July workout check-in thread - Don't July about your PR



  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    @psych101 - hi, nice to meet you!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    i'm on a rest day, but i'm just logging in to report that last night i dreamed i grew hair all over my chest . . .

    not sure what to make of that one. did yesterday's workout release some big testosterone storm that got through to my subconscious even while i was asleep? anyway, i woke up and i'm much relieved to report i'm no more hairy than i was before i lay down.

    with all the stoopid stuff that gets said to women who lift weights, i don't think i've ever heard of being asked if we're scared it'll put hair on our chests.
    Sounds like it could be one of those weird hormone things.
  • bruerin
    bruerin Posts: 124 Member
    Hello, I'm new to SLs and this is my first time posting my workout here. Today I completed my 2nd SL workout. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but got caught up reading information and becoming more familiar with acronyms and the MFP site in general. Floored by how much useful information exists on here.

    Workout B:
    Squat 50lbs 5x5
    OHP45lbs 5x5
    DL 75lbs 5x1

    I dislike OHP. It hurt. I made it through all of the reps, but Mama Mia! I knew doing 95lbs for DL as the routine called for was going to be very hard. I told my husband this and he showed me these large-sized 15lb plates, so I used those with the bar. I think I like DL the best since it is only 1 set!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    Hello, I'm new to SLs and this is my first time posting my workout here. Today I completed my 2nd SL workout. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but got caught up reading information and becoming more familiar with acronyms and the MFP site in general.

    hey, any information that's gonna help you later is worth it. and for me . . . for myself, i kind of regretted not taking more than 1 day of rest for so many weeks, recently. ymmv, but it is possible to overtrain since lifting puts a lot of new demands on your body (new neural pathways, repair muscle, extra muscle, add blood supply, etc etc) . . . so it's good to give it the time to catch up before you go back and tax it again.

    way to go on the deadlifts! i'm starting to like them since i found the big big 10lb 'training' plates at my rec centre. up to that point, i'd been using the regular plates, which gave me a lot of extra inches to drag the bar through and probably didn't do my learning the form too much good.

    my workout: i'm happy. i made my +5lb for all of them

    squat: 5x5x 75 lb. i took much lighter weights for warming up, and then just dived straight into the working sets from the 45lb bar.

    bench: 5x5x 55 lb. i'm really pleased about this. bp is my scary one thanks to whatever's less than perfect with my left shoulder. 55lb wasn't easy, but the 50lb last workout was much much harder and tbh i went in not even confident i'd be able to stay at 50. did 4 warmup sets at 45lb, widely spaced . . . may have helped.

    rows: 5x5x 70 lb. <<--- do you guys see that??? 70 pounds!! they were all nice clean full-monty pendlay rows too.

    i also did about two sets of 5 deadlifts at 70, which don't count because they were sumo. and anyway, i'm booked for a full-body massage tomorrow, so i couldn't see too much reason why not. i'm eating everything in sight right now though.

    ETA: see i'm wrong and this time's bp is the same weight as last time's. that's okay with me because it felt like the right weight to be doing them at.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    I've had a pretty good weekend. Not much anxiety, lots of good (untracked....lol) food, and I worked out yesterday and today. :) The ex and I took our daughter (she's my stepdaughter, but I've helped raise her since she was a baby) to the fair on Friday with her friend to celebrate her birthday and everyone was in a good mood and had fun. I saw my girlfriend today and we played video games with her nephew. All in all, I'm feeling great, hopefully that feeling carries into this week.

    Yesterday I did part of the crossfit class, missed some because of an opt appt, and after the class ended I did some jump roping and also started working on progressions to doing handstand pushups. I'm actually closer than I assumed previously. :) I can get into handstand position against the wall, and then today I tried again...I CAN LOWER MYSELF DOWN TO THE FLOOR, but I can't get back up yet, lol. I can do a half handstand pushup, I can't wait until my first full one!

    Okay, so today I did SL and huuuurrrr is the numbers.

    Squat: 140lbs 5x5, felt even better than it did before I hurt my back
    OHP: 3rd fail at 80, 5/4/2/3/2, BUT my first time hitting 5 reps at 80, so I'll be back in no time
    DL: 145lbs 1x5, then I did 155lbs 1x3 :)
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Early monday workout. I usually get in the gym around 9AM on this day so this was a bit of a change! Ha!

    Worked up to aheavy hang snatch + full snatch complex (75lbs) then proceeded to doing EMOTM @ 90% of that for 5 (67.5). Not too bad!

    Then moved on to squats. 150x5 (good enough, I even accidentally paused on the last rep. Like WTF. WHYYY?!)
    160x3x5 now those were ALL grinders. I'd probably be fine hitting this first thing in the workout tho, haha.

    Finished up with 15 mins time cap on some weird ladder of muscles ups (that I'm stil breaking down into recline rows and dips), OH squat, box jumps and 15 thrusters thrown in the middle. That was fun. My earphones stopped working just before that so I was stuck trying to get fired up with some lousy pop songs in the background. Really doesn't do it for me.

    @suremeansyes I swear, you're trying out those things just to make me jelly! I've beent rying to kick up into a wall handstand for MONTHS and I STILL CAN'T *cries*
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Saturday was C25K Week One, Day 3. Sunday was a rest day. Hopefully I'll get Workout B done tonight after work. I hope everyone can kick butt as we enter the final days of July!
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    @suremeansyes awesome weekend! And OMG handstand pushup!!! I am IMPRESSED!
    @krok I had to google hang snatch but daaaaaaaamn !! that's also impressive!

    Today was workout B for me and it kinda sucked haha!
    goblet squats 5x5 at 50lbs
    OHpress I sucked it up and moved to 50lbs even if 45 is barely do-able.. but I still did 5-5-5-4-4 so I was happy with that!!! it was allllllllllllllmost there!
    Deadlift 1x5 at 130lbs but I think I will lower the weight by maybe 15lbs because i think i pulled something in my lower back it doesnt feel all that good right now WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!! :( I did warm up with 95lbs (3 reps) and it felt really good and like my form was great too so I'll up to 110 and see what that does next time.

    Then I did some assisted chin ups, 2 reps assisted with 50 pounds on the third lower movement, 90 pounds on the middle movement and 110 pounds for the top of the movement.. Let's try and see what it does in a couple of weeks! I'd love to be able to do 1 on my own. And it will also help with the rows. Damn rows.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    Boooo it's Monday. I'm eagerly awaiting news of the great job interview I had on Thursday... they told me they were going to contact all candidates today with more news... I've already written my top secret 2 weeks notice letter and the moment I am offered a new job, I'm handing it in.


    Saturday did workout A:

    Squats warmup then 145lbs 4x5, 1x4... just could not get the last rep. Didn't even try because I was afraid of dropping the bar and the 4th rep was almost impossible.

    Bench press: Warmup then 80lbs, 1x4, 4x5. That happened last time too - I missed the final rep of the first set. I'm going to try backing off on warmup sets and hopefully won't feel as fatigued. I tried resting for longer, but it didn't make a difference compared to the last time I attempted 80lbs.

    Rows: Left the gym and did these at home, 40lbs 5x5 - waaaaay deloaded because even at 60lbs I feel like I'm doing it wrong and can't manage 5x5.

    Went to our engagement party yesterday and despite forgetting to drink water, drinking lots of beer/wine, and eating cupcakes and doritos and zero protein... I had a pretty good workout B this morning at 5am:

    Squats: Warmup then 145lbs 5x5!!! This is a new record for me.

    OHP: Warmup then 65lbs... 1x4, 1x5, 1x4, 1x3, 1x4. I did 60lbs 5x5 last time so I kind of expected this to happen.

    Deadlift: 165lbs 1x5. Weird things happening with DL today... My knees tend to want to buckle inwards when I'm pulling the weight up... so instead of having two vertical legs, they sort of bowed in at the knees and looked like: ) (

    It stopped happening after the first two reps. Not sure if I consciously did anything differently... but it sure looked strange. No pain or soreness in my knees/legs (yet) as a result of this. Maybe my feet were too far apart when I started... going to watch more form videos.
  • CoadyMarie
    CoadyMarie Posts: 165
    Everybody doing some awesome things in the gym this week!

    I spent the weekend watching form tutorials, since I'm still having trouble with certain things (ahem, squats). Went through all the "So You Think You Can..." series - so helpful! I can definitely see a big improvement in how my bench feels. Plus I think I finally understand rows - I've been feeling them too much in my arms but today I tweaked some things and all of sudden it was all back!

    Squat 5/5/4/4/4 95 lbs - Still adjusting here, since I'm way too quad-dominant - going to deload to 80 or 85 next time to tweak some things further. Today I was focusing on keeping the head and chest up and tailbone up. I think the most useful thing I got from the video was that it's a pushing-out exercise, not up-and-down - as soon as I started trying to get my knees further out and sit back rather than down I could feel a big improvement.

    Bench: 5x5x65

    Rows: 4/5/3/3/5x65 Deload next time. Not a surprise, since I've apparently been pulling with the wrong muscles the whole time

    Added some accessories to help with squats -
    seated good mornings: 2x10x45
    glute-ham raises: hahaha... maybe four. With arm assistance.
  • skittlesnhoney
    skittlesnhoney Posts: 651 Member
    I'm still around but keep forgetting to check in here! I was doing a challenge up until July 24th that had me at the gym every day. On days off of Stronglifts I just did a small amount of cardio. I've only missed 2 days of Stronglifts on my S, T, Th schedule and that was due to being up in the mountains at a Camp. Back to it this week!

    I am currently at 115 for Squats, 50 for Overhead presses, 80 for bench press (can't seem to progress to 85 with not having a spotter), 135 for Deadlifts and 75 I think for Rows.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hey ladies...great numbers going I see...lots of new faces....

    I missed Friday as I was doing volunteer work for the Y (husband/son and dad are members) so was quite busy and planned on doing it saturday but...as you know my weekends are typically full of activity like cooking, cleaning etc...

    So workout A for me today...

    Squats warmup+3x5@170...these were well...not too hard but not easy...feeling good about progressing
    Bench warmup + 3x5@128.5...deload from 130....and these were good...not great will stay here to get form down
    Rows...ugh 3x4@125...still...but boy do I feel it in my back....hit the girls on the first set, son was chatty on last set...couldn't win.

    So I have a quick question tho...would you consider strong lifts...moderate or vigorous lifting...

    I ask because I was told to start converting my lifting activity into steps and based on the sheet they gave me...moderate = 88 steps a min and vigorous is 133..so makes a big difference..I've put moderate atm...
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    So I have a quick question tho...would you consider strong lifts...moderate or vigorous lifting...

    I ask because I was told to start converting my lifting activity into steps and based on the sheet they gave me...moderate = 88 steps a min and vigorous is 133..so makes a big difference..I've put moderate atm...

    Convert... lifting into steps? Wut?! Why? But if I had to do it, I'd say moderate. Circuit training would be closer to vigorous in terms of aerobic activity IMO.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement and welcome, folks!

    7/25 - Workout A
    Squat: 5x5 - 50lb
    BP: 1x5, 4x4 - 50lb
    BR: 5x5 - 52lb

    7/28 - Workout B
    Squat: 5x5 - 55lb
    OHP: 5x5 - 40lb
    DL: 1x5 - 125lb

    Really pleased with how today went! OHP was surprisingly easy again today. Still had to work to get reps 4 and 5 on the last two sets, but not nearly as hard as I had to work to do 35lb a week and a half ago.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Thanks all for the welcome :drinker: Workout A for me tonight - A? I think its A? Dunno, the one with Bench presses in it anyway lol you'd think after 2 months that I'd know which was which! Be back later with my numbers.

    New Zealand won a gold medal in the men's 85kgs weightlifting at the Commonwealth Games this morning - they've had pretty much all the weight classes shown on TV here for the Games in Glasgow and this is the first time I've ever really watched weightlifting (used to just watch the gymnastics lol) wow I am so inspired by these people lifting incredible weights! Even hubby has been enjoying with me - of course with the occasional joke about lifts called the 'snatch' and 'clean and jerk'!! ha men!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So I have a quick question tho...would you consider strong lifts...moderate or vigorous lifting...

    I ask because I was told to start converting my lifting activity into steps and based on the sheet they gave me...moderate = 88 steps a min and vigorous is 133..so makes a big difference..I've put moderate atm...

    Convert... lifting into steps? Wut?! Why? But if I had to do it, I'd say moderate. Circuit training would be closer to vigorous in terms of aerobic activity IMO.

    Long story short the company I work for has a satellite in the sky...and in order to promote health and wellness they want us as the company to "walk" to jupiter...they have provided pedometers etc...and all activity counts...this link was provided

    http://www.takesteps.univerahealthcare.com/stepChartPop.jsp for those of us that are actually doing "regular" exercise to "convert" it to steps.

    ETA: the name of the satellite is jupiter btw
  • navygrrl
    navygrrl Posts: 517 Member
    Stef - That actually sounds kind of cool, but that's a LOT of steps to get to Jupiter, LOL.

    Workout B for me today, as well as an unexpected 2.7 mile walk to work due to my car needing a new muffler.

    Squats - 5x5x55
    OHP - 5x5x50
    DL - 1x5x115
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Workout A for me. It must be because it's a Monday, but my workout was kind of crappy.

    (Front) Squats: warm up, 5x5@50
    Bench: warm up, 5,5,4@58
    Rows: warm up, 3x5@67

    Hope you all have a good week :)
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Workout A for me tonight

    Squat 4x5 1x4 143lbs just couldn't get that last one dammit!
    Bench 3x5 2x4 83lbs
    Row 5x5 77lbs wasn't feeling these tonight to dropped the weight to keep my form

    Weights look a little funny cos I lift in kgs then convert everything to pounds - it's a pain, but helps cos pretty much everything on this site and all my friends on here use pounds lol
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Not as much time this morning, but got a decent workout in...squatted 155, go me! I think staying at this weight another session or 2, all my weights need at least one more session of work now.

    Workout B (Tues)

    dumbbell skier swings - 5 x 15 - 40

    Dumbbell side bend - 5 x 15 - 40

    squats 5 X 5 - 155

    overhead press 5 x 5 - 60

    barbell rows 5 X 5 - 80

    reverse curls 5 x 5 - 65

    underhand bicep curls 5 x 5 - 105