


  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Howdy everyone!

    I workout at home. I do have barbells and a squat rack, but the book states you can adapt all the workouts for home lifting. I will say that squats without the rack and barbell was very challenging. I had to plead with my husband to move things around so I could get the bench in a position to use the rack. But there are many types of squats in the book and on youtube!

    Congrats on quitting smoking jsextrasmooth. I did too, many years ago! It was probably the 1 best thing I ever did for myself. There are many other of course but for over all health, psyche, emotional benefit, that was the top of the list.

    You all are going to love/hate this program! I'm just finishing up Stage 1 these next 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to the next Stage but I can't believe how strong I got in this one!

    Feel free to add me if you want! Put NROL4W in your request tho if you don't mind!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Hi Rachel. It appears you are just going to have to try harder then :glasses: Based on what I am reading, you plan on working out at home using dumbells? I did the same thing. It's very doable. Good Luck!

    Thanks Kel! :bigsmile:
  • Kadi82
    Kadi82 Posts: 361 Member
    Hi all
    I'm Kadi. 29yo married for 3yrs and have a 4 & 2yo. I love weights but not done much since the gym. I'm looking at getting a home gym as its hard to get to the gym with no creche and part time work. I'm 5'2 & 116lbs. Just had to convert that as I'm an aussie and we do kg and cm. Not looking to lose weight just tone up and I love nice arms after doing weights. I still do home workouts and right now I'm doing insanity - just up to week 2. I'm planning on reading the book and then convincing hubby we need some weights :)
  • Ang_79
    Ang_79 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, my name is Angela, italian living in the UK. I'am 33 years old and have 2 girls. Just started lifting and loving it so far.
    Lost 59lbs in the last 3 years and can't shift the last 10-15lbs! Hopefully heavy lifting will help me lose some more fat and gain some muscle. Looking forward to the next 6 months and see where it takes me xx
  • mznortiz
    mznortiz Posts: 88 Member
    i'm new to the group. Looking to get back into weight training after a 20 year hiatus
    I just ordered the book. I look forward to learning as much as I can.
  • FireFae
    Hello everyone. I'm reading the book right now and find it very interesting and informative. I'm not sure when or even whether I will do the programme since I don't have a gym membership ... but I sure want to know more about fat loss and gaining strength because that is what I WANT and NEED.

    I am fast approaching 30 with a 17 month old daughter. I am 5'3" and weigh 119lbs. Prior to my pregnancy, I was in the 96lbs-101lbs range, yup, real skinny. I'm actually happy with the weight I'm right now as I was way too scrawny back then. Even my husband appreciates me 'filling up' :D The problem now is that I categorize as 'fat skinny' since my fat percentage is rather high and it shows - I'm all flab (ok, I am exaggerating a little there). I've been doing 30 DS - just finished Level 1 (10 days) and I can already feel minor improvements, which is great. I also run with the c25k program and am about to start week 4.

    I have to tell you I hate cardio :D I hate it while I'm doing it, but as soon as I'm done, I love it and want some more ... yeah, doesn't make an ounce of sense, but it's true. I want to find out about another way to get that strong well-definied musculature without having to run 10k+ every other day. And I also want all the excess fat off me ... I want my flat stomach back.

    I'll be mostly lurking around the group these days - trying to learn more and get a feel for this before I decide whether or not I will invest into a gym membership.
  • Irish_eyes75
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:
    I'm Christine. 36yrs old, 248lbs. I started here at 260, mainly walking & cycling some hilly hiking. I bought the book last night and I'm ready to go. I was going to wait until I lost all the weight, doing pure cardio, then 'tone'. I have since been "informed" and see now how silly that thought process was. Why not start now? I can lift heavy things, I'm fat not dead!
  • Nix143
    Nix143 Posts: 522 Member
    Way hey! I found you guys, it never occured to me to look gor a group - I should have known there would be one.

    Anyway, needless to say I am happy to be here. Had the book for over 4 years but just as I was about to start I became really ill, ended up having brain surgery and have spent the ensuing time wallowing in a sea of increasing blubber.

    I'm 42, almost 43, 1778lbs,5'3", work in a very sedentary job and hate the way I look. Classic pear is an understatement. I used to be an hour glass but everything has gone south and settled. Time for a change. Seriously. I like eating healthily, I LOVE feeling strong, I can't wait for my first workout tomorrow!
  • Bakerchk
    Bakerchk Posts: 424 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Casaundra and I am (semi) new to NROLFW. I am a little over halfway complete with Stage 1 and I am loving every minute of it. I am 9lbs from my goal and I've already lost 25lbs.

    My friend Pomidorka and I started this around the same time and we help keep each other accountable. It's nice knowing there is a group for this though. I am always looking for more supportive friends who follow NROLFW so feel free to add me. :)

    I also blog all of my workouts as I go, so everyone can see my exercises and the weight I am lifting.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Katy, 5'0" and from New Zealand.

    I started New Rules on Wednesday and have so far completed one round of Workout A and B.
    I was lifting heavy before but not following a consistent program.
    I also keep pretty active with karate, cardio and gym classes - I'm looking into starting kickboxing next week :)

    I'm not really following the dietary advice in the book, and I've already cheated by adding in 20 mins of HIIT before starting Workout A and a step class before Workout B. At the moment I'm eating at TDEE -20% while aiming for 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass (80-100g per day), I'll carry on like this and maybe reassess in a few weeks.
  • BrenBringman
    Hell all~My name is Brenda~39 yrs old.... I am a mother of two children...son who is 16 and a daughter who is 5 years old with the cutest blond curly hair who is kindergarten this year. I have been married to my husband for almost 22 years and I am new to this group. My family bought some weights for my son who is in HS weight lifting and I want to give it a shot so I can exchange some of these fat pounds for muscle pounds. I have NO idea where to start! Hoping to get some help here and maybe some friends who I can talk with about weight lifting daily. Friend me if you so choose. <3:happy:
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Hi all. Just found this group and I'm excited to be here (there's another group with the same name but fewer members..?). I just completed stage 1, workout B2 (so my 4th actual workout). I'm so excited to see the transformation weight lifting will bring. I've never seriously done it before.

    I'm 41, married, with a soon to be 3 year old daughter and a 10 year old stepson. I used to be very active, but was always a cardio gal.
  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 257 Member
    Hi all!! My name is Kate, I'm a mom to a 2 year old angel and married to my soulmate. I just started Stage 1 today and alreayd feel my muscles growing! LOL. I'm trying to strengthen all over, but particularly my core and upper body, which are my weakest areas. I'm hoping to see some real improvement by the end of Stage 1 and on into the next stages! Feel free to add me :-)
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Welcome everyone!! Feel free to jump right in to our Daily Chat Thread and the thread for the Stage you are currently in.
  • RUNN3Rmom
    Welcome all!!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi guys

    I am just starting to think about getting into lifting, I'm not that much of a stranger to it, during my early 20's I used to go to a gym and always preferred weights to cardio machines, but that was a long time ago!!

    Exercise wise I love running and recently started cycling to/from work occasionally too, but I am on the EM2WL group which got me thinking about weights again.

    At the moment I only have my dumbells set at home but the company I work for are opening a staff gym in the not too distant future and I will be using the equipment there, it is mainly free weights though.

    On advice from ^^ I bought the NROLFW but I have to confess with the crazy life I've had the past few weeks I've not had chance to look at it properly.

    I am sporting a minor injury in my right shoulder following a car accident, physio has said to build up gradually and take into consideration that I have soft tissue damage.

    Look forward to hopefully reporting some improvements in the near future.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I just completed Stage 1 but didn't get a chance to introduce myself, so I guess better late than never, right?!

    I"m a 32 year old mom of 2 (3 year old daughter and 8 month old son), married for 5 years this November. I work as a Manager in Education and absolutely love my job. Between working and domestic duties life is pretty hectic and for the most part I love every moment of it.

    I was an athlete throughout high school and early college, but once I stopped playing I started gaining. I went from my high school weight of 135 lbs to 165 lbs by the time I finished college. I got back in shape by running a marathon and got down to around 150 lbs, and was quite content at the weight. Got pregnant with my first and pretty much bounced back without a whole lot of effort. The second time around... not so much, lol. After giving birth in January of this year with my second, the weight did NOT come off. I weighed 185 when I delivered and went home weighing around 175 lbs and stayed at 165 lbs until I was 6 weeks post partum. I knew I needed to kick my butt back into gear and got the Insanity DVD's. And tracked on MFP. I got down to 135 lbs doing Insanity and tracking with MFP.

    BUT, I was super jiggly everywhere and had a huge loss of muscle tone. So even at my high school weight I was very unhappy with my body and knew I needed heavy lifting in my life to regain and build muscle mass. Which led me to NROLW.

    My goal: to firm up all the jiggly parts, especially my butt and thighs (mission complete as of today), and to decrease my body fat and works towards strengthening my core and getting my pre-baby tummy back (or at least close to it).

    Thanks for reading and Happy Lifting everyone!
  • a_new_dawn
    a_new_dawn Posts: 517 Member
    Hi, I'm Dawn and I'm 33.

    I've recently reached my goal weight and have moved into maintenance. I'm really pleased with my new found "slimness" but am not so happy that I'm still a bit wobbly in places.

    I have read so many threads and blogs about the positive effects of lifting... some progress photos have literally blown me away! I never thought I'd EVER be interested in lifting, but I am, hence me joining this group. I am a complete beginner to lifting so I am looking forward to learning more.

    My main aims are to "tone", tighten, build strength and reduce body fat %.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I am Gretchen. 37, almost 38, year old mommy to three, two of those are twins. :)

    I bought the book today and am beyond excited. I started working out at the Y in the past few years and the ONLY thing I find that I really enjoy is my Body Pump class. I love lifting weights in there. After doing some research I see that the idea of heavy lifting for less reps vs what we do in Body Pump are two very different ideas with very different results. I am looking forward to seeing how this goes.

    I was really beginning to enjoy running/walking/jogging but then suffered a severe sprain that is taking some time to heal. I feel like it may be a while before I am able to run comfortably again so why not try this out. Like I said I know I love lifting so I really think this will be a good fit for me.

    Looking forward to it!
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    Hi all! I'm Julia and I'm 22 years old, living in a suburb of Atlanta. I've been on my health journey since January 2012.

    I recently decided that I want to start lifting soon, and I am looking at/saving up for NROL4W. I'm a complete stranger to lifting. I'm hoping that having a book to help me will make me look like less of an idiot walking around the gym!