Stage 2



  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Stage 2, 4A completed!!
    FSPP 65 - 75 lbs;
    Step-ups 25lb DB to 30lb DB each hand;
    1pt Rows 20lb DB to 25lb DB each hand;
    Rear-elev Lunge 25lb DB to 30lb DB each hand;
    Push ups 10 on the ground (no change)
    Plank 90 sec (last set, otherwise 60);
    Woodchop 40 - 55 lbs

    Looking forward to 4B and then STAGE 3!!!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Well I just did A1. Besides looking silly, I'm WAY off kilter with the push press. I just did the bar, but the part where you put it almost on your shoulders, in your fingers, and squat? My arms wont do that. No matter how close I had them or how wide or even when I tried it with a broomstick to see if I could do it, when I bent my wrists like that it just made my whole arms hurt. I did them though, and the pain stopped eventually, but I just feel like I'm not doing them well. Just have to get comfortable.

    BUT the step-ups I did increase to 30's for a set. Still needed to drop back down to the 25s, I actually use a bench to do it so almost 2 feet off the ground. The one point row I did with the 30's though, my balance needs improvement :p Push ups are pretty good, doing them on the ground. The woodchop is awkward. My dumb question of the day is does the woodchop work abs primarily? Like that machine where you sit and twist side to side?

    Overall I felt good. Not sure how I will feel tomorrow.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Hi! Jumping in this thread... been lurking for a while :-)
    I just completed Workouts 1 for both A and B of stage 2.

    My thoughts:
    - Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated vs. Bulgarian Split Squat. Is there much of a difference? My gym doesn't have a "step" so I've been using one of the weight benches the whole time (for Step Ups). The only difference I can find in these is the weight you hold (two vs one) and in the lunge, your back foot is rests on toes, and the squat you rest on the top of your foot? Am I missing something?

    - Just doing regular Deadlift instead of from the box. Still only have 45lbs on the bar.

    - Dumbell one pointed row was a humbling experience. My balance needs some work!

    - Pushups. Struggling with these. I've been stuck on the 4th or 5th notch on the Smith Machine since mid-Stage 1.

    - Planks are one of my favorite things ever.

    - Dumbell Prone Cuban Snatch is no joke. I had read some of your reviews on not getting past 10lbs. I used the 5lbs dumbells and struggled. I'm supposed to lift the weights to my EARS? HA! I was SWEATING after this exercise.

    - Totally digging Workout B. If I had a comfort zone with strength training, it would be on core/floor work.

    - Skipping interval training for now. I still run 3-4 days a week (20-25 miles per week). Anyone else?
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    - Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated vs. Bulgarian Split Squat. Is there much of a difference? My gym doesn't have a "step" so I've been using one of the weight benches the whole time (for Step Ups). The only difference I can find in these is the weight you hold (two vs one) and in the lunge, your back foot is rests on toes, and the squat you rest on the top of your foot? Am I missing something?

    I don't see much of a difference either. I guess the knee goes forward more during the squat movement? And I take a bigger step forward for the lunge, too. I treat the split squat as a one-legged squat, wheras the lunge is still a lunge just with the foot elevated.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    - Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated vs. Bulgarian Split Squat. Is there much of a difference? My gym doesn't have a "step" so I've been using one of the weight benches the whole time (for Step Ups). The only difference I can find in these is the weight you hold (two vs one) and in the lunge, your back foot is rests on toes, and the squat you rest on the top of your foot? Am I missing something?

    I don't see much of a difference either. I guess the knee goes forward more during the squat movement? And I take a bigger step forward for the lunge, too. I treat the split squat as a one-legged squat, wheras the lunge is still a lunge just with the foot elevated.

    What i have found that works is stacking 2 25lb plates on the ground for the lunge. My toes are normal position, while on the split squat, toes are down (upside down) on the bench/step and its much higher than the height for elevated lunge.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    - Static Lunge Rear Foot Elevated vs. Bulgarian Split Squat. Is there much of a difference? My gym doesn't have a "step" so I've been using one of the weight benches the whole time (for Step Ups). The only difference I can find in these is the weight you hold (two vs one) and in the lunge, your back foot is rests on toes, and the squat you rest on the top of your foot? Am I missing something?

    I don't see much of a difference either. I guess the knee goes forward more during the squat movement? And I take a bigger step forward for the lunge, too. I treat the split squat as a one-legged squat, wheras the lunge is still a lunge just with the foot elevated.

    What i have found that works is stacking 2 25lb plates on the ground for the lunge. My toes are normal position, while on the split squat, toes are down (upside down) on the bench/step and its much higher than the height for elevated lunge.

    Thanx for the insite! I'll try using the plates for the lunge, and paying attention to the squat vs lunge knee movement!
  • annamerrick
    annamerrick Posts: 78 Member
    Stage 2 Completed!! Workout B Final weights:

    Deadlifts from box: 135lbs,
    Split Squats: 45lb db held to chest,
    Underhand pulldowns: 100lbs,
    Reverse Lung/Reach: 20lb db each hand,
    Cuban Snatch: 10lb db each hand,
    SB Crunch 15 lb weight overhead,
    Reverse Crunch on incline,
    Hanna version 3,
    Prone Cobra 90 seconds.
  • CharleneExtreme
    Finished stage 2! Here's my results:

    Front Squat/Push Press: 27.5lbs - 16.5lbs (my form was suffering at the higher weight)
    Step Ups: 22lbs - 44lbs
    DB 1-point Row: 22lbs - 33lbs
    Static Lunge: BW - 33lbs
    Cable Horizontal Wood Chop: 11lbs - 16.5lbs
    Deadlift from Box: 44lbs - 49.5lbs
    Bulgarian Split Squat: BW - 16.5lbs
    Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown: 16.5lbs (no change)
    Reverse lunge from box with forward reach: 11lbs - 22lbs
    Dumbell Prone dumbell Snatch: 2lbs (that was bloody hard!!)
    Swiss Ball Crunch: 33lbs on chest - 11lbs behind head
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok - I did my first stage 2 workout on Saturday! Not that I did it well - but I did it. Like all of you - the push press felt awkward - and the static lunge - my lunge felt awkward - probably due to the fact I raised my back foot on a bench (weight bench) at the gym - so it might have been too high. I had to hop my front foot forward and it still didn't feel like the length was right.

    Oh well - at least I did it.

    And I am a bit sore today! Yay - so I did something right. My butt is sore - would the FSPP work my butt differently than the regular squat from Stage 1? I'm glad - but am wondering if that is what it is.

    REady for Workout B tomorrow!
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    Just completed B1 today. PHEW.

    Quick question. So I have been doing this with the 300 calorie cut, so when I eat back exercise calories I eat 300 cals, so that my net calories is the 1700 that the book recommends. When you guys do the workouts with the HIIT afterwards, do you eat more or keep with the same amount? It seems like more strenuous work, but I don't want to over/undereat.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    When I exercise I wear a HRM - I know that for weight lifting it isn't supposed to be accurate - but for workout 1B tonight for me which includes the intervals - it showed I burned 339. I eat 1700 a day plus my exercise cals. So I just added it on there. I figured there were enough workouts that elevated my heart rate so it probably was pretty close.

    We are fairly close together. I do weights on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday - so I'll do 2A on Thursday.
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok - another question for Stage 2 people. I did the bulgarian split squat. I used a step bench with one riser on each side underneath. It actually hurt my foot when i put it upside down. I found I was putting my foot up on my toes like the lunge on the A workout. So is the problem the bench isn't high enough or too high? What is everyone using for bench height for the BSS?


  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    Ok - another question for Stage 2 people. I did the bulgarian split squat. I used a step bench with one riser on each side underneath. It actually hurt my foot when i put it upside down. I found I was putting my foot up on my toes like the lunge on the A workout. So is the problem the bench isn't high enough or too high? What is everyone using for bench height for the BSS?



    I used a chair and couldn't do my foot upside down either.
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    Ok - another question for Stage 2 people. I did the bulgarian split squat. I used a step bench with one riser on each side underneath. It actually hurt my foot when i put it upside down. I found I was putting my foot up on my toes like the lunge on the A workout. So is the problem the bench isn't high enough or too high? What is everyone using for bench height for the BSS?



    I use a bench for mine, and I have no problem putting my foot upside down, but if I don't step far enough away, my foot cramps up, so I have to make sure my working foot is far from the bench. I use a low step (not aerobics step cause my gym doesn't have them, just a low step thing they have) for my static lunges, and the lunges feel completely different than split squats for me. For me, split squats feel like half a squat, one leg is moving exactly like a squat, back leg doesn't do anything. For my lunges, I can feel both legs burning and the back legs helps a bit too. So that's how I know they're doing different things:)
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    That helps - I think I'll try moving my front leg out a bit. It was humorous - I'm sure - me trying to hop on my front foot to get it further out. :) Ha ha...but it might be easier with a step a bit higher - or using a chair or bench. I'd prefer that actually - I had to go to the aerobics room to get the step and wait for the class using them to be done. So I'd prefer to use what is already out there instead! :)
  • avalynsmom
    avalynsmom Posts: 78
    I can't hop forward, if I start too close to the bench, I take my foot down and then step forward and try again. When I hop, my foot cramps up!! Yeah, I definitely think the split squat is supposed to be like that, with your leg on a bench or high box or whatever, that's the diff in the pics in the book too. And like I said, it makes it feel totally different, to me anyway:)
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    Ok - another question for Stage 2 people. I did the bulgarian split squat. I used a step bench with one riser on each side underneath. It actually hurt my foot when i put it upside down. I found I was putting my foot up on my toes like the lunge on the A workout. So is the problem the bench isn't high enough or too high? What is everyone using for bench height for the BSS?


    I am 5'3 and I used a bench with 3 risers. It was perfect height. Make sure front leg is not too close to bench. If doing this correctly you will feel all the weight on front leg. Balance is tricky! I loved these!
  • tchrmom04
    tchrmom04 Posts: 84 Member
    Ok - that is great - because I am 5 ft. 4! :) I will try the split squat with the weight bench - or use my same bench - but with 3 risers instead of 1. :) Thank you!

  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    So I have now done both workouts this stage. I think I actually prefer workout B... I had to modify it a little (since I'm currently at home) but I feel more worked out and less dog-tired after it than I did after A! I did superset it because otherwise it would have taken FOREVER (that and my workout buddy was in a hurry to get home) but I tried not to skimp on anything and man, it was amazing. Can't wait to get into a real gym and see what other challenges this has for me!
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    Did workout 3a today. Couldn't do the wood chops though. Cable machine was being hogged all night by 2 chaps. :-(. So disappointed.