


  • julesx66x
    Hi there - let me introduce myself. I'm 30 yrs old, single with a very long term,live in boyfriend that is so incredibly supportive of me and all my goals. For starters, I'm 5'5" and 153 as of a few weeks ago (I do not weigh myself much and do not have a scale) I have been on quite a roller coaster w/ my weight/diet for the past 7 yrs. I was overweight in hs and college, then lost weight after college just by eating normally and not drinking and eating fast food all the time (highest weight was around 180 and lost about 30). I never really worked out on a regular basis till March 2005 (almost 2 yrs after graduating college) - then my company got a corp membership to Golds so I joined and got a trainer and he put me on a very restrictive diet and work out regimen. I lost a lot of body fat and another 10+ pounds and was in the best shape of my life and looked better than ever. I kept that up for about 9 mos and then couldn't handle the super restrictive eating so I relaxed and gained it all back and then some; tried WW and gained more weight b/c my metabolism was messed up from being so dependent on the protein every few hours and then eating whatever I wanted wi/in the points system of WW. Then I went to a diet dr bc I was so depressed w/ all the weight gain and lost 35 lbs and got in to the 130s and was so scared to eat more than I had for fear of gaining back the weight so I re-introduced exercise and was working out 2hrs a day, 6 days a week and eating on a restricted diet and got down to my lowest of 117 and again got burnt out and couldn't maintain it and then met my current b/f and started eating out more and going out, etc and slowly gained back to around 160-170 I think and went to a diff diet doctor who helped me get back to 135 and maintain for a little while but then I stopped obsessing over the food and slowly gained about 10-12 and maintained there for a while, while eating healthily and working out but then we moved out of the state a little over a year ago and with so many changes and more eating out and not being as careful, I gained another 5 or so and have fluctuated up and down around 5lbs for the past year (150-155). I eat really healthy 80-90% of the time and work out regularly.

    I started NROLFW 2 weeks ago and then got sick this past Monday so couldn't do the 2nd week so I'm planning to start over on Monday. I'm so unsure of the calorie situation. I have been eating around 1500-1700 most days prior to NROLFW and working out but nothing was changing. I'm supposed to eat 1940 on non lifting days and 2200 on lifting days - it just seems so high for me so I'm not sure if I should just go with it or do the fat loss calories and do 1640 and 1900 - I am terrified of gaining weight again - all I want is to drop fat/inches and build muscle/strength/tone...if anyone has some advice/suggestions who has had success w/ the program, I'd love to hear from you - I just think my metabolism is so messed up from all the yo-yo-ing I've done to my body....

    Nice to meet all of you and I hope to check in regularly during the program!
  • AJ_MotherRunner
    AJ_MotherRunner Posts: 175 Member
    Hello all,

    I am Amanda, 35 years old - and stuck! I am a full-time Registered Nurse in a Pediatric ER. Mom of 2 daughters whom I adore - and wife to a great man. I'm also a full-time nurse practitioner student. I have pretty much been on a 1 year plateau. Some may call that maintenance, but I am not satisfied where I am at. That is why I have decided to incorporate this in my life. I have learned that some of the things that I have been doing are just not helpful at all.

    I just finished the book and am planning to start on Monday. I am a little concerned about the rest days and decreased "endurance" type workouts as I am a runner in training for some races in the next few months, so I am conditioned to think that I need to run every time I "workout". I am hoping that I can gain so much insight from all of you who have been through it. I am very excited to start and be a part of this group!!!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Hello to all the new faces! Glad to have you with us. I am ever amazed at the different backgrounds that brought us to the same place. It will be a pleasure to watch your progress and successes with the program, and we appreciate you for joining us as we plot to take over the worl........errrrr, I mean weight-room! <wink>
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Anita and I've had the chance to read through the book and skimmed some parts again the other day. I've always loved lifting and I'm lucky in that my muscles seem to respond and develop really quickly. I've been very hit or miss at the gym (and with the eating plan) and I really need to have a plan like this to get me to goal. I have to admit it's a lot of info to digest between figuring out appropriate calorie/protein levels and figuring out I'm going to keep straight what each exercise is so I'm not doing the wrong thing at the wrong time - although I guess that would be better than doing nothing :)

    I'm really happy to see links to some workout sheets and I'm going to take a look around for more good advice. I likely won't start for another week. I'm one of those who if I fail to plan (like meals/shopping) you can bet I'm planning to fail. Hopefully I can sort this all out in a way that will work into my life and schedule so I can be looking mighty fine! I will be 47 in August and it's reasonable to think i could be at goal by then - here's hoping!

    Thanks in advance for all your support and advice!
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    Hello everyone, I just finished reading the book and am both excited and nervous to start this new program. I lost most of my weight doing Rusty Moore's program and am not new to weightlifting but I'm on a plateau (I only have 8 more pounds to lose) and I need to change up what I'm doing. I'm excited about eating more and about the thought of doing pull ups without assistance!
  • jimmychoo2shoes
    Hello, all. I actually got so excited when I found this group that I introduced myself on the daily chat thread before I realized there was an introduction thread. So, here I am.

    Anyway, I'm Lori. I'm 32. I'm engaged to be married in August. I'm a really busy social worker at a prison, but spend most of my time sitting at my desk, so if I don't get active outside of work, I end up being pretty sedentary. I have no children, but I do have an awesome puppy.

    I'm currently 140 lbs. (5'8") and am not too concerned with losing weight but would like to lose body fat. If that leads to me losing weight, so be it. I've worked out on and off forever. Most recently, I was doing a boot camp class three times a week, which got me interested in lifting weights, but I was not seeing much progress in muscle building. And then I discovered the idea of heavy lifting and realized I wasn't seeing much progress because I was mostly doing light weights, lots of reps, and cardio. Then I discovered NROL4W. And I'm 4 workouts in and liking it a lot so far.

    Glad to be here.
  • sabrina32576
    sabrina32576 Posts: 364 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Sabrina and I'm almost 36 yrs old. I have recently purchased this book and am almost finished reading it. I can't wait to start my plan. I'm looking forward to reading this forum for ideas and everyone's success stories.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • Koketa0510
    Just call me Kokie :)
    I'm 23 yrs old, mother of 2. This whole time I have been doing cardio,cardio and more cardio and honestly I am stuck.
    I try my hardest to eat all my calories but always fall short by 300-400 calories.
    I JUST ordered my book and anxiously waiting for it. For now I'm just stalking all threads.. hehehehe..
    Also, is there a before and after thread ( with lifting being the main reason of the success)?, I'm a very visual person and seeing success stories just gives me more motivation.
    My main reason to start lifting is besides living a healthy lifestyle my birthday is coming up in May and I would like to a lot more fit and toned.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member

    I just bought the book today, and I'm looking to start the program next Monday! I have around 70lbs to lose to get down to the higher end of a healthy weight range for my build and height (I'm 5'8", large frame). I started working out again after being VERY sedentary last fall and winter, and I've lost 14lbs. since I started eating better and working out in mid-January.

    I will NEVER be a runner, or any type of endurance marathon runner, so I really want to focus on strength training rather than endurance cardio, and my ultimate fitness goal is to be strong enough (and light enough lol) to start rock climbing and go on hiking trips. I TRY to eat enough calories, but I admit it is challenging at times because I had an eating disorder in my teen years, and even though I've recovered, I am still un-learning not so healthy habits.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Snapplejac
    Snapplejac Posts: 65 Member
    hello, I just found out about ths group - and I found out about NROLW from a group called 'eat more to weigh less' - I'm someone who is currently struggling to reach their BMR calories so have until I finish the book to get up to speed!

    I'm 32, I'm active but overweight. I would like to lose 13kg, but might be quite happy 10kg. I guess it depends! I'm still very cautious about following a plan - new things come out all the time, and I've never thought they were anything more than fads, but I am loving the book! I'm not very happy about eating more it;s alien to me -and I'm finding it quite difficult to eat lots and stay healthy as I was when I was eating less. On the plus side, I've tried pretty much everything else and I used to lift weights in the gym - maybe for a year or more. I got quite a bit stronger, but you could never see my muscles under all the bodyfat and I got disillusioned and retreated back to the world of cardio. This time I'm really hoping I've found the problem and a solution. Any other newbies who need to eat more and who are just starting the plan feel free to add me!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    HI! I've seen comments about this book, and finally bought it yesterday. I just searched MFP because I was worried I was too fat to do this (I'm 166lbs). I've lost 20lbs since Jan. with a 1500 cal diet (130g carbs, 150g protein and I forget the rest). I knew I needed to preserve muscle but didn't want to go extreme on reducing my carbs. I lift weights 3-4 times a week and do at least 30 min of cardio 3-4 times a week too. I used to be very fit and muscular in my 20s and I'd like to get back to that. The book seems very closely in line with what I've always believed, but have struggled to follow for the past 10 years thanks to ignoring myself in favor of my 3 beautiful kids. So, I'm reading the book this weekend and starting the program on Monday! :)
  • realrayne10
    realrayne10 Posts: 388 Member
    Hi! I am Rayne and I am starting Stage 1 tonight. I have lost 76lbs through mostly diet and some cardio. I just took my "before" pictures and I feel awful. :sick: Sigh. I know that this is exactly what I need to reach my goals, so it is time to suck it up and do it!
  • Perswaysion
    Perswaysion Posts: 69 Member
    Guess I should introduce myself. My real name is Kassandra. I'm married to a workalchoic , can't spell to save my life, and am the mother of a darling little boy who is pretty sure he's the boss. He's 3 so I"ll let him keep his delusion a little longer. I'm usually the joking one in the family. I put little substance on grammer as long as you can tell an attempt was made. Run on sentences are my speciality :bigsmile: I use to be very active and spent a couple years recurperating from an injury and it's taken me 9 years to smack myself and get back to it. I've only lifted once when I took a class a decade ago so it's like learning to ride all over again. I'm looking forward to seeing the results in 6 months.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    Hi all! I have been with MFP since July. I have lost 55 lbs over the past 2 years. I always gain during holidays/birthdays I now believe this is because I have been depriving my body of calories so much of the time. I am super excited about starting this program.

    Thanks for having this group!
  • DisneySkaGirl
    I've been in this group for awhile, and thought I should say hello! I am almost done with Stage 1, just two more workouts, and then by early next week I'll be starting Stage 2!! I've really enjoyed the deadlifts and squats, so I'm hoping that the new stages will be just as fun. I don't have a lot to lose (I'd like to lose 10 pounds), but if I can just be stronger and fitter, I'd be pretty happy with just that!
  • SaraGrace82
    SaraGrace82 Posts: 232
    Hi! I am Sara Grace.

    I joined MFP a few weeks ago (and cancelled my Weight Watchers membership). I needed something new. A new community.

    I have about 75lbs to lose. Maybe more. I am playing it by ear once I get down into my goal range. For now I am focusing on short term results - upping fitness through cardio and weight training along with a general increase in how much walking I am doing with my dog. Her name is Voodoo and if I loved exercise 10% as much as she does I would be the healthiest person on the planet! :-) Well maybe not, but pretty damned healthy.

    I have done the NRoWL before and seen truly fantastic results so I am really excited to get started again. My heart & head are focused on the goal of the illusive pull up. Some day, some day...

    I am looking forward to my ultra warm muscles when I climb into bed tonight after my workout.

    Glad you guys are here!

    Sara Grace
  • cirka2002
    cirka2002 Posts: 134 Member
    HI! I'm Jennifer and I am planning on starting this TONIGHT! I am so frustrated with my body right now and I know that something needs to change, so this is my plan.

    Mon - NROL4W
    Tues - walk/run with the dog
    Wed - 90 mins of kickboxing/mauy thai
    Thurs - NROL4W
    Fri - just a normal active day
    Sat/Sun - yard work & family fun

    I think I have the first stage understood and hopefully my gym has the equipment that I will need to complete it all. (I belong to a MMA gym and they don't have tons of equipment, but I am pretty sure they have what I will need...or else I can get it and bring it myself.) I am assuming it is also just trial/error on how much weight to start out with. Wish me luck!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Howdy! My name is Kelly and I am from Texas. I did my first workout this morning. I am just coming off chalean extreme, and really excited to start this program. I plan to do NROLFW Mon-Wed-Fri with various cardio routines Tue & Thu. The weekends are my off days, tho I will most likely end up doing SOMETHING one of those
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member

    I bought the book a while back but hadn't got as far as putting it into practice - classic procrastination.... now I have actually LOOKED at the workouts and seen that they are not too complicated I'm ready to go.
    I am planning on starting at home first (dive weights can come in handy) before entering the gym as I have no idea how to use the equipment and would like to get some sort of form sorted first.
    My weekly schedule may have to be a bit flexible however due to other things fitting around it. may look like this:

    Monday - NROL4W
    Tuesday - Tai Chi
    Wednesday - Yoga followed by NROL4W
    Thursday - climbing
    Friday - free
    Saturday/Sunday - often diving off the coast somewhere.

    My aim is to do 2 workouts a week, the climbing counts as a third, but I may find I am doing too many consecutive days so have to shift things around a bit depending on what my weekend is like. I'm not much of a cardio fan but I don't mind the odd warm up in between.

    My goal is to lose around 20lbs, fit into smaller clothes and have a better figure, plus anything that makes me stronger is going to make lifting dive kit (cylinders for deadlifts methinks?) and climbing easier.
  • whiskeysister510
    whiskeysister510 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi all! I've been reading some of the posts here for a while and thought it was time to introduce myself! My name is Jessica and I live in Seattle. I'm 31 yrs, 5’5”, 133 lbs. My fiancé and I have been together 5 years and are getting married this summer, but just a low-key casual wedding—no fancy dress that I need fit into! My fitness goals are more long-term than that. I have a demanding, high stress job that I tend to use an excuse to not work out enough, so I've been on and off the fitness wagon for the last several years. Back on again and trying to find something I truly enjoy that will make me WANT to work out even after a long, hard day at the office!

    So far, NROLFW is the best workout I've tried in years! I’ve done softball, tennis, swimming, water polo, muay thai boxing, running, hiking, walking, fencing, yoga, pilates, and worked plenty with dumbbells and weight machines but I have never worked with a barbell before! I am so glad I discovered this program and tried it, but I keep asking myself why it didn’t occur to me try a barbell/heavy lifting sooner?!?!?

    I'm about 4 weeks in, having fun and seeing some great results (not on the scale, but everywhere else). I am doing 3 workouts per week with some HIIT at the end of each workout (I know, I’m jumping ahead, I don’t follow rules well) and almost no other exercise in between. These workouts are about all my body will allow me to do!! I'm still experimenting with caloric intake and slowly increasing my daily/weekly goals.

    Thank you to all who post here—you don’t know it, but you motivate me!