Hufflepuff Common Room



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Ouch! @BMcC9! That's a killer work out, well done! Are you sore today?

    Not so bad today, actually! I guess what with being in my fourth month of Boot Camp, I have toughened up :bigsmile: Fortunately, my legs have always been strong. If it had been Wii 10-min boxing followed by "weights night" it might have been a different story (my upper body being much weaker in comparison:blushing: )

    But Nothing like the day after days 1 and 2 of my FIRST 4-week session :laugh:
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    Ouch! @BMcC9! That's a killer work out, well done! Are you sore today?

    Not so bad today, actually! I guess what with being in my fourth month of Boot Camp, I have toughened up :bigsmile: Fortunately, my legs have always been strong. If it had been Wii 10-min boxing followed by "weights night" it might have been a different story (my upper body being much weaker in comparison:blushing: )

    But Nothing like the day after days 1 and 2 of my FIRST 4-week session :laugh:

    now that I've done tpday's 30 mins of step, yes I AM a bit sore! no bonus OWL today :cry:
  • cowsstealmythong
    cowsstealmythong Posts: 173 Member
    Its great to see so many of you doing well!

    I've had some very stressful days, and that means stress eating. :( I feel like I'm never ever gonna begin to lose weight living here. It's just too stressful of an environment for me. :( But I guess that just means I have to work twice as hard.

    I went out and bought me some new walking shoes (even though I probably shouldn't of...) :D Gonna try them out tonight.

    Hope everyone has a rockin' weekend!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    I slept till after 12 noon, so had brunch instead of lunch. That means no NEWT today. :cry: And I was sooooo close to a perfect record:sad:

    BUT if I flip the perspective, I DID meet the NEWT and Exercise-OWL challenges 6 out of 7 days - :bigsmile: So, all in all a great week.

    AND today is my 40th logon in a row.

    I have a big question - given that I have a minimum of 25 pounds to go, do I keep my focus on getting the fat burned on my non-boot camp day. by keeping on with the balance board-on-top-of-step-bench trick, or risk lessening the sense of progress while giving myself more variety?

    I've hit this problem over and over in the past. Too much emphasis / not enough variety in the cardio-fat burning (when my legs are cardio are already my strong point.) vs feeling that I am not doing enough to bring the numbers on the scale down if I I split the focus and put more time on upper body, core, and flexibility. Or is that just an excuse for becoming bored with no variety :huh: At least boot camp is always completely different combinations each time.

    OR can someone with Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports give me some workout suggestions that will both keep the fat burning AND expand the variety? I admit that I prefer Wii-type exercise to DVDs of any kind, because the "trainer" in the Wii will not move forward until you do, while a DVD will just keep on going, even if you are sitting on the couch reading a book.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Got my bike ride in before the thunderstorms. I shouldn't be complaining too much mind you, as the rain felt great. Maintained weight this week! Will have to try harder next week! Off to see the Avengers tomorrow.

    BeeJ Awesome workout, and as far as your dilemma I would try to focus a day on upper body/core/stretching, for a variety. If you start to maintain, then you know you need more aerobic activity. When I was using the wii I usually spent the first 10 minutes warming up with the the balance activities, and then about 45 minutes of activity...stepping, hula hoop, rhythm boxing and biking and then usually finished with some yoga.

    Jenn...let me know if you like the NROW4W. I have been thinking about starting it when I can get back fully to weights. I know how you feel...Love my bike as well!

    Moe Summer will be here before you know it, and I see a wii board in your future!

    bumflap great job with the shoulder presses!

    Lisa Enjoy those walking shoes and walk away that stress!

    Suzie great to hear from you, sounds like a delicious weekend planned!

    Dani-Sorry to hear about your sister, I hope things will work out for the best. I think it is great you have a walking buddy at work to get some activity in. Isn't it a pain about work and computers considering I spend more time there than at home! Most people at my job get around it by using their phones. I am just waiting for them to get smart and banning cell phones out of the work areas! I have been looking at the fit bit for a birthday present (not until July)...It looks neat...I am afraid I would lose it though! I have lots of BBQ like that around me, I steer clear from as well. I don't think the BBQ itself is bad, as long as you eat it in moderation, but those hushpuppies...YUM!
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    I don't have time to update or read everyone's notes right now but I got my regular work out plus an extra hour or so! I went on a lovely walk with a friend today. Ahhh she's still here, gotta go! Hope everyone's do well :3
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hi all, well even though I did splurge a little last night (went out for pizza with hubby) and today (mom made YUMMY corned beef and cabbage dinner, complete with 2 desserts), I did get a great run in this morning with same hubby. Then to get my extra 10 minutes in, I decided to finally use the new jump rope I bought 6 months ago that has never been opened. I thought it would be a nice way to get 10 minutes of extra activity in......OMG....never did I dream how hard it would be, really jump started the ole' heart. Will definitely start adding a couple of minutes of that into my daily routine. Tonight is the super moon, so everyone get out and look at it 8 )....see ya'll tomorrow.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    For my extra 10, I played a round of Wii golf, and set a personal best score!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    I admit that I prefer Wii-type exercise to DVDs of any kind, because the "trainer" in the Wii will not move forward until you do, while a DVD will just keep on going, even if you are sitting on the couch reading a book.

    Hey, have you tried Gillian Michael's circuit-style DVDs? I recommend 30 Day Shred because it's got 3 20min workouts, which progressively get more difficult and you can decide which you do depending on what you feel like. But it's 30 seconds of each activity repeated twice, in approximately 6 min circuits. I find that they are less boring than a lot of my other fitness DVDs because they're not massively long. I tend to fit them in with 10 or 20mins of a good bit from another DVD. I used to use the Wii fit plus but since starting some of the DVDs and actually going to the gym, I don't think I get much out of using the Wii, although I'll admit that the balance in the yoga is interesting...and I really like that game where you have to run across platforms without falling down holes or getting whacked by a swinging ball!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    I admit that I prefer Wii-type exercise to DVDs of any kind, because the "trainer" in the Wii will not move forward until you do, while a DVD will just keep on going, even if you are sitting on the couch reading a book.

    Hey, have you tried Gillian Michael's circuit-style DVDs? I used to use the Wii fit plus but since starting some of the DVDs and actually going to the gym ...... I don't think I get much out of using the Wii, although I'll admit that the balance in the yoga is interesting...and I really like that game where you have to run across platforms without falling down holes or getting whacked by a swinging ball!

    I do have the Gillian Michaels Front and Back dvds. (and some others by various people) that are gathering dust. Maybe it is being tied the the TV that I am actually getting bored with .... I agree that the Obstacle course is fun, and that Wii Fit Plus was not intended or designed for "serious exercisers" (that's what EA Sports active is for) but trust me, when you put your balance board on top of a 6 inch step-bench THEN do 3000 or more steps in 30 mins (and often 2 sessions in one night) you DO work hard.

    And I tend to need some sort of indicator that reminds me when I am just "going through the motions", or I won't push myself. DVDs are just not meant to do that.

    and I am starting to hit a "don't want to have mini-apple and cheese stick for PM snack AGAIN! :grumble: ?

    AND >>>>>>> I sound just like the kind of people who "yes, but [excuse / excuse / excuse] when THEY post asking for motivation and then shoot down every bit of advice than comes their way :blushing:

    I started a "lose 5 pounds in May challenge" ... after shedding 2 pounds the last week of April, 1 gained 1/2 pound through the first week of May. WHAT at way to start a month and a challenge! :sad:

    Here endeth my rant for today. Thanks in advance for replying / supporting / motivating :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    GM, well after telling everyone to go out and look at the super moon last night, I totally forgot..8 ( It was supposed to be spectacular, maybe tonight it will be too.... Overall I had a good week, even with splurging a little on Friday and yesterday, still tried not to go way overboard., and I am down 1 pound...very happy with that. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. I played all day yesterday so today must clean, grocery shop, etc., Ugggh, then another work week, why do the weekends seem to go so darn quickly?
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening Hufflepuffs. Today I did no exercise as I still ache from Friday's cocktail-fuelled dance mania. I am spending Bank Holiday Monday with my niece; I'm thinking about taking her for a swim and then watching Drop Dead Fred with a tube of Smarties. Hope you're all having a great weekend.
  • Molly_Louise
    Molly_Louise Posts: 503
    Hi everyone!

    I'm sorry I haven't been a good head of house, please bear with me. I have just a few weeks of sixth form left before summer and as of 5pm on June 1st I'll be the best head of house ever! If I don't post for a few days on end, I am still alive and well and of course thinking of you all, I am just under a lot of pressure right now. I didn't get the chance to weigh in today so I will do it tomorrow, though I am expecting a gain based on my stress levels alone! My weight loss is going to have to sadly come second for the upcoming few weeks, purely because I have a lot of work to do and I don't need any more stress from making good food choices! This isn't good, I know, but as of 5pm on June 1st it's a brand new start for me.

    Well done to those who lost weight, maintained or gained as appropriate! All weights must be posted by Monday night! :)

    Tomorrow is a public holiday here in the UK. It'll probably rain, in true British style, but I am visiting one of my close friends who has recently had major knee surgery. It'll be great to see her and we plan on having a relaxing, duvet day with a lot of movies :)

    Enjoy this last bit of the weekend everyone! :)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    For my "extra 10" I tried out the "trainer generated total body workout" on the EA Sports Active last night - not bad calorie burn for 14 mins :happy: . BUT got to round up my hand-weights before I do it again. Otherwise upper body work seems too easy.

    I still did my 30 mins high-level step, and also 2 extra-long dog walks over the weekend (even got some sunburn!)

    Today's the start of a new week - off to a proper breakfast start -- good combos for snacks and lunch on hand -- and may try to recreate some of my DVD routines in EA SPORTS, to get the best of both worlds.

    BTW, I am 25% up Mount Everest in equivalent "flights of stairs" (based on an avg of 88 or 89 flights per 30 min session on my step bench with Wii counting the steps)
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    Let my dork show.... I am now FINALLY on Pottemore... Username PumpkinScale23998.... We can have friends?! Join me! LOL! I gotta figure this out - Like I need more distractions at work!

    I am over the rain and crap weather here! Ugh!

    My son & I planted a veggie garden in a ton of planters yesterday. I am super excited... I always had a 'garden' at my house now having no yard... or dirt... I have a ton of planter... In all sizes... I am sure my neighbors aren't going to love my clutter of pots! LOL! He is super excited to grow 'salad' - the fact that we can just get it and don't have to go to the store. LOL! He doesn't like veggies, but loves a salad... covered in ranch!

    Yay! Monday! Have a good week everyone!
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    Awe Jenn that sounds really awesome, I hope your garden works out! The neighbours don't matter, a garden is the best! Your son sounds really cute too, grow a salad haha

    Start of a new week! I had a bad weekend but I've learned. There's going to be down parts but I can pick myself back up again. We can all do this :)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    I did my 60 mins of cardio step before supper, then after supper I did 10 minutes of rhythm boxing to work my arms .... and kept right on going for ANOTHER 28 minutes on other stuff, including golf driving range for the first time.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well today...getting ready to swim in a couple of hours and then going to vote. Not too many choices for me given it is a primary election but still want to exercise my right! Of course the big vote whether to abolish all civil unions, domestic partnerships, etc in a state constitutional amendment is on the table. Very nervous about the vote because people are spreading it would legalize gay marriage which is not true at all (it just keeps the door open to possibility). If it passes, the big impact would be that any 2 people living together (including men and women that have kids together) would lose all partner benefits, like insurance etc and would have to marry to retain the benefits. If it does not pass we would become the only southern state that DOES NOT have this in place. fingers crossed!

    Bumflap sounds like some great weekend fun

    Molly graduation will be here before you know it hang tough you've got this!

    Suzie-sounds like a lovely weekend missed the super moon as well. I agree with weekends---2 days of catching up is not a enough time to recover

    BeeJ great job with the wii fit! never used the golf range yet!

    Moe Mondays are a great time to start again You can do it!

    Jenn The garden sounds great! Your neighbors will be jealous once you are eating fresh veggies! I have peppers tomatoes onion and zucchini started this year for the first time! Already have flowers on most of my plants. Last year my lone tomato plant died of fungus. Lettuce is almost out of season down here due to the heat, but I want to grow as a winter crop. I love your sons idea of a salad. I think most kids start eating veggies the same way
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Jenn, I think your neighbors will love the little bit of extra green in the big city. good luck, I have never grown anything in pots, but have been thinking about it, as I think a whole garden would be too much for me....I have a hard time keeping up with a couple of flower beds heehee.

    I got out of work too late to go to Zumba last night 8( --sucks, I look foward to Zumba all day, but I had plans to meet my husband after zumba/work to go see the Avengers---Loved it!!! Will get home late tonight too, but am going to try to squeeze in some exercise when I get home.

    Have a great day everyone.--Suzie
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,424 Member
    My 1/2 pound blip worked itself off between Sunday am and this morning! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: (Talk about panic for nothing! :laugh: )

    Thanks to my 10 sessions of 30 mins on the Step-Bench, I am 31% (849 flights of stairs) up the face of Mount Everest - at this rate, I should reach the summit before the month is out! :bigsmile:

    My side challenge for Week 2 of the "Lose 5 pounds in May" Group is:

    "Week 2 Side-challenge -


    This week you are challenged to do something you have BEEN PUTTING OFF (PROCRASTINATING)!


    An extra .1 lbs bonus will be given for every team member who completes this task. Please make sure that it is something you can finish this week. Have a great adventure!

    (Some of you may argue that this is not a weight loss thing. However, as we look at changing our bodies, feeling better about things we have been putting off is going to help each of us feel better about challenges we will need to tackle in the future).

    Brainstorm with your team for ideas of what you can do.... "

    If this was you .... what would YOU get around to doing this week?