Did you swim today?



  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    I went back to the pool today after two weeks out. I was just not feeling it the last few weeks and when I got in the pool at 6:00am today, I still wasn't. I swam for about 50 minutes of mixed sets and it seemed really really slow, even for a turtle like me. On the plus side, the morning lifeguard was giving me grief about laying around in bed and acting like a snowbird, etc. I've been swimming in that pool a long time now and it's always a nice feeling to know that somebody notices you are missing.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Swim lessons 1500m of torture. The pool was really warm today so it was a real struggle to get through it and had a bad case of heavy legs.
    Loved the last drill. Stroke Efficiency. You do a timed 60 strokes and then stop.
    Measure out your approximate distance and time to figure a distance/stroke/time ratio.
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited February 2016
    Yesterday (Thursday):
    330m warm up
    10 x 66m on 1:40
    10 x 33m on 0:50
    10 x 33m on 0:50
    132m warm down

    Just getting back into the swing of things on the sprint/ intervals side of things and this set was just a killer for me.
    Felt completely exhausted after the swim, like I've not felt in a long time.
    I guess I also use my legs in the sprint a whole lot more than I would usually do!
    Anyway, will continue plugging away as I try to reacclimatise my body to the crazy high heart rate, gasping for breath throughout, etc that is sprinting!
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    39:51 1500 yds.

    In the "How to make a swimmer giddy" department:

    Woman in gym: Hey, I was reading Swimming to Antarctica. Have you read it?
    Me: Oh yeah, it's awesome. Lynne Cox is amazing.
    Woman in gym: It made me think of you when I was reading it.
    Me: (a rare moment of speechlessness)

    Now you guys see my workouts and know I'm totally not in Cox' league, but woah...
  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    60 mins, 30 laps (1500m)

    I just wasn't feeling it today on my swim. Today was the day I had hoped to break 33 laps to ready 1650. I'm not sure if it is because the intensity of my cardio on my non swimming days has picked up, I added in a mile walk with the dog after work, or simply because it's the end of the work week and I'm frankly a little tired and worn out.

    I got to lap 24, alternating my 3 strokes like usually when it was obvious that I not only wasn't going to hit 33 laps in 60 mins, but I wasn't even going to match my total from Wednesday. At this point I switched to freestyle and just stuck with it from laps 25-30. So, ultimately, I took something that was potentially discouraging and used it for motivation and in the end I learned that I can keep doing laps freestyle and the added consecutive distance helped me get better control of my breathing and form.

    It also reminded me that I'm getting somewhat caught up in performance which it is really way to early for. I'm better served to remember that 3 weeks ago I was completely sedentary, and 2 weeks ago I decided to change that.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    From sedentary to pushing a mile in a couple of weeks. - wow you should be pleased with that UG.

    But I liked your phrase 'I'm getting somewhat caught up in performance'...as it reminded me if I stayed in that I mindset I would give up swimming tomorrow.

    (I I have Chronic Fatigue and swimming has become a way to get better, and stay happy. It used to be a 'how good can I get / when will I get to swim a mile / how fast will I be'.. Nowadys I still aim to swim a mile, and do it in a reasonable time - but frankly that is all it is, an aim, that I will take whatever time my body needs to reach.)

    Missing my swims this week - hope your travels go well Gutzy.....

  • UG77
    UG77 Posts: 206 Member
    wow you should be pleased with that UG

    I am pleased when I stay cognizant of what I've done. It's just the typical mindset I think a lot of people have that wants to focus on what they haven't done or what they don't have.

    I'm trying to shift that mindset while I shift my body. It's a work in progress.

    I'm sorry to hear about the chronic fatigue. That is a big obstacle. I had it for years. The only thing I found that helped to mitigate it somewhat was making nutrient dense foods like vegetables and fruit my dietary focus instead of dietary after thought. I don't know if that'll work for everyone, it helped me but my chronic fatigue came from hyperparathyroidism and the long list of bad things that did to my body. I had the rogue gland removed July 21st.

    They said it can take over 2 years for my bone density to build back up. I take large doses of calcium now and I'm hoping that enough have been rectified in the past seven months that when I start lifting my bones can take it.

  • mmmpork
    mmmpork Posts: 133 Member
    I've been struggling a lot this past week with my laps, my body just feels really heavy and my muscles are getting tired so easily. I just got some fancy whey protein powder (NOW Foods pure whey) to supplement with after swimming, and also I've been upping my calories a bit on swim days so I hope that helps. I recently discovered Wii fit and also got a Zumba game, so I kind of blame that for wearing me out on non-swim days bwahaha. I really need to be strict with myself about taking a rest day but computer games are so much fun!!!

    Yesterday I was really cruising on my kickboard laps!! I'm down to just under 2 minutes per lap on those!! My front crawl endurance is also improving, I can do 4 laps without having to stop for more than a second or 2 to catch my breath at the end of each lap. Yesterday, I mixed it up more with doing front crawl in sets of 4 laps (200 yards in the pool I use) and then breaking it up with 100 yards of breast stroke or kickboard on my back. Sure I didn't get as many laps in but I think I'm getting a better full body workout.

    So yesterday my workout was:

    Warmup (400 yards):
    200 yards front kickboard
    200 yards front pulls

    Main (800 yards):
    200 yards front crawl
    100 yards breast stroke
    100 yards back kickboard
    400 yards front crawl

    Cooldown (200 yards):
    50 yards front kick
    50 yards front pull
    50 yards back kickboard
    50 yards breast stroke
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    Blustery evening in the pool last night. I just wanted to crank out the laps and turn my brain off. Slower pace: 2700 yds in 63 minutes. Totally worth the brain rinse. Only one other person in the pool.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    No swimming for me since Thursday. I work with special needs preschoolers, and after weeks of facing (literally) their sneezes and coughs, I spent my February week off with The Crud. Hoping to get back in on Monday, but this thing is hanging on...

    Great swims, folks. @mmmpork , I know that feeling of a good swim. I'm a new swimmer, so the good days carry me for a long time. The beauty of middle age for me has been that the crappy days are just that, but they don't stick. Even if they come and stay for a while, any day in the pool is a good day :)
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    2 miles in 80 minutes, a very nice swim for the most part. Tried to do it non-stop but had to avoid a lane collision.

    Hope you're better soon @girlwithcurls2 -- my time for The Crud is usually when all the college students arrive in the fall. I think the regular chlorine rinse has helped me avoid getting a cold in the last year. Also knocked back my usual spring hay fever.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    Nice long swim this afternoon - 3km in 62 mins then a further 550m mixed. Felt good to just have a nice long unbroken swim rather than sprints etc. Will try to do this once a week.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Haven't swum in over a week. Lost my mojo, enthusiasm, everything.....
  • dlmciver
    dlmciver Posts: 149 Member
    Got my mole on yesterday and today. Some new tunes mixed in on Audioflood. I was in the zone and am so grateful. Two per lane ! A dream !!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Haven't swum in over a week. Lost my mojo, enthusiasm, everything.....

    Oh emma... :( You have had so much going on with injuries, pressures to perform, etc. Make sure you cut yourself some slack. If one of us was feeling like you are, what would you tell us? Be kind to yourself. I'd hate to see the joy sucked out of swimming for you. You've got a whole fan club here, you know. From around the world!! :heart:
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    2.5km this afternoon - pool was a bit warm so everything was a little sluggish
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Haven't swum in over a week. Lost my mojo, enthusiasm, everything.....

    Oh emma... :( You have had so much going on with injuries, pressures to perform, etc. Make sure you cut yourself some slack. If one of us was feeling like you are, what would you tell us? Be kind to yourself. I'd hate to see the joy sucked out of swimming for you. You've got a whole fan club here, you know. From around the world!! :heart:

    Dear Emma, sorry to read this.... I agree with everything girlswithcurls said, you do have a lot going on. Maybe you should take a break and get back to swimming when you are ready. We'll be here waiting to find out about your awesome swims when you get back in the water.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    1550 41:43

    @emmab0902 @girlwithcurls2 is completely right. Swimming is a tough sport. Sometimes we need some time and space to rest before getting back in.

    I don't know YOU, particularly, but there are people whom I love quite a bit from whom that sort of talk is also a concern about various mood issues where some TLC from self an others can be a bit of a help.
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    I went back to the pool today after two weeks out. I was just not feeling it the last few weeks and when I got in the pool at 6:00am today, I still wasn't. I swam for about 50 minutes of mixed sets and it seemed really really slow, even for a turtle like me. On the plus side, the morning lifeguard was giving me grief about laying around in bed and acting like a snowbird, etc. I've been swimming in that pool a long time now and it's always a nice feeling to know that somebody notices you are missing.
    Welcome back mpeters!!!
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Swim lessons 1500m of torture. The pool was really warm today so it was a real struggle to get through it and had a bad case of heavy legs.
    Loved the last drill. Stroke Efficiency. You do a timed 60 strokes and then stop.
    Measure out your approximate distance and time to figure a distance/stroke/time ratio.
    Yep there are days like those! You just push through best you can and wait for a better swim next time, and focus on what you need to fix/ maintain especially when you're tired!
    39:51 1500 yds.

    In the "How to make a swimmer giddy" department:

    Woman in gym: Hey, I was reading Swimming to Antarctica. Have you read it?
    Me: Oh yeah, it's awesome. Lynne Cox is amazing.
    Woman in gym: It made me think of you when I was reading it.
    Me: (a rare moment of speechlessness)

    Now you guys see my workouts and know I'm totally not in Cox' league, but woah...
    UG77 wrote: »
    60 mins, 30 laps (1500m)

    I just wasn't feeling it today on my swim. Today was the day I had hoped to break 33 laps to ready 1650. I'm not sure if it is because the intensity of my cardio on my non swimming days has picked up, I added in a mile walk with the dog after work, or simply because it's the end of the work week and I'm frankly a little tired and worn out.

    It also reminded me that I'm getting somewhat caught up in performance which it is really way to early for. I'm better served to remember that 3 weeks ago I was completely sedentary, and 2 weeks ago I decided to change that.
    Not to worry. It will take awhile as your body adjusts. Give it time. You'll look back and be amazed at how far you've come, and the work it took to get there!
    60sPanda wrote: »
    Nice long swim this afternoon - 3km in 62 mins then a further 550m mixed. Felt good to just have a nice long unbroken swim rather than sprints etc. Will try to do this once a week.
    I'm the opposite - trying to bring in sprints into my routine to break the long swims, and hopefully build up my anaerobic fast twitch muscles!
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Haven't swum in over a week. Lost my mojo, enthusiasm, everything.....
    A break is always good. Just time to rest your body and heal!

  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited February 2016
    Back in the pool to start the week!
    2.5km in 57 min.
    After the last swim last Thursday (which was sprints) my body felt sore throughout the rest of the weekend especially my legs! I guess I use my legs a lot more during the sprints than I do with the long swims!
    But the rest did help, as the swim felt quite relaxed today!
    Not looking forward to all the gasping at tomorrow's sprints! :o