2 week challenge



  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Abi - Workout habits are the hardest, way to keep them up. I had one of those weeks a few back.

    Beeps - Welcome back. Can't wait to hear about your trip!

    Amy - You look great! Maintenance can be a great spot to be.

    Ris - Wow, time is flying! Way to go on compromise. I really wish booze didn't add to so much :)

    I had a pretty good week last week, I was really active which really helped to keep me at only 550 calories over my goal (yay!) I've been one week gluten free, and am feeling really good. I'm surprised at how (relatively) easy this is so far. It also blows my mind how much GF stuff there is out there. Most of it is not so good and not even worth eating, but I think I'm going to have to get my hands on some pizza sometime soon.

    I'm headed to Vegas for a day, then Phoenix this weekend to visit some friends. Hoping we can get outside and be semi active, but I know there will be lots of boozing going on, so I'll need to do my best to keep my eating in check.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ris- Stay strong with the sweets! Jackson will be 4 months tomorrow, but he is still a little peanut, I think he is just a little over 14lbs we go to the doc next week so I will know for sure then.

    I'm so jealous of all the warm weather vacations! I don't think I have ever wanted summer to come so badly!

    Well I think I have officially hit my plateau. This is where it gets tricky though because I am doing 1800 cals a day. Not counting any exercise or breastfeeding cals, just making sure I take in 1800 a day. And I probably shouldn't drop below that because it could hurt my milk supply. I am running 3 days a week, I just started week 5 of C25K and doing 2 days of strength. I am about 5 lbs above prepregnancy weight, which I have to say I am pretty proud of especially since I gained about 45 during pregnancy. I think I might just have to accept this weight until I am done breastfeeding.

    My goals for the next couple weeks:

    1) Clean up my diet. Cut out some protein bars and replace with hardboiled eggs and fruit.
    2) Increase my workouts- try for 4 days on the treadmill and keep up the 2 strength days
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Today was pretty good, and still allowed for plenty of treats. My breakfast lately has been a whole grain frozen waffle with peanut butter and nutella. With coffee (and my usual fiber drink) it's still under 300 cals, then I had a frozen lasagna for lunch, girl scout cookies for snacks, and a grilled turkey sandwich and chicken noodle soup for dinner!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    ramalem--Whole Foods makes a frozen gluten free pizza crust that is actually pretty good. It's in a little ball in the frozen pizza section. My husband has celiac, so I make it whenever he has a pizza craving. It's pretty much the only GF pizza he'll eat.

    Chloe--Jackson is such a cutie! 14 pounds sounds about right. Wiley is massive, he's been in the 100th percentile in weight at every checkup. I need to start doing more baby weight exercises with him to take advantage of his size. And great job on losing the pregnancy weight so quickly!

    Amy--Your breakfast sounds delicious; I love nutella. I can't keep it in the house though, I don't have the restraint to just use a little bit! But that's a great way to keep your treats in check.

    I did well yesterday. I almost gave in and had some wine even though I wasn't planning on it (I had my glass out and everything), but then I decided that I'd be better off spending those calories on real food and reminded myself that I'll enjoy the wine more if I wait until Thursday. The scale was down about two pounds today, so that was a good reward. I think it's just a result of my body flushing out all that extra sugar.

    For all of us with a sweet tooth, this article was good and scary about the evils of sugar: https://www.webmdhealth.com/nl/nlv.aspx?id=81B7FAD9E5248578&s=14148
  • nenshali
    nenshali Posts: 331 Member
    Hello Ladies :)

    Until now, it was a good week. Yesterday, I ate in fact too because I didn't count the exercise enough. Well.. this won't happen again :laugh:
    I'm going to a café in about an hour, I'm still unsure what to order. A Cappuchino or a Latte Macchiato (simple) would be smarter than something with caramell, but I'm craving it. I guess I'll give in, so I prevent any late-evening-binges :blushing:

    My goal for this week is:

    1) Yoga, every day!
    2) Breakfast every day
    3) Fruits and Veggies every day
    4) Drinking 2l of Water/Tea every day
    [5) Continue studying again, I focus quite a lot on food and fitness right now :laugh: ]
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Back into the grind. Will get a work-out in, today, but am totally going to ease my way back into it....I do NOT want any DOMs. Typing is hard (due to the sea urchin stings I suffered on 4-of-5- right hand fingers/tips). Lifting will be super-hard, too.


    I'm going back into a slight deficit. Going to try a 6:1, with the 1 being "maintenance" and NOT "binge".

    Should I re-invigorate the *star* challenge as a March thing? I can do a solid 4 weeks throughout March.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I could do star challenge, will be good for me. I am upping to 1400 per day (9800 per week). Hard to log accurately when I eat out, though!
    How did you enjoy Mexico? How did you get the urchin stings? looks ouchy!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I have a confession to make. I've never had Nutella! Probably for the best.

    I was off today so ran three miles. I'm feeling it. Which sucks because I'm running a 10k with my bestie next Saturday. I have not run that far since my mini last April. I'll bust it out. And then take ibuprofen.

    I'm down for the star challenge in March. I hope for March and April to be good weight loss months. I peeked at the scale this morning and it was the same as last week. I'll step on again tomorrow and see what it has to say and then log. Probably going to do another round of measurements and photos next week.
  • wassergottin
    wassergottin Posts: 154 Member
    I'm down for the Star challenge in March! I am feeling much better about my health and have kicked my binging habit. :D
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hey Ladies! It has been a busy week! I had to do report cards and I had my formal observation yesterday (I think it went well)

    Amy- You LOOK amazing!!!!! How much lifting do you do? I always see you post runs, but not as much lifting.

    Beeps- Welcome back! Your poor hand, ouch. Hope your DOMS isn't too bad.

    Ris- I LOVE sweets, too! You've lost most of your baby weight, right? Don't be too hard on yourself.

    So I have seen a consistent GAIN since the holidays, yet my pants are starting to fit better. I know it's just the scale, but I NEED IT TO MOVE!!! For the next two weeks, I am going to try to step up the cardio, then cut back and focus on weights.

    I LOVE the star challenge. I have been logging EVERYTHING. When I look at my diaries from last year, I know that I didn't log EVERYTHING (late night snacks, second slices of pizzas). I want to figure out what how many calories to lose or maintain. The only way I can truelly know this is to track my calories.

    Happy Thursday!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I only post runs because I only count calorie burns from running. I was doing the Drop 2 sizes before vacation and it called for lifting 3 times per week. I think that is a pretty reasonable schedule. Usually 10 reps, 3 sets, various movements-squats and deadlifts for legs, pull ups, pushups and rows for upper body.
    The trouble is, I sort of have to cycle between working out (when I am working out I have a harder time controlling my appetite) so then it's when I just focus on lowering cals for awhile that I think I look better, but really, it's the workout that's under that. I need to find a way to do both.
    and like you, kc, I need to log to know. It's nice to be able to have a record, and it helps with planning, so I know a few quick "500 calorie dinner" or something like that.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Amy - Mexico was perfectly lovely! Perfect weather! Beautiful resort! Time alone with a great husband! I loved it.

    Sea urchin stings were day 1. Not 10 minutes into the ocean-time.


    I actually was at the dr. today and have to have 3 of them surgically removed....so, tomorrow it is! (they just freeze the pinky and start digging, I think....ugh....)

    So, my lifting won't be tomorrow. Maybe Saturday. Will see how I feel. I'm nauseous just thinking about it....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Off to "surgery"....sucky, right??

    To make myself feel better, I keep reminding myself WHY I went to Mexico in the first place, lol! So, here I am, in the beautiful warmth and sunshine, soaking up local culture/history (at the tulum ruins....):

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Here's what I have for March *star* challenge....please let me know:

    1. if you still want to be in (or out) of the challenge.
    2. if your calorie alottment (by week) has changed.
    3. take this weekend as "practice" - we go full-out starting MONDAY!

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Beeps has a face! :wink: Your arms look amazing. Like seriously arms I would see and covet. Good luck with surgery.

    I'm going to try to reduce my goal by 50 calories a day which means I'll be trying for 9650. I've been really focused lately. I had a little slip up with the wine last night, but ate pretty light the rest of the day so ended up over by 300. I also had a pretty killer workout yesterday. No PRs, but I hit the high end of my load on bench (85), squat (130), and standing OHP (55). I'm ready to do this thing!!!

    Have a great weekend ladies! I'm shooting for 5 miles Saturday to attempt to get me ready for my 10k next Saturday.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nice pic, Beeps, and I guess we can see a face-but in shadow and with sunglasses!
    Good luck with the surgery, that makes me a little queasy too.
    I went over last night with beers and grilled cheese, it was from a food truck so I counted it like Sonic, I don't know really, though...

    I am kinda starting a March plan. I decided to do the last phase of the Drop 2 sizes, I was 2 weeks into the last phase when I stopped.
    So, average 1400 cals per day, follow the D2S and then we'll see where I am in a month.
    The one thing I can't decide is if I should eat back workout calories, they are too hard to estimate with the D2S.
    Also, not sure what I really mean by "cheat meals" I still want to account for them, and not go over on cheat days.
    And alcohol, I would like to try and keep it to 7 drinks per week but that seems impossible for me, I am at 8 already and it's Friday!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    And alcohol, I would like to try and keep it to 7 drinks per week but that seems impossible for me, I am at 8 already and it's Friday!

    I also have a hard time considering cheat meals because sometime they come in the form of liquid! :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Well, had my pinky "surgery" to remove sea urchin stingers.

    It didn't go well.


    Much like the first cataract surgery I had last September, I ended up fainting and then I had a seizure (dr's word choice, not mine, so please don't skewer me if this isn't correct terminology).

    It was THE most disorienting thing I have ever had happen. When I "awoke", I thought I had died ~ there was just a very bright light and my husband's face over mine....I didn't know who I was, I didn't recognize my surroundings and I think my sight returned before my hearing so it was all very, very confusing and frankly, TERRIFYING.

    My husband has now gone out-of-town for the weekend with middle son for a volleyball tournament. I've stayed behind to be with daughter at a hockey tournament. I am sitting at work (because I'm ALL ABOUT "distraction", just now...), but I'm feeling relatively, ummmmmmmm, hollow. I mean, I feel fine - the episode is over - but I don't feel good.

    I have 2 stitches that will come out next week; pain is completely bearable. I just can't get that "I thought I died" feeling out of my head.....and, it feels like a REALLY SILLY feeling to have over a pinky-thing.

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Wow, Beeps, that does sound terrifying and disorienting. I haven't had anything like that so I can only imagine how you might feel after all that. sounds like distraction would be a near impossibility.

  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Alex, I'm a 25 yr old SAHM of a toddler. 5'1" & weigh 117lbs. Trying to drop a bit more weight before we try for baby #2

    My goals for March are:

    1. Continue working out 30 mins/day 7 days a week.
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    3. Eat at least 2 servings of fruit & 3-4 servings of veggies daily
    4. Increase protein
    5. Eat 1,450 calories/day (previously 1350).
    6. Lose 2lbs