2 week challenge



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I didn't get an invite either, and my bookmarks/favorites doesn't work, it says I don't have permission or something:(
    I have been enjoying my week off, but I am still logging, out of habit, scale is the same as last week so maintaining at least in the short term.
    Clutch has two rest days per week, I think I can manage an hour workout, after work, at the fitness center!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Ram- I did couch to 5k after I had the baby too...I agree it is a great way to kickstart when you've had a long break

    Amy- I'm trying to convince myself to do the clutch program, I would have to do it in the morning tho. So 5 AM...are you doing the diet as well?

    My invite wasn't very apparent...it was up in the right hand of the page where the little bell is.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got the invite, but there wasn't a thread?
    I am going to do the diet mostly, I think. I thought there was approved carbs like brown rice, yams, oatmeal, but the female nutrition guide doesn't allow any (the male nutrition guide allows the carbs at mid-day). That seems extreme to me. I plan to have some oatmeal, yams, etc.
    I don't have the cheater baking mix, I wonder if I could make something similar by making flour out of oats? Jamie Eason had some recipes I might sub.
    She says you should workout on an empty stomach or at least 1 and a half hours after eating.
    I think all the ab work is insane though, I don't think I can do it!
    I have been doing the 30 day plank challenge and I am up to a minute of planking!
  • abigail1977
    abigail1977 Posts: 544 Member
    I got the invite & have accepted. Thank you Better for setting that up for us.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey all. Hopefully you all have found your invites. Shanaber and Beeps, you have invitiations waiting, so says the group roster. Chloe says, "My invite wasn't very apparent...it was up in the right hand of the page where the little bell is" so maybe look there. I figured we'll start posting there in November/Monday. We can start a new thread each month.

    I had a busy day off work. I did not run. I did Bulgarian split squats Monday and I don't think that was a good idea. Then I did 1/2 of my pilates class which was quite a bit of lower body too on Tuesday. My back and hips were really sore Tuesday night. I did go walk with Daphne about 35 minutes total yesterday and then stretched and used my therapy ball on my hips so am feeling better today.

    The addition is starting to look like real rooms! We had the first coat of paint go on yesterday and met with the trim guys at lunch today to talk about our custom carpentry projects. Should be soon now! Then it's time to decorate.

    Sorry not to check in with you each individually, but I have had a crazy day at work already so better get some stuff done.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have been splurging on dinner this week, in anticipation of the 21-day clutch! I made pizza rolls last night with crescent roll dough and pepperoni and mozzarella. It was yummy but yowzers on the fat! I also bought a bag of halloween candy but the idea is that the trick or treaters get it Friday. Saturday I will get down to business. There is plans for dinner on Sunday but I plan to stick to red wine and be reasonable which I think is do-able because the place has a lot of sharing type plates so I think it will be easy to take tiny bits of things and not over-do it.
    Any Halloween plans for anyone? We are going to a bar party, it's one where they sell tickets and there is some free wine and beer for a little while. I am going as Alice in Wonderland and my husband is going to be the mad hatter, I have friends who are doing White Rabbit, Queen of Hearts, and Cheshire Cat. It should be a lot of fun!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 914 Member
    Shanaber: Toes crossed we get to keep our toenails LOL.

    Better: I am on lost on where the invite is...

    Amy: I am also splurging this week b/c of my run on Sunday...I am starting to think I am may be feeling a bit too entitled LOL.

    Yesterday was another busy day! The fun part of the day was that we accepted the house that we were offered by base housing. It is about 4 miles from where we are now, and the same distance to work (instead of going 2 up hill, we go 2 miles down the hill to the water). The house is small...well, it is to us anyway since we have been living in such a big house. The tricky part is going to get my "gym" in ...The master bedroom is funny too...there is no partition/alcove/anything that separates the bedroom from the master bath, so you walk in and BAM there is a sink in the bedroom LOL...then then a door with the toilet/shower. Hubby can't get over that LOL. But the rent is $1300 a month less than we are paying now AND utilities are included up to a certain $$....oh and we will now have central air again!

    I went to running group last night and ended up walking again for 75 min. My knee was experiencing a sharp pain in the back hammy area. I got home and took a 200mg motrin and iced it for a long time. I know I brought this on myself b/c I have not stretched since my run...or ever really LOL.

    Dinner was Jack n the Box :neutral_face: Hubby made hamburgers but then called and said he thought the meat smelled off...I got home and agreed, it was definitely sour. We bought it Sunday...this is the 3rd time we have had meat spoil w/ in 3 days of purchase. I don't think it is our fridge...need to be careful with expiration dates.

    Today I am having my smoothie and trying a new appetite suppressant...I normally don't use these but Hammer Nutrition sent me a bottle to try (something about them promoting their winter/off season anti-weight gain campaign...evidently they don't live in Hawaii LOL). I have another speaking engagement this afternoon and then going to go home and take 1 more day for my knee...it is 90% better this morning but not going to press my luck for Saturdays run.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    chel, let me know what you think of the appetite suppressant. I am going to try the TruVision stuff, I checked the ingrediants and it says "proprietary blend" so helpful, right?
    I did like a thermo fat burner I had a sample from GNC but when I went back they didn't have it and I checked online and it was off the market. Probably killed some people:)
    That is bummer about the meat. I hardly ever make burgers at home because there are so many great burgers out there, and by the time I buy everything, and have 8 buns, it's hardly saving me any money let alone trouble!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    Yeah, I can't find the invite either!


    Measurement day is upon me! I will do it first thing tomorrow morning.

    Then I lift.

    Then lunch. Then a 2-hour massage. And then a halloween chocolate binge! KitKat anyone?!?!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    Sorry ladies - busy busy at work the last few days! I did find the invite buried down in my notifications so I am there now too!
    Chel - take care of that knee! I stretch before and after I run and sometimes during depending on how tight I feel. I am convinced it has kept me healthy (well except for my foot)...
    Amy - I love your friends costume idea for Halloween! Such fun!! We aren't doing anything except handing out candy. I like to see all the kids dressed up :smile:
    Ashley - I don't know how you can do the lifts you do being so pregnant! I would hurt myself or fall over I am sure.
    I ran today a recovery 4 miles this morning and lifted this evening. I know I will be sore in the morning but right now I feel amazing!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Chelneal, sorry I missed you! I added your invite yesterday afternoon. Kelly's is there waiting too but I think everyone else has transitioned over. So we can officially move there Monday.

    Happy Halloween! I'm dressed as a pregnant cheerleader. We're going to trick or treat for a little bit tonight with Daphne (she's a kitty cat) and then hand out candy and roast marshmallows over our fire bowl. It's getting cold tonight; like in the 30's with chances of flurries. Boo. Not much else planned for the weekend other than working on potty training hard core. Ugh. Have a great weekend ladies!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Diet has been bad this week, too many sweet treats. But I did get on the treadmill 3 times. And plan to get in some more running either outside or on the mill this weekend. My weight is the lowest its been since i had the baby though, so thats a plus! But, I feel "soft".
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,976 Member
    ...gonna post in new group...
  • ericalynnward
    ericalynnward Posts: 2 Member
    I just need someone to be accountable to other than my totally ripped, totally self controlled husband. Poor guy just can't win with me. I ask him to help then yell at him for helping! I really want to get down to 115 before May 2015. My short term goal is 122 by Thanksgiving. I weighed in today at 128 and I am 5'2". I teach group fitness, circuit, interval, really intense classes, I run, I swim once a week.....my point is I know it's all about my diet! I am addicted to food, especially sugar AND coke zero. Most of my weight is in my belly, the exact spot where sugar goes and NutraSweet is attributed to building that belly fat too! Is there anyone out there who can check in with me every day and even yell at me???
  • penguin3000
    penguin3000 Posts: 3 Member
    I teach group fitness, circuit, interval, really intense classes, I run, I swim once a week.....my point is I know it's all about my diet! I am addicted to food[...]

    I can relate. I have competitive sports 3x per week, I swim 3x per week, I run on the weekends, and I regularly do strength training. But. I consume almost twice as much food as other girls my age.... Gonna try to stick to a plan for two weeks, and slowly change my habits!

  • sonofabiscuitrawr
    hello!! im 5 foot 2 and i weigh 115 pounds. i lost 17 pounds over 5 months. half of it i lost when i got flown to alaska for a job where i worked as a seafood processor for three and a half weeks doing 112 hours a week in a freezer. oi!!!

    the rest of it i lost walking 11 miles a day. ive got 6 miles commute to and from work both ways and then i walk between 5 and 9 miles a day AT my job. PLUS im lifting 35-50 pound boxes all day. carrying pallets around and lugging a pallet jack around. my supervisor calls me mighty mouse!! lol

    im trying to figure out how to flatten my stomach. thats the only thing ive ever been really worried about. i never expected to lose 17 pounds. im kinda interested in getting a belly wrap or something to help. would that help?

    im living with a roommate right now so my diet is out of my hands. but i want to incorporate a paleo diet when i get my own place. i also wouldnt mind drinking more tea.

    i have an omron pedometer that tracks my steps. i get points that go to free samples and junk which motivates me to walk more.
  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    hello!! im 5 foot 2 and i weigh 115 pounds. i lost 17 pounds over 5 months. half of it i lost when i got flown to alaska for a job where i worked as a seafood processor for three and a half weeks doing 112 hours a week in a freezer. oi!!!

    the rest of it i lost walking 11 miles a day. ive got 6 miles commute to and from work both ways and then i walk between 5 and 9 miles a day AT my job. PLUS im lifting 35-50 pound boxes all day. carrying pallets around and lugging a pallet jack around. my supervisor calls me mighty mouse!! lol

    im trying to figure out how to flatten my stomach. thats the only thing ive ever been really worried about. i never expected to lose 17 pounds. im kinda interested in getting a belly wrap or something to help. would that help?

    im living with a roommate right now so my diet is out of my hands. but i want to incorporate a paleo diet when i get my own place. i also wouldnt mind drinking more tea.

    i have an omron pedometer that tracks my steps. i get points that go to free samples and junk which motivates me to walk more.

    Don't waste your money on a wrap, what it does is dehydrates that area therefore shrinking the cells, but its only temporary. You want to lose the belly fat? Me too, but it will probably be the last thing to go. Eat at a consistent calorie deficit, and it will decrease over time. Keep lifting those boxes, and maybe hit the gym to lift heavier - that will burn the fat in the long run
  • sonofabiscuitrawr
    any suggestions? do crazy crunches or something? i dont have much time for working out. i get my exercise at work and to and from work. on the weekends i spend time with my kids and we go for MORE walks together; park, library, things like that.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    I just need someone to be accountable to other than my totally ripped, totally self controlled husband. Poor guy just can't win with me. I ask him to help then yell at him for helping! I really want to get down to 115 before May 2015. My short term goal is 122 by Thanksgiving. I weighed in today at 128 and I am 5'2". I teach group fitness, circuit, interval, really intense classes, I run, I swim once a week.....my point is I know it's all about my diet! I am addicted to food, especially sugar AND coke zero. Most of my weight is in my belly, the exact spot where sugar goes and NutraSweet is attributed to building that belly fat too! Is there anyone out there who can check in with me every day and even yell at me???

    First I would work your way off the Coke Zero - the artificial sweeteners are really bad for your body. They make your body think it is getting something it can work with and then it has nothing. I lost 60 pounds and the biggest (food) change I made was to stop drinking diet sodas. Start by having water or tea or something sugarless to replace just one a day and drop them over time. I no longer buy them at all - if my husband wants one he has to go out and get one and I haven't had one in over 2 years now. Once you stop drinking the diet soda you may find your sugar craving diminishes as well.
    You can add me as a friend but I sorry I won't yell at you - I will however encourage you :bigsmile:
  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    any suggestions? do crazy crunches or something? i dont have much time for working out. i get my exercise at work and to and from work. on the weekends i spend time with my kids and we go for MORE walks together; park, library, things like that.

    Sorry for the late reply - my suggestion is keep eating at a deficit. if oyu arent tracking or logging accurately, then you can't guarantee any weight loss. Calories in vs Calories out is what it is.