Online Dating



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I also recently deleted my profile of is a horrible site for finding a decent person.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Hopefully her spelling has improved. She must just be really good with phonetics. lol

    No it hasn't, I just think our future generation(s) are screwed.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Well damn. Lettuce pray that she figures it out ahead of time. bahahahaha OMG, that was terrible. lol
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I also recently deleted my profile of is a horrible site for finding a decent person.

    I have friends that have found some really decent guys on POF but I had no such luck.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    Well damn. Lettuce pray that she figures it out ahead of time. bahahahaha OMG, that was terrible. lol

    ah ah ah you're punny lol
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Eh I try. And yes, that was me trying. lmao
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Thought I'd chime in...

    I just started online dating. So far so good. I'm on several free sites. I've been on 3 dates since putting up my profile.

    My 1st one was with a guy who pm'd me but didn't have a picture up. I didn't either at the time so I went with it since he was nice. We then went to yahoo IM and exchanged pics. I wasn't attracted to him at all but since he was nice, no harm done. One night we decided to meet up for drinks. It was fun. He is into me though, I'm not. We still chat here and there as he seems he'd be a cool friend.
    My 2nd date was last week. We met up for drinks one night and talked for 4 hours. We didn't realize it was 1am! We had been chatting for 3 days already back and forth and found out we lived very close to one another. In the middle of chatting I suggested "let's go for a beer!" so we did. It made much more sense than spending another night going back and forth online. We went out the next night too (he asked me through text). He then asked me out for NYE but has suddenly poofed. :explode: He either has met someone else or was already talking to someone else I guess. He seemed to be really into me, we even kissed after 2nd date! I'm pissed that he just poofed and I had to contact him yesterday to know what the hell was going on for NYE. I went ahead and canceled on his *kitten*.
    I went on another 1st date last night. This guy was very cute, sweet, etc. I'm not sure if there was chemistry there or not though both ways. I was very comfortable with him so not sure if I felt the friend thing for him... We had been pming back and forth and he asked me out but because of Christmas, we waited. I then gave him my # over the weekend to text since he was out and kept pm'ing me on the site.

    These are all POF guys. I'm chatting to another cutie on there too. I get tons of messages and tons get deleted. I want to be polite though. If you take the time to read my profile and write me a nice message, even if I'm not interested I will thank you. The messages that usually get deleted are the ones that say "you're hot" "i like you" "hey how you doing?".. stuff like that.
    I have yet to send out a message myself. I haven't browsed either. I usually just get on to read messages. I have used the "meet me" function once or twice. I guess I'm old fashioned like that and would rather the guy initiate contact with me.

    By the way, I've been on POF for about a month or so... but just put up pics about 2-3 weeks ago. I also rather not spend many nights chatting back and forth. Let's meet up and talk face to face. Of course, I wouldn't meet up with someone after talking to them briefly either.. usually if we've chatted 2-3 days back and forth all day, then meeting up only seems natural. Might as well find out if it's the same in person as it is online.

    The 2 things that I found uncomfortable was my body type (of course!) and what I'm looking for. I'm going through a divorce so I'm not looking for my next husband... but I'm also not looking to hook up. I just put dating and not looking for anything serious but on my profile I explained that I'm open to a relationship if it were to come my way. As for body type, well I put a few extra pounds. I'm 5'9, size 14. I don't remember what my options were exactly but I hate that part!
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    It sounds like you've had some good luck so far. :) I think you should put average for your body type. I've seen a LOT of men that have "fit" or "athletic and toned and they do NOT look it. They look average. I believe the average size for women in the US overall is 12. I dont have scientific proof-just what I recall.

    As for the poof, yeah, that happens. And it's weird! I had the same recently. Emailed on Match, IM'd, texted, talked on the phone. The last text said something about having a nice Christmas if he didn't talk to me before. That was from Friday morning. Not a word since. I'm okay with it, because honestly, I didn't think it was going to work out anyway. But I guess it's just too hard to say that to someone, and easier to just stop communicating.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I don't like poofers!!!! I mean, he seemed REALLY into me in person... What makes me really angry is him making plans with me for NYE and then not having the decency to cancel. I'm a grown woman, I just met you, no big deal... but who the hell do you think you are making me wait around for something so big as NYE?? :angry: MF'er!
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    That's the right attitude. :) MF'er lol. This was the second guy that did that to me. I met someone the week before Thanksgiving. Our first date was 5 hours of sitting and talking, and like you said, he seemed really interested. We texted a lot for a couple of weeks-the holiday weekend came, I went out of town, then he got strep throat. Then suddenly he texted me around two weeks ago and asked if we could get together after the holidays. Really? You can't spare a couple hours in the next 3 weeks. I just said sure and left it at that and have no intention of seeing him again.

    As it happens, I think I have a date tonight, depending when I get done with work. I am hoping we click in person as much as on the phone because I am READY to be off the dating site!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    wooohoooo!! good luck to ya.

    i just got asked out for a drink by the new cutie. :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Ohhhhhhhh, yay for dates!!!!
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    sadness:sad: I havent been one a date in well I cant remeber the last time I was a date. "sigh"
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    i dont count mine as dates... the word "date" frightens me.. especially 1st one! i say "hang out" :bigsmile: instead... plus, it's only drinks so far. the whole dinner thing makes my stomach turn... eat AND interviewing? no thanks! at least with a drink or 2 i'm happy and calm.

    am i tricking myself? lol
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    Wow, that is a way better way to look at it. I always get myself worked up before "dates." I am going to say it like you from now on. lol
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I would consider going out for the 2nd time with the same guy a "date". First is just hanging out to make a new 'friend". haha If he asks me out again and I accept, it's obvious he and I want to be more. This is why I most likely won't kiss on 1st hang out... This is how it played out with #2 online POFer and why I kissed him the 2nd time we saw each other.

    So there.. not so scary for me, rejection won't suck as much and at the least, I'll make a new friend.

    By the way... on my last hang out which was more friendly, he went to the bathroom as we were leaving and this other guy asks me to play darts with him and if I wanted a drink. He was a cutie too!! My "date" asks me.. "is he talking to you?" I told him he asked me to play darts with him. Scandalous if I would have stayed with dart guy huh?!
  • Katefab26
    You flirt!

    Hahaha way to be La Amazona, way to be. For me it's all about having fun. IMO, there is absolutely no point in getting all worked up over some guy I've never met. Plus, I've talked to some weirdos, for sure. I had one guy tell me he wasn't going to meet me unless I cancelled all the other dates I had lined up. Wha??? Um. No.

    I'm about done with the online dating thing. It's fun for a while, but I've never met anyone worth writing home about...
  • Showgirlbody
    Showgirlbody Posts: 402 Member
    I don't consider the first meeting a date either. It is a meet and greet basically. See if we like each other, then we can plan and go on a real date. If someone met me in person and asked me to go out with them Friday night, then that is a date because it is assumed that there was some mutual liking already.

    And regarding guys wanting you to cancel any other dates...that is a weird thing that is occurring for me, too. They say they don't want to go out with a girl that is going out with a bunch of guys. That's what dating is. It makes no sense. When you become exclusive ie. boyfriend/girlfriend that is when you stop seeing other people. I wouldn't be seeing lots of people multiple times because if one person has my interest, then I don't feel the need to go on a bunch of first meetings with new potentials. But expecting exclusivity when you've barely met or going to meet is not cool at all.
  • PedmomJill
    PedmomJill Posts: 505 Member
    I think I finally might have found the guy that's going to let me get off the online dating scene. Went out the first time last night. Date number two is tonight. Not wasting any time! :) And no stupid games!
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I think I finally might have found the guy that's going to let me get off the online dating scene. Went out the first time last night. Date number two is tonight. Not wasting any time! :) And no stupid games!

    How'd it go??