Did you swim today?



  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    4 miles this morning. Planning another 79 laps after work to make it a 10km day.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    54 laps/ 72 minutes
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    1200 31:31

    It snowed and we were late out of the gate. I do not complain, as my husband's workout this morning was shoveling so I could have the car to get to the gym. But on contemplating the Ancient Equation (Swimming>NotSwimming) I figured I'd just enjoy a short workout.
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    Had three days out of the pool and excessive intake over the weekend resulted in last night's swim being cold and slow. 2550y, 61 minutes.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    4 miles in the morning. Life interfered with yesterday's plan for extra laps after work. But it is looking like I just might get it done today.
  • PulpFaction
    PulpFaction Posts: 15 Member
    1600m in 40 mins:
    300 warm up
    100 kick
    4x100 IM
    200 kick
    4x50 free on 60s
    100 kick
    100 freestyle drill
    200 warm down

    I had a break over the long weekend and celebrated my friends wedding and was surprised how happy I found myself today to get back into the routine of swimming and healthy eating (and no alcohol for a while!)
    Unfortunately the new togs I bought are chafing under the arms so it looks like I will have to put my old perished pair over top.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Good swims abound. Very inspiring ... Thanks everyone.

    Good luck with the stuff that keeps up from swimming too - dads, dental work, driving thru the snow, and all sorts of other distractions! Which pool do you get it swim in London Alicia?

    I was back in today - 35 mins or so, lengths not counted.

    Ok - people who regularly wear headphones in the water . 2 questions a) how do you keep them in??! b) how do you remember your lapcount/routine given any thinking brain space now in listening mode? (The finger counter you use has died twice on me soon after purchase FishG..)

    I have no idea how fast / long /good my swim was - but I could tell you all what happened in the story I was enthralled by !!
  • dlmciver
    dlmciver Posts: 149 Member
    I twist my Audioflood ear plugs counter clockwise until they feel firm. I have arranged songs in my playlists by beats per minute, regulating my pace.Sprints are mixed in. I had to count laps for each playlist, but now just maintaining the pace set by the music, I know lap count.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Swim Lessons today. Legs are still a little heavy after my Half Marathon on Sunday.
    1200m of Mixed Stroke drills. Was a good workout - ten people over 3 single lanes so a little crowded - 4 in my lane. The price of being one of the faster swimmers.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Today was a trail run. Getting ready for the Shamrock Run. My sister and I decided to aim high and sign up for the 15K (???). Took leave of our senses. She's willing to gift her entry to my 19-year-old, but holy heck... that girl better slow down and stay with me, or else just run her own race and meet me at the end.

    @girlwithcurls2 You can do the 15K. Just don't try to set any " World Records " . Shamrock Run = Free Beer After? I just finished my first HM - didn't set any records, but had a lot of fun and set my PB. 21.1 km in 2H:13m = 6.20/km. I was 2nd in my Age Group - of course there were only 2 in my AG so guaranteed Placement Medal as long as I crossed the finish line.
  • 60sPanda
    60sPanda Posts: 303 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hello everyone - still haven't been swimming but Dad is now out of hospital which is good.

    On the not so good side I also went to see a specialist yesterday about some hand and arm pain and apparently this is due to a thoracic outlook restriction something or other which the Doc believes was brought on by my sternum injury last September. The Doc made me do some simple movements to test flexibility (which I was fine with) but this morning my sternum is painful again, so I will stay out of the water for another few days to rest it. Physio is not booked for another couple of weeks though, so when I do swim again it will be "light swimming" if there is such a thing :)

    And as for the five people circle swimming - to me that is more the norm than the exception - its OK when everyone is roughly the same speed, but gets painful when there are faster/slower swimmers - luckily the lanes are large enough that you can overtake whilst circle swimming provided there are no swimmers that are flaying their arms about.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    12x50 mixed on 60
    8x125 20 seconds rest (3 breaststroke 2 backstroke 3 freestyle)
    10×50 pull odds free evens breaststroke
    4x100 free on 1.45 all sub 1.25

    My coach is trying to start teaching me how to learn my pace and get better at keeping a steady pace.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    1450 38:35

  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    @gentlygently we are swimming at the Olympic park. It looks like a gorgeous venue, I am going for the experience, I certainly won't be coming home with any medals like emmab! There are time cut offs and I am pretty comfortable for my backstroke and for the freestyle it is a bit of an unknown. My first official races are coming up next 2 weekends. This weekend I'm swimming in 2 relays and the weekend after that individual events (100IM and 100free)

    @60sPanda sorry to hear about your arm and hand problem. Weird how it was related to your earlier injury....

    There was swim practice last night but no swimming because we had to do the team photo and it actually took an hour! Who would've thought it took 60 minutes to get 50 swimmers to sit/stand still.....
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Was able to get back again after work yesterday to make it a 10KM day.
    4 miles this morning.
  • nuffer
    nuffer Posts: 402 Member
    A nice brisk evening and much better pace. 2700y in 61 minutes including 200y of kickboard/fins.
  • aliciamariaq
    aliciamariaq Posts: 272 Member
    By 6pm this evening the European Masters had reached its maximum capacity of 14,000 swimmers. Sadly, I didn't get my entries in on time... Registration opened on Monday at noon. Oh well. At least I hadn't booked my flights and accomodations yet, some of my teammates had. Only 4 out of 18 managed to get in before the cut off.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    By 6pm this evening the European Masters had reached its maximum capacity of 14,000 swimmers. Sadly, I didn't get my entries in on time... Registration opened on Monday at noon. Oh well. At least I hadn't booked my flights and accomodations yet, some of my teammates had. Only 4 out of 18 managed to get in before the cut off.

    Oh bugger am gutted for you :cry:
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    No swimming today BUT just booked flights and accommodation for the Australasian Police and Emergency Services Games in Australia in October. And entered the World Masters Games to be held in New Zealand in April 2017!
  • AquaticQuests
    AquaticQuests Posts: 945 Member
    edited February 2016
    Wow great swims everyone.
    Been swimming but haven't checked in this week.
    Swam Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
    Been feeling more tired than usual last 2 weeks and struggling abit with motivation, but my times have been pretty good!
    Tuesday, did 3 sprint sets with some kids and their coach after my swim - had planned on my usual 2.5km but ended it 2/3 of the way through as I felt exhausted and out of it - then a coach asked me to join his trainees in some sprints!

    I had stopped sprint sets towards the end of last year after a health scare that had me at the ER after one of my sprint sessions, which turned out to be no cause for alarm.
    So I think I might be do some training with them, to keep things interesting and improve my speed!