2 week challenge



  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi All!

    KC - great NSV on the compliment! I never thought about my back until I started getting stronger and was pleasantly surprised to see improvement in a place I wasn't even looking for it! The front is glamor muscles...the back does the real work :)

    Beeps - breakfast in bed sounds great! Those are the moments in life way more important than your diet :)

    Chloe - nice control on the candy! I didn't really log Wednesday...probably a good thing!

    Ashley - glad the scale moved! I hope mine does too next week...and carbs make sense. They cause water storage.

    As for me, okay week. I have done crossfit and walked the last three days, logging yesterday fully and staying low on cals. I did feel fatigued and tired at crossfit yesterday so I am going to skip training today (with encouragement from one of the coahces) and just walk and probably go into the gym to practice some lifts tomorrow and row. Maybe yoga too?

    I am starting to really get into applying for graduate school (yikes!) and it is making me anxious so I want to spend the weekend getting on top of my stuff, feeling good, eating well etc. before I have to go to Atlanta next Thurs-Sun. I can tell the next few months are going to get stressful and I want to be proactive as possible in keeping my health a priority (and probably renewing my xanax prescription).
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ashley- Great job on getting all your workouts in and your loss!

    Beeps- I am sure I will do some damage my birthday weekend as well....don't feel too bad about it!

    I weighed in this morning, scale didn't budge, but I am not discouraged. I am actually kind of sore today, so I am wondering if it may be some water retention. Had a few more pieces of candy last night, I don't even know why, I really didn't want it. So far this week I have gotten in all of my workouts and stayed under cals. Going to dinner with some girlfriends tonight. Already prelogged what I will order and my cocktails. Plan on getting in a workout before so I should still be under calories.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEEPS!!!! HAVE AN AWESOME BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member



    Have a fab weekend :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    k, you peeps are AWESOME, lol!!

    I am sick with a cold. I have to work late. I had to skip my work-out, todayI have to work all weekend. My daughter has early morning ice hockey. NOT FUN.

    But, my husband and kids are trying REALLY hard to make sure I'm having a "happy birthday". I LOVE to celebrate, so will do that, somewhere, somehow.

    Oh, on the "good news" front, I managed a 20-hr fast today. On MY BIRTHDAY!! How AWESOME is THAT!!??

    My nice dinner out will consist of a ceasar salad (no croutons, dressing on the side) and a steak. YUM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did fast until supper - had ceasar salad (it did have croutons and dressing - they served it table-side and it was for all 4 of us!), beef tenderloin in a red wine reduction sauce, truffle mashed potatoes and roasted broccolini. NO alcohol. NO dessert. My day came in <1,200 calories. Yay!

    I couldn't get to the gym, today, due to son's basketball game. So, I think I'll be on an unplanned 5-day gym break. Oh well. I'll keep my nutrition in check.

    Have a great weekend!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Beeps—Happy birthday!!!

    Amy—I’m so glad your dad’s surgery went well! Hopefully they’ll be able to come up with a good plan going forward. You look awesome in your Halloween pic!

    Ashley—awesome job on the burpee challenge! Once again I feel off the wagon. I had good intentions, I just kept forgetting…. And awesome job getting the scale moving down!

    Kate—Sounds like you have a good plan for November. When you’re as fit as you are, I’m guessing even maintaining is a challenge! And good luck on your grad school applications!

    KC—Awesome NSV!

    Chloe—Awesome job getting in your workouts in last week!

    My marathon went well. It wasn’t my fastest ever, but I made it under my goal time so I was very happy with that. Since then I’ve been back to logging and I’ve been keeping up with it.

    I also have a little news. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for a little over a year now, and I’m finally pregnant!!! So going forward my goals may be a little more nutrition-oriented than fitness-oriented (I don’t think that posting “keeping my heart rate under 140 bpm” is going to be all that inspiring to anyone).

    So my two-week (and beyond) goals are to:
    -Log every day
    -Eat at least 75 grams of protein a day
    -Do some sort of physical activity every day, even if it’s just going for a walk.

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Congrats Ris! That's great news! Is this your first?

    Beeps, wow. No alcohol on your birthday?! Or dessert?! That's some serious willpower chick.

    Hello everyone else. I need to get to work; just wanted to check in.

    My week overall last week was a good one. I was only over on calories (1700) 2 days. Halloween and Saturday night. I drank too much Saturday, but moderated well the rest of the week so I call that decent on my alcohol goal. I got ALL my workouts in and a couple bonus walks. My macros were good most days, but not yesterday. I didn't eat that much just didn't eat well. I feel a little puffy today because of it. I plan on drinking lots of water to flush myself out. I plan on another great week and hope to see a little loss on the scale again. I'd like to get back down to my lowest (126) by Thanksgiving knowing I may put a little back on. I also hope not to go overboard during Thanksgiving. My sister is training for her first mini in January so she has 2-3 training runs to get done, so I hope to join her.

    Have a great week ladies!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Oh yeah. KC, you asked for this recipe. This is one of the many things I cooked yesterday. I make without the crust. The crust is good, but I don't think worth the cals:


    I also made homemade tomato sauce, harvested my basil plant and made a ton of pesto, made a pot roast in the crockpot that we didn't eat since it wasn't done till close to 9, protein cheesecakes and kale chips which turned out bad. I used too much oil and didn't spread them out enough. I threw them away. May try again with a lesser quantitity. I spent 3 hours in the kitchen!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Thanks Ashely! Yep it's my first. And great job last week! Your little peanut looks adorable by the way :happy:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Happy belated birthday, Beeps! You have serious self control!
    And congrats, Ris, that is so exciting, thrilled for you!
    I have not worked out for a couple of weeks so I am going to get started with that, I think it will help my stress and help me sleep. My sleep has been so disrupted. My goal is to alternate strength training and jogging with one day of rest. For jogging I am going to try and get faster, my idea is to do couch to 5k but instead of walking working up to jogging, I will jog at my usual pace working up to 6 minute miles.
    I am not going to diet though, I am going maintenance til February.
    Kate, I thought you were going to start a bulking phase for winter? no?
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies! Happy Monday....the weekend went way too fast!

    Beeps- Hope your birthday weekend was great!

    Ris- Congratulations! I am so happy for you!

    Asjerven- Hope all is going well with your dad! Way to get back into it!

    Ashley- Nice week! I am with ya at getting the weight now before the holidays! I have a wedding December 15th, so I am keeping that as a goal date. I would love to see 13Xs on the scale by then!

    I did pretty good this weekend. I went over, but I was under throughout the week, so it kind of evened out. My goal is to basically net about 10,500 for the week (1500 cals a day). Did a little binging last night because I didn't eat all day until like 5 except for my protein smoothie in the morning, and that is way too long for me to go without eating. Goals for this week are basically the same as last:

    1) Get in 5/6 days of workouts- 3 miles each day and strength (chest/triceps, shoulders/back, core, legs/butt- I basically just keep rotating between those 4 workouts)
    2) Stay within cals
    3) Eliminate processed foods and sugar
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - good luck with the running goals, I tend to run slow myself and would like to get a little faster
    Ris - congrats, that's wonderful news!
    KC - nice on the compliments, your hard work is paying off
    Chloe - good luck with the no sugar challenge. I was off sweets for the 4 weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, but I must confess that I broke it last night for a small piece of carrot cake - it was divine, but I am back now
    Kate - good goals for November
    Beeps - Happy belated birthday!
    I am way behind on checking people's posts. I need to start logging food again. It will help me remember to keep up with everyone.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday! On Wednesday, I pulled something in my back doing bent over rows. Then, carrying my two year old around for trick or treating made it worse. I took a few days off. I still weighed in Friday and was happy to see a small loss. Then I ate a lot on Friday. I had planned a great day, but then a co-worker offered to get my lunch. Then I ate junk the rest of the day. My calories were fine the rest of the weekend but I ate a lot of processed junk and low protien. I checked my weight to see how much damage I had done, and it was the exact same as Friday. Crazy. I got up early today (love daylight savings!) and got in a great workout. I still want to try to increase y workouts. I really want to be down two more pounds by thanksgiving and try to maintain between Thanksgiving and New Years, and hit it hard in January.

    Mama- which do you like better? CLX or Turbo Fire? I herad turbo was on sale but I'm not sure what type of workout it is.
    Chloe- I've decided if the week balances, then it's all good. Have no idea if that's tru, but I like it!
    Ashley- thanks for the recipe. Tomorrow I'm making quinoa pumpkin muffins but I'll have to try that one soon. Are you going to try the kale chips again?
    Ris - Great job on the race!
    Amy - I believe working out is the best cure for stress and insomnia. And counting calories can be very stressful, so I think you are making the best choice for YOU right now.
    Abigail - it's so hard to get back to counting once you've stopped. i know I've been struggling with that.
    Beeps, glad you had a great birthday!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    For jogging I am going to try and get faster, my idea is to do couch to 5k but instead of walking working up to jogging, I will jog at my usual pace working up to 6 minute miles.

    Holy crap that's a fast pace! What is that, 10mph? I don't think my legs will go that fast. You go. I hope the working out helps with stress and sleep. I know it does for me. Hugs.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    For jogging I am going to try and get faster, my idea is to do couch to 5k but instead of walking working up to jogging, I will jog at my usual pace working up to 6 minute miles.

    Holy crap that's a fast pace! What is that, 10mph? I don't think my legs will go that fast. You go. I hope the working out helps with stress and sleep. I know it does for me. Hugs.
    Oops, I think I mean 6 miles per hour! a 6-minute mile is way ambitious!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Ris - congrats on 'baby' - that's very exciting!

    Thanks for all birthday wishes....it was a terrible birthday weekend, made worse by the fact that we had to "fall back" in time. I spent the ENTIRE weekend working - 30 hours worth of work in 48 hours time, actually! That "extra hour" was NOT for sleep, pour moi, but for work. Ugh.

    I haven't worked out since Wednesday. Will be skipping work-outs, I'm pretty sure, until at least thursday of this week....just way too many super-tight deadlines at work.

    So, I'm very grumpy!

    My diet was NOT in check on Saturday, so that bit. But, yesterday, I only got in 1,200 calories and today, since I'm skipping meals everywhere, I'll likely be on same track. It's good - it's actually what I want, except I ALSO want my work-outs!

    So, unplanned "rest week" from the gym....without any rest, of course!

    Have a great week - I will only be an intermittent poster this week.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    For jogging I am going to try and get faster, my idea is to do couch to 5k but instead of walking working up to jogging, I will jog at my usual pace working up to 6 minute miles.

    Holy crap that's a fast pace! What is that, 10mph? I don't think my legs will go that fast. You go. I hope the working out helps with stress and sleep. I know it does for me. Hugs.
    Oops, I think I mean 6 miles per hour! a 6-minute mile is way ambitious!

    I was way impressed. :wink: Still impressed. Goals are goals and any goals are great!

    No workout for me last night. Picked up the kiddo from day care, didn't get home till 6, husband out of town for basketball game, and it was dark out. I put on my PJ's, played-fed/ate-bathed-played and then vegged on the couch the rest of the night. It was nice.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Amy--Gounds like you have a good plan. I find that doing some speed work when I'm running is a great way to de-stress too, you can just let it all out on your fasters bursts.

    Chloe--Great job staying under your calories for the week! I think looking at things on a weekly basis is a good plan, especially if you want to leave yourself a little wiggle room for the weekend.

    KC--Congrats on your loss on Friday, and for maintaining it! It's easy to get derailed from the healthy eating over the weekend, but I'm sure you'll get back on track.

    Beeps--I'm so sorry you had such a terrible birthday weekend! Maybe a little retail therapy will help; treating myself to a nice pair of shoes always helped remind me that there are some perks to having a job like that

    Ashley--Sounds like a nice night! Sometimes you need a restful evening like that.

    Not too much to report here. So far I've been good on my goals--I've been logging, getting at least 75 grams of protein (usually more), and doing some type of workout every day. I even lifted some weights yesterday, which I've been neglecting lately. I was hoping to get in to work early today so I could take a nice long walk at lunch, but then I waited for almost an hour at the polls and still didn't get to vote because it would have taken another half hour after checking in to actually vote. So I'll still probably sneak in a walk at lunch but it will have to be on the shorter side today.