2 week challenge



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Yes, it's probably time to wish a "Happy Thanksgiving" to all the American posters....in case you are traveling and aren't posting!

    I hope you have a great, festive time!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Chloe - my bday is December 7th (a day that will live in infamy :)

    Ris - great recipe! Excited to try it! And funny on the not drinking...I guess I'll have that to look forward to (someday)

    Ashley - on eating after work outs it depends...if its a tough workout in the morning (ie I'm not going straight home for dinner or to lunch) then I do a protein shake (powder+water usually-not crazy filling). I think it can be helpful for tiredness and recovery but its not crucial if you don't like it. There are studies of people who fast, who do post workout, etc. while the evidence is a bit mixed (an IFer will tell you it does not matter what time you eat) you should try several options and see what works.

    On the fluffy feeling - I know it well. I do not know why but sometimes I go weeks with no major change in diet and I can't seem to kick it and then it goes away. SO FRUSTRATING! One thing-if you have really changed up the lifting it can take 6 weeks for your body to get used to it and stop holding excess water. Since your rings are tighter (it would probably take a fair amount of fat to get to your fingers like that) I would put money on continued water retention. Just power through? I've been going through the same thing lately.

    KC - tabata is a killer and effective too! I love incorporating them, especially when short on time!

    Abigail - I find videos very difficult to do well-I guess it can be habit but I do much better in a gym than at home.

    Beeps - congrats on the cut!!!! It's fantastic you're finally seeing that elusive progress. Keep it up! You must be doing something right. Great attitude on the cut! I would just make sure you are diligent after. That was my idea but with 5 weeks of travel after I lost a lot of my progress. I still don't count it as a loss because I learned and made new progress but I also wasn't able to keep it. (on that note, my BF just confessed I had looked 'emaciated' so that's interesting)

    On the bulk, I think that's great. One fitness guru I read outlined this, which I like and try to remind myself of: stop training for fat loss. I'm not there yet but trying to make progress. http://www.niashanks.com/2012/04/letting-go-fat-loss-mindset/

    Jen - been missing you!

    Embody - welcome! We talk, make goals for ourselves and just try to be accountable while figuring out what works for each of us in getting rid of those last few pounds.

    To answer questions-I have (now) 11 days left because we have a 2 week holiday break and i have 5.5 days of vacation I have to use by the end of the year so my last day of work for the year is the 7th (and my bday!).

    As for me, I am still LOVING crossfit. Seriously happy with some of my progress lifting (145# front squat last week, 105# clean and jerk this week for a few) and feeling stronger. I think the general crossfit mentality is suiting me well and in December I am challenging myself to crossfit 5-6 days a week (with lots of recovery) with the exception of a ski trip. I have settled back into the the workout>deficit for now and am taking my food one meal at a time, especially heading into the Christmas season. My mantra until 2013 is "performance, performance, performance" with an added side note of "eating should be reasonable". I'll reassess at that point.

    It's been frustrating to gain so much of my cut weight back but I also feel I have a different body than I did precut. Pictures from yesterday, albeit very flattering, helped convince me of that. Even though my waist measurement is up I need to just keep on, eating a slight deficit to account for weekend indulgences, and mostly just trying to take good care of my body.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Hey everyone! I went on hiatus for a while, even though I've been logging and working out I just haven't stopped in here. My motivation has been lacking though, so I always know that I can come here because you ladies inspire me. :)

    Chuisle, glad to hear your loving crossfit! Try not to think about the temporary increase on the waist, you're getting stronger! Your profile pic looks fantastic.

    Jen, I feel ya. I feel like I've been two steps forward one step back since the summer. Just keep coming here, we all know that you rock.

    Ris, congrats on the baby! That's exciting!

    Congrats on the loss Beeps! Sorry to hear about the job though, that really stinks. :(

    I'll join the birthday gang. Mine is the 29th. I'm going to be 30. Some days I can't actually believe I survived to 30 with all the hell I put my body through in my early twenties. :) lol.

    This week has been nuts, my grandma died on Sunday (expected, but still sad), and my parents office building came thisclose to flooding yesterday when we got record rainfall. In other news, I can throw around a 60 lb sandbag like a boss, which is awesome. Last time we sandbagged I struggled with them, so I consider that a huge NSV. With all the emotional crap I've gone through this week, my goals are simply to get to Zumba twice (including an ultra fun Turkey burn class on Thanksgiving day), and be reasonable with my eating the rest of the week. Right now, I just need to dance it out, and return to some lifting next week.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ris, I find that so long as I type in "homemade" before whatever food type, mfp probably has SOMETHING in its dictionary! I kind of "like" my bathroom visits, when out at other's homes....I do my mfp posting in there, lol!

    Too funny Beeps! I'm definitely going to try that.

    Ashley--sounds like a great post-holiday plan! I hear nursing burns a lot of calories, so it makes sense to adjust your calories for that. I hope that you're feeling better and your husband and kiddo stay healthy!

    Kate--I love the mantras! And your pics look awesome!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Chui - I think crossfit will whip you into EXACTLY the shape you want....you're gonna KILL IT - I'm not worried about you, at all!

    Rogie - welcome back. Sorry about your grandmother.

    Ris - Hi!

    Last night was "restaurant club" - so I enjoyed an arugula and parmesan (sheesh, there was the smallest 3 slivers of parm I've ever seen!) salad, with 5 grilled shrimp on it. Stayed within my calories - even though I had 3 x rum + diet cokes! So, I'm proud of myself.

    Tonight, it's date night....but I'm also doing a weight work-out at lunch, so I have a little more "wiggle room" than I did, yesterday. I'll weigh at the gym, today, and if the scale # is good, I'll enjoy more rum + diet coke. If the scale # isn't as cooperative, I will skip the booze, tonight.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Rogie & Jen - welcome back, it's good to hear from you.

    Beeps - good job with eating out, I always have a hard time showing restraint when in a restaurant

    Kate - glad crossfit is still going well, I like your mantra!

    Better - you are right, adding clean eating to strength training is the best way to get results

    As for the puppy, Earl is doing well. He is already house-trained, crate-trained and does well in the car. We just need to work on chewing as I've already lost a pair of dress shoes- and walking on a leash, it kind of looks like he's waling me - totally humiliating

    I've got my game plan for tomorrow - my annual Thanksgiving morning run of 3 miles, easy on the apps, sticking mostly with raw veggies and one plate at dinner - fill half with turkey breast meat and a baked sweet potato (no gravy or butter) and the other half can be one scoop each of all my favorite sides. Dessert - a sliver of cheesecake, I make a different one every year and this year is white chocolate pumpkin - can't wait.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I don't know how you can get through a turkey dinner without gravy, Abigail!!! Wow!! I could NOT.

    Your puppy, EARL, sounds ADORABLE!

    PS - your white chocolate pumpkin cheesecake sounds DELISH!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    ...and I'm down another pound....

  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies! I have been keeping up with your posts, but haven't had much time to post myself!

    Beeps- you are KILLING this cut! I'm so proud :happy:

    Abi- that is one thing we did not have to deal with with our Bella...she never chews on anything but her nylabones. She is also a good walker.....our big problem is that she gets way too excited when anybody comes to our house, like way too excessive I have never seen a dog like this.

    Kate- great job on Crossfit....it sound so intense from what I have heard!

    Jen- I miss your motivational words!

    As for me I am doing ok I guess. Getting my workouts in. Eating hasn't been too bad, but not too good either. But, for some reason the scale is still moving in the right direction, so I will take it. My game plan for tacking this holiday is portion control. I will try a little of whatever I want. But, really try to listen to myself and not overstuff! The weather is beautiful here today and I am getting out of work soon, so I am going to take the pup for a nice long walk before it gets dark and then I have to bake some goodies for tomorrow. I am making sweet potatoes, pumpkin/white chocolate/dried cherry cookies and pecan bars. We might go out and grab food and a couple drinks when I am done. Tomorrow I will get in a workout in the morning and walk the pup. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone! (that celebrates it :wink: )
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Great plan, Chloe!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    I think I'm the lone Canadian still posting all over mfp, lol....

    I also think it's going to be REALLY QUIET in here tomorrow!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    ...and it IS really quiet in here, lol!

    I have no scheduled exercise, today. So, am really working on the nutrition piece. I'm pretty good, having only ingested 300 calories at 1:35 pm! Will snack on mandarin oranges and yogurt this afternoon. Have a hair appointment after work (to delete greys!) and then my daughter's ice hockey game - so likely I'll grab a salad at mcdonald's somewhere in there.

    Should be a decent low-calorie day!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Better – Glad to hear you’ve settled on a plan. Hope you and the family were feeling well enough to enjoy your weekend away!

    Beeps – SUCH self-control and the progress just keeps rolling!! You are just killing it! :devil: (have I said that already?!?!)

    Kate – so glad Crossfit is working out for you! How exciting about being done with work for the year, soon!! Pics are fab!

    Rogie – So sorry about your grandmother. :flowerforyou: Great NSV with the sandbags and YES, Zumba makes everything better, even if only for an hour  Hopefully you and I can get back on this bandwagon full force!

    Abigail – get used to chewed up stuff, lol!! I had one of my best pair of shoes chewed up, underwear, socks, even my foam roller,:grumble:

    Chloe – yur goodies sound wonderful! Congrats on the scale and your plan of attack for Thanksgiving sounds great!

    I am happy to report, I have had an awesome week! I’ve gotten in 4 Zumba classes and 2 lifting sessions. I have one more session tomorrow (making 3 for the week, woot!) and one more Zumba class I’m subbing tomorrow. I had 2 Thanksgivings to attend yesterday and I did not indulge at all! I left both meals comfortable and satisfied. I didn’t even have to put on stretchy pants :happy: Yay me, lol! Next step, I need to bite the bullet and start logging so I can cut for the next 4 weeks.

    Hope everyone who celebrates had a great Thanksgiving!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Just checking in...weight session number three complete and cardio!!! Yay!! I reached my strength training goal for the week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    I had to teach this morning, so NO exercise pour moi today. But, my oldest son is coming for a visit after work, today, and I'm excited to get a chance to see him and have a nice chat!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I hope you all had wonderful weekends!

    I think I managed to get through the weekend without overeating. I had some pretty big meals, but I didn't go back for seconds on Thanksgiving (except for the brussel sprouts, but I think that's allowed), I didn't really snack between meals, and I ran every day. The scale was pretty much the same this morning as it was before I left to go see my in-laws, so I'm happy with that! Today I'm back to logging, and tomorrow I do weights.

    Beeps--great job on the loss!

    jeno--awesome job last week!

    I know there's more to comment on but that's all I can see and I have to get back to work. I hope you all are doing well!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,971 Member
    Ris - good job on the weekend. I had a TERRIBLE weekend, eating-wise. Simply terrible. I gave myself "permission" to enjoy some potato chips on Saturday (my son came over with his gf - we watched a movie together) - and it just went straight to hell from there. Sunday was awful. I had the WORST stomach-ache I have had in quite some time!

    So, today is a 'fast' day. I think I might do mini-fasts everyday this week since month-end photos/measurements are right around the corner!

    I did get my lifting in, today. New exercise? "One-leg get ups". Holy gawd, these were AWFUL! simply awful and terrible and my legs are sore and I REALLY WISH MY GLUTES WOULD "FIRE" LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Hey, everyone! Disney was great, I really had a great time and the distraction was such a blessing, truly, it is hard to get back to "real life" but here I am, weighing more than ever but probably a lot of water, will drink the "Jen's Detox Tea" this week and see how that helps.
    It's nice to see you, Jen, and getting your mojo back to rock that bikini on your cruise, you can do eeet!
    Kate, your new pic is hot, you don't look emaciated! but maybe your bf was seeing more definition? My husband said he doesn't think a 6-pack is sexy on females so I guess that takes some pressure off. I still want it, but not sure it is possible...
    Beeps, your dinner of shrimp and arugula sounds good. I need to get back on track with making better food choices. It takes a lot of planning and I have been drinking too much. I think I might try a sober two weeks again. the weeks before our Dominican Republic vacation are bad though, because of my birthday and Valentines Day, but maybe I could try something with one cheat day per week.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Beeps – Hope you had a nice visit with your son! Those dang tummy aches! I am mini fasting with you today! Yesterday’s food wasn’t the best because I knew I was biting the bullet this morning :tongue:

    Ris – Great job on that control and running! The eating is always the hardest for me :indifferent:

    Amy – Welcome back!! So glad you had a good time! The alcohol makes such a difference! I’ll tell ya what, I’ll give up alcohol from now until Dec 22 (which is when I leave for my trip :happy: And btw, I drank a pitcher of that detox tea today myself!

    Prepped my food for the week and got both weights and a Zumba class in tonight. It’s so fun to just take a class…I was acting a fool, lol!! :devil:

    Hope everyone’s Monday is off to a good start!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hey ladies. I've been MIA and sort of bouncing on/off MFP for a couple of weeks. Really lost my mojo after hitting Gram's birthday party with what felt like such success. That I just seem to have hit a wall going into Thanksgiving. I've been getting caught up too much in 'life' and not keeping with my routine 100%. Skipped too many workouts, ate too much. But I'm back and set another plan in motion to hopefully kick my own butt. 81 days of pushing hard to hit DH's birthday feeling 110%. Let's hope I can keep my butt motivated!!

    It seems like everyone is pushing through and keeping at it. Proud of all of you!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey chicks. I'm back from Thanksgiving vacation. I was off work for 10 days and out of town for 6. It was a great trip and I'm glad to be back but not as glad to be back at work away from my husband and baby. She is getting to be way fun. She is literally a different baby than she was a week ago - into everything, saying a few words and generally just more interactive. Fun fun. Except the baby proffing the needs to occur this week in our older, small rooms, harwood floored house.

    So I didn't do terrible with eating during the holiday but of course drank a ton of wine. I actually don't feel terrible today so that says something. I ran an 8k in under 50 minutes Thanksgiving morning which I was super proud of considering I haven't run 5 miles in close to 2 years; I'm a 2-3 mile kind of girl. But I really hit my stride surprisingly around mile 4 and finished strong. I also ran the race with my older sister and we have never run together strangely enough. So that was one of the highlights of my trip. And the run has me excited to start mini training in a couple months. Untill then, here are my goals:

    1. I'm going to do my best at getting 3 lifts in a week; I have a new program set up I'm going to debut tomorrow I think.
    2. A couple days of "intense" cardio - either HIIT or running (in addition to my usual 2-3 walks)
    3. Be reasonable with food. On non event days, eat clean. 1500 calories a day to start.
    4. On event days, don't go nuts.
    5. Drink in moderation

    I have a lot of holiday stuff going on so I am being realistic. I just don't want to cruise into Christmas, overindluge then and be 5 pounds heavier than I am now going into the new year. But I know I have a lot going on so am not going to pressure myself to keep macros in check every single day and stress over a missed workout in leui of a holiday party. I'm also starting to adjust my calories down to around 1500 from 1700 starting today and see how it goes. Oh, I'm also doing Just Say No January so cutting out the booze the entire month minus one night we have concert tickets, yummy dinner plans, and a night out without baby.

    It's good to hear from you all. Looks like we are all "back at it" again today!