was really amazed that I could do it at all!
  • LadyDeadlift
    LadyDeadlift Posts: 136 Member
    Getting into the gym once a week is kind of a bummer... but it's better than zero times a week!

    Last night's workout I just did a little bit of whatever:

    various warmups then 175 5x5

    then I just did some misc stuff - kind of a circuit of OHP, Bench and narrow stance squats which I am kind of starting to love

    BP 65x10x3
    OHP 45x10x3
    Narrow Squat 95x10x3
    -- I cannot emphasize how different these are from wide stance heavy squats. The last set of these left me KILLED and sweating like mad. On the way home I could really feel these - I don't even know how to explain which muscles - high/front quads/hips? Also glutes and hams.

    I need to get a form video of these to be sure I'm doing it right. What's the little thing "terribly useful block of wood"? I can see why this is needed for this style of squat.

    Cheers all - it's pre-Friday!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Hi all! This my first time posting in this thread. I've been kind of working my way up to SL for a little while, and now I've got everything up to the olympic bar, except for OHP.

    Workout A (Monday):
    Squat: 5x5 - 20lb
    BP: 5x5 - 45lb
    BR: 5x5 - 50lb

    Workout B (Wednesday):
    Squat: 5x5 - 45lb
    OHP: 5x5 - 35lb
    DL: 1 @ 120lb, 1x5 - 115lb

    Yesterday was my first time using the squat rack and the oly bar for squats. I knew I could handle the weight, but I had been working on my form with weighted broomsticks until yesterday. I made the mistake of looking down to check that my knees weren't going over my toes sometime during my third set, and when I tried to look up again, I ended up falling backwards. The rack caught the barbell, but I knocked the back of my head against it! I took a couple minutes to collect myself, then got up and did that set over, and finished out just fine. It was embarrassing because it was such a stupid thing, but I survived. Needless to say, that's a mistake I won't make again.

    Yesterday was weird in another way -- normally,dead lift is relatively easy for me and OHP is a nightmare, but last night it was the opposite. Any clue why that might be? Even after I went back down to 115, I struggled to do my dead lift with good form.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    @Gen I've done 3 "introduction" crossfit classes and they were loads of fun! If your instructor is okay when it comes to form, you'll have a blast and pretty much safely! Technically all it is is circuit training. The classes just make it more fun cuz you have other people cheering you on/to cheer on :)

    @suremeansyes dang, you sure got a lot on your plate, congrats on keeping up with the working out!

    @canadianlbs re: knees on deadlift. That's highly possible. I think I get something similar (although I don't deadlift as much these days). Try to push your knees out a bit more, maybe that'll help?

    My hands are so full of blisters this week. The deload gave too much time to my calluses to heal! lol

    Today was 5 rounds of
    5 snatch pulls (75, 85, 85, 95, 95)
    3 snatch balance (75, 75, 80, 80, 85) - I went lighter on those than I'd done in the past because I really wanted to snap the weight up, rather than struggle to get it up. Worked!

    4x5 front squats @ 120lbs + 20s of handstand hold on wall for 3, 8 pike presses on the 4th set. My right wrist was hatin' on meh so I did those on DBs xD

    Then 3 rounds of 30s work/30s rest
    - 1 left arm DB power snatch (25x8, 35x6, 35x8, added 35x4 afterwards to even out with the right)
    - 1 right arm DB power snatch (10, 8, 8, same weight as left arm)
    - burpee broad jumps (5, 6, 5)
    - KB Goblet squats @ 40lbs (12, 13, 13) - almost as much of an ab workout than legs!

    My butt is finally not feeling all sorts of DOMS from the jump lunges anymore (from saturday!). Those are really my leg work nemesis >_<
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    @suremeansyes . . . that really sucks.

    Yeah, pretty much. Technically I'M the initiator, but only because he decided to cheat on me for a while and treat me badly while doing so. For a while I'm talking like 2.5 years. I tried sticking it out and staying around, like for a couple years afterwards, but there was just too much damage done that he wasn't willing to go to counseling to repair.
    @suremeansyes dang, you sure got a lot on your plate, congrats on keeping up with the working out!

    It's my sanity. I've spent basically my entire adult life so far catering to the man child I was married to, so I was like eff this I'm doing something that I want to do, when I want to do it.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Workout B for me this morning.

    Squats: 140lbs 5x5
    OHP: 60lbs 5x5 FINALLY. I was at 65lbs 5x5 before vacation in late June, and it's taken me this long to get back to 60lbs.
    Deadlift: 160lbs 1x5.

    Took some extra preworkout this morning and a giant mug of protein powder coffee. I feel so AWAKE right now!!!

    For anyone on here that's on my FL.. you may know that I am on the hunt for a new job at the moment (still employed... but hating it). I have a 30 minute phone interview with my dream employer this evening after work!!! My friend's husband works for the same company, and he said that the speed that they requested the interview with me since I sent them my resume means that they are very interested in me... fingers crossed!!!!
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    @willrun I drink protein powder coffee too! Good luck on the interview. :)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    @willrun4bagels: yay!! Good luck!! keep us posted!
    @suremeansyes: wow, i'm sorry he did that to you for that long! Good for you to be without him now though. And keep busy, it keeps me sane too I know what you mean! :flowerforyou:
    @krokador: omg great workout! You impress me!!
    @NorahCait: welcome!! As for deadlift vs OHP, there are days that one will be easy then it will be the next! It's hard to pinpoint. could be food, energy, more sleep, etc.. :)
    @rps67: awesome job on the 155lbs deadlift!!

    Thanks for your thoughts on crossfit!! It does help and I think I'll try it!

    Today is rest for me. I just thought I'd say hi ! Have a great day everyone
  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Workout A today:

    Squats: warm up, 5x5 @ 65kg (close to my highest weight, but this time with better form)
    BP: warm up, 5x5 @ 40kg ( I AM HULK! ... or mini-hulk...)
    Rows: 5x5 @ 41kg
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    when I tried to look up again, I ended up falling backwards. The rack caught the barbell, but I knocked the back of my head against it!

    i did that my first time in a rack too. didn't hit my head, but once i'd crawled out from underneath it, i got this stupid stubborn you're-in-the-army-now-soldier idea going that since i got it down there, i ought to be able to get back under it and lift it up. start in the hole, basically, and just do the second half of the rep.

    nope. and at the time i was just starting out too, so i could squat with 65 pounds, but i sure as heck couldn't get them back upon the pins. i'm not sure if i would have been able to do that even if i had taken off the two plates, at the time. someone came over and did it for me, and i just kind of sucked up the embarrassment as my 'punishment'.

    i've done dumb stuff. i once pushed the bar off the PINS, between sets. i was standing around in the rack getting my breath back, and it occurred to me suddenly that the bar being right there was a perfect perfect massage tool for those little muscles between your shoulderblade and your spine. just have to kind of rub yourself up and down against it like a bear on a tree. problem was, i did it from 'behind' the bar because i've got the worst sense for three-dimensional space in the world. huge noise and more embarrassment, and i just quit trying to be clever for a few weeks.

    . . .by the way, hi :smile: and congrats on getting started. it gets easier from here.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    as a general etiquette question . . . is it ignorant to do overhead presses in the rack? i'm not worried about looking 'silly' since i don't see how it's anyone's business how i go about making something work for me. more about being actually inconsiderate or selfish towards other folks without knowing it. if nobody's waiting to use the rack, i don't suppose that it matters. but if somebody is, i don't know if i'm being ignorant or not.

    at the moment i'm okay because i'm only pressing weights i can still clean at the start/end of each set. but unless i am able to use the rack that's obviously going to turn into my limiting factor.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    I haven't checked in here in a little while. I'm still increasing my weights super slowly, but I'm getting there.

    Squats 5x5 @ 85
    OHP 5x5 @ 45-still my nemesis.
    DL 1x5 @115 - I was really excited about that. I'm going slow with this because of the back issue but I hope to be able to DL my body weight before the next millennium rolls around.

    @stef - best of luck. I've been there. Things always have a way of turning out ok.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    Does no one else lift in kg?! All the maths confuses me...

    I would like to share that I'm super proud of my deadlift, today I attempted 50kg, and got my first failure I only managed 3 out of the 5 I should have. Still feel like I smashed it as I weigh 54kg. YAY