Stage 2



  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    ok so i took a few more days on my break than i probably should have.. but luckily dropped down 2lbs in that time.. weee..

    Now its on to stage 2 starting tomorrow!!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Baaaah. Stage 2 B is LONG. Jeez. I can't even do the stupid bulgarian split squat or the lunge right now, so I'm substituting with glute bridges and romanian deadlifts, and jeez, it took forever and 10 days.

    I'm going to have to superset it if I ever intend to get out of there in a reasonable time. I also am having trouble understanding the use of the box with the wide grip deadlifts.

    I'm using 25 for my base height- so I'm already getting a pretty decent range of motion if you ask me. Anything below the box seems silly to bring up to the box, honestly.

    I have a limited time to work out so I only do a 60 sec recovery period instead of 75. So far it has worked out. I can complete the A workout in about 35 mins and the B workout in about 45 mins. I do the HIITs on my cardio days.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    I did 1 A today, and i think my legs are gonna be sore tomorrow...
    May have something to do with the fact that i also added on 2 sets of 130lbs leg press and 1 of 210 lbs leg press at the end.

    FSPP - With Olympic bar only.
    Step up - 40lbs barbell
    DB One point row - 15lbs dumbbells
    Static lunge - BW only i tried to use weights but balance is an issue here
    Push up. - Stopped wussing out with the incorrect style (elbows out) and tried to focus on elbows in tricep pushups, so used a waist high smith machine bar.
    Plank - 60 seconds. thats tough
    Wood chop - 22.5 lbs.
  • airplanes00
    airplanes00 Posts: 62 Member
    Stage two is done. I didnt move up much on the weights over all - but I am happy with my progress -

    Workout A
    Front Squat push press - 20 - 20lbs (each hand)
    Step ups - 20 - 25lbs (Each hand)
    Dumbbell 1pt Row - 20 - 25lbs (each hand)
    Static Lunge - 30-30lbs (each hand)
    Push ups - 30 - to floor
    Planks - 60 sec.
    Cable Woodchops - 20 - 45lbs

    Workout B
    Wide Grip Deadlifts - 20 - 30lbs (each hand)
    Bulgarin Split squat - 20 - 20
    Underhand lat pulldown - 50 - 80
    Rev. Lunge from box - 20 - 25lbs in (each hand)
    DB Prone - 12lbs in each hand
    Swiss ball crunch - 5lbs to 15 lbs (kettel ball over head)

    Again I didnt lose a pound -

    152lbs - 152lbs
    Body Fat - 23.70% - 23.00%
    Overall Inches Lost - 2.50"
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    I am starting Stage 2 today.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    OH MY GOD.. I thought my legs were hurtin after A... i can just imagine how I'm not going to be able to walk up and down stairs tomorrow after this B workout.. Is that ever a Thigh workout or what!

    Workout B
    Wide Grip Deadlifts - 85lbs
    Bulgarin Split squat - 12lbs dumbbells
    Underhand lat pulldown -90lbs
    Rev. Lunge from box - 10 lbs dumbbells
    DB Prone - 5lbs in each hand
    Swiss ball crunch -25 lb plate
    Reverse crunch - ok
    Lateral flexion - still don't know if I'm doing this right
    Prone cobra - 60 seconds.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    Stage two is done. I didnt move up much on the weights over all - but I am happy with my progress -

    Workout A
    Front Squat push press - 20 - 20lbs (each hand)
    Step ups - 20 - 25lbs (Each hand)
    Dumbbell 1pt Row - 20 - 25lbs (each hand)
    Static Lunge - 30-30lbs (each hand)
    Push ups - 30 - to floor
    Planks - 60 sec.
    Cable Woodchops - 20 - 45lbs

    Workout B
    Wide Grip Deadlifts - 20 - 30lbs (each hand)
    Bulgarin Split squat - 20 - 20
    Underhand lat pulldown - 50 - 80
    Rev. Lunge from box - 20 - 25lbs in (each hand)
    DB Prone - 12lbs in each hand
    Swiss ball crunch - 5lbs to 15 lbs (kettel ball over head)

    Again I didnt lose a pound -

    152lbs - 152lbs
    Body Fat - 23.70% - 23.00%
    Overall Inches Lost - 2.50"

    2.5 inches!!! great job!!
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    Workout B really kicks my hiney!! And I'm pretty sure I pulled a butt muscle. :noway: Walking tomorrow could be interesting and I'm supposed to meet with a trainer at my new gym for a fitness test. :tongue:
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    So I met with a trainer today for my free fitness assessment at my new gym today. Once he heard what my workout regime was he offered to bypass the assessment and work with me on my form with what I was already doing. He gave me quite a few tips and confirmed that I was doing some things right. :smile:

    But he did suggest that I switch from a wide grip deadlift to a Romanian deadlift (basically taking out the squat motion). He said that with the low weights that I was using (60 lbs) that it was too low and using my back too much in the lift versus the hamstrings that it was supposed to target.

    I have 2 workouts left each of A and B left in stage 2. Not sure if I should take his advice and switch or just continue as I've been doing. Thoughts?
  • CharleneExtreme
    Just finished stage 2! Woo!! :) Trying to decide if i should take a week off or go straight into stage 3...
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    So I met with a trainer today for my free fitness assessment at my new gym today. Once he heard what my workout regime was he offered to bypass the assessment and work with me on my form with what I was already doing. He gave me quite a few tips and confirmed that I was doing some things right. :smile:

    But he did suggest that I switch from a wide grip deadlift to a Romanian deadlift (basically taking out the squat motion). He said that with the low weights that I was using (60 lbs) that it was too low and using my back too much in the lift versus the hamstrings that it was supposed to target.

    I have 2 workouts left each of A and B left in stage 2. Not sure if I should take his advice and switch or just continue as I've been doing. Thoughts?

    Um...I personally stick to the wide grip. I didn't do mine from a box (even though I've done this in the past) b/c I used 35lb plates which is still a deficit when comparing to 45lb plates. What I found with the wide grip, is that I had the hardest time holding onto the bar and wanted to work on that weakness, you know?
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member
    So I met with a trainer today for my free fitness assessment at my new gym today. Once he heard what my workout regime was he offered to bypass the assessment and work with me on my form with what I was already doing. He gave me quite a few tips and confirmed that I was doing some things right. :smile:

    But he did suggest that I switch from a wide grip deadlift to a Romanian deadlift (basically taking out the squat motion). He said that with the low weights that I was using (60 lbs) that it was too low and using my back too much in the lift versus the hamstrings that it was supposed to target.

    I have 2 workouts left each of A and B left in stage 2. Not sure if I should take his advice and switch or just continue as I've been doing. Thoughts?

    Um...I personally stick to the wide grip. I didn't do mine from a box (even though I've done this in the past) b/c I used 35lb plates which is still a deficit when comparing to 45lb plates. What I found with the wide grip, is that I had the hardest time holding onto the bar and wanted to work on that weakness, you know?

    After re-reading the descriptions in the book, I did decide to continue with the wide grip. According to the book, it works on exactly what the trainer said my weakness was. And I haven't been using a box either. I'm going as low as I can with decent form right now. :-)
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member

    I'll be doing Stage 2 A1 tomorrow. What did you guys start with on the Push press? Just looking at suggestions so I don't take an hour and a half in the gym trying to figure out what is a good weight :p So excited to keep on a truckin.
  • loricolwill
    loricolwill Posts: 189 Member

    I'll be doing Stage 2 A1 tomorrow. What did you guys start with on the Push press? Just looking at suggestions so I don't take an hour and a half in the gym trying to figure out what is a good weight :p So excited to keep on a truckin.

    I started with the weight that I was using for the shoulder press. I actually went down some the second time in order to improve my form, but that's where I started. I love the workout A. Workout B is a beast!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Sweet, thanks. I may give it a try with the barbell itself just to see how my form goes. I tried it here at my home a few times just to get a feel for it but that sounds like a good place to start weight wise. That'll only be 15 lbs up from the barbell itself :p
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Oh, me too. I use 25s across since I'm fairly flexible, so I'm like, "oh hells no" whenever I pull out that box. Wide grip cramps my HANDS. Does anyone else have that problem? I have to use a lot less than my regular DL weight just because it really tests my grip.
  • cpa8198
    cpa8198 Posts: 154 Member
    Just finished stage 2! Woo!! :) Trying to decide if i should take a week off or go straight into stage 3...

    Me too... but I'm taking a week and a half off.... vacation planned next week....
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    did 2B #2 last night!
    weights didnt change from last time..
    my legs were still sore from A on monday...

    im goign on vacation, so it will be a few days before my next workout.. but you can bet i'll find a gym when i get to Korea and keep on truckin!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member

    I'll be doing Stage 2 A1 tomorrow. What did you guys start with on the Push press? Just looking at suggestions so I don't take an hour and a half in the gym trying to figure out what is a good weight :p So excited to keep on a truckin.

    I started with the weight that I was using for the shoulder press. I actually went down some the second time in order to improve my form, but that's where I started. I love the workout A. Workout B is a beast!

    I was shoulder pressing 40lbs (total) at the end of Stage 1 and push pressed with 45lbs and it was a struggle. I never went down in weight but I did have to set the bar down a few times at rep 8, rest, then finish my last 2 reps. I never moved up in weight the entire stage but it definately got more comfortable.
  • hypallage
    hypallage Posts: 624 Member
    Well, halfway through Stage 2 now, still not loving i but I do prefer workout B to workout A.
    I do find though that all the slpit squats & lunges really hurt my knee (previous injury). I'm dispensing with them & substituting for the static lunges from Stage 1.