MFP LaVuelta Signup/Discussion Thread



  • Kupe
    Kupe Posts: 758 Member
    Sorry team 2. I don't think I'll be riding today, 9/6 or 6/9 for you UK folks. Hard thunder storms here today, I completely imploded on yesterday's ride and today is my day to transition from a normal day routine to my night shift routine. It's a big km day for the challenge and I feel like I'm leaving you folks in a fix.

    We are once the block already, son now it is just sticking it to the other teams. So I wouldn't worry about it. I know how ****ty the transitions can be and how they wreck your body clock. Take it easy and go with the flow.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Oh god please make this madness stop...

    Today's ride nearly broke me. I knew I was on a "Jour Sans" within 5 miles of leaving the house. Was passed by one of the local club "social" rides and I didn't have enough in me to get on the back for a while. From there it just got worse... 50km into the ride I just had to get off, sit on a convenient bench on the village green and eat my "for emergencies only" Clif Bar. This is 40km from home BTW, so I was expecting a rough time. 10k down the road I passed a guy with a big box of apples out the front of his garden, so I grabbed a couple of them as well... Just about got me home.

    Can't work it out, I've been keeping my intake up - indeed whereas pretty much everyone on this challenge seems to be posting weight losses in my newsfeed I've gained around 4lb since the start of it! - but today, there was absolutely NOTHING in the tank.

    Feeling fine now I'm fed again, but hope tomorrow I'm not suffering again. Still - only tomorrow before the rest day, then only another 5 days straight and i've ridden all three tours. #neversurrender
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Oh god please make this madness stop...

    Today's ride nearly broke me. I knew I was on a "Jour Sans" within 5 miles of leaving the house. Was passed by one of the local club "social" rides and I didn't have enough in me to get on the back for a while. From there it just got worse... 50km into the ride I just had to get off, sit on a convenient bench on the village green and eat my "for emergencies only" Clif Bar. This is 40km from home BTW, so I was expecting a rough time. 10k down the road I passed a guy with a big box of apples out the front of his garden, so I grabbed a couple of them as well... Just about got me home.

    Can't work it out, I've been keeping my intake up - indeed whereas pretty much everyone on this challenge seems to be posting weight losses in my newsfeed I've gained around 4lb since the start of it! - but today, there was absolutely NOTHING in the tank.

    Feeling fine now I'm fed again, but hope tomorrow I'm not suffering again. Still - only tomorrow before the rest day, then only another 5 days straight and i've ridden all three tours. #neversurrender

    Wow. That's not like you. You're not coming down with something are you?
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Oh god please make this madness stop...

    Today's ride nearly broke me. I knew I was on a "Jour Sans" within 5 miles of leaving the house. Was passed by one of the local club "social" rides and I didn't have enough in me to get on the back for a while. From there it just got worse... 50km into the ride I just had to get off, sit on a convenient bench on the village green and eat my "for emergencies only" Clif Bar. This is 40km from home BTW, so I was expecting a rough time. 10k down the road I passed a guy with a big box of apples out the front of his garden, so I grabbed a couple of them as well... Just about got me home.

    Can't work it out, I've been keeping my intake up - indeed whereas pretty much everyone on this challenge seems to be posting weight losses in my newsfeed I've gained around 4lb since the start of it! - but today, there was absolutely NOTHING in the tank.

    Feeling fine now I'm fed again, but hope tomorrow I'm not suffering again. Still - only tomorrow before the rest day, then only another 5 days straight and i've ridden all three tours. #neversurrender

    Wow. That's not like you. You're not coming down with something are you?

    Well - it wasn't bad enough to keep me from doing another few Km's to get over the 100, and get to the pub for a few beers....
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member

    Wow. That's not like you. You're not coming down with something are you?

    Well - it wasn't bad enough to keep me from doing another few Km's to get over the 100, and get to the pub for a few beers....

    Nice. :drinker:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    They make em hard where I come from Dean...
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    It's been a lot of riding essentially without rest Mark, bound to have an effect sooner or later. I know I have felt it the last two days and have kept my rides shorter and with less intensity. I'll give it a good go tomorrow and then look forward to the bliss of just putting my feet up all day on Tuesday :smile:

    Have you checked out your Fitness and freshness chart on Strava? My form of -68 is saying Tuesday can't get here soon enough!!!
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Take care Mark...

    Team FDS will be happy to know that with my rides logged from the weekend, not only will we be back in the black, but my slice of the pie will be back up to par... Cheers to all and thanks for covering my km's while I was sick...

    Heads up I won't be able to ride on Wednesday, our youth group at church has started back up...
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    Well Team Four - after being sick and then our Pack's Annual (and very late in the season) Family Camping Weekend, I think I'm back and can ride after tommorrow. My fingers are crossed that the weather will cooperate better so that I can finally get some miles and climbing in for Team 4.

    We have had a very wet summer and fall in our area. We even had a half hour hail storm at camp. It was a shame I couldn't bring the bike. I was very tempted as we had a really nice 15 mile paved trail passing our camp site. But I decided it would be really bad form for the cub master to take off during a record setting family camp. We have 18 boys in our pack at the moment and 15 of them with their families came. I came home on Sunday and slept for 4 hours and then was in bed again by 9 PM. They wore me out. And the Boy Scouts wonder why I'm counting the months until I'm out of the Pack in February. I can't keep up with a bunch of hyper 8 to 11 year olds.

    The good news is I discovered one of our families has a team for the local diabetic bike challenge. I'm planning on joining their team and riding to support a cure for them with a bunch of fund raising. That will help keep my miles up over the winter and the summer.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Team Pastana - apologies for weekend & Monday absence - had so much on at weekend, I need work to have a rest!!

    Hope to be back cycle commuting the rest of this week and then should be getting my new bike on Saturday morning, can't ride it till Sunday though as have a band gig Sat afternoon and out in the evening. But maybe, just maybe, I might get one ride in on my new bike on the last day of the challenge :-)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Hey Team Pastana,

    I found a place that will rent bikes for an affordable price so I think I can get in some miles even though I'll be gone for a conference all week. yeah!!! It won't be a lot of miles since I'm not familiar with the Indianapolis area but it will be some. See you guys on Wednesday. :happy:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Hope everyone had a relatively easy and benign "rest day" yesterday... mine wasn't quite as planned...but at least I didn't actually ride the bike - just spent a couple of hours cleaning, washing and moving things around so I could get a start on working on the "bike cave"... At least the horrible wallpaper has (mostly) gone now...

    Bike Cave phase 1... Loose the wood chip.

    (It came off in pieces approximately the size of a postage stamp, and left a residue on the brickwork that can only be removed by wire-brushing. Lovely.)

    So, what with that and a spot of hospital visiting, fixing my mates computer and bike (again) and yet another visit to the gardens of remembrance to practice my flower arranging again, it wasn't exactly a text-book "day off"
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Sorry guys. No ride for me today. I went to the rental place and they were closed tighter than a tick on a dogs rump. I'll try again tomorrow. This stinks being out of town and needing a rental bike.
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Hope everyone had a relatively easy and benign "rest day" yesterday... mine wasn't quite as planned...but at least I didn't actually ride the bike - just spent a couple of hours cleaning, washing and moving things around so I could get a start on working on the "bike cave"... At least the horrible wallpaper has (mostly) gone now...

    Bike Cave phase 1... Loose the wood chip.

    (It came off in pieces approximately the size of a postage stamp, and left a residue on the brickwork that can only be removed by wire-brushing. Lovely.)

    So, what with that and a spot of hospital visiting, fixing my mates computer and bike (again) and yet another visit to the gardens of remembrance to practice my flower arranging again, it wasn't exactly a text-book "day off"

    Bike Cave looking very different to when I saw it - didn't you have appliances in there as well?? Starting to take shape
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    other than the old kitchen units, all there is in there is a big fridge/freezer (the silver thing in bottom right of frame) - that's getting re-located behind where the door is I think, door re-hung on other side of it's frame (or removed completely - I haven't decided) - still trying to decide if I like the "bare-brick industrial look" or if I need to get the plasterers hawk out...
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    still trying to decide if I like the "bare-brick industrial look" or if I need to get the plasterers hawk out...
    I'm just wincing at the thought of your bar tape and/or saddle getting scuffed on the bare brickwork #Ouch!
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    hmm... upholstered "leaning rails" - chunk of mdf wrapped in wadding, with some leather stapled over them, screwed to the wall at the appropriate levels (one behind each bike) - but as I say, still not 100% what to do...
  • eaglelakebill
    eaglelakebill Posts: 120 Member
    Team 4,
    It seems the past 2 weeks long work hours and the sun going down earlier have conspired against me.
    I really would like to have logged more miles and climbed many more feet.
    I do feel however that you have all inspired me greatly and my cycling fitness as a noob has increased quite a bit in the past 3 weeks. I will not be riding today as i have another long day at work and tonight i will be making the 3 hour drive up to the Adirondacks after work. Tomorrow will be a rest day for me to prepare for the 66.5km cycling event with 663 meters of climbing that i will be participating in this Sunday in Schroon Lake, NY. This event will be my longest ride yet with the most climbing i have ever done on a single ride. Here is the link for the route:

    My only question is now that i have the cycling bug what the hell am i supposed to do over the tough northeast winter??
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    My only question is now that i have the cycling bug what the hell am i supposed to do over the tough northeast winter??
    Shorter, more 'intensive' rides outside (when the weather allow) & Turbo training (Sufferfest videos, Strava Videos etc.) :wink:
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Team 4,
    It seems the past 2 weeks long work hours and the sun going down earlier have conspired against me.
    I really would like to have logged more miles and climbed many more feet.
    I do feel however that you have all inspired me greatly and my cycling fitness as a noob has increased quite a bit in the past 3 weeks. I will not be riding today as i have another long day at work and tonight i will be making the 3 hour drive up to the Adirondacks after work. Tomorrow will be a rest day for me to prepare for the 66.5km cycling event with 663 meters of climbing that i will be participating in this Sunday in Schroon Lake, NY. This event will be my longest ride yet with the most climbing i have ever done on a single ride. Here is the link for the route:

    My only question is now that i have the cycling bug what the hell am i supposed to do over the tough northeast winter??

    Bill, no worries on the miles, we all do what we can, when we can. I told you you'd be able to do the 66k ride, good on you for signing up for it!!! You'll do fine :smile:

    As Cloggsy said, shorter rides and turbo training for the winter. Also make sure you get some good winter cycling clothes, they are very effective and so long as it's not snowy/icy out you will have no problem riding in temps down to freezing. (that's my personal limit but I know plenty of nut jobs that ride at arctic temps!!