Welcome and intros



  • pabscabs
    pabscabs Posts: 61 Member

    I'm Paul (friends call me Pabs). Like Jon I'm an adult onset runner. I had always hated running when I was younger especially laps of the pitches during training. 40 years old, three young kids.

    I've only been running 3 to 4 years with a lot of different races and I completed my first marathon just over a month ago. Finished a little disappointed at myself by going out too fast and giving myself a tough last 8 miles even when I knew not to.

    I'm now determined to go again and improve my 4:38 time. I'd welcome advice on how to improve. I used the run walk method during early training and progressed to constant running. I love running long and getting away from it all, not thinking about anything.

    I'm currently trying to improve my pace over longer distances using tempo runs and Fartlek but for some reason I seem to be getting slower. I'd welcome any suggestions of training plans to follow or general tips of how to keep the love when trying to improve?

  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Perhaps you are over training. What does a typical week look like for you?

    I'm Paul (friends call me Pabs). Like Jon I'm an adult onset runner. I had always hated running when I was younger especially laps of the pitches during training. 40 years old, three young kids.

    I've only been running 3 to 4 years with a lot of different races and I completed my first marathon just over a month ago. Finished a little disappointed at myself by going out too fast and giving myself a tough last 8 miles even when I knew not to.

    I'm now determined to go again and improve my 4:38 time. I'd welcome advice on how to improve. I used the run walk method during early training and progressed to constant running. I love running long and getting away from it all, not thinking about anything.

    I'm currently trying to improve my pace over longer distances using tempo runs and Fartlek but for some reason I seem to be getting slower. I'd welcome any suggestions of training plans to follow or general tips of how to keep the love when trying to improve?

  • pabscabs
    pabscabs Posts: 61 Member
    Thanks @schmenge55, I appreciate any insights. I've been running for a while but in reality I don't know that much about it.

    My typical week is as follows (keep in mind I use running as transport to work quite a lot). This is a week when I'm not training for anything in particular.

    Monday (cycling, 14 miles) - slow cycle 10-12mph
    Tuesday (14 miles running - 7 miles to and from work)
    Wednesday - Off
    Thursday - (7 miles run - Fartlek or tempo, 7 mile cycle)
    Friday (7 miles - run, 7 mile cycle)
    Saturday - Off
    Sunday - Long slow run (any where from 10 to 16 miles) I drop down distances every 2nd week.

    When I'm training for a race I reduce the miles to and from work and stick to the plan I'm using. this is not everyweek but it's typical.

    To break up the 7 mile runs I change what I do in each journey to work or home. Sometimes I might just do a tempo run for 5 miles and walk the other two. Some weeks I will cycle in on Wednesdays and do hills at lunch instead of running the 7 miles in. I go with however I feel.

    Just to give you an idea of the pace. Before the marathon I'd run the 7 miles easily in 9.5 min miles that's without trying. One of my 7 mile runs recently was 11 min miles. I'm overweight but that hasn't changed and I'm not injured in any way.

  • Time2Thrive
    Time2Thrive Posts: 161 Member
    My wife and I are sitting out to receive the Goofy medals in 2014. In order for that to happen we will be completing our first marathon in 2013. We have done several halfs in the last few years.

    Now it is time to take on the next challenge. Feel free to add me and join me in this journey. I'll be blogging about this journey and am on myfitnesspal often.
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member

    I am a marathoner! I ran my first full marathon this fall. I trained for the NYC marathon but ran the Harrisburg PA marathon instead after NYC was cancelled post-Sandy. I have been running for about 3 years and run lots of races from 5K to half marathons throughout the year.

    Next year I will be running 2 marathons and am starting training at the begining of the year to improve my half marathon time to keep me warmed up before I start full marathon training again. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • fasterandbetter
    fasterandbetter Posts: 101 Member
    Hi I am Driss, I have run two half marathons, first one in august 2012 in 1h59 min (9 min pace), second a month later in 1h41min (7:43 pace), in december I ran a 10 miler in 1h13min (7:20 pace), I am training for my first Marathon in March 2013.
  • CDRunner77
    I grew up a heavier guy, 250 + through most of high school. I lost enough weight a few years ago to enjoy running again. Finished my first half in May 2011at Fargo (3:43) and am training for my 2nd in March of this year in Wilmington NC. Initially my goal was to beat my first time, but I had to take 3 weeks off of training in December due to a medical issue. Now struggling to reset expectations.

    I really enjoy the meditation that running provides, as well as the personal push that it gives me. I am hoping to keep running as I love it and will use it as my main source of calorie burn to keep a healthy weight.

    Looking for friends to support and share wisdom :)
  • caramia311
    caramia311 Posts: 49 Member
    Bump -- running second marathon in NYC this November. Looking for more runner pals on MFP -- feel free to add me!
  • RobfromLakewood
    Hello All,

    I'm Rob, from SoCal, about 15-20 miles southwest of Los Angeles. I did the Los Angeles marathon 4 times, in the four hour, nine minutes to the four hour, twenty-three minute range for them. I gained A LOT of weight and took off 55 pounds in the last 6 months. I started back into running and plan to hit the Long Beach marathon. Only running 3-6 miles at a time right now, about the nine minute mile mark.

    I joine d this group today and am interested to see what it's all about.
  • rockyfunk
    rockyfunk Posts: 8 Member

    Newish to MFP and running the Chicago Marathon for the first time this October. I came down with a bad case of Plantar Fasciitis after my last half marathon and am hoping that losing some weight will help. I could stand to loose a good 30 pounds before the big day. I'm here just looking for others with the same weight loss goals who also love running.
  • meow_meow_meow
    meow_meow_meow Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Tina. I ran the 2011 Paris marathon in 4 hours 58 mins and had high hopes for running more and improving my time, but have suffered with hip and knee problems since then, so unfortunately am back to square one. I'm looking to not just lose weight on here, but improve my fitness and general health too, and get back into running :)
  • stlvulpix
    Hello! I'm Lauren from St. Louis (but moving to Atlanta soon).

    I ran the St. Louis and Chicago marathon, and various half marathons. I was getting ready to do my first sprint triathlon a few years ago. But then I got into nursing school and I had no time for anything (barely even sleep). So I'm about to graduate and more than eager to get back to long distance running and biking and swimming this summer.

    Feel free to add me!
  • ShinyDragonfly
    ShinyDragonfly Posts: 301 Member
    Hello! My name is Christine but I like Chrisy. I'm starting the C25K this week and I plan on running in the Boston Marathon 2014. Rather than breaking our spirit these people have only inspired us to stand together and train harder. I'm beyond excited! :) Any tips?
  • MrsLRob
    MrsLRob Posts: 2
    Hi all, 27yr old Mum from UK. Training for my first marathon in Edinburgh in 3weeks time.. Eek! X
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    Hi, I'm Angela and I'm a Taurus who likes long walks on the beach and beautiful sunse...oh wait, wrong group. ;)

    I, too, am an adult onset runner (jogger). I started to run two years ago and in the process, loss 87 lbs to help with my battle against arthritis and fibromyalgia. I've run 2 10-mile races and 4 half marathons in the last 12 months with some scattered 5K's here and there. My ultimate goal is to run and finish the Philadelphia Marathon on November 17, 2013.

    Looking for some support, some guidance and some tips to help get me through these next few months of training. Staying positive!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    The name is Daniel and I'm a non-recovering runner. *waves to the group*. I started down this dark road last August when I went for a run around the block instead of going to the gym and using the treadmill. Who knew the road just went on forever out there? I had no idea.

    Since then I've done a few 5ks and figured out what to do with the chip part of the bib and decided that the bib won't look good on you no matter where you pin it. I'm currently training for a half marathon that will take place June 9th and after that? Well, a friend is talking me into doing the Dallas Marathon in December. I'm sure I'll cave in and do it since the challenge does sound fun.

    I'm currently running 40 - 50 miles a week. This half in June should go well even though it's my first one. I've done the distance 7-8 times already and this last weekend's 14 mile run I ran at about an 8:27 pace. Even with that I'm still a bit unsure about what running 26 miles will be like. I did a 15 mile run last month and I have a 15 and 16 mile run coming up these next two weekends but 26.2 miles still sounds crazy to me. I have this amazing 10 mile stretch of trail I could run up and down but that would only be 20 miles. That's still a full 10k short of the full thing. I'm sure I'll feel different about it in the future but for now I can safely say all of you are crazy. CRAZY!!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I’m Shelly. I had a few fits and starts in college, but running didn’t really stick with me until about nine years ago. I was bathing suit shopping, caught sight of myself in a three way mirror, put the bathing suits back and bought a pair of running shoes instead. I’ve always been pretty thin, but that was the day I discovered I was not completely immune to the aging process and needed to actually put some work in before things got really scary.

    I’ve run 15 to 18 half marathons, and trained for four full marathons, although I’ve only completed one – I tend to injure myself. I’ll be running my second full on June 2nd. I love, love, love trail running though – and live in the ideal place for that – and hope to compete in my first trail half marathon in October.
  • flexdirectcpr
    flexdirectcpr Posts: 103 Member
    I'm Sue Ann. I am 36 and I am a new runner. On March 10, I weighed 274 pounds, I could only run a minute without stopping and I smoked 1-1.5 packs of cigarettes a day. When I stopped smoking, I was able to add considerable time and was able to run my first 5k on April 27th. I ran a 2.62 mile fundraiser run for Boston on May19th and have a 5k this Thursday. I have already booked a 10k for June 8th and the Savannah, Ga Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon this November. I used to think I would never be able to run a lap. When I was able to run a mile, I started to believe I can do anything. If all goes well, I plan to run my first marathon next March.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    My name is Dave and I'm a Marathon Maniac.


    I started running in January 2010 when I figured out a 40 minute run burned as many calories as a 60 minute cardio-kickboxing class. I ran my first 1 mile race in February, 5K in March, 10K in April, Half in August, a 25K in September, a 50K in October and qualified as a Marathon Maniac in December 2010. Work commitiments limited my running last year so this year I am trying to make up for lost time. So far in 2013 I have run 6 marathon/ultras and have plans for at least 5 more. I am going to spend most of the summer building up for a BQ effort at Ventura in September. I feel confident I can get under my qualifiying time but I think I will need additional buffer time to register this year. After that I am targeting a 50 mile race in January.
  • LuLuRunner1
    LuLuRunner1 Posts: 329 Member
    HI...I'm another adult onset runner. I always secretly wanted to be a runner, but could not run from one driveway to the next. About 2 years ago, I started running the down-hills on a hilly little 2 mile stretch, the down-hills only slowly became the down-hills and straight-aways. I then decided what the heck, give it a shot and run UP those hills, too. I still didn't really consider myself a runner until about 6 months ago when I moved and started adding mileage to my runs. It was then that I realized that I was hooked!

    I love running for the fact that I can eat a lot more food than if I wasn't running. I love running to eliminate the stress in my life. I love running because it allows me to have conversations with myself. It clears my head and my heart. I have found I love running in the rain almost more than running in the sunshine. I love running along on the shoreline roads seeing nature at it's finest and have found I hate running along with traffic.

    I love talking to others about running. I want to hear their past experiences, both good and bad and share inspirational quotes and stories. Please add me as a friend. I definitely need to keep this motivation going.

    I've run one 1/2 marathon and have signed up for another, but I am training to switch that one to a marathon if I can.