Slytherin Common Room



  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    Hello everyone. I've been so busy with work, will need to catch up to the challenge and earn more points! I won't let you down fellow slytherins :)
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Hi all, just got back from 3 days having fun in Seattle and Whidbey Island. I ate a bit more and had wine but walked a lot and did some hiking, only gained .8 lb hoping to lose it by next weigh in!
  • fefetwimom
    fefetwimom Posts: 28 Member
    i've been doing my exercises and all that. not really the challenges. last week i didnt lose but i didnt gain either. this week i managed to lose 4 pounds so yay. it helped strengthen my resolve even more now that i see theres a result showing. i was kinda getting depressed that nothing was happening. im going recipe searching today while my kids are with gramma
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Took me all week just to lose what I gained but I would rather be the same than gain!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    Maria: 0.8 is super good for a vacation. And it is already lost, so congratulations to you :)

    It was 88F today over here, attempted to run, but just couldn't. It is so funny, I ran through a Canadian Winter, and warm weather shows itself and I am incapacitated. Let's hope I get used to it!
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 234 Member
    I was looking at week 3, and found the info on her blog, here is a copy/paste

    WEEK 3 - 15th - 21st April

    OWLs - 2 per day for each day you complete the following, 1 per day if you make

    10,000 steps a day. If you have a pedometer / fit bit etc, use that. Otherwise on average, 10,000 steps is around 30-60 minutes of walking a day. 2 Owls if you achieve 10,000 steps or 45 mins of walking a day / 1 OWL if you make 5,000 or 23 mins.

    NEWTs - 1 Point per day for each day you do the following:

    Water - take 1 NEWT for every day you hit your eight glasses of water.
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Hey all. Just wanted to let you know that I am going to be leaving the group. For a while at least. I am moving at the end of June to be with my fiance who I met here on MFP. I am working 7 or more shifts per week to make as much money as I can before then and with trying to keep getting my exercise in to maintain my weight I don't have much time to do any extra as far as participation and keeping track of newts, owls, etc. Last week I had 4 nights where I only got 4 hours of sleep.
    I will see about coming back after I move, hopefully. It should calm down after that. lol You all take care and keep kicking butt. Good luck with your goals and efforts.


    Yukon, Oklahoma (soon to be North Ridgeville, Ohio)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Aww best of luck Troy and we look forward to your return!

    Hope you've all been doing well, I've been super super busy with work this week, my bosses have been over from head office and I've had board meetings galore!
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Take care Troy…give yourself some moments of rest….
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I can't believe it's Thursday already! Where has the week gone?

    I've been so slack with my exercise this week - next week I am going to pre-plan my weeks food menu and exercise and stick to it regimented! I have a wedding to attend in two weeks and want to drop some pounds before then!
  • fefetwimom
    fefetwimom Posts: 28 Member
    im dying to step on the scale. ive really felt like ive lost some weight. probably not alot but something. and i really want to step on it now but im stopping myself. indulged in mcdonalds today but not how i usually do. still too much but im working on it. i still have enough to eat a small dinner though so i'm happy. and i havent touched potato chips in WEEKS. im so very happy and im trying. once our living room gets done being rearranged ill have my treadmill back also. havent been able to do exercise on that so im trying to do other stuff, yard work, cleaning, hardcore gardening and my work each day to kind of keep some calories off.
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I'm dreading the scale this week - it's been a really bad one! :*(

    However I've made my 10,000 steps & water almost every day, woo!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Don't forget to log your deets people!
  • CivicSista
    CivicSista Posts: 459 Member
    :peeks head in:
    Just wanted to pop in and say HAPPY WEEKEND!!
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Happy weekend to you too!

    How is everyone doing anyway? It's all got quiet in here again, what can we do to get us all motivated (and talking!) again?
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Been a weird month. I looked back and I have stayed mostly the same all month...
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    I really struggle when my work life gets busy, which sucks!
  • music_bird
    music_bird Posts: 10
    Hi I'm Jamie. I thought I would join the Slytherin House.
  • fefetwimom
    fefetwimom Posts: 28 Member
    im here but yeah its been a bad week. after losing 5 pounds i got really motivated and then today and yesterday ive not done as good. i have done all the stuff and stayed under my calorie goal but it took me all day and i just dont feel like doing it.
  • hernandezcr87
    hernandezcr87 Posts: 2 Member
    i wanna join the slytherin house!