


  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    I am a 37 year old mother of 2 and stepmom for the past 7 years to 4 more! :) We have 2 ausie shephards and some chickens!
    I am currently working toward Nursing School as a career change now that my kids are almost all grown.

    I did the lifting for women over a year ago, but then got busy with wedding planning and life etc, so it went to the sidelines. I would like to start up again now that I am losing weight and trying to get back in shape. I enjoy running when I get out there and have the time, but mostly I have resorted to throwing myself into yard work for exercise as we have a big yard that has been let go for the past two years! I really enjoy getting my workout in without having to go to the gym, so not sure I can encorporate that with this program. I only go to the gym on Tuesdays for the most part because my daughter has gymnastics and my Gym is right accross the freeway! I get about an hour total to work out.

    Anyway, I guess that is enough rambling! :)

  • Sbehlmer
    Sbehlmer Posts: 464 Member
    Options name is Sue & I have been with MFP for 22 days & have lost 12.5 pounds. I came to Nrol4 W to get some ideas on what I can add to my exercise regimen...I currently walk 6 days a week (3-4 miles a day). I'm thinking strength training is what I should work on...

    Feel free to add me if you'd like :)
  • HisChild2011
    HisChild2011 Posts: 145 Member
    Ooh me next!

    I'm HisChild, and I am wrapping up Stage 1 of NROLFW. I will finish special workouts A & B today and Saturday. I am inspired by so many women getting not only fit, but strong bodies and using weights to do so. I recently joined Eat Mor to Weigh Less and upped my cals about a month ago. My eating hasn't been the best so I haven't lost a single pound in a month :( I actually gained weight on my spring Break and haven't taken it off. But I'm determined to do this right and see if it works so i'm sticking it out and moving on to stage 2 eating better, taking measurements and forging ahead. Nice to meet u!
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Hi all! I'm a 45 year old mom of two whose weight has fluctuated in recent years (I lost a whole bunch, and then stopped paying attention, discovered I'd regained 20...). I've lifted weights for 20+ years and have always found that it's much more effective for fat and weight loss than cardio. I have a personal trainer ATM and I think I've fallen into a rut, so I want to shake things up. With the high marks this program has gotten, I think this might be a good place to start.

    Part of my problem with diving into this is, the number of weights/length of workout is *so* much smaller than I'm currently doing. (My current weights workout is roughly an hour at a time.) I feel as though it can't possibly have that big of an effect! But doing different workouts on alternating days
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    Hi all.

    I'm Michelle. I'm a 39 year old (who am I kidding...I'll be 40 in October) mom of nearly 3 year old twins. I have been on a weight loss journey for about the last, oh...I don't know...10 years? :tongue: Probably longer than that, but it was 10 years ago that I first joined a formal weight loss program (WW) in anticipation for my wedding. I have been on and off of WW for the past 9.5 years, having some great successes and then of course putting it back on. Rinse, repeat. You know the story.

    Then in December of 2009 I got pregnant with the twins. I followed a nutrition plan during my pregnancy that had me eating a LOT. Pretty much all healthy foods, but still a lot more than I would have normally. I don't regret it one bit, as I believe it's a big part of why I was able to carry perfectly healthy twins to full term. But after the twins arrived, I was at an all time high weight - 240 lbs. At 5'9", that put me in the obese category.

    WW did help me lose 50 lbs since the birth of my twins, but I had stalled out on that and was looking to change it up. I am now sure that the reason I didn't have much permanent success with WW was that I wasn't really doing any significant activity. I was just cutting calories. Since switching to MFP in March, I have been more inspired to get active and have added in some fairly intense walking intervals, which have really helped improve my stamina and cardiovascular health (which was previously pretty sad). I have also done various light strength workouts, mostly body weight exercises and some dumbells.

    So here we are in May 2012. At 181.2 lbs, I am getting closer to my weight goal (ideally around 150, but my short term goal is 160, which will put me back in the healthy weight range) and now want to focus on getting stronger and fitter. I've heard all the praise of this program on the message boards here and my interest is piqued. Getting to the gym just isn't in the cards for me right now, so I will be doing the program at home. I do have a barbell and some plates, a weider universal machine and some light dumbells. I'm willing to invest in a few other pieces as needed to make this work.

    I'm a little anxious about making such a big change to my diet after being on the "cut calories to lose weight" boat for most of my life, but I am willing to take the leap and see what happens.

    Okay, so this has turned into a small novel. Sorry about that. I'm delighted to have found this group. I hope to finish reading the book in the next day or two, determine if I need to get some more equipment to get started, get that sorted and hopefully start the program later this week or early next.

    I look forward to sharing stories with the others here on this leg of the journey!
  • rayahmarie333
    rayahmarie333 Posts: 15 Member
    I just wanted to say hello. I just joined this group and I'm looking forward to learning more about NROL4W. I joined MFP in Jan. 2012, but I haven't really used it until now. I'm 39 yrs. old, married and have one child. I've struggled w/ my weight for years along with high blood pressure & pre-diabetes. I'm hoping and trying for a healthier me.
  • hedgehogia
    hedgehogia Posts: 40 Member
    Hello all! My name is Amanda :) I am a 35 year old woman. I am an ED RN working 3 13-hr shifts a week and OT and per diem on the side here and there. I have two preschoolers, a nice husband, two dogs and 5 chickens! :) I started NROLFW several times :) I'm currently 4 workouts into stage 1 and joined a gym across from my hospital this week. I start work at 630a, but the gym is open at 4a - ooof! My CW is 172 and I would be very happy @ 155 - 160. My goal is to be healthy, strong and keep a strong core so I don't get hurt at work (a lot of pt lifting and sometimes pt wrestling - haha.)

    My struggles are having a work out schedule with an irregular work schedule, being SORE and then on my feet for 13 hours, and eating consistently and cleanly at work when it's difficult some days to even pee.
  • Fairieluv77
    Fairieluv77 Posts: 95
    Hello! I just joined the group this morning. Started Stage 1 yesterday. I'm 34 with 20 pounds to lose and really want to see some muscle definition. Can you guys tell me how much weight you started with? Just trying to figure out if I'm moving in the right direction or need to increase. I'm starting out at home with dumbells and a bar. I tried searching the forums but I get too many results with the word weight in them!
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    Hi I,m Joy. I am 40 married to Miles and have 3 children marcus 16 and twins Piers and lydia who are almost 8. I am a keen runner but also starting to do some strenghth training. I have read the book but found it a bit confusing and am going to read it again, Just done my first half marathon so running has taken priority lately also doing a marathon in October but really need to tone up so want to really get into lifting. I use kettlbells regularly but we have weights at home that need to be used. will need lots of support as not naturally a strong person but have good endurance.
  • justjen0117
    Hi all!
    I'm Jen and I'm 41. I have about 10 lbs I'd like to lose but I'm more interested in building muscle. I just started Stage 1 today and loved it. I'm a former Crossfitter and runner but I like the programming in NROL4W. It doesn't feel as random.

    Historically, I've been a 1200 calorie-a-day-er but recently upped it to 1700 after stalling for 4 months. Haven't seen any weight come off yet but I'm a much nicer person.

    Glad to be here and thankful for this forum!
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Hi everyone.

    As you've probably guessed, my name is Joanne. I'm a 33 year old desk jockey with a wonderful boyfriend who comes with two wonderful girls, 8 and 10. I've dabbled in weights for years, but have never really committed to heavy lifting. Generally, I was always focused on running (which I adore) and other cardio for variety/balance. I've been on MFP for 55 days. In the first month, I lost about 15 pounds just by cutting calories. But let me be honest. It was awful. The workout days were ok, because I can cardio with the best of them and burn cals like nobody's business. But non-workout days killed me. I just can't live on 1300 calories a day. Well I could. But I'd be single in short order!

    About a month ago, I picked up NROL4W after seeing so many MFPers talking about it. I'm almost done stage 1, and absolutely love it. It kicks my butt, and leaves me feeling strong and powerful. Even as I sit and type this, I'm looking down and flexing my newly-discovered biceps! I haven't noticed much of a weight loss throughout, but my body has definitely changed in stage 1.

    Remarkably, I only discovered this group a couple of days ago. I'm wishing I had found it three weeks ago, but thankful to be here now. I'm looking forward to sharing my success as I continue to progress and can't wait to read about yours!
  • Blueyedtine
    Blueyedtine Posts: 52 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Valentine, I’m 27 and I’ve been consistently using MFP since January. I love this site! I lost about 20 lbs by cutting calories but I’ve been on a plateau for a while now.

    A year ago my life was much more active. I lived in the beach in Santa Monica, I rode my bike to work everyday, I worked at a yoga clothing store (yay Hardtail!) and practiced yoga 3-5 times a week. Then I got a “real job” with a 45 minute each way commute. Being orginally from the south, I've always had a weakness for anything fried and any fast food. Add sitting at a desk for exactly a year on May 23, 2011 and recipe for disaster!

    I’m so sick of being out of shape. I looooooooove fashion and clothes and I hate not looking the way I want. I hate not being able to fit into a pair of True Religions or the cute bikinis. My boyfriend doesn’t have the best health habits but he looks great, we live together and I don’t wanna be the chubby girlfriend! I used to love running 5ks an 10Ks, I’d love to try a mud race or even a ½ marathon ( Full mararthon is waaaaay too intimidating right now). I actually enjoy workig out, most days it's just findind time to squeze it in. I got New Rules of Lifting for Women last week and I'm almsot done. I'm going to try my frist workout tomrrow.

    I would love to get my BMI down to about 23 or so (high school weight- cha ching!) New friends are welcome :)
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Im just getting started. Ive done 2 months on here doing 30DS and some running/walking. Got my BMI down from 27 to 25 \0/.
    NROLFW arrived yesterday. I have bought protein powder, omega 3 and a set of weights online today. Will gte cracking once those arrive - hopefully by next week. Have decided to follow the upped cals - altho thats freaking me out a bit having just got my BMI down. But I am determined to give it 4 weeks as per the plan and then review.

    Im married, we have a lovely daughter who is almost 2.5 and has special needs. One of the reasons why I want to be as strong as I can be.

    I will try to post my progress as much as I can. Please do friend me - I have been really inspired by the lifters on here especially. Its totally new ground for me so Im nervous but also very excited!
  • andreabrightside
    Well I'm 23 years old from Canada... don't have a lot more fat to lose (I was never overweight, actually my BMI has teetered on "underweight" for my whole life)... anyway I am flabby and unfit so I'm hoping this will help with that! I don't have many friends on MFP so if you want a friend please add me so I have some support... haha! Good luck to everyone doing this, I'm doing workout 1 after breakfast!
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    Hello to all fellow NRWL4W!
    I am a 45yo mom of 6 who loves to lift heavy! I just joined MFP, but have been using NRWL4W for 2 years. I went through the whole program once (minus stage 6) and then began skipping around the stages depending on what my goals were at the moment (My favorite stages are 1 and 7!) Anyway, I have been a slacker for the past few months and am ready to hop back on board. I originally found NRWL4W when, after a trip to Barnes and Noble, I could not find any Weightlifting books for women that included deadlifts and barbell squats! Thank god for Amazon :) Nice to find this group!
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    Hello all - just joined the group so thought I'd say hi *waves*

    I've just bought the book - not intending to start actually lifting until July (probably near the end of July too) due to various factors, so I've got time to read & (hopefully) make sense of it first:) I have never even picked p a weight before so a bit scared, but sure this is the right way for me to go next.

    Obligatory "who am I" bit: I'm female, 5'6,186lbs currently, from UK. married with 4 kids (still not quite sure how that happened!). Hubby & 2 of the kids have disabilities - all different - so life is pretty busy with very little spare time and even less sleep:( I work P/T in a school so I can be around for the kids all through the holidays. I've always been big, but over the past decade the weight just crept up year on year and I decided its about time I did something about that!

    I started on mfp in Jan 2012 intending get fitter/healthier, but now I actually want to get fit:)
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Lauren. I'm mom to two little ones, ages 5 and 2 and I also work full time. I just started using MFP in the last week and I'm looking to chat with more women who lift. I'm starting Jamie Eason's LiveFit program on July 1st in hopes of gaining some muscle and shedding fat. I had a hydrostatic body fat test done this week and I'm currently at 18.3% body fat. My goal is to get to 15%. I doubt I'll be able to get there during the 12 week program, but I hope it will put me on the right track. I've been lifting for the past 9 months and I truly enjoy it. I used to be one of those women who only stuck to cardio, but not anymore! Go big or go home is my new motto when I hit the gym. I look forward to chatting with you all learning a lot!

  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Hello. Mossie here, isn't this MFP so brilliant all the things I am interested in has it's own groups where I can research, admire and emulate! Age 57 weight 161lbs goal around 144. Following EM2WL and around the middle of stage 1 NRWLFW. Enjoying it but guess I am a bit of a lightweight, sometimes just body weight plus dumbbells. Looking forward to following this:)
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, my name is Jo. I'm 52.

    I've had big periods of committed activity over the years (tennis, shotokan karate, running) but over the last 10 years had become fairly inactive plus have just gone through menopause (waves good bye to that quite happily!). I would like to blame my 3rd husband for my own inactivity as he's pretty much a couch potato but unfortunately I'd be lying, it's my own fault.

    Anyway, been back into walking and running big time but looking to improve my health further with strength training, and the feedback about NROL4W have been great so went out and bought all the gear over the last few days (I prefer to work out at home) and did my first workout last night. The prone kackknife was a struggle (and I'm going to try those again today on my non-official workout day) but the rest was great.

    I'm alternating with running / walking as I can't stand having a day of not doing something but very excited to be starting the programme. My diet is paleo so it fits well with this too :)

    I look forward to reporting back as I progress. And I am sure I'll have some questions.
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Amy, I'm 26 will be 27 next Friday. I am currently finishing up ChaLEAN Extreme which was my first work out including weights. I am currently reading NROLFW and can't wait to start the program. I love the results I have seen from lifting so far and am hooked, I love seeing the muscle definition instead of the flab I use to see. I am so happy there is a group here because I'm sure I will have questions, anyone that would like to friend me feel free, any support from fellow NROLFW girls would be awesome!