2 week challenge



  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Hey ladies! Sounds like everyone had a great holiday! I did HORRIBLE with drinking. In fact on Thanksgiving I think I drank more wine calories than I actually ate in food....which created a very anxious Friday thinking that I said things at my in-laws that I shouldn't have. But, my husband said I was good, I tend to be a pretty happy drunk. The whole weekend was very glutenous. I got in workouts on Thursday and Saturday, also took the pup for long walks everyday also.

    Next weekend is going to be pretty rough as well. Friday is my birthday so we are going out to one of my fav restaurants for dinner. I always get the ahi tuna and a salad there, so that shouldn't be too bad. Saturday we have Mike's work Christmas party, so cocktails I am sure. But, I will DD that night so it won't be bad. Sunday we are going over to my grandma's for pizza for my bday. But, as long as I get my workouts in I should be ok.

    What is in Jen's detox tea again? I know I have made that before also. I think I need to start that up again.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    it got busier in here - YAY!

    Glad everyone is getting "right back on track" - I think that is ALWAYS the 'secret of success'!

    It's a "rest day" for me. I'm watching my calories VERY closely! another "mini-fast", today....should be quite do-able and then, as a "marker", I'll weigh myself tomorrow and figure out whether I can keep doing "mini-fasts" the rest of this week, or if I'll have to do a FULL-BLOWN ONE to minimize myself prior to END-OF-MONTH photos/measurements!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I make the detox tea with something called "everyday detox" and a bag of herbal tea to make the flavor a little better. the Everyday Detox tea has dandelion root and licorice root.
    I am going to not drink the next two evenings, I need to take a break.
    I will workout tonight, stronglifts and treadmill.
  • Rogiefreida
    Rogiefreida Posts: 567 Member
    Glad to see everyone is recovering from Thanksgiving. :) As a general comment, I couldn't agree more with the effect that cutting alcohol has on diet. I do so much better when I don't drink. I'm going to keep my drinking to a minimum until our cruise, only drinking on special occasions, maybe once a week max. My birthday (30!) is Thursday so it'd be pretty foolish of me to say that I'm not drinking period, because I plan on celebrating a new decade by taste testing the wine hubby and I made this summer. :)
    I did ok with eating this weekend. I basically had the wildest, craziest week ever last week with bad thing after bad thing happening, and while I didn't do great, I did ok. Didn't get to the gym though, but I'm over it because this is a new week.

    Got to a 90 minute zumba class last night and am hitting the weights tonight. I've tweaked my calorie goal down just a little from where I've been eating, we'll see how that goes. 5 weeks and 3 days until we leave for our cruise!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    What is in Jen's detox tea again? I know I have made that before also. I think I need to start that up again.

    To quote Jen (since I saved it to my email so I wouldn't have to search for it later!!:

    here is the detox tea recipe: I use 4 bags of tea (usually 2 bags of Everyday Detox (by Traditional Medicinals), Dandelion Root Tea (Traditional Medicinals) or Yogi Detox Tea, 1 bag of either Get Regular Tea (Yogi) or SMooth Move (Traditional Medicinals) BUT let me emphasize ONE BAG ONLY!! and lastly 1 bag of Green Tea. I boil 1.7 liters of water (what my electric tea kettle holds) and steep the bags. Then I add 1 cup Diet Cranberry juice (Ocean Spray only 5 calories, 2 g carbs) and the juice of one lemon. I drink it throughout the day and I count it as my water. It helps me flush sodium/water weight and any toxins. I make it about every other day
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hello, my name is Kelly and I am a CARB ADDICT. For the past two weeks I have been on carb overload and let me tell you, I can feel it!!!!! I'm not even going over on my calories, just carbs. LOTS and LOTS of carbs. I was off for 5 days for Thanksgving, I worked out 1. I don't know why it's so hard for me to work out on the weekends

    2 week Challenge
    1. KEEP carbs under 100 - and no more BAILEYS!!!!!!!
    2. WEEKEND WORKOUTS are a must.


    I'm glad everyone survived Thanksigiving. Welcome back, Jenn. Amy, I'm so jealous of your Disney trip. Chloe, I'm so glad you didn't day anything bad in front of your in laws! Yikes, been there done that. Ashley, I wish I'de been drinking wine. I've been drinking Baileys with vodka, milk, and chocolate syrup. Mama, I'm glad you found a new goal. Beeps, sorry we left you hangin' on Thanksgiving. Ris, I wish i worked out as much as you when I was pregnant. If I forgot anyone, you rocked this week too!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Mama – YOU crack me up, lol!! You saved me from having to type it again!! Awesome, thanks! Regarding the mojo, sheesh! I’m FINALLY, maybe getting mine. I’m on day two though, so we’ll see how the rest of the week goes ;)

    Lol, Kelly – I am with you girl! I was drinking Rumchata, wine AND beer, haha!! And carbs, forget about it!! I’m on a carb and calorie cut ;)

    Better – great, realistic goals. Looks like you will be having balance this holiday season and into the new year!! Good for you!

    Chloe – Lol, I’ve been there with the in law/drink talk thing too, haha!! Sounds like an eventful time for you but you have plans in place! Best way to be successful!

    Amy – Sounds like a great workout!

    Rogie – wow, 90 min, you go girl! Glad you survived the crazy week! Oooh, you go on your cruise a week after me!! Where you going?!?!

    Day two for me and so far so good. Eating is great and I got in a great Zumba class. Just gonna keep plugging on. Being active with you ladies is helping me tremendously!! THANK YOU!! :flowerforyou:
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    YUM Baileys and Rumchata!!!!

    Yea I had to laugh...we went to my families first, which is where I drank the majority of my wine. I wish we would have went to his first bc I would not have cared being drunk around my family!

    Thanks for the recipe Mama! I have definitely made it before and I think I already have the smooth move and everyday detox at home, so I just gotta get the other ingredients!

    I am staying strong so far this week and the scale is back down after that ridiculous weekend! Everyone keep up the good work!

    Oh and can I say again Jen I am so happy your back....you make this board even more motivated I think!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    I'm glad that most of the "regular posters" have returned! Yes, I get 'charged up' from reading your posts....

    jenomaha - truly glad to be reading your 'updates'. Yay!

    mama - I just drink green tea, green tea, green tea. It suppresses my appetite and I don't have to 'create' anything - important while I'm at work most of the day!

    I totally forgot Ris was pregnant....by 2nd trimester, I was still doing cardio-step VERY regularly. By 3rd trimester, I'd moved to the water for water-aerobics.

    I'm gonna drink me some Baileys at Xmas. Period.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yes, I love regular posters! Welcome back Jen and Amy!

    Day 1 "back" wasn't a total fail, but not great. I skipped breakfast (and again today) and had a smallish lunch of leftover Chinese, but what i order is not terrible and loaded with oil. We needed to buy a new carseat so I didn't have time for a workout after work and then we went and got Cuban food. I may have underestimated calories some, but I didn't eat till I was sick which is what I usually do. I only had 1 drink and then a soy mocha after dinner instead of beer like I wanted. I hope to get a quick lift in after work today as I need to make a grocery run. It is incredibly hard to get a workout and errands in on week nights. So I'll knock out my workout first thing and then maybe take the baby to the grocery and give my husband some time to relax or clean or watch Judge Judy or whatever it is he wants to do tonight. I wish I could get up and workout in the morning....it would make life eaiser. If my baby would ever sleep through the night, maybe.

    I keep forgetting Ris is prego too! How far? You're doing amazing with the workouts. I think keeping up with it made my pregnancy a "good one" as I never felt sick, overly fat or bloated. I ran (intervals and very slowly) till about 36 weeks a couple days a week and swam a mile once a week up until about 30 weeks or something when I quit the gym. I did a little prenatal yoga too and walked. One of the best things about running while prego is how easy it was without the belly after!
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm back and doing well. Not logging much lately-I just don't feel the urge to and it's helping me relax about food intake a bit. I got 5 days of Crossfit last week and am on track to do 4-5 this week so that's great. Diet wise I should cuts my carbs a bit like I said, overall just using common sense.

    Can't respond to everyone at the moment (swamped trying to get ready to leave for the year)! But Well done all!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,978 Member
    Better - I get EXHAUSTED just reading your posts!! It really does REMIND me of ALL the 'errands' I used to have to run when my oldest son was young....thank goodness we got a nanny by the time he was 11. CHANGED MY WORLD when the next 2 babies came along....

    chui - you HAVE to post MORE about your crossfit adventures! PLEASE! Inquiring minds want to know!! (Oh, yes, and CONGRATS on being done 2012 WORK!)

    I got to the gym, today. Lifted. Stepped on the scale and was UP 1 POUND from last week. THAT PISSED ME OFF!! I am breaking my OWN rule of only weighing "once-per-week" - because the number was sooooooooooooo DUMB - and I'll weigh again on Friday and HOPE for a 'drop'.

    Yikes - Friday I ALSO have to do my month-end photos/measurements. That friggin' pound MATTERS.

  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Not a regular poster (actually first time opening this) but I just had to add a big fat DITTO! on the Bailey's and Rumchatta! Both are a little slice of heaven.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Yep I'm trying to spare you all the gorey details (there are plenty of other boards for that), but I'm just over 7 weeks pregnant. So far I haven't really had many symptoms so I'm trying to keep up the exercise (though I'm definitely running much slower than usual). I'm terrified of gaining too much weight, but so far it's been easier than I thought, particularly since a good chunk of my pre-pregnancy calories were from alcohol (though Baileys is SO delicious, and I'd definitely be having some around Christmas time if I could :drinker: ). Plus, a few months ago I signed up to do a 1/2 marathon with a friend in February, so I'm trying to maintain my fitness so I can still do that with her, at least at a slow pace. Ashley, that's great to hear that you were still running until 36 weeks, I'm hoping that I will too!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    well I got in a good workout but started to feel a nagging cold last night and today so I will take it easy. No drinking last night and no drinking tonight either. Just want some pho and the couch and some of my programs and magazines!
    I am going to try a sober January! I think not drinking at all will help me develop some better habits about not drinking alone, and methods for being around those who are drinking. I think I will be glad to rein it in a bit before it becomes a problem! also, the slimming effects will be timely for Feb break!
  • Mbodied
    Mbodied Posts: 38 Member
    Hi all. Not stepping on the scale today because i've been on carb and sodium overload and i know seeing the inflated number will just feel discouraging. I don't need that, especially when I'm trying to turn my efforts around and really get on a good road. Drinking water and excited to recommit to doing my body good.
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    WOOHOO!! Day 3 for me another success! Scale is moving down and I am more motivated than ever. Although I have had a super duper amount of stress at work and had a confrontation with a co-worker today :frown:, I did not turn to food or wine for comfort. Instead, I went and took someone’s Zumba class then came home and cooked a healthy homemade meal  Feels good to have stayed in control. Hopefully it will stay in place because I don’t see the stress at work letting up :ohwell:

    Chloe – Congrats on the scale being back to normal!! Thanks, it really is so good to be back!

    Better – Thanks!! I think you are doing a great job balancing all your responsibilities and still getting in time for yourself. Your screen name definitely suits you :wink:

    Chui – Sounds like you are in a great place with both nutrition and workouts. So happy for you and inspired! Keep it up and yay for almost being done for the year!!! :drinker:

    Beeps – Don‘t worry about the pound…prob muscles retaining water, especially if you weighed after lifting. Friday results will be nothing short of great progress!! :love:

    Ris – I think it is fantastic you will be doing a ½ marathon while pregnant. I admire people who stay fit throughout their pregnancy. I wasn’t into fitness when I was pregnant and saw it as an excuse to eat whatever and how much I wanted :indifferent: So kudos to you who stay healthy :flowerforyou:

    Amy – Hope your cold doesn’t progress. I think rest is a good idea. As for a sober January, sounds like a great addition to any other health/fitness goal you set. I know I said I would stay alcohol free til my trip, but I have to be realistic too. I may let up to have a drink at my friend’s bday party and then a Christmas party we have. But I will try to limit weeknight drinking. :happy:

    Em – good thinking. Stay away from that scale at the moment! This is a great place to get you moving in the right direction!! :glasses:

    Ok ladies, we made it over the hump day, let’s keep it going strong!! Ok, no more emoticons next time!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    ADD Ashley has changed her mind again. I have a ridiculous amount going on for holidays so I need some extra burn for the next few weeks. That said, I'm going to focus on running and HIIT and put strength training on the back burner. Not that I won't do it; it just will be coming second now. I figure HIIT has some toning benefit, maybe not strengtheining, but I'm using my muscles somewhat. I am sore today from doing it last night. I had intentions of doing strength last night and just felt like I needed a good sweat. I've also knocked my calories down to 1500 and am going to have a hard time with that as it is. Sooo.....that's that.

    So I DID get my workout in last night and made it to the store. We didn't eat dinner till 8, but whatevs. Yesterday was mostly sucess (despite my pizza for lunch ableit NY style thin crust and one piece). The scale was up today to a place I haven't seen in months so even more incentive to keep things on track this month, within reason.

    I need to get to work so can't respond to each individually, but looks like everyone is doing great and has great goals moving ahead! Yay us!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ended up having to deal with car troubles last night until like 6 and its still not fixed! Was very frustrated when I got home just to find out the mother in law and brother in law were coming over to swap out some furniture, I knew this was happening, just not last night. So I did not get a workout in and I ended up drinking, which I had not planned. But I ate good and didn't do any late night snacking, which sometimes seems to happen with drinking. Today I will workout and not drink.