Stage 4



  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I know what you mean about pushing harder when there's an audience and it not always being good. Good luck with your trainer today. I'll try your stretch as a warm up tomorrow, I hope it's not too bothersome, I've got company coming for a week and if I stay on schedule I'll be exactly ready for the rest week when they're here, so I don't want to skip a day (don't need an inlaw audience kwim)
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    So the PTI forgot and didn't show up till I was leaving the gym. Very annoying but I concentrated on form instead of increasing my weights much. Still I did the workout so can feel pleased about that. Then it struck me - I have zero support doing this, the gym is almost always empty, no camaraderie that you get in a class or from what it sounds lie with cross fit. So the only support and encouragement I get is from all you guys. It is great to be able to share the highs ad lows and know you all understand. THANK YOU!

    Wasn't feeling the love of lifting this afternoon.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    So I bought some gloves from target, just $8 reebok ones, but used them for the first time today. I really liked them. It didn't hinder my grip or performance in any way, didn't make my hands sweaty at all. Just helped my callouses not hurt. Wish I bought them sooner. You guys use them?
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Started Stage 4 today! I forgot to take my log sheets from Stage 2 so I couldn't remember where I left off on some of the weights but it wasn't so bad.

    I felt like an idiot when I realized after doing 16 reps on the one-point row that I was supposed to switch feet half way through instead of doing 8 on each side. My arms are not going to be happy about that tomorrow!

    Still having trouble with planks. I seriously slacked off with the planks in Stage 3 so I only have myself to blame. Today I was able to do 85 then 120 seconds with my elbows on a bench. I can usually do 50-60 with elbows on the floor. I think I'm going to go back to the floor and try to add 5-10 seconds each time.

    Also I'm sure this has been asked and answered, but with the sets listed as 2-3 in this stage, what does that mean exactly? 2 sets for the first 2 workouts and 3 after that? Today I did 3 sets on the FSPP but 2 on everything else. What is everyone else doing?
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    So I bought some gloves from target, just $8 reebok ones, but used them for the first time today. I really liked them. It didn't hinder my grip or performance in any way, didn't make my hands sweaty at all. Just helped my callouses not hurt. Wish I bought them sooner. You guys use them?

    I haven't used them but thought about it. The callouses are so bad now that I'm used to them. But the barbell I use has grips so that could be why they aren't so bad.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I've been doing 3 sets the whole time.
  • lhergenr
    lhergenr Posts: 242 Member
    I'm only two workouts in (took a week off) but have done 2 sets both times. I'll probably do 3 halfway through, but it really depends on how I feel when I get there.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I started with 3 sets too...maybe I should be doing 2 but upping weights more? I'm totally paranoid since I have that shoulder pain now...(although much better these days...even with going to the gym yesterday...)
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Getting good at 2 min planks, today on my second one of three, I did the last 25 seconds with my 18 month old on top of my back. The hardest part was trying not to laugh because she was yelling horsey!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    Just 2 workouts to go till I finish this stage, can't wait. it is definitely not my fave!

    2 minute planks are my nemesis. I can do press ups no problems, been doing them with my feet raised on a step and when that got too easy I do T pres ups with feet raised. But I still can't do more than 85s on the plank. RUBBISH

    I've been doing 3 sets all along except when I have run out of time, but that was just once.
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Just 2 workouts to go till I finish this stage, can't wait. it is definitely not my fave!

    2 minute planks are my nemesis. I can do press ups no problems, been doing them with my feet raised on a step and when that got too easy I do T pres ups with feet raised. But I still can't do more than 85s on the plank. RUBBISH

    I've been doing 3 sets all along except when I have run out of time, but that was just once.

    I wish I only had 2 workouts in this stage - I'm with you - not my fave.

    I'm super impressed with your push-up ability! I'm not good at those either. Slightly better at planks.

    Do you guys do planks from your elbows or on your hands?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    so I will be starting on Monday when I return from vaca. Tell me, despite disliking this stage, are you generally feeling better about the individual exercises? Stronger, more stable? My balance is my biggest issue - I have always had wobbly ankles no matter how much I do to strengthen them. I had a very big problem w/ 1pt rows in Stage 2, so although I know I'm much stronger now, I am not sure how much better I will do with them in 4.

    Love to hear all your experience!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I like this stage although the FSPP kicks my butt. I feel like I've got much more balance and strength, I do pretty well with the dumbbell row things, still lose my balance occasionally but way better than in stage 2, even with more weight. I only have one more workout on Thursday than onto stage 5. I'm taking a full week off this time, I didn't between stages 2-3 and 3-4. I'm going to have company but I really feel like my body needs the week off. I've been sick too, so I'm ready for a little break. Good luck to those just starting.
  • MissSifaka
    MissSifaka Posts: 25 Member
    Hey All! I'm starting stage 4 on Sunday. Looking forward to some of the oldies: bulgarian split squat and static lunge, they were evil and I loved them. Push press was a bit sad the first go around #35 was pretty much my max. I hope to turn that sad face in this coming month. I have noticed that my hands have been hurting a lot when holding weights higher than #20 lbs. Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions? I had thought about gloves but wasn't sure that would help with the phananges. Thanks!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I noticed my hands hurting more with heavier weights too starting in stage 3, I recently bought gloves bc my callouses were bothering me more lately too, which the gloves helped with the callouses but not really the pain I think you're talking about. I just open and close my fingers a lot when they bother me and they don't tend to bother me after the workout really, I'd probably take an ibuprofen after if they did though. Good luck with stage 4, I've got one workout left before starting 5.
  • MissSifaka
    MissSifaka Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks, I definitly do some finger wiggles and other silly looking stuff in between sets now, it does help a bit. I know this may seem a bit strange but I kind of love my weight lifting calluses, they make me feel like a badass.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I don't mind the look of having callouses, but they were getting quite painful, especially with heavy deadlifts. I just use the gloves on a few specific things and it has helped. My husband actually told me tonight my hands felt like I'd been doing yardwork except we both know that's not true, hahahaha, it is true, I hate yard work!
  • livlovra
    livlovra Posts: 139 Member
    I use gloves but its my grip that gives out before my arms and legs which is a pain.

    My balance has improved but it was pretty good to begin with. I haven't increased much weight though and really struggling to increase my squat (I have split the FSPP down to a back squat and an overhead press) and doing 3 sets I do 8 reps with 110 pretty easily but the next increment up is 132 and I normally manage about 6 reps for sets 2 and 3. I don't know why but at the end of stage 2 I could do 3 sets of 8 reps at 132, so annoyed I seem to have gone backwards on that one. However I can now press 55 which I am happy about.

    I do planks on elbows. Is it easier on hands? I might have to try that and work back to elbows as I am seriously pump at planks.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Hey All! I'm starting stage 4 on Sunday. Looking forward to some of the oldies: bulgarian split squat and static lunge, they were evil and I loved them. Push press was a bit sad the first go around #35 was pretty much my max. I hope to turn that sad face in this coming month. I have noticed that my hands have been hurting a lot when holding weights higher than #20 lbs. Has anyone else had this issue? Any suggestions? I had thought about gloves but wasn't sure that would help with the phananges. Thanks!

    Interesting I just did 4A, week 2 and I was trying to do step ups with 30# DBs and my hands hurt. I switched back to 25# more because my hands hurt rather than my legs!!! and I was wearing gloves!

    I love the static lunge, and step ups. Still only at 35# bar for the FSPP but I have a shoulder issue. Can't believe I held out for 3 sets of 2 minute planks. I was dying!!!

    Holy I sucked at the DB rows today...kept losing my balance!!!
  • jhgreer
    jhgreer Posts: 145
    Sue, glad to see you back! I did notice my balance was a little better with the one-point rows. Maybe from those one-leg deadlifts in stage 3? I feel like those helped me stabilize my core and hamstrings a little.

    MissSifaka, I like the callouses too! Luckily mine aren't painful or I would probably invest in gloves. They're even more proof that I'm working hard!

    livlora, I'm not sure if planks are easier on hands. I've tried them both ways and suck at both. My best (longest) planks are on my hands with my feet elevated on a swiss ball. But I don't feel like I get quite the same core workout that way.

    Anybody have any suggestions for substitutions for the crunches? I've heard a couple of times that even Allwyn doesn't recommend crunches anymore. I might go ahead and purchase the Abs book because I was going to do it next. Surely there will be some alternatives there.