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  • starrynightinaug
    starrynightinaug Posts: 21 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Here I am again trying to lose weight, but this time, trying to do it for myself-not to make others happy. AT 138, want to get to 129. 5'6 and try to work out as much as I can . Have done weight watchers and I am hoping the portion control will stay with me since I don't want to pay to lose weight. Biggest issue....love food and love wine. Fingers crossed I can do it!!
  • mloreman
    mloreman Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a 33 year old mom and wife who is on a MISSION to lose some weight. I've never been considered "skinny" even when I was in high school. I had a more "curvy" or athletic figure. I have PCOS and am exhausted ALL THE TIME. I know losing some of this weight and getting healthier willl go a long way toward making me feel better and able to keep up with my 2 year old!! Working full time and being a full time mom makes time management my main problem. I look forward to tips, encouragement, and new friends!
  • leylabot
    leylabot Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm 33 and new to this site. Been trying to lose around 20 - 30lbs for the past 3 or 4 years. It's so true what they say about your metabolism HALTING when you get older ;).

    I lost about 20 lbs last year but it was somewhat crash - and clearly I couldn't maintain. I just had a torn ACL and surgery to repair it in March of this year. Getting back into the physical exercise is beyond tough when a lazy leg. Hoping to get it all back and finally lose the belly fat.

    Would love to find friends here and connect.

  • rhvandan
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Robyn. I'm 31 (32 on December 18th). I'm coming up on my 10 year wedding anniversary on 11/1/12. I have 3 daughters. My oldest will be 8 in October and my twins will be 2. I've been on MFP for about 3 weeks and I'm loving it so far. Buncha weirdos just like me. :)
    I'm about 5' 9 and I'm 230 lbs currently. Goal is to hit 140. I think I can.. I think I can.. right? I've been a yo-yoer all of my life. Lost weight to get pg with my oldest using Atkins (which I LOVED.. just isn't right for me anymore), then I lost weight through hard work and exercise 3 years ago and had fertility treatments to get pg again. Luckily it worked round two for us. Those hormones are a *****. Woo momma, I was a nutcase. Well, moreso than normal.
    I love to run. I ran my first half marathon February of 2010, unknowing that I was 5 days pg with my twins. Couldn't figure out why I was so emotional when I ran. My hubby and I are signed up to do the same half marathon in 2013.. although I haven't been training very well. Stupid heat ruins my motivation. I'm getting there though!
    I'm hoping that this time when I lose it, it'll stay off. My hubby is getting "the snip" this year so NO MORE KIDS! I swear, I lose weight and that man knocks me up.. LOL
    Anywho, looking forward to getting to know all of you. Have a wonderful day and hugs.
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!!! You are in the right place. ;-) My birthday is December 16th!! Isn't it delightful to have a birthday around Christmas??:noway:
  • Diablo360x
    Diablo360x Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! Married almost 8 years with 2 beautiful girls. I work as a 911 dispatcher and love it. Finally making great progress again thanks to calorie counting and eating what I want when I want.
  • craig_pick
    craig_pick Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,

    I live in the UK and like to keep on top of my weight. I work around the UK a lot and stay in hotels. This is where i have started to lose control over my weight.

    I have gained 30 lbs over 2011 and since using MFP in 2012 I have not gained any more weight. I now need to reverse the previous weight gained and would love some ideas from you.

    Any little secrets you keep please share.

    One thing I think is holding the weight loss back is the lack of liquids I take throughout the day. I generally have a cup of tea in the morning and then maybe 1 or 2 glasses of liquids throughout the day.

    Does this have a big affect on weight loss?

    Nice to meet you all and hope we speak soon :)
  • dygitalgirl
    dygitalgirl Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there,

    I'm Michelle. 34 year old stay at home mom, wife, caretaker to my mother, and creative media student. I enjoy art, painting, sketching, writing, reading, web design, blogging, and video games. I had my third child in 2011 and my father died the same year and I never lost the baby weight, in fact I packed on a little more because I am the biggest emotional eater and have a mother who cooks/feeds me when she's upset. It's been a rough year. I joined MFP but didn't get a handle on myself until about 4 weeks ago. Feel like I have such a long way to go and I am not off to the greatest start as I am having trouble getting even 1200 calories down now.

    I have three awesome babies aged 18, 5, and 1. I've been married for 18 years to a wonderful guy but hoping some spark comes back with weight loss.

    Glad to be here as I believe support is one of the biggest factors to success!
  • Italapps
    Italapps Posts: 14 Member
    Good luck to you. Just keep on trucking!!
  • moetr
    moetr Posts: 13 Member

    I'm Monique. I'm working (once again) at getting down to my goal weight (145-150), and on making this lifestyle a habit. Right now I'm focusing on tracking my food and working out every morning (even if it is somedays only a bit of yoga). I have not historically been a morning person, so this is a bit of a struggle.

    I'm in Winnipeg, Canada, and I work as an accountant for a renewable energy company. I have one 8 year old boy that I am also trying to teach healthy living.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and to the group support to making this lifestyle change (and making it stick).
  • hehouston
    Hello all, I am Heather and new to MFP (been on for about a week). I’m a SAHM with two kids and a wonderful husband. I have never dieted before. I’m looking to get healthy first and weighing less will be a byproduct of that. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
  • alleycat55
    alleycat55 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 32, live in Atlanta and I'm new to MFP. I have about 40-60 pounds total to lose, but I think I'd be satisfied if I lost 30 pounds. I have a 19-month old daughter and about 15 pounds of "baby weight" left, but I gained most of my weight way before getting pregnant. Earlier this year, I lost about 15 or 20 pounds. Then I had some health issues, stopped going to the gym (haven't been since May) and I gained most of the weght back. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Potts1024
    Potts1024 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi everyone! I am 35, ALMOST 36!! I was thin in high school, and always maintained my weight pretty steady. Still do, only now, its like 2 of me from high school days. I have a 17 year old son, and I am engaged to the most wonderful guy in the world. I am very happy with my life now, except for my weight. I live in Southern Illinois. Boring desk job, but its a job, so I can't complain! I have a lot of weight to lose, but am trying to be realistic and only focus on the "short term" goals. :)
  • kwashingtoniv
    kwashingtoniv Posts: 2 Member
    Just turned 30 myself this year. After my last yo-yo I have decided to get really serious about my health. I want to get where I am comfortable, maybe challenge myself, and begin the prevention so that I don't get unhealthy etc. with age. I committed to a gym and a routine in January 2010. Since April 2011, I have lost and kept off 22 pounds. I would like to lose approximately 8 more. OH, and I am attempting to enter the Dirty Girl Mud Run next June. It will be my first ever physical anything of that nature.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    plan on doing the dirty girl next may too!!!
  • dgbetsy
    dgbetsy Posts: 1 Member
    Cincinnati, Ohio, here! I'm 35 and joined MFP about 3 weeks ago. I just got married and the hubs and I are determined to get healthy together. My preferred exercise is long walks around my neighborhood or yoga. I work full-time, so any help with easy lunches to pack would be great. I'd love to build an online support system, so add me if you want to cheer one another on!
  • abeeler81
    Hello, My name is Amanda and I will be turning 31 next month. I'm not married but have been dating my boyfriend for a year this month. I have two dogs that are my babies, I love spending time with them and making them happy pups by taking them on walks. I'm not unhappy about my weight, my goal is to tone and lift those areas that start to fall in your thirties. javascript:add_smiley('blushing','post_body') and I just need to get in sharp and healthy. I joined a gym last month and having been going every day after work and can REALLY see a difference which makes me want to go even more. I recently became workout partners with a girl who has similar goals and we are keeping each other motivated. I need to do better on the foods I eat, I tend to eat the not so healthy options and I would like to change that. I quit smoking 14 months ago and have never felt better, wish I'd quit a long time ago.

    I'm so excited to start my job to being healthy and fit.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all,

    My name is Natalie and I will be turning 31 next month. I've been heavy my whole life and it effects everything I do both physically and mentally. I have tried to lose weight numerous times before on a number of different plans and have had some success, but I have always gained it back and often more. This is the heaviest I've been in my whole life and I'm finally getting serious on making a permanent lifestyle change and not just doing a diet.

    I'm single and just bought my first home and moved in June 30th. I have a beautiful lab that is just the best and I guess you could say I treat her like my kid (she's at doggie day care right now).

    I really want to lose this weight to find the confidence that I know is inside me. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am more than happy to give support and we travel through our journey!
  • lois_curls
    lois_curls Posts: 2 Member
    Hello all, I'm new to all this! Currently 210 but aiming for 160.
    I live with my partner and enjoy the usual socialising, cycling, going to the gym (yes really!), geneology, shopping and holidays. Since turning 30 this year I need to lose weight, I excercise regularly and eat well so I don't really know how to do this but any encouragement would be appreciated!
  • MeccaLoves2Sleep
    MeccaLoves2Sleep Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Dirty 30!

    New to the group. I think this is the such an exciting time in life and I'm expecting to hit many milestones, one of which will hopefull be getting healthy. I've lost some but looking to lose more (isn't that always the truth!).

    Good luck to all of you!
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