2 week challenge



  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    Happy Monday ladies!

    I was surprisingly good this weekend, even with V-day! I made cheese fondue (calorie explosion!) but it was so sharp I couldn't eat too much of the cheese. I did make homemade pretzels bites which were delicious, but I made sure to share with my parents and sister when they came to visit yesterday and got rid of them all! I've still been great with going to the gym in the morning too! 3x a week, not the longest amount of time spent there, but I'm able to get a lot done without the crowds. I pre-made dinners for the week (impressed with myself!) so dinners will be easy this week, so that's good!

    Kc- I hope your hubby's surprise was good! Let us know what it was :)

    Abi - Chocolate covered fruit sounds delicious!! I hope you had a fun time at the wedding :) Where are you from? We are getting covered with snow up in RI too! I don't know if we have any place left in our yard to put it!

    Beeps - That is so annoying about your in-laws! Did they end up coming? I hope they gave you some notice if they did or didn't! I hope you enjoyed the movies!

    Chloe - Sounds like you had a great week! I LOVE your picture!!!!

    For the STAR challenge I earned a platinum star! Wahoo!! I'm very impressed with how I did! Now lets see if I can repeat this week!!
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    I blew it last week, so no star for me. Took a week off from the gym and I actually think it made me grumpy and more tired believe it or not. I know it's going to be hard to get back into it, but tomorrow I start a new stage in my lifting, so hopefully that will motivate me.

    I ended up visiting a naturopath last week to talk about some stomach issues. Long story short, turns out I am gluten intolerant as I suspected. She advised that I cut it out... completely. Ugh. We also talked a lot about hormones in food, and what I should/shouldn't been eating while trying to conceive. Most of it was kinda "duh", like cutting down on processed foods, increasing good fats and eating as close to organic and grainfed as I can, but it was a good reminder anyway.

    Anywho - gonna get back up after my crappy week! Here are my goals:

    1. Lift 3 times with cardio
    2. Clean eats
    3. Log everything that goes into my mouth
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    I was 516 calories OVER!!! I have gained yet another pound. WHAT!?!?! Okay. Time to get serious! I have stocked my fridge with fresh fruits and veggies. I have sliced and diced so that I am prepared to be AMAZING!!!

    2 Week Challenge
    1. Eat LOTS of FRESH food
    2. Limit process food to nearly nothing
    3. 5 Workouts this week
    4. Be Active

    Last Feb, I was in the bets shape since MFP. My diary entries were inconsistent. My workouts were inconsistent. BUT, I jump roped almost everyday because I was training for Jump Rope for the Heart. I have brought my jump rope back out!!!!

    The Vday surprise was a heart shaped PIZZA, flowers, and a redbox movie. It was sweet though. :-)

    Shannon- Your meal sounds YUMMY!

    Jitsuda- Great Goals! You CAN do it!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    I only got a BRONZE star....and, BARELY, at that!!

    I leave for Mexico in the morning....I will come home bloated, but I don't care. I want to be eating yummy things, drinking alcohol, and frolicking in the sun!

    Whoever is taking over the STAR challenge, just give it a go..... I'll post THIS week's results right away....and you can just carry on from there!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    FEBRUARY 17, 2014 *STAR* challenge report:

  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Sorry I keep checking in late, crazy busy day. Anyways, I came in at 12,150- turns out there was lots of awesome food at the wedding last Saturday & I indulged. That is 600 cals over my weekly goal of 11,550. Gotta work harder this week.
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Eeek I was over by 1,734 last week. We had a pretty indulgent day yesterday with drinks and desserts. Back on track this week and putting last week in the past!

    Lately I have been having a protein bar for breakfast and then feeling like I want something in the afternoon and end up eating another one. So new game plan for this week is to cut out my morning one and substitute it with 2 hardboiled eggs. Then if I still want one in the afternoon thats fine. Also I am cutting out my nightly chocolate habit. This is my strict 2 week goal. Also to get in at least 3 treadmill days and 2 strength/ab workouts a week. I have stalled with my weightloss and i need to get back on track!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I'm back! We had a nice trip. The weather was gorgeous: 50's in the morning and 80's in the afternoon. We had plans to get some activity in, but did not except for walking leisurely through the botanical garden. Our host had a broken foot and his girlfriend that was going to take us hiking one day was not able to get away from work. So we soaked up some sun instead. I had the stomach issue right before we left that did not work itself out completey for a couple days. So I actually ate very little considering I was on vacation. I drank plenty, which also probably kept me from eating. (I am a reverse drunk eater; I tend to not want to eat). Our flight home was a nightmare (due to a cancelation), but we made it back same time but did not get to enjoy a leisurely morning as we hoped. Anyways, it's nice to be back to normal routine again.

    Yesterday I did not have breakfast as usual and was stuck at a hearing till 4pm with no lunch break so had an unplanned about 21 hour fast. I was starving for about 3 hours, but then it sort of went away and it wasn't awful. Needless to say, I was under my calories yesterday. I should be today as well since Eric and I are still trying to dry out a little from vacation. We have dinner plans tomorrow, but we haven't had any booze all week. Which for us is sort of good.

    The weather is finally warming up so I plan on an outdoor run tomorrow on my day off. Also meeting my niece (who is my age) and her daughter, so my great niece (weird right?) at the zoo so I'll get some walking in there too. I should be able to lift some this week too and have my weekly yoga class tonight.

    Here are some goals:

    1. 5 workouts a week - 3 cardio and 2 strength or visa versa; whatever I feel like
    2. Try to keep paying attention to macros (40-30-30). I've been higher on carbs lately
    3. Weigh in tomorrow since I have a larger dinner Wednesday night. And don't be discouraged by the number.

    I may try for a lower carb % next month. I'd like the months of March and April to produce some fat loss. My sides are rather squishy right now.
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Chloe - that's a good idea about the protein bar, eggs are a great option for breakfast.

    Better - glad you had a good trip & that the weather is warming up.

    The weather here is a nightmare, lots of snow, lost of cold & lots of cancellations. I actually drove a half hour to my kids' school yesterday to find out it was closed due to an impending snowstorm in the afternoon, so annoyed! They could have at least had half a day.

    Anyways I have really been floundering lately with my workout plans, so I decided to follow the one for the Mudderella that I am signed up for next fall. They are simple & you can do most of them anywhere with little to no equipment, plus the other ladies on my team are also following it so we can connect & sometimes do them together. I am really excited that I am doing this, I really think it is giving to give me the motivation I need to get back into shape.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Ashley- That's awesome!

    Abigail- Working out with friends is the best!

    I am feeling really good this week. My calories are slightly over, but I have been making pretty good food choices. Last night, I had a frozen burrito. I had a stressful day and got home late. I had cooked chicken breast in my fridge but the burrito sounded better. I feel like the muffin top is going away. The scale does not agree. It is NOT budging. I'm actually UP a few pounds since Christmas. I would put the scale away, but I' doing a challenge and I want to complete it.

    Side note- we have been in the 60's for nearly a week!!!! I LOVE it!!!! Today it is really windy though.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I've had a so-so week. Food was good Monday - Wednesday, but I drank a little much Wednesday night. So I ate crap yesterday. Had lunch and dinner out and could tell by the sodium bloat this morning. Not terribly over calories. I just felt blah yesterday. Pretty much came home, planted myself on the couch and didn't move all night.

    My Wednesday morning weigh in showed a half pound loss though, which considering my AZ trip was the week before, I was super happy!

    I've only gotten my yoga class, a short run, and walking through the zoo as exercise this week. I'll run Saturday and lift Sunday and be one lift short of my goal.

    During March and April I will be committing one per week minimum to a work lunch workout. That with my yoga class, day off workout and weekend workouts, I can get my 5 in. Once the weather warms, I can get back to double workouts on day off. Run in the morning and lift during nap time. I can't wait. It's warmed up some here and I have spring fever already. Temps are supposed to be back in the teens next week. :noway:

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hmm, not sure why that is sideways, but oh well, I was pretty happy with my first swimsuit day in Costa Rica and wanted to share:) all my tough days were worth it, I think.

    we had a great time, I would recommend it. For the value it was as nice as Dominican Republic and nicer than resorts in the same price range for the week. We pay about $1500pp per week, flight and all-inclusive resort. It was hot and never rained. We saw lots of iguanas and monkeys. We did an excursion with horseback riding, hot springs, water slide, ziplines and a tarzan swing, it was so scary:sad: that's me, screaming, not crying:wink: The beach was a volcanic beach so it wasn't white sand, and the water was pacific, so maybe a little colder.

    My plan now is work out 5 times per week, average 1400 cals per day, three cheats per week. I think I will still keep breakfasts at 300 cals and lunch at 400 cals, so most days I will be good, but have a little room for days where I want a drink, or popcorn, or dessert.

    We already had bought Girl Scout cookies! but I know now I have to keep an eye on things. I think 1400 is good for a slow loss and maybe get a better handle on maintenance.
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been terrible about posting but I just spent the last hour or so catching up. Can't sleep :ohwell: I'm going to jump in the star challenge; I need some motivation. My goal for the week is 14,210 net. As high as it is I've had a hard time sticking to it., or even logging some days. I've developed an insane sweet tooth and I can't seem to stop snacking at work. I'm still holding steady at about 5 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight (thanks to breastfeeding and carrying around an 18 pound baby everywhere), but I'm not making healthy choices. I'm okay holding onto the last few pounds while I'm still breastfeeding but it's going to be really hard to lose them down the road if I don't get my discipline back.

    Amy--your trip sounds amazing! And you look fabulous!

    Ashley--great job on the .5 pound loss!

    Kelly--glad you're feeling good! Just keep making good choices and the scale will follow!

    Abi--what is Mudderella? Is it like a tough Mudder type of thing?

    That's all I can see, it I hope you all had wonderful weekends!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies! Good to hear from you Ris! Sounds like you are doing great. That 5 pounds is nothing! How old is your little guy now?

    Amy, sounds like a great trip! And you look great! Your plan sounds like about what I am aiming for right now. My "goal" is 3 cheat meals, but sometimes it may be a little more. I really am just trying to focus on around 1400 calories a day with 5 workouts and it seems to even out. My macros have been okay. I could eat less carbs, but I like them.

    Hi to everyone else! Hope you had great weekends!

    I feel good today. I love when I wake up not feeling bloated and gross on Monday. I ate okay over the weekend, but countered some junk with a great calorie burn Saturday (4 mile run + around 3 miles of walking throughout the day) and a good lift yesterday in addition to some ball work (with my Coregous ball) and ended with a little yoga. I was having a hard time lifting Daphne in and out of shopping carts after! My calories ended up total 10,708 with a net of 9,284 so I get my star! I did pretty good with drinking too. Only drank 3 days, and one of those days was very moderate. So I am geared up and motivated to continue with good habits for the next couple months and hopefully lose some of my winter fluff.

    I better get to work. Let's have a great week ladies!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - nice pic, you look fabulous! Glad you had a good time, sounds like a wonderful trip

    Ris - glad to see you back. The Mudderella is the girlie version of the Tough Mudder. It's half the distance at 5-7 miles & the obstacles look easier. As my sister says it's all the fun without the sadism.

    Better - glad to see you are feeling good, I definitely feel gross & bloated this morning. I went a little overboard on the junk yesterday.

    In fact, last week was a major fail on calories & I was WAY over, so no star for me this week. I am determined to avoid sugar at all costs going forward. I have to get a handle on these cravings! Thankfully I have been keeping up with my exercise program so if I can get my eating habits to match I should be good to go.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Amy - you look friggin' AWESOME! Seriously....you iz the shiz.

    Welcome back, Ris....i don't miss the slow decline from pregnancy weight to....something else....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,987 Member
    Hi Better! Hi Abigail!

    My return trip from Mexico is tomorrow....booooooo.

    I hear it is MINUS 30 today where i'm headed. Ugh.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Nice Beeps, enjoy your last day. We came home to a snow storm but it warmed up Sunday. Harsh...
    And thanks, everyone, for your words of support.
    looks like I have a week of something closer to maintenance. But I will work out!
    Going to The Keg for dinner tonight and better get in a run so I can split a bottle of wine.
    Ultimately I did not complete the 4th phase of the Drop 2 Sizes program, so I could finish that up, or try something else, I can't decide...
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--Glad to hear you had a good weekend! And Wiley is four months old. Time is flying by with him....

    Abi--Mudderella sounds fun! I'll have to look into that.... I hear you on the sugar cravings. That's my weakness right now.

    Beeps--Welcome back to the cold! That's going to be a tough transition from Mexico.... I hope your trip went well!

    Amy--There's nothing wrong with maintenance!

    Day one of my recommittment to logging went well. I avoided all desserts (except for granola bars--they are my compromise for now), and stayed under my calorie limit. So far so good today. I was tempted to go through all of today's snacks this morning, but checking in with you ladies has boosted my willpower and I think I can restrain myself and save the rest of my snacks for this afternoon. I'm going to skip the booze tonight and tomorrow, so that should help me stay within my calorie guidelines.