Beginner Team Chat Board



  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    I am over on cardio and even on strength training. I workout every day so I will definitely have more by Saturday. I have completed my character challenge as well! So I'm good for the week!

    As Kristy said, please don't forget to let your team know if you need minutes. Between the whole team there is always lots of extra minutes floating around. :) Btw. I feel like everyone did a great job requesting help last week! I think we all work really well together! Keep up the good work team!
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    Any ideas for punishments for next week? Everything looks torturous to me so I don't feel like I'm any good at judging what is considered "punishment." Lol. What looks like a punishment to me is a walk in the park for intermediate and advanced!! Lol.
  • teresastr51
    teresastr51 Posts: 16 Member
    In reviewing my protein, I think I was doing pretty well most of days meeting what MFP set for me but in looking at the Lean Body Calculator, I think I need to up it.

    So for cardio, I am walking, some running, plus I do the Boot Camp Challenge app (by LOLO). I love the app because I do it anywhere and it lets you tell it what equipment you have available plus it links to MFP so it uploads the workout for me. Since I just started back to working out regularly at the end of September, I am on the beginner level but it has intermediate and advanced settings so I'll be doing it for a while. It has 18 days per level but I am doing beginner until the end of the year. I do it 3 times a week. It's a different workout every time. I also have the 7 Minute app by LOLO that I do on the alternate days.

    I also got the Beat Burn app (also by LOLO). It allows you to upload your music and will change the tempo to match your activity--walking, run/walk, or running. I haven't used it as much but I really like it.

    For strength training, I am also using apps by LOLO--Easy Arms, Easy Legs, Easy Abs, and Killer Butt. I do 2 a day so I'm giving each muscle set a day of rest in between. I really like these as well. You can set a level as well as the length of the workout.

    And now with this challenge I am doing the character challenge at least once but usually twice. I love this week's for Carol. I used my kettle bell instead of a pumpkin. I am soooooo glad I signed up for this challenge. It has really kept me motivated to not miss a workout. As a matter of fact, it has me planning ahead. I have to travel next week for work and will not have an opportunity to work out on Monday. Sunday is usually my day of rest but I am going to do Monday's workout on Sunday so I can be sure I don't miss any.

    If anyone wants to try any of the apps, they offer a free version of the strength training ones. They also offer these in bundles if you want to upgrade.

    And I can't wait for this week's episode!!!

  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    thump419 wrote: »

    Is anyone doing the punishment?

    Yep, I've done the punishment 2x, and my character challenge 2x also. I'll add another character challenge tomorrow (didn't even think to do that!)
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    I have got half my workouts in. I really need to work tonight , tomorrow, and sat to catch up.
  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    thump419 wrote: »
    hey everyone. I made all my challenge goals yesterday!!!! so at this point ill have extra of strength and cardio workouts.

    I don't know if we can do this but I also did the Beth, Carl/Michonne, & Judith aside from my own. So if you missed you character challenge I'll lend those too. I need to get a pumpkin so I can do the two workouts that want a pumpkin. I'm loving the Halloween style challenges.

    Is anyone doing the punishment?

    I did the punishment. It was not as easy as I expected it to be. I have done my character challenge and I did the one for Judith as well. I am only halfway on my cardio which I will finish up on Saturday and I should have all my strength in by tonight.
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    Ok, so our punishment is on my agenda I guess for tomorrow... it looks like a killer.
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    How about one of these?
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    I like 'em!
  • jamielynnmobile
    jamielynnmobile Posts: 68 Member
    Those look great! BTW Happy Halloween everyone!!
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm great for cardio, and pretty close on strength. I just need to get my character challenge squeezed in. Probably tonight after the kids go to bed so I can work of the day's chocolate! I'll post my numbers in the morning so that there will be plenty of time for people to coordinate sharing. I haven't done the punishment yet, but I think I will. Looks like some pretty good moves.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Oh as for protein, great timing! I was just last week looking into the best numbers for me. I was surprised to find how low I was looking back through past diary entries. But I've been good at paying more attention to it this week. More lean meats in my meals, and I've added new snacks to my rotation like beef jerky and think sliced ham. My sodium has gone red for it though, lol.
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    I like both of those, great finds, Bmercy21 !

    We will need them both for the future, because we will be victorious each week. ;-) However, when we eventually assign the second one (the kettleball workout) we may have to specify reps/sets or whatever they're called because it doesn't really say how long or how many times to do each exercise.

    Happy Halloween everyone! The scariest part of this day for me is the giant bowl of candy in my kitchen, waiting for the trick or treaters. It watches me when I walk by and I think it has actually called my name once or twice. Must. Resist. .....
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    So how is everyone doing? Ready to turn in some great numbers tomorrow?
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Happy Halloween! Watch out for the walkers

    By the way I am back on track with my work out minutes...I was starting to worry not doing as well this week but catching up.
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    I will have alot of extra cardio and maybe like 5-10minutes extra strength training if anyone is in need! Just let me know!
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    I am way over on cardio this week thanks to my daughter's birthday; she wanted to go to SkyZone, which is one of those indoor trampoline places. I slept good that night!

    Still not there on strength but once I do tonight's workout I'll be over goal. And hopefully I'll do more tomorrow so I'll have some to spare and share.
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    How's everyone doing this week?
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I had to do the pushups on my knees (hope thats okay) for the Daryl pumpkin video, but it just got me to my strength numbers. Barely. The night's not over, but I wanted to post what I had just to have it in.
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    edited November 2014
    Just about to post my weekly efforts to the scoreboard. I think we were supposed to post our strength training regimens on here, so here is mine...I do mostly floor exercises (crunches, etc). This week, I started the shrinking jeans thigh challenge:, so I've been doing that everynight (week 1 is takinga bout 3 min/day). On top of that, I did the Sally Squats once more, and then I am counting my yoga as strength, as well as part of my body combat classes, because there are certain tracks that are basically all squats and lunges, as well as a toning session at the end.

    Cardio: 203
    Strength: 93

    I'm willing to donate any extras. I also finished my Carl challenge this morning. Was hoping the 4 year old would be into joining me, but she just laughed at my dancing instead! And I laughed at my husband's. Hehe.

    CindyB97--SkyZone is AWESOME, and a great workout, to be sure!

    ETA--I like BMercy21's punishments for when we win, but would choose the first one because not everyone has kettleballs, or access to them (including me).