


  • MelodyAnn323
    MelodyAnn323 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I am starting NROL4W today (!) and I'm so excited. I started the program a few years ago and while I only made it through the first 8 weeks, I had a lot of success so I know it works if you work it! I can't wait to share this journey with y'all! Ready to lift some heavy things!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Thank you for the welcome and yay MelodyAnn we can start together :smile:
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hello, I started NR last week. I am surprised to find myself sore in places that I didn't expect! I have been weigh lifting on and off for about 3 years now with varying degrees of sucess ;-)

    I live in the UK, have 2 boys from a previous relationship (aged 10 and 15). I am getting married next year in November to my brilliant partner, he's in the army and is away quite a bit, we have ANOTHER 6 month tour looming on the horizon next year. BOOO!! I work part time as a retail assistant, I'm actually starting a new job tomorrow, nervous!

    I started NW as I was a member on MFP and have lost 11 lbs by cutting out alcohol, chocolate and various other bad habits, and I read about the book and thought I would love to try it. The scales stopped shifting for me about 3 weeks ago after loosing the 11lbs. I am not going to continue to battle my calorie intake and do hours of cardio in the hope of getting the scale to move down, I think it's a slippery slope that only ends up in a lot of tears and extreme tiredness, and that's not sustainable IMO. I've long known that building muscle is the key to fat loss but never really had the motivation or resources to do anything about it. That has all changed now, I'm a woman on a mission!!

    I would love some fellow NR fans on my friends list so feel free to add me with a reference to NR so I know that's where you found me ;-)

    Jess x
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Welcome Jess!!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Welcome to all the new ladies of NEW RULES!

    Now that you've introduced yourselves please come and join us in the stage 1 chat group :-)
  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I'm Digby!

    I just started this week! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone! I'm a runner, but have been wanting to do some hardcore strength training again, i so need it!

  • MelodyAnn323
    MelodyAnn323 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi, Digby! Welcome! Today I am doing my first workout B in stage 1. Excited to do some deadlifts!!
  • Digby
    Digby Posts: 27 Member
    Hi, Digby! Welcome! Today I am doing my first workout B in stage 1. Excited to do some deadlifts!!

    That was me yesterday :)
  • aquajen77
    Hi, I started NROL4W last Tuesday. I am enjoying it so far. I'm no stranger to the weight room, but wanted a program laid out for me. I hope to gain muscle and I'm not concentrating on weight loss, but won't complain if that happens!

    I am a wife to an awesome husband, mom to 2 active boys (5 & 7), and a part-time computer tech. I also teach Aqua Aerobics at my local Y.

    The program is going well, although I had a math error yesterday when I bumped my deadlift weight from 55 to 75! I did eek out the set, but my hands were sore.
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi, I started NROL4W last Tuesday. I am enjoying it so far. I'm no stranger to the weight room, but wanted a program laid out for me. I hope to gain muscle and I'm not concentrating on weight loss, but won't complain if that happens!

    I am a wife to an awesome husband, mom to 2 active boys (5 & 7), and a part-time computer tech. I also teach Aqua Aerobics at my local Y.

    The program is going well, although I had a math error yesterday when I bumped my deadlift weight from 55 to 75! I did eek out the set, but my hands were sore.

    welcome Aqua!!
    gotta get some gloves girl. I got callouses before the lightbulb went off in my head
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Welcome everyone, be sure to join us the Daily Chat thread!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Lindsey and I'm really excited to start the program. I just finished the book last night, and I have my lifting logs ready to go. I started doing some strength training about a month ago, and I just love the results. I am really hoping this program is something that will be beneficial for me, as I am pretty weak all over. I will be doing 2 lifting sessions per week (I am currently only able to get to the gym Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, so I will be lifting Mondays and Thursdays, with a cardio concentration on Friday). I know it will take me longer, and I'm OK with that. I think I definitely need the slow progression. I have been on my journey to a better me since May, and am 12 lbs down so far...Hoping that being stronger will give me what I need to go further in weight loss than ever before!
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Hello to all you NROL4W ladies. I am 53 and this is my third attempt. I went up to stage 3 got bored. Started NROLFL got bored. Now I'm back with the ladies. I plan on getting through all the stages. I have lost and gained -- as Lilly Tomlin would say -- the same 10 pounds so many times my celllulite is getting deja vu.

    In all seriousness, I hope to stay with it this time. I have done Supreme 90 Day with great results and attempted to go back to it but lost interest half way through. I am hoping to keep myself motivated with the help of you guys. I am at 150 pounds at 5'4" was at 145 but gained 5 back. I do workout 3 to 5 times a week so I am not new to fitness. I plan on doing my workout in the evenings and on the other days workout in the morning with cardio, core and yoga dvds.

    Just started Stage 1A today so ladies, wish me luck and help me stay motivated. My goal is to get to 130 and do at least 1 pullup.
    Thanks for the motivation you have provided me so far. You are the reason I decided to start back.

  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    Hello! I'm a 35 year old SAHM of two girls (1, 4). I've just started looking for work in genetics after taking the last year off. I plan on doing two weight workouts a week. I do some classes (bootcamps and kickboxing) that I'm not ready to give up. I figure once I get a job, I won't have time for the classes but I would be able to do the weights. Originally I was going to wait until I had a job to start but figured might as well start now.

    I'm not really following their diet plan other than trying to make sure I have 140 g+ of protein. Most days I eat about 2000 according to MFP. I'm a couple pounds away from my prepregnancy weigh and this is my normal wiegh range as an adult. Before kids, I did a stretch at the gym with weights and swimming and I was about 130-135. I would really like to get back to that range but I'm more concerned now with how things look than the scale.

    I've been dealing with tendonitis in my right forearm all summer. It is gettiing better but slowly so I am trying to be careful.

    Looking forward to getting to know you and getting stronger!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Evening ladies,

    I'm a 38yr old who 7 weeks ago had a mid life crisis and gave up a 24yr 20 a day smoking habit. Joined a gym a week later and I'm already feeling great and reaping the benefit, but I've never really enjoyed cardio too much. I've ordered the Nrol4 W book from Amazon which should arrive in the coming days and I'm hoping it can help me look better and keep the cardio to a minimum lol.

    I'm 5' 6", 133 lb, so looking to lose a few lbs maybe, but more importantly I need to reduce my body fat. I haven't had it tested properly, but the internet calculations I was using suggest my body fat is 33%, and I certainly feel flabby, so that's the focus for me :)

    Never used free weights, but the gym I've joined caters specifically for powerlifting, so think I'll have everything I need to give this a good crack! Very pleased to see a group here on MFP, some great resources to tap into :D
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Hey jsextrasmooth! Well done on giving up the cigarettes. That's brilliant! Bet you feel like a different person already. I'm sure you'll love nrol4w. I started a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying pushing myself to try new things. Makes the gym much more enjoyable. Which country are you from by the way?
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Hey jsextrasmooth! Well done on giving up the cigarettes. That's brilliant! Bet you feel like a different person already. I'm sure you'll love nrol4w. I started a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying pushing myself to try new things. Makes the gym much more enjoyable. Which country are you from by the way?

    Thanks, your absolutely spot on... I really do feel like a different person!
    I'm from the UK. Still waiting for the book to arrive, can't wait to get started, hurry up Royal Mail :-)
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Hi! I'm Rachel, and I'm starting on the 10th. I'm on my last week of Jackie Warner's book (12 weeks total), then I'm taking a one week break before I start. Also going to take a 2 week diet break starting next week to hopefully reset and get things moving again. I'm really excited about starting this! I ordered heavier weights yesterday, so I should have them before the end of next week. I haven't been the best at keeping up with groups, but I'm going to try my hardest!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi Rachel. It appears you are just going to have to try harder then :glasses: Based on what I am reading, you plan on working out at home using dumbells? I did the same thing. It's very doable. Good Luck!
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    My name is Nicole, 40 yrs old, 5'2" and currently at 176lbs, used to be 320 lbs at my heaviest.

    Some of my MFP friends have been using this program and I have decided to give it a try. My friend ordered the book for me as a belated birthday present and will be picking it up this next week. I am anxiously looking forward to doing some amazing things with my body by lifting.

    I am so excited to add this to my lifestyle!!