2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    hey, shanaber, it worked! thanks for your help, I could tell you what I was doing wrong but it's kind of embarrassing (essentially I had to scroll down to see "media", it didn't appear in the box and I didn't know there was more to view.
    Here we are at my cousin's wedding:


    and the other one:

    now, the cropping of photos is whole 'nother matter!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    hey, shanaber, it worked! thanks for your help, I could tell you what I was doing wrong but it's kind of embarrassing (essentially I had to scroll down to see "media", it didn't appear in the box and I didn't know there was more to view.
    Here we are at my cousin's wedding:

    now, the cropping of photos is whole 'nother matter!

    Never worry about being embarrassed on stuff like this - it is how we all learn! I am just so glad it worked. Anytime you try to upload/load a photo you should see that 'media' and be able to get to them that way.

    You both look amazing! Really great pictures!!
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Beautiful pictures!!! I've never even tried to post pics, so I'm sure I'd have trouble too. ;) Now I can ask you if I ever try.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Good looking couple!

    Yay!! IT's Friday and my birthday weekend!! Now to get the work day over with.....

    Our giant dumpster arrived yesterday and demo should start today or Monday. Time to tear the roof of our house!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Cute cute cute! Love the pics!

    Ashley-good luck with that, we are considering doing some renovations in our kitchen-new counters, back-splash and painting the cabinets hiring it out, but still dreading it. And if that goes well we will do the bathroom as well.

    So I caved and had some wine last night, and then I slept great right along with my baby who is feeling much better today. I did get up and do a PiYo core workout this morning. I plan on running outside tomorrow and Sunday, the weather is supposed to be perfect!

    Oh and I HATE shopping for clothes, which is why I never have anything to wear :laugh:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Ashley - Happy Birthday! Be prepared for lots of noise with that roof work. We had ours done recently and I couldn't believe how noisy it was. The outside is all finished (new roof, new windows, new front door, new stucco and paint oh and new gates too)! Now time to figure out what we will do on the inside and start those plans, new paint or wallpaper and definitely new flooring to replace the worn out wood we have now.

    I love shopping for clothes, I just don't like going to the mall and shopping by myself. I usually do it online unless I need something right away.

    Heading out for my run and enjoying my Friday off! Have a great day everyone!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Yay!! IT's Friday and my birthday weekend!! Now to get the work day over with.....

    Our giant dumpster arrived yesterday and demo should start today or Monday. Time to tear the roof of our house!

    Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:
    Tearing the roof off, literally, huh? That's exciting. Are you getting a new roof, or popping the top or something?

    Fluffy, I can help you now, if you want to post a pic. It's a bit of a hassle because you have to use a hosting site (I like tiny pic).
    But Shanaber had to help me get pictures from my camera, to my mac, to tiny pic so I could get the link to paste in here.

    Chloe, glad you are better! I think I sleep better with wine-some but not too much, gotta find the balance. Last night I only had one glass. It wasn't enough...
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Yeah, I'm interested to see how my Wednesdays off with Daphne will go during construction.... She may be napping in the basement. The construction will be going on right next to her room, so that's out. We're basically taking most of the back half of the roof off and expanding some attic space into a 6'x10' play room and 12'x10' bedroom and extneding the 2nd floor out slightly over the kitchen. So not a lot of new square footage, but big job because it's on the second story. Apparently they are going to build the new roof over the existing roof and then tear the existing roof off. I'm excited but a little nervous. Hopefully it goes smooth and quickly. I may begin to get nervous in a month or so considering baby boy will be here probably January 14 (if I do a repeat C, which I am leaning towards). They say no more than 60 days. Not that he needs his own room right away, but the new room will become my daughter's room and I really want to get her transitioned to there before her brother comes and takes away a bunch of time. They apparently started this afternoon, so I'm excited to get home!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    It was a tough choice - wine or gym?... wine or gym?... Why not gym then wine :)

    Yes, always gym then wine! If the wine comes first I find the gym does not happen!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,975 Member
    Amy - you look FANTASTIC! BOOM!

    Happy birthday, Better! BOOM!

    Got my lifting in and done in a gorgeous gym in vancouver. I am now at the airport....waiting for my lunch and my flight home.

    My travel-heavy september is over and octoberwill be about removing the five lbs september gave me....

    Have a great weekend, all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,975 Member
    Please don't kick me out of star challenge, shanaber!

    I knew september i would be useless due to all the traveling.

    I didn't log last week....but, i lost half a pound! I don't think i ate that much. No star.

    But, i will do better for october. I want platinum every week. Keep my weekly calories the same.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,975 Member
    I don't have any particular direction for a two-week challenge. Just going to eat less, drink more water, keep working out.

    I am spending time regulating my workday to make sure i am optimizing my networking.
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Ashley- I hope you had a good birthday.

    Beeps- Great job on your loss. I took 2 weeks off of logging.I have decided to go BACK to logging this week.

    This weekend I ate a lot.:sad: I stayed off the scale. I will get back on on Friday and Friday will be my new weigh in day. I bought Chalean Extreme this weekend on Ebay for $37. It should be here Friday. I am excited.

    2 week Challenge
    1. 3 strength workouts
    2. 2 Cardio Workouts

    Does anyone have the LP (Leah Peel or something like that?) info? Kate had sent it to me once and I guess I didn't save it. I want to try that.We have just over 13 weeks until New Years and I want to ring in the New Years looking Smokin' Hot!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. I had a great birthday weekend. Friday night I had book club and didn't get home till after 11:30. I guess I can stay up late with my girlfriends without wine.... Who knew?! :wink: Saturday we did our usual coffe/farmers market. I relaxed during naptime, read some, and then we went to a festival in the afternoon. It was a lot of fun. They had kid stuff, so Daphne had fun and I won a semester of music class for Daphne! That should be fun. There was a great band playing also and a "maker fair" which was a bunch of sciencey/invention type stuff. Then we went to fancy dinner out later that night and the food was great. I had brisket and it was fall apart tender. Sunday was shopping, visitng my friend and her new baby, a little down time, grocery shopping and food prep.

    I made 2 lbs of chicken avacado burgers, so that's lunch this week. I also made pickled veggies and a dessert I got from Shannon's Pinterest. It's 1 cup vanilla Greek yogourt, 1.5 cups cool whip (I know the stuff is full of crap and terrible, but it tastes so gooood!), 1/2 cup strawberries pureed mixed toget and put over 15 graham cracker squares in a pan. Then you top with another 15 squares and freeze and cut. They're sort of like little icecream sandwiches and have 50 calories so the recipe says. I bought a box of mini icecream sandwiches last Sunday and I need to not do that again. I sometimes eat 3 in one night. :blushing: I didn't do any official workouts, but it was my birthday weekend. We walked our normal amount, so there was that.

    Goals for the week:
    1. 100ish calories in dessert max (that means 2 popsicles, 2 dessert bars, 1 icecream sandwich or 1 small bowl sherbet. I seem to love dessert these days......)
    2. 4 workouts (lifting today, class tomorrow, running Wednesday, and a real workout over the weekend)
    3. In bed by 10, lights out 10:30. I didn't sleep enough this weekend.
    4. 14 glasses of water a day

    Have a great week!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    Amy - beautiful pics, I especially like the purple dress - great color on you!

    Beeps - yes, traveling can really mess things up for you weight wise, hopefully you can recover in October

    Ashley - hope you had a great birthday

    kc - hope you enjoy Chalean extreme, I haven't done that one, but have seen commercials for it

    That's all I can see right now. As far as my challenge is going I really blew it on the food end of things, so much for no sugar, seems like it was everywhere last week, couldn't escape it. However, I FINALLY got my husband to do a trail run with me & we had a blast. I am hoping that he will continue with it. :)
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Here's a pic from my birthday:

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Ashley, you are a cute couple and a cute pregnant chick!

    My weekend was ok. I get a bronze star. I tried to log as well as I could but brunch and bloody mary bar yesterday I am sure I am not altogether accurate. I think this week will be easier to log, planning on lots of meals at home so that helps.

    Should also be able to work out a bunch. I am still alternating lifting days with running days, but I am getting a little bored, not sure what I want to do...
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Glad you had a fun bday! Cute picture!

    Bronze for me again. I'm so irritated with myself. I just can't handle weekends. I help up so well Friday night and Saturday day...then Saturday night came and I was very into ice cream. :) And last night there was an incident with cupcakes.

    I'm giving myself an October challenge to MEET MY DAMN GOALS every day. Every day. Anyone want to join me?? We could friend each other and make a little challenge, not exactly sure what the details will be. I'm going to ask my friend list, too. I know I just have to do it for me, but hey whatever helps, right?
  • FluffyDogsRule
    FluffyDogsRule Posts: 366 Member
    Ashley, can you post your recipe for the chicken avocado burgers please?
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    ASHLEY!!!!!!!!!!! You are adorable! Ram where are your pics???