Beginner Team Chat Board



  • AnutChelle
    AnutChelle Posts: 51 Member
    Brussels Sprouts are awesome! Even my granddaugher loves them. Of course, it's all in how you prepare them. Our favorite is quartering them, drizzeling with EVOO & Parm cheese and roasting. My MIL will only boil them - they're not so bueno that way! I've heard they're pretty easy to grow, might try that in the garden next year.

    On another note - Plansgiving is getting really tough, but I'm sure feeling it in my arms!

    I think the roasting them with the EVOO & Parm cheese is the way to go. I will give this a shot.
  • ashleigh315
    ashleigh315 Posts: 87 Member
    1. Be like Tara: I'm encouraging my husband to eat healthier and two friends along a 30 day workout challenge that we're doing all month.

    2. Be like Eugene: It's time to stop putting it off! I'm going to try a few different classes at my gym (cycle fit and yoga at the least) and pick at least one to stick with!

    3. Be like Abraham: I want to be a mom! My husband and I will start trying to conceive in the next few years and I don't want being overweight to make it difficult for me to get pregnant. I don't want to be miserable my entire pregnancy because I was already self concious before getting pregnant. I don't want to gain an extreme amount of weight during pregnancy and have to work even harder to lose it afterwards. I want to be healthy not just for myself, but for our future baby.
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    I'm happy to report I killed my strength minutes already! I upped my daily workout from 30 minutes to 45 minutes (dying to be able to go an hour again) so with 2 strength training workouts I 100 minutes.... I can finally really help our teammates. I'm at 95 minutes cardio so tomorrow I'll be at 140. then with Saturday after that being a strength training day I have plenty to share. I'm proud of all my teammates for making it this far!
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    1. Be like Tara: i discussed with my co-worker to start logging back into mfp since she has been off for awhile
    2. Be like Eugene: i made tofu successfully this week. I have always wanted to eat tofu but haven't been using good recipes.
    3. Be like Abraham: Mission is to be healthy and feel good. Motivation is my kids. I would like to break the cycle of diabetes, high blood pressure in my family
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I know Cindy apologized for not being as inspired this week, but I think this challenge is great. Its nice to get to know more of you!
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'll try to get my minutes posted early tomorrow so I can share better. I am always way over on cardio but I report pretty late (usually because I wait to the last minute to do the character challenges lol) so I don't have time to share with people. I think I'll hit my numbers today though.
  • CindyB97
    CindyB97 Posts: 146 Member
    Wow, from all the comments it appears our team is on fire this week! I am already over cardio and strength (yay! for not waiting until the last minute to do strength!) so if anybody is short I will be happy to donate. All I have left to do this week is two more rounds of the punishment. I am taking it easy today because I feel a cold coming on. Hopefully the zinc lozenges will help.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    Well I only have 50 minutes Cardio banked and NO strength - BUT I will do my strength workout tonight. I have a list of ball exercises, plus the Zombie Punishment to do - so that should take care of it. For the Cardio - I will tell my hubby we need to go to the shops tonight... that will take care of the missing 60 minutes - Ill walk it.
    - Should be able to post tomorrow afternoon for all items.
    - Calories are WELL within goal this week
    - and I completed the Everyone challenge a few days ago....

    GO TEAM!
  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    Hey Beginner Buddies - I'll have 75 minutes of strength and 72 minutes of cardio over what's required. If any of you need some, message me by 9am Central Saturday morning and I'll donate so nobody has to forfeit points. I also did the punishment, even though I was exempt, so if someone needs that, let me know.

    I haven't hit my planksgiving wall just yet, but I see it looming in the not too distant future. Plank walks are killing me (have to break them up in to bite size chunks), and the planks with donkey kicks have my booty & hamstrings on fire!

    It was nice getting to know everyone a little better, thanks for sharing! I think we'll all be ready to move up to at least Intermediate for part 2 of the season.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    So far I have lost three pounds in the last few weeks. I am happy to be in this group to keep me in track
  • Bmercy21
    Bmercy21 Posts: 88 Member
    edited November 2014
    :'( Scared to weigh in tomorrow! Flight home soon and without counting calories and no set workout regimen I'm worried! I had gained a few lbs before vacation with all the stress I had so hopefully I won't be that far off
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    ok so done my stuffs...
    I have an extra 30 minutes Cardio to give to whomever needs it,.
  • julebg79
    julebg79 Posts: 377 Member
    edited November 2014
    Agree with you guys==even though I've been a bit quieter than normal this week, I really enjoyed reading everyone's challenge write-ups!

    This week, I am at 179 cardio and 86 strength so far, and with my workout planned for tomorrow, I expect it will jump to 229 and 105. So let me know if you need any extra.
    Punishment was completed tonight (OH MY GOD, I HATE BURPEES MORE THAN ANYTHING EVER! I had never done them before this week.) Doing well on calories so far, made up for my chocolate binge earlier in the week with a kickboxing class today!
    Plank walks are killing me (have to break them up in to bite size chunks), and the planks with donkey kicks have my booty & hamstrings on fire!

    Agree re: plank walks. They are really hard for me, too. I altered mine to be knee planks with the walk and it made it a bit better. Still had to break it up, but better...
    I feel my Planksgiving wall coming soon, too.

  • LouLouBeans
    1. Be like Tara: even when I’m not feeling my best, I always try to take time and reach out to my MFP friends daily. I went through so many struggles with staying motivated and staying on MFP, and even after almost 6 months away, I still had people who kept me on as a friend and welcomed me back on Day 1 (Attempt #5!). Every now and then I will see someone who posts that they are really disheartened or struggling, and a quick note to them can sometimes mean all the difference. I also have friends who are ultimate badasses, who hike crazy areas or are almost ready for their first full marathon. I love reaching out to them to let them know how proud I am of them!
    2. Be like Eugene: I haven’t taken a photo of myself in almost 2 years- when I was about 40-50lbs lighter. As I’m on a 50 day login streak, I thought today might be the day that I post an actual photo of me, and quite frankly I’m terrified. It’s hard for me to even leave the house sometimes, simply because I don’t like people looking at me and thinking I’m a larger girl than what I should be. So, baby steps, with a photo.
    3. Be like Abraham: First and foremost is to be healthy. I found a new love in weight lifting and feel like a total different person. My planking game puts my boyfriend to shame. So in the grand scheme of things, my overall mission is to maintain this awesomeness. However, I do have one other little goal: my boyfriend and I are both cosplayers and attend Japanese anime conventions. The character I will be dressing as next year has a very specific outfit, and requires a dress. The only one of its type that I could scrounge up is a few sizes smaller than what I’m currently at, but not so far away that it’s unattainable.
  • teresastr51
    teresastr51 Posts: 16 Member
    1. Be like Tara: take the time to encourage a friend or a stranger on their fitness journey.

    I have encouraged my husband, who has run a number of half and full marathons this year. And am now encouraging him to add some cross training in.

    2. Be like Eugene: plan to try something soon that would usually intimidate you and share what that is with your team.

    So I am struggling with this one. Really committing to this effort has been a major step for me. I was really afraid that I couldn't keep up but have been excited to make it so far.

    3. Be like Abraham: being on a mission helped him stay focused and it literally saved his life. Share with your team what your mission is. What keeps you motivated to work towards a more fit self?

    My mission is to be healthier period. I lost about 110 pounds with Weight Watchers but started gaining 10-15 pounds back each year. This year was worse as I had both a back and knee injury that kept me from exercising more than once a week for almost 3 months. So many issues are tied to my perception of myself and my weight. I want to do what I can to live as long as possible for my son who is developmentally disabled. I also feel my career advancement is better if I am healthy.

    The other thing I want to say is that I appreciate this challenge so much because it has helped me start to make better habits that I might not have stuck to without it.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    Late log in but got my scores reported before midnight. Did well enough with cardio and strength all week. Had planned to do punishment today but I got an offer for a night out I couldn't pass up and got home way too late to get it in. Sorry team :(
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I know Cindy apologized for not being as inspired this week, but I think this challenge is great. Its nice to get to know more of you!
    I'm glad everyone liked it! I didn't feel very creative last weekend, but I see that it definitely helped us all to get to know each other better!
  • LisasRoadtolosing100lbs
    do we have any ideas for our punishment that we will be dishing out this week?
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    New challenge is posted. Have a great week everyone!