Beginner Team Chat Board



  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    So I lost track of my mintues - my fitbit tracks them for me. I know I took a lazy weekend (its fine I still made my times).
    - I did my C25K training Monday night 32 minutes there and last night 29 minutes so cardio 61 - ugh I gotta step it up :/
    -Then Tuesday was strength training of 33/34 minutes- plus my bring sally up challenge after my C25K training (I love how hard it is after I run. crazy right?) 3 minutes there twice. so 40ish minutes

    We need 100/55 I'm at 61/40. I think its time to make all workouts 45 minutes per day
  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    So I am struggling this week to get my minutes in. It has been cold and rainy most of the week here (I am in central Texas dang it - we should never have weather like this!). I am at 53 for cardio and 0 for strength (unless I can count the 3 minutes of planks I have done so far for planksgiving). I do plan to do the character and physical fitness challenge tonight, so maybe that will put on goal for cardio. I do have a party to go to Saturday so I will try to do all my strength on that day to earn extra calories.
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    thump419--how far along are you in the C25K? Are you liking it? My husband and I just finished it, and now I'm too wimpy to keep up with it, because I hate both 1) running outside when its cold (ouch lungs) and 2) treadmills. I've moved onto aerobics classes, but want to make sure I keep the ability to run over the winter (so I can pick it up in spring again) I'll have to take advantage of nicer days and maybe deal with the treadmill a time or two. ;)

    Sounds like you're doing great with your workouts, and you'll get there this week. And if not (though I don't want to enable you, LOL), there are usually some overages hanging around in the group.

    Right now, I have 130 cardio and 73 strength, with plans to do my punishment tonight, designs on a 1 hr body combat class tomorrow ( maybe Saturday morning as well), and my planksgiving to do everyday. So I'll be adding quite a bit to those totals and have plenty to share!
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    So stress has been getting the best of me again. I've noticed on the scale even with my calorie intake on point. These past two weeks have been a killer but I've managed to make my numbers but not at my standards. I've been aiming for as high as the advanced team whenever possible but these two weeks I've felt overwhelmed with time and was getting lazy. Last night I reached exhaustion and couldn't exercise at all. Today was a new day and went it my massage appointment and came out a new person. Picked up my daughter, put her down for nap and exercised. Got my cardio up with two days left (plane leaves in the afternoon) and one exercise video away from strength. Punishment, character video, and Carol fit test all complete:) which brings me to the next fit test. I've come along way but I have a lot to go. Last January I couldn't even do a squat without crying for my knees or walk fast paced without huffing and puffing. So here are my results:
    (Walk bc my knees) 1 mile 14:35
    20 1/2 push-ups ( got get arm strength up to save my 3yr old from zombies)
    40 squats
    30second plank
    Flexibility :( -2 1/2 in. ( must work on this)

    I will be on vaca next week so my numbers won't count but I will try to keep up and post just to stay in my zone
  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    So after completing the fit test, I am thinking I need a pre-beginners group.
    1 mile: (walked) 19:42
    pushups: 10
    squats: 45
    plank: 11 seconds
    flexibility: -4 in
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    I love the C25K program!!!! I learned how to run 2 years ago that way. Then I tore the cartilage in my hip and I was down for the count. I had hip surgery last August to correct my hip issues. I just started week 5 and I learned something last night that truly surprised me. I need new running shoes (mind you mine are new) my foot didn't stay still inside my sneakers which made my run so much harder. I was running bare foot for the last two weeks since I made a small track inside my house. When I laced up my sneakers 5 minutes of running and I was begging for a break. Bare foot and I can run forever :'(. I knew I'd need really pricey running sneakers before I finished the program, for my hip but I never thought I would need them to keep my foot in one place. Next week Sayville Running Shop and I have a date!
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    AnutChelle and Bmercy21--great job getting your fitness tests in! I hope that you are not as sore tomorrow as I am today! I think this is a fabulous thing to have done so we can all look back later and see how we improve.

    Bmercy--enjoy Disney!

    thump419--definitely invest in good running shoes, professionally fit to you--hope that running shop is one where they will measure you, watch you walk/run, etc. I treat myself to that twice a year, and it is totally worth it! Keep up the great work! I also learned to run (starting from absolutely HATING running) about 5 years ago. Stopped when I had my first daughter, started again a year or so after, then stopped for my second baby, and now I've just finished it again for the third time. Each time I do it, I'm amazed at how far we can come in such a short time!

    In other news, I now have rugburn on my elbows. #planksgivingproblems
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    @Julebg79 .... when i started my running in 2012 it wasn't a problem. But now it's very clear it's not the same. This run shop is good one of the top in the country. Most of my runner friends go there. I definitely need this.
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    julebg79 wrote: »
    In other news, I now have rugburn on my elbows. #planksgivingproblems

    Haha, me too! coconut oil & aloe vera to the rescue. Those 2 point planks are killer - anyone got an alternate that's still challenging but doable? Not sure I'll be able to get past 20 seconds....

    Also, I'm at a huge surplus for both cardio & strength if anyone needs them - just let me know.

    Nice work all you C25Kers. I'm not far behind you. Our booster club at the high school will be hosting our first ever 5K in March and I really don't want to embarass my kid!

  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    maphammonds--today, i laid my winter coat under my elbows. Helped a bit. I will have to do the coconut oil thing (don't have any aloe, though). Also, I definitely recommend the C25K for your run in March. Start training in January (or sooner), and you'll be good to go! I couldn't believe when I actually ran my first 5K without a walk break...I was the kid who took the fitness test in elementary/middle school with a 20+ minute mile!

    Just finished Day 7 of Planksgiving (one week done!!!). I also have problems with the 2 point plank. For those, as well as for the plank walks, I'm holding the plank position from my knees to elbows instead of toes to elbows. That's the best way I can think to modify it but still have it work. I couldn't even stay up in the 2 point from my toes--i just fell over!! As these times go up significantly, I may need to modify more of them to the knee position, but for now, those are my hardest two.

    thump419--have fun shopping!
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
  • teresastr51
    teresastr51 Posts: 16 Member
    I was traveling for work this week so couldn't check in but thanks to this challenge I was up early to get my exercise in. I did the punishment and did the Beth activities--mountain climbing and the Denise Austin yesterday and today so I have the numbers and requirements. I really would have liked to do Carol's fitness test but not enough time to go do the mile with the activities today. I may do it any way next week. I can't say that I have underestimated myself but I am definitely improving and getting stronger. I will stay with the beginners for now.
  • DucMouse
    DucMouse Posts: 113 Member
    I am checked in and ready! Week 4 in the books :-)
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    I checked in but think I just realized something I have been doing wrong... I have not been doing the punishments... well week 2 we won... and week 3 we were second.. but I thought only last place has to do the punishments... now I think i was wrong?
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Just checked in. Despite my promises, it came down to Saturday for me to do the character challenge again. I don't know if thats good because it means I'm dedicated enough to get it in, or if it means I'm pathetic because I have nothing else going on on a Saturday night! Lol. I did great with my cardio, and am thankful that the character challenges pushed my strength numbers as I struggle there.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    For those feeling guilty about the punishment, its only 4 minutes this week. Still time to get it in :)
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    Week 4


    Character Challenge--No

    Work/Life/Sick hubby got in the way this week. Sorry Team. Next week will be back to normal ( I hope...)

    I'd like to donate my very small overages to my teammate list above... might not help much but its something

    Beginner/ Maggie (Beth this week)

    Cardio 111/100
    Strength 72/55
    Calories YES
    Character Challenge YES
    Punishment YESSSS

  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    jamielynnmobile wrote: »
    Week 4


    Character Challenge--No

    Work/Life/Sick hubby got in the way this week. Sorry Team. Next week will be back to normal ( I hope...)

    I too would like to give my overages to our teammate above...
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    One team member left this week, 3 were no shows for the 2nd week and assumed to be eaten so they dont count against the team this week.

    You ended the week with one member on sick leave (doesnt count for the team) and 2 no shows for the 1st time.

    Thats pretty good team!!

    Remember if you arent going to have enough minutes, ask your team for help. I can only award the extras from teammates if they donate to others and they dont know to donate if you dont tell them you need help.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    edited November 2014