September check-in and chat.. lift like septimus prime!



  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Good workout this morning.

    Workout A (Wed)

    Dumbbell Skis - 5 x 25 - 40

    Bench press - 5 x 5 - 100

    deadlifts 5 X 1 - 165

    squats 5 X 5 - 195

    Reverse curls - 5 x 5 - 100

    Overhand bicep curls - 5 x 5 - 140
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    the last one was questionable at best but I got it up

    is it just me who snort/snickers every time someone says 'get it up'? i had a chance to say it in the gym today to some random guy, and then suddenly i *really* wasn't able to get it up. too much energy going to giggle-control.

    :laugh: I think our inner 12-year-olds would be BFFs.
  • laraeverhage
    laraeverhage Posts: 53 Member
    Second workout of September. These weights are starting to get heavy! I just posted my Sept goals. If I keep going linearly, I'm going to be getting really close to my 1RM for some of these lifts. We'll see how it goes.

    I'm still only taking about 90 sec. between sets. The first set of squats seems tough, but then by the last one, it seems easier. I requested a spotter for bench press today, but then didn't have much trouble with the weight. I think I'll keep finding a spotter for the bench, though.

    I'm sort of warming up, but not sure what exactly I should be doing with the warm up. I'd love to hear strategies. Right now, I'm at 105# squats. So I did 1x5 with an empty barbell, then I added the 25# plates and did 1x3 at 95#. That's a pretty significant jump, though, and not much difference between the warm up and the work sets.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    the last one was questionable at best but I got it up

    is it just me who snort/snickers every time someone says 'get it up'? i had a chance to say it in the gym today to some random guy, and then suddenly i *really* wasn't able to get it up. too much energy going to giggle-control.

    :laugh: I think our inner 12-year-olds would be BFFs.

    heehee I was giggling while I wrote it.

    @lara I just start with the bar and then add one plate at a time till I get to my working weight. There is very little rhyme or reason, its just how I roll. I would suggest maybe adding in a 10 lbs plate so that you go 45lbs, 65lbs, 95lbs just because that first jump is a little steep.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    First September lifting session this morning--I was planning to do one on Monday, but decided to be lazy as sin instead. :happy:
    I feel much more rested and ready to go by having taken that good rest day though, so I don't feel guilty. :wink:

    Workout B today:
    Squats: Warmup, then 5x5 110 lbs
    I'm increasing the weight again; I had taken so much time off in July that I deloaded in August. Previously I had gotten up to 135 lbs, but I don't think I was squatting deep enough, so it was a good idea to deload and work on form.

    OHP: Warmup with just the bar, then 5x5 55 lbs. I had gotten to 55 lbs previously but couldn't get the 60, so here we go again!

    Deadlift: 95 lbs, 2x5. Again I am just now letting the weights go back up on this lift due to some lingering elbow pain and I don't want to push too fast!

    I also did some heel raises and lunges (standard, reverse, and side) plus good mornings, 3x10 at 55 lbs.

    Finished up with some time on the elliptical to keep my knees loose, since tomorrow is a running day.

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    @lara, I use this website that someone had posted on another thread in this group:
    Choose Program 2, then you can select the lift, and enter your working weight, and it gives you warmup sets.
    I like this so I don't have to pay the $1.99 for warm up sets on the SL 5x5 app.
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    Today was not a good lift day. I went backwards on some of my lifts.

    Was lifting 110 bench, no problem last week, today failed the last rep on the first set and dropped it down to 105, which felt tough. I was like :huh:

    Failed last rep of second set at 115 on row. My rows are off the floor (I think they are suppose to be raised up a bit, but I have nothing to raise them with). Think I'm going to be on 115 a while.

    Squats were 155 last week, felt good. Monday, felt good. Today, it was a struggle. I took much longer rests between the last few sets.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Today was my weekly HIIT workout. 41 minutes of 30sec jog/60sec walk. I think I got a little sun burnt.
  • CoadyMarie
    I skipped last week because I strained something in my back, got back to it Friday and promptly skipped Monday - great start to the month, sigh. Deloaded on everything because of the break.

    Squats: 5x5x75, but form didn't feel great. I wish I could get this right - I've been lifting since May and I feel like I've gone nowhere on squats and deadlifts

    OHP 5x5x50

    DL (sumo) 1x5x65, 1x3x85, 1x1x95. Maybe I'm doing too much warmup here?
  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    This week needs to go by faster! lol

    Squats: 5@60,70,80,80
    OHP: 5@45,45,45,50
    DL: 5@70,85,100,115
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Deadlift day
    45x10, 135x5, 185x5, 235x3, 270x3, 300x4

    Paused deads
    135 3x5

    Box hyper

    Prowler sprints x10

  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    @lara I just start with the bar and then add one plate at a time till I get to my working weight. There is very little rhyme or reason, its just how I roll. I would suggest maybe adding in a 10 lbs plate so that you go 45lbs, 65lbs, 95lbs just because that first jump is a little steep.

    That is how I do it. 45, 65, 85, 105, and i'm at a working weight of 125 now. Then its not as much of a shock to my muscles.

    A day
    Squat 125 5X6
    bench 73 5x5 only missed one rep the last time i did these but i still struggled to get the last one up. But will try for 75 next time, its only an extra 2 lbs... right...
    row 83 5x5 felt good will move up to 85.

    hip thrust with 3 second pause on last 4 of reps of each set. 75 3x10
    kettle bell swings 40 3x20
    single leg box squat 3x8
    side lying hip raise.. ofda 15 each side. legs were cramping when doing these.

    ended with pull up progression 2x10. Should get the new bands soon, Waiting for the perk app to get to $30 so i can get them off amazon. Should be there in another day :happy:

    One of my wonderful clients is moving and she has an elliptical that has been used maybe for 5 hours total and she would give me it if i wanted it. Would i use it sure, i like a little cardio but there is no room in my home gym. I have a treadmill already in there that isn't really getting used till winter again.
  • TravelsWithHuckleberry
    Workout B (Day 8)

    - Went back to incline leg press today, which was actually fine given the fire in my quads that all my recent biking is causing.
    1x5 @ 180 lbs.
    1x5 @ 270 lbs.
    5x5 @ 335 lbs.

    1x5 @ 40 barbell
    4x5 @ 15 lb. dumbbells (15 lb. each arm, not total)
    - Using dumbbells for OHP is just brutal. I feel like I'm arching my back too much and I'm super aware of the strength disparity in my shoulders. They make me grumpy. 30 lbs. barbell is still missing. I asked some of the folks that work at the gym and they couldn't help.

    1x5 @ 95 lbs.

    Have my second torture session (aka deep tissue massage) on my shoulders tomorrow. :) The first, plus my mobility exercises, has already made a big difference. Barbell squats, here I come!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    - Using dumbbells for OHP is just brutal. I feel like I'm arching my back too much

    try locking your solar plexus muscles (like you're about to be punched in the gut) and tightening the crap out of your glutes. i find i do best with ohp when i almost feel like i'm catching the weight of the bar 'in' my glute muscles . . . which is ridiculous, naturally, but that's how it feels. or as if i'm actually shoving against the bar to push myself downwards, into the ground. compared with just standing around with my feet on the ground and using my shoulders to push the bar up.

    course, i say that . . . but i think i did hurt my right elbow/biceps somewhere today helping that woman who fell, so i'm not sure how much i'll be able to walk my own talk for a while.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Felt like crap this AM. Started out sluggish, but I'm actually just downright exhausted. My sleep schedule is taking a while catching up with my waking up at 5. And I've been having a hard time controlling the hunger that comes with the tiredness and since I have some processed carbs in the house? Not good. I did manage to NOT get delivery last night and made myself dinner, so yay?

    Bench Press actually went okay, although I was shooting for a little more?
    107.5x9 (wanted 10 :()

    Then did some assisted pull-ups with my red and black band and managed 10/8/10 (I thinks, second set might've been 7). I was shaky at the end of the last set. Ugh.

    Power cleans 4x3 @ 75 EMOTM

    Finished with a OH Squat, single arm DB snatch and push-ups metcon and scarfed down a Quest bar instead of a muffin. I need me some moar foods naw. *drops to the floor*
  • SkepticalOwl
    SkepticalOwl Posts: 223 Member
    the last one was questionable at best but I got it up

    is it just me who snort/snickers every time someone says 'get it up'? i had a chance to say it in the gym today to some random guy, and then suddenly i *really* wasn't able to get it up. too much energy going to giggle-control.

    :laugh: I think our inner 12-year-olds would be BFFs.

    Heh. Heh heh heh. Heh. <My inner Beavis (or Butthead)>
  • symba1130
    symba1130 Posts: 248 Member
    Workout B today (Day 10)

    Warm up 5@45, 5@65, 5@75
    5x5 @ 80

    OHP 5x5 @ 45 (back to the bar, I was using 30 and 40 lbs a week or 2 ago to get better form)

    DL 1x5 @ 135

    Abs, Abs and more Abs!

    And its season opener for the Seahawks today! Yeah! Go Hawks!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    oh wow, i'm so glad that's over.

    workout b:

    squats: warmups @whatever . . . i forget. working sets: 8x8@65lb. i got them done, but i was pretty much gassed out by the end and i think my other lifts suffered a lot. i am SO ready to 'deload' back to 5x5, even if it is 5 pounds more. i know it's going to FEEL like a deload.

    ohp: messy again. three or four warmup sets at 40lb, probably too heavy for just a warmup. when i got to the working sets, i did i don't know, maybe 5 sets of 5 @ 45, maybe a couple more. i think i had intended to do 7x7 but it wasn't going to happen. to make up for it a little i went back later and did 2 sets of pullups with 75lb assist . . . so basically 50+lb worth of pullup. the overhead presses that i got done were pretty solid though, compared with my previous form for this one. i'm trying to make myself lower the bar slowly instead of just dropping it, to get a little more juice out of each rep.

    deadlift: i did 3 singles at 110 early on, while waiting for the rack to free up, because there was a fixed-weight bar that size kicking around on the floor already. but the time it was work time, i knew my legs were mush from the squats, so i backed off to 95, with the bar maybe an inch or two too low, and did 8 single reps.

    feeling kind of sad. workout b is my favourite, and i feel like i did a moderately crappy job with the whole thing.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Squat Day: warm up then 145 lbs x 5, 165 lbs x 3 and then 180 lbs x 3 I was surprised I got 3 I only needed to get 1 so woot woot go me :D

    Straight leg DL 95lbs, glute bridges 95lbs, and burpees. With the usual 10 reps each in a circuit for 5 sets.

    I also ran/walked at lunch for 3.5 km. Average pace was just under 8 minute km so I call it not too bad for how much I did not feel like running.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout A today....

    Squats 115 lbs 5x5; think I'm going to stay at 115 for at least one more day.
    Bench 60 lbs 5x5; will probably try to go up to 65 lbs next time.
    Rows 60 lbs 5x5; these were tough but will try 65 next time. A guy at my gym corrected my form a bit, so hopefully that will help with 65 lbs.