2 week challenge



  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    I'm in for the March star challenge! I'm at 14,210 for the week. I may try to lower it if I meet my goal for another week or so, but I'm not ready to leave maintenance mode yet. I'm breastfeeding a baby and a half (I pump extra milk for a friend whose milk never came in), and I don't want to mess with the supply.

    I had a good week last week--I managed to stay under my calories for the week, despite a few splurges at the end. I went over yesterday, but I was tempted to eat even more last night and restrained myself, so I count that as a win. I can definitely make up for the 150 calories or so that I was over by, but it would have been harder if I had to make up for 400 calories instead.

    Shannon--LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress! You look beautiful in it!

    Beeps and ramalem--I hear you. This winter weather is killing my workouts. I need to get outside and run. I did walk up and down the stairs for 15 minutes yesterday to get my heart rate up a little at least, but it's not the same (and very boring).... And Beeps, so sorry to hear about your surgery experience!

    Amy--I'm going to check out your husband's act when I get home. I'm also a huge Saved by the Bell fan, so that's cool that he got to share the stage with Screech!

    That's all I can see/remember.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Shan the dress is beautiful! And you already look fabulous in it.

    Beeps, I hate the weather too. But whenever I think about how terrible it is in KY I think of all my Canadian MFP friends and think you guys probably have it worse! Ugh.... We've had a few nice days and it's been such a tease. It's been in the teens the last 2 days, but is getting up to 44 on my day off tomorrow so I hope to be able to at least run outside at some point during the day. I'm ready for spring!!!!

    Ris, OMG! What a good friend you are to supply another 1/2 baby worth of milk for your friend. BFing was no small feat, so to do that for her is really amazing. You totally are earning maintenance for all that milk you're making! :smile:

    I've fasted for about 14 hours, have a healthy lunch packed, and yoga tonight. Unfortunately I'm picking up takeout for dinner as I did not meal plan well. I was not trying to go to the grocery the Sunday before an alledged ice/snow storm was going to hit. Anyways, doing Panera so not awful, but I may be waiting to recover from the extra sodium and weigh in Thursday. Still going to try to keep on track with my diet this week. I'm doubting I'll see a loss this week but would rather not see a gain.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I agree with Ashley, Ris, that is so nice of you to do that for a friend! and ash, I think takeout is a way to control myself and know cals if they publish. My go to takeout for 500 cals or fewer: Chipotle tacos, Noodles japanese pan noodles with shrimp, and panda express mushroom chicken and angus steak (I add my own 1/2 cup of brown rice)

    Shan, beautiful dress, so pretty, you look great and it's very vavava voom; you have a perfect figure for it.

    I think I might be able to zip up my wedding dress again, I was thinking about it because we were watching "How I met your mother" and lily put on her wedding dress for robyn and barney's wedding, she was going to borrow their photographer because apparently Marshall had shaved his head before their wedding. Anyway, I really liked her dress! I just have to live vicariously through other brides, since I probably won't have another wedding:tongue:

    I am ready for spring, too. So far this week it's been nice in Denver. I am going to jog around the lake tonight, making bbq chicken sandwiches for dinner.

    Last night I also stopped eating when I was still hungry and count that as a win, but I also counted my exercise and I said I wasn't going to count the D2S workout, they are mainly strength. but it takes me an hour and I only count 20 mins of circuit training. cheating?
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Shan! You look AH-Mazing :) Glowing bride, so happy for you!

    Ris - what a rock star you are. I have a bestie right now that is going through some bfeeding issues and it breaks my heart. So amazing of you to do that.

    Better - totally agree with Amy about finding good takeout options. Chipotle is great, and I've even had good luck with specialties and panera! The thing I like about more mainstream places, is that you can usually find all the data in the nutritional database. Huge plus!

    Amy - I love that episode of HIMYM. So funny. I don't think it's cheating, I always log my strength though and usually just use the "strength training" under cardio. Probably not super accurate but I eat back my workout cals.

    Speaking of "cheating" when logging workouts, does anyone have a HRM? I think I've seen Ashley logging her running with it, just curious which ones you guys like and if it works well to log especially for lifting. I think I'm in for a shock when I see how much I'm actually burning hahaha.

    Unfortunately for Seattle, the start of spring just means more rain. We are supposed to be getting about 2-3 inches between today and Thursday. :cry: Remind me why I live here again!? It does mean more snow for the mountains though, which is good, but crappy bc I'm busy for the next two weekends and can't take advantage!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    Speaking of "cheating" when logging workouts, does anyone have a HRM? I think I've seen Ashley logging her running with it, just curious which ones you guys like and if it works well to log especially for lifting. I think I'm in for a shock when I see how much I'm actually burning hahaha.

    I wear my HRM (Polar F60 I think) when I do cardio, but not to lift. When I first started lifting heavy back in 2011 with that Wet Wolf workout, I remember I was ecstatic that I just burned almost as many calories lifting as I would running. I shared this info with this group and Kate (chuisle) the research queen directed me to a good article that basically said HRMs are highly inaccurate for strength training for some oxigenation O2 rates or something. Since Kate always had such good research to back everything up, I took that as truth and have not worn a HRM while lifting since. I feel like for most cardio, the HRM is pretty accurate. And I like seeing the fruits of my labor in the form of getting to eat (or drink) some of that back. :drinker: Lifting isn't for calorie burns though in my book, but more for, like Beeps said, body transformation. And strength building and bone density and all that other non-vanity benefit. :glasses:
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Thanks! I always wondered if I should even bother logging lifting, but man I get hungry. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    ...hilarious, ramalem....I finally figured out last summer that it was CARDIO that made me hungry, not weights....as soon as I could dial back the hunger (by dialing back the cardio), I started to lose bodyfat (again)....

    we really are all DIFFERENT in some respects....sure, we're humans, all, but with some quirks and quarks built in.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Lifting makes me hungry, but cardio does too. The thing is, the cardio burn seems more accurate so I feel ok about eating back cals but I have no idea what to eat back for lifting so I tend to over do it.

    I am better off mixing the cardio and lifting but to really lean out for a beach vacation, I just have to keep calories low (which is easier to do if I don't exercise and lower carbs and up protein, but it's not magic, just less hungry...)

    I would think, with more muscle you are burning more calories at rest, so maintenance for 130 pounds is the same calories whether you have 23% body fat or 30% body fat-but you're going to look better at 23%.

    Weigh in tomorrow-first time since Costa Rica.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Yeah, I think ultimately what it comes down to for me is finding a good balance as I'm not lifting heavy enough to have strength be all I do AND cleaning up my eating. I've been on NROL4W since January and I just haven't seen results. My clothes feel the same but I've gained weight (although have been stuck at said weight for almost 2 months) and I don't really see any noticeable definition changes.

    March has got to be my month for some changes :)
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hey, hey! So we have had the stomach bug roll through our house since friday. YUCK!

    Just to jump right in to the HRM - I don't have one, which is why I always say my burn is 1. I have noticed a trend on here though. People who wear an actual HRM have one burn. People who use those all day thingies....um, like the fitone or bodybugs or whatever they are called, they report a lower burn for their workouts. Why is that???? I use to want soemehing like that but I'm not sure how well they work. When I see them synched to peoples diaries and those people have an extra 500 calories EVERYDAY, how come they aren't losing more weight? Yes, they may not be perfect on their food diaries, but still, I don't think it adds up.

    Ris- That's awesome! I wish i had someone I could have donated too. I had so much milk in the freezer that i eventually tossed it all!

    Amy- I watched that the other night too and was thinking, I doubt I can fit into mine right now. I wish i could run around the lake. I think that would motivate me.

    Shan - LOVE the dress! You are going to be beautiful

    Beeps- You poor thing! I don't do well with pain meds. I hope you are all better.

    Ram- I don't know. I agree, weights make me look better, but I feel like I need cardio to melt the fat away. Balance.

    My plan was more cardio, but then i got sick. I don't have a plan this week. I think I'm going to run today before soccer and tomorrow do something else. :laugh:
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Kelly--I use a fitbit, but I don't synch it up with MFP or otherwise use it to track calories. I basically just use it as an incentive to get my 10,000 steps a day and to compete with my brother as to who can get the most steps. The (friendly) competition definitely helps inspire me to do little things like take the long way when I'm walking somewhere or take the stairs rather than the elevator. I don't know how accurate it is for tracking calories.

    ramalem--if your clothes fit the same but you've gained weight, that probably does mean you've gained some muscle, but maybe you just haven't really lost fat? I'm guessing that as the fat melts away you'll see more of the definition. It's there, you just need to uncover it!

    Amy--maybe just compromise on eating your lifting calories, like maybe eat back half of the calories that MFP says you burn when you log it (I log it as "circuit training"? Though I agree that you'll get faster results before a trip or something by just controlling your diet. Also I watched your husband's routine last night--so funny! My husband thought so too.

    That's all I can see. I had an okay day yesterday. I had a cupcake for breakfast (my belated birthday treat to myself--my birthday was last Friday), and no real exercise, but I still managed to stay within my calories. Also no booze in the evening even though my husband had a drink, which always shake my willpower a little bit. Today I should have time for a lunchtime walk, and I'm going to try to skip both the dessert and booze tonight. Tomorrow I'm off from work, so I'm hoping to get in a run or at least some lifting (or maybe both!).
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Just wanted to share my good news of this mornings weigh in and measurements. Everything was down! Weight down by a pound and total measurements down by 3.4 inches! Granted my last measurements were taken beginning of January ad included all the holiday fluff, but my weight has been trending down since and so have my measurements. I'm so glad I had a good first weigh in and measurements of March! I hope this means good things to come for the next two months!!!

    Kelly, hope you all have gotten over everything. I think the fitibts account for all activity, so that includes the TDEE. I think..... I do enjoy logging calorie burns from my runs though.

    I agree we all have our own balances of cardio and strength training.

    Amy, hope you had a nice run.

    That's all I can see now. Hope you're all having good weeks! I'm off today and hope some snow melts so we can get out for a run. Sorry for my patting myself on the back. :blushing: I was not expecting a one pound loss and not really expecting my measurements to change that much! Dedication does pay off! Bring it March!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Amy - good luck with the weigh-in!

    ramalem - I hope you aren't relying on the scale when lifting....as in EVER, frankly. Please take pictures (front/side/back) in your gym clothes and make sure you REPEAT those pictures every 3- or 4- weeks. Also, take measurements....truly, if your waist measurement is coming down, everything else (in my mind) is gonna fall into place...

    kclynch - GET WELL SOON! I think all the "burns" are b.s. and over-rated, but I'm cynical that way...

    Ris - Happy Birthday! I didn't want that to go unnoticed....how was your first birthday as a mama???!?!?!

    Better_Balance - WOW!! Those stats are AWESOME!! Congrats on your hard work - it is obviously paying off....aren't you trying to get pregnant, again>!>!>

    Today, I lift!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I chickened out on the weigh in! stupid, I suppose, I guess I just didn't want the scale to tell me what kind of day to have:tongue:
    My run was ok, pretty slow, as usual, and quite windy, but not cold. I was sore from working out Monday so it felt a little tight or something. Resting today, maybe drinks with a friend.

    Ashley, that is good news-does that mean March is in like lamb or a lion for you?

    Ris-thanks for watching, I think he's funny:laugh: My compromise was to log the workout as 20 minutes of an hour, since it's not technically circuit training. I guess in my mind, circuit training is like, jumping rope between lifting sets, or at least, keeping an elevated heart rate.

    I did have an HRM, I can't remember the brand. Then it stopped working. I was using it running to try and keep my heart rate in a target area.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I was trying. Now we are sort of taking a break from trying because I am selfish and don't want to spend maternity leave in this crappy weather. Seriously.....I get to take 12 weeks off work 2, maybe 3 times EVER in my life. I would prefer if I could 100% enjoy it, which for me means being able to get outside some during that time. 2012 was unseasonably warm, so even though Daphne was born late January, we got really lucky and were able to get out really early on. So we're on hold till May or June, maybe as late as July.
  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Happy belated Birthday Ris! Hope it was a good one!

    Better - KILLER STATS! That's awesome. I'm really hoping that March will bring some of that my way :) Great work. I don't blame you on wanting to wait, I'm also considering taking some time off too - but really there are about 3 months in Seattle you can count on good weather, so it would have to be timed pretty well!

    Beeps - I know I shouldn't be relying on the scale, I was just bummed to see my weight go up (almost 5 lbs!) since I started lifting. I took pics and measurements long time ago, so I guess I should start that back up again.

    Amy - I hear ya on the weigh in's, they are scary!
  • RisOnTheRun
    RisOnTheRun Posts: 624 Member
    Ashley--This is a great place to pat yourself on the back! Your success is inspiring for the rest of us.

    Beeps--My birthday was pretty uneventful. The baby gets all the attention these days :tongue: I did have a few extra glasses of wine (and fed the baby a bottle that night) which was nice.

    Amy--Ha ha I know the feeling on the scale. At the end of the day weighing yourself is not going to change how you weigh, and if it's going to put you in a bad mood then there's no reason to put yourself through that. And that sounds like a good compromise on logging weights.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Amy - I'm only going to weigh once-per-month at this point. My weight loss is gonna be slow and, nope, I do NOT want that f*cking scale to RUIN MY DAY/WEEK!

    Better - it's usually in these times of GREAT planning that the GREAT-est of "accidents" happen - guess we'll have to wait-and-see!!

    ramalem - if you gained weight, I promise it is NOT the weight-lifting....it is ONLY that you are eating too much! Nobody ever wants to hear that, but that really is *it*. Keep up the weight-training....I'M ALL ABOUT THE WEIGHT-TRAINING!

    Ris - yes, the baby DOES get all the attention!! That "pregnant-mama"-attention-whoring is SO fleeting....HAPPY BIRTHDAY all the same!

    I (repeat) started Phase 2 of Venus, today....interestingly, my first go-round I started March 11, 2013!! So, it literally has been almost one year to the day!

    I am lifting more weight than one year ago....that is good news ! (And, I know this because I track every work-out and every DB or BB weight at every work-out...)

    My glutes are ON fire, though....DOMs is REALLY BAD, but I'll take it!

  • ramalem
    ramalem Posts: 1,066 Member
    Totally know it's my eating Beeps, although I really haven't changed much at all - that's what annoys me. Alas, I will have to start REALLY paying attention, logging every little bit etc. Sigh. Great job on the workouts today!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Thanks for the congrats ladies! And Amy, I guess March will be a lamb for me? I have heard that phrase before, but not really sure I completely understand it. :blushing: I am motivated though. I have doing well with my diet and drinking and that makes me hopeful for what more I can do this month! Feeling good about myself is a better feeling that being overly full or super drunk. :drinker: Not that I am not enjoying things I love. I had a super yummy green chili enchilada casserole last night and 3 cocktails. Still under my cals! I've got some new recipes to try next week I'm pretty excited about: egg and sausage stuffed sweet potatoes, zucchini turkey burgers, and mini cauliflower pizza bites. I have renewed my addiction with Pinterest. One of my BFFs is a trainer and did paleo for January and has kept it up for the most part and she's always posting really healthy stuff so I'm stealing ideas from her. If any of you want to follow me, it's Ashley Bartley. :smile:

    I packed a gym bag and got to work early so I can head down the gym around 4:45 to squeeze in a quick workout before I leave this afternoon. Was going to do lunch workout, but I have lunch plans. Got a 2.5 mile run done yesterday, on the treadmill because the snow has not melted. I'm pretty excited about my 10k this weekend! Hopefully the snow will melt by then.