Slytherin Common Room



  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    We came 2nd in the Quidditch Cup last week, behind Gryffindor. YAY, congrats to you all for working so hard! But y'all know what the Gryffindor / Slytherin rivalry is like, let's try and beat them next week!


    Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • Vegastei
    Vegastei Posts: 47 Member
    So i want to start weighing myself only on the first of the month....the scale can ruin me :( . So my question is that going to mess up the spread sheet are the challenges weekly or monthly?
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Ahh, for your figures to qualify you'll need to weigh in weekly, otherwise your average the week you do weigh in will be crazy.

    Why do you struggle with weekly weigh in's? I used to weigh in every day, it was a nightmare!
  • Vegastei
    Vegastei Posts: 47 Member
    i like to see at least a 1lb loss and i know that it will not always be that way, so i figure if i weight in monthly i will see more nsv and not worry about what the numbers say but i love doing challenges so i will just suck it up :)
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    howdy all and happy mid-week.

    Not doing so well this week because I'm letting a bunch of changes at work effect my focus, and letting myself be lazy with food choices and not getting up and moving as much during the day. I'm sure it will effect the weigh in, but at least I'm beginning to recognize the pattern so I guess that progress.

    I keep thinking about theme for a challenge, but so far have only come up with something around juices (polyjuice - choosing a healthier alternative like no soda or beverage over 50 calories for a week to help transform you) or a wizard's dual - (a conscious choice to fight a bad habit within yourself i,e, park at the end of the row instead of fighting for a close parking spot, walking up a flight of stairs instead of the elevator, getting up 30minutes early to have an un-rushed morning to include exercise, stopping negative self criticism when you don't make the best choice or results... just identifying some bad habit we fight against, and taking actionable steps against it) I don't know, I'm still thinking...
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Poorcopies has asked me to join the group. I am lookign forward to the challenge beginning Sunday. Not sure what infor you need to get me started but here is so onfo below:

    Name : Courtney
    CW: about 213.4
    Mimi Goal: under 200 in September or Sooner.
    GW: 150

    Please let me know what you need from me.
  • Vegastei
    Vegastei Posts: 47 Member
    @ Desertlyzard I hope your week gets better just remember tomorrow is a new day and a new start.

    @ Fuhrmeister Yeah more Slytherins, Hello and Welcome

    ps anyone from slytherin feel free to add me to friends list :)
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    @Vegastei Aww I am sure you'd do fine with the weigh ins, have you tried to zig-zag your calories to see if that will help you with scale moves?

    @fuhrmeister - Yay Courtney, glad you joined! We have a similar set up to Loserville with challenges and logging our weights on a spreadsheet, so sure you'll settle in fine.

    @desertlyzard Love love love the HP themed challenge ideas! Let's definitely go with those for our week in next months challenges! :)
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Welcome Courtney! Glad you're here!

    Have a great Friday all.
  • makinofastar
    Got a 30 min walk in today! I fell out of it last week. My car was flooded in TS Debby, and even though I have an insurance claim on it, not knowing has made me feel like I don't want to get out of bed. My birthday was on Wednesday and my mom was trying to take me out on a "shopping spree" and I didn't even buy a thing. I'm feeling better, even though I don't know whats going on with my car.
    I have the color run in December, so I'm starting my training now. I just finished another 5k in May, but one month off makes me feel like I never did it in the first place!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    @makingofastar Good job on going on the walk. Even though it may feel like you haven't made progress since the 5K in May, you did it! You have that past experience to draw on, and take confidence from that and know you can do what needs to be done to ready yourself for the color run. It can be so hard to get started again. I know June was not a good month for me, but its a new day with its own challenges and adventures so I'm trying to let yesterday's be gone. Sorry to hear about your car. It is rough when things so far beyond our influence, like hurricanes or fires, impact our lives. Staying in bed often sounds like the best choice option, but it seldom is for the long run. Glad your feeling better and hope you celebrate your birthday everyday!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    ...t here is the challenge for this week:
    WEEK 4 - 24th June -30th June

    OWLs - 2 per day for each day you complete the following:

    40 Minutes - get 2 OWLs for each day you complete a 40 minute session of exercise, be it a walk, the gym, strength training, but a continious session. 1 OWL for each day you do a 20 minute session.

    NEWTs - 1 Point per day for each day you do the following:

    Try to be under or over by no more than 50 cals of your calorie goal. 1 NEWT for each day you achieve this.

    ok, I'm slightly confused, Not that I have results that are worth reporting, but are the results for this week what should be posted in WK 4 of the spreadsheet with the date of July5?
  • poorcopies
    poorcopies Posts: 477 Member
    Yes! It looked like a typo, sorry!

    As the Hogwarts Head has no internet as a result of storms, here is this week's challenge!

    WEEK 1 - 1st July - 7th July

    OWLs - 2 OWLs per day for each day you complete the following, or 1 OWL if you only manage 10 a day.

    20 Jumping Jacks
    20 Ab crunches
    20 Push ups
    20 Squats

    NEWTs - 1 Point per day for each day you do the following:

    5 a day - each day you manage to get your five portions of fresh fruit / vegetables a day you get 1 NEWT.

    SPEW - 1 point for each day you post in this thread!
  • biggergirlsrun2
    Hey all!

    Gained a little bit back this week (only .1lbs). Still makes me a bit sad.
    Was crazy busy at work so didn't have a lot of free time to do much of anything and with no groceries in the house, it was hard to find healthy meals (I didn't do too bad though).

    Still kind of sitting at the same weight for past 3 weeks or so. Any suggestions on how to bust through this plateau?
    Thanks fellow Slytherins!!

    P.S. feel free to friend me!
  • Vegastei
    Vegastei Posts: 47 Member
    So I got power back lol, on the bright side i had to throw away everything in my fridge so i get to start anew :)
    I can now start to log what i ate for the day again also
    @ poorcopies thanks for getting the challenges up

    Hope everyone has a great week
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello All,

    I am so happy to be a part of this new challenge. Is ther somewhere I am suposed to weigh in and record my OWL's and NEWTS? My beginning weight for this challenge is 215lbs, So tired of being over 200lbs. So here is hoping I can earn us some points nad lose soem weight.

    have a great day!
  • desertlyzard
    desertlyzard Posts: 48 Member
    Hi All and a happy Monday.
    Sounds like everyone is ready for a fresh start and to rock on the inter-house challenges! Thanks for posting those!

    I did really poor in June, and like makingofastar am stuck in the same three pound range. I what i discovered in June is that I'm not focusing on making this a priority. I don't want the whole "I've got to loss weight" mentality to rule my life, but I do need to make it conscious, and determined, part of my choices. it just won't happen. So my goal for July is to act intentionally!

    Have a great week everyone! and check in often!

    oh and Fuhrmeister, this is the link I have to the Syltherin weekly weigh in sheet...
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Hello All,

    I will add myself to teh spreadsheet at hoem this evening. Can't get to it at work. I am in the same boat losing and gainig the same 5 pounds or so. I have been on this site ofr 1.5 years I shuould be so much closer to my goal. But here I am trying somthing new. I know we can all do this.

    Monday - earned 2 OWL pts adn 1 SPEW point
    Tuesday 1SPEW point and 1/2 way to my NEWT pt so far.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    checking in for today. Exercise done..that's 3 days in a row :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Checking in again today, where is everyone? Ate to much pizza yesterday but worked garden and did my assigned exercises. I hope everyone else is doing well!