Stage 1



  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    I started Stage 1 on 3/11/2013. I thought I'd stop by and post my starting weights. I'm so excited to find workouts that I look forward to, and I seriously love, love, love the challenge of lifting!

    Workout A
    Squat - 45 lbs (Oly bar)
    Push-Ups - 15 reps on lowest setting on Smith Machine (I struggle getting any lower because of bad carpal tunnel in my right wrist, but will keep trying)
    Seated Row - At first did the DB Bent Over Row with 20# DBs. Once I found the Seated Row machine, I decided to start at 37.5#. Clearly too light because it's less than the DBs than I started with. Oh well.
    Step-Ups - 8# DBs each hand.
    Prone Jackknife - I really struggle with these. Could do 8 reps w/ likely bad form.

    Workout B
    Deadlift - 60 lbs
    DB Shoulder Press - 15# DBs
    Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 50 lbs first set; 62.5 lbs second set
    Lunge - 15# DBs
    Swiss Ball Crunch - 25 reps with a 10lb plate (still too easy, and have been working on making it harder and adding in extra sets and a plank or two).

    I was originally going to do the longer version of Stage 1, but have decided against it. I was really ready to move onto heavier weights and less reps. I have spent a lot of time working on and researching proper form for squats and deadlifts.

    I do a 10 minute warm-up on the elliptical and also stretch afterward. I generally haven't done anything else yet along with lifting because my muscles are recovering. I did some Pilates yesterday since that works the core, and that was good. I tried something else, and my glutes were still too easily fatigued from my Saturday workout. I'm going to try to start doing some yoga to help improve flexibility and start with some moderate walking once the weather shapes up (was snowing and windy here today).

    I took measurements but have gotten lazy about taking before pictures. It's definitely on my to-do list for tonight or tomorrow morning.

    So excited to keep going! This week I do 1A4, 1B4 and 1A5 and am really looking forward to it!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I just got back from the gym, currently sipping a protein recovery shake and I just wanted to post my stats. Here we go!!


    Workout 1A
    Squat- 45lbs(olympic bar)
    Push-ups- tried to do as many on my feet as possibly ended up doing at least 10 on my knees each round so I am counting it as on my knees only.
    Seated row- 45lbs
    step ups- did it with 3 risers on each side of step and holding 2 20lbs weights
    prone jack knife- I did it on a large ball

    It feels good! I think I should rest tomorrow since I ran yesterday and lifted today. I am going to still do some cardio but really make sure that lifting is my main priority.

  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Step-Ups - 8# DBs each hand.

    Forgot to add - doing the step-ups on a bench press bench, so about 18" high, if I had to guess. However high, they're killer.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I am almost done with Stage 1. Sooooo stoked!
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    I use the TRX for mountain climbers instead of the prone jacknives as I don't have a Swiss Ball (or I do - but I've lost the pump!) - these seem to work well and are tough! I do 15 each leg, alternating.

    It'll be a while before/if I get to 100lb lifts!
  • nursekern
    nursekern Posts: 132 Member
    Just finished Stage 1 tonight, I had some major strength gains, so that's pretty cool! I will be weighing and re-measuring tomorrow morning (try to do it the same time of day), but I took some pics tonight. I feel like my clothes are fitting better and stuff, so hopefully the scale and tape measure will be kind to me as well.

    As for my strength gains, here's the biggies:

    Squat 65--> 175 :)
    Step ups 5-->20
    Deadlift 65-->125
    Dumbbell shoulder press 10-->25
    Lunge 10-->25

    Per my measurements tonight, I've only lost a 1/2 inch off my waist and hips. Boo. I will be patient though, maybe Stage 2 will be better!

    BTW, I'm 250lbs and 5'9.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    As for my strength gains, here's the biggies:

    Squat 65--> 175 :)
    Step ups 5-->20
    Deadlift 65-->125
    Dumbbell shoulder press 10-->25
    Lunge 10-->25

    BTW, I'm 250lbs and 5'9.

    Those are amazing strength results, great job!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Just finished Stage 1 tonight, I had some major strength gains, so that's pretty cool! I will be weighing and re-measuring tomorrow morning (try to do it the same time of day), but I took some pics tonight. I feel like my clothes are fitting better and stuff, so hopefully the scale and tape measure will be kind to me as well.

    As for my strength gains, here's the biggies:

    Squat 65--> 175 :)
    Step ups 5-->20
    Deadlift 65-->125
    Dumbbell shoulder press 10-->25
    Lunge 10-->25

    Per my measurements tonight, I've only lost a 1/2 inch off my waist and hips. Boo. I will be patient though, maybe Stage 2 will be better!

    BTW, I'm 250lbs and 5'9.

    Wow! Amazing strength gains!
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    Question of opinions:

    I did B4 Tuesday night. While doing the step-ups (hubby made me something for them! Works amazing, perfect height and very sturdy!) and jackknives, I got a migraine from hell. So I finished, but I did the step-ups at body weight instead of the dumbbells I had been using and honestly I would say the jacknives were probably half-assed. I am thinking about redoing it 100%. Would you? I mean I see both sides and I am kinda arguing with myself about it. I am doing the long version (three workouts at each level) so I have quite a few workouts left in stage one. But I don't want to say I completed a workout when it was kinda half-*kitten*...
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    PB - since you are doing the long version, I would just record what you did and move on. I had that happen was scary! I was working with a personal trainer, I and just had to tell him "done". He looked at me weird, but he was a weird guy...

    kern - great job on stage 1!!!
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member
    Stage 1 Completed!

    I did all the workouts including the AMRAP, two days a week for the first three weeks then three days a week after.

    Here are some stats
    Workout A
    Squats 65lbs->>115lbs
    Push-up Knees only->>> 3xToes, then back to knees each set
    Seated row 50lbs->>>90lbs
    Step-up BW->>>2x25lbs
    Prone Jackknife BW->>>BW with decent form

    Workout B
    Deadlift 65lbs->>>105lbs (I could lift more but my grip strength kept giving out on me)
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press 2x15lbs->>>2x25lbs
    WG Lat Pull down 50lbs->>>90lbs
    Lunge BW->>>2x25lbs
    Bosu Ball Crunch BW->>>10lb ball, arms extended

    Personal Stats:

    Starting Weight - 212lbs ->>205lbs (GW is 165)
    Between my neck, bicep, bust, waist, hips and thighs I lost over 9". It`s my bicep and thighs I`m most proud of right now though, berfore starting this, I`d lost almost 70lbs. My thighs had shrunk less than an inch, and so had my biceps, in the 8 weeks it took me to do stage 1, I lost 1 1/2``off my thighs and 1 1/4`` off my biceps. I start stage two on Tuesday, and I can`t wait!

    Great results Tessa! I m super impressed with everything - strength gains, inches and pounds!
  • swingsnatchlift
    swingsnatchlift Posts: 194 Member

    As for my strength gains, here's the biggies:

    Squat 65--> 175 :)
    Step ups 5-->20
    Deadlift 65-->125
    Dumbbell shoulder press 10-->25
    Lunge 10-->25

    Awesome strength gains nursekern! You're progress on squats is super impressive!
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Dreadful workout tonight. Struggled with everything and finally managed to find a higher step (simple really - two steps of the steps to the next floor - took my other half to think of that!) and only managed to hold a 5kg plate! Feel a bit deflated after that!
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    chocolate - hang in there. You will get the hang of it if you keep at it!!
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks - I think it was just an off day - over tired at the moment. I'll get back into it next time.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    We all have those days where none of the lifts feel right. You'll feel better next session I promise!
  • IliN82
    IliN82 Posts: 108
    Did 7a today. Attempted to squat the Olympic bar and failed! The weight was ok but I could not balance it! Proud of myself for trying though even though people were looking! Back to the mini 40lbs barbel. On a good note I did the stepups with 17.5 lbs dumbells and increased my lunge to 40 lbs too.
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    I'm just now pooping in here. I kind of forgot about this group even though I joined awhile back - prior to officially starting New Rules.

    I just finished workout 5A and 5B this week. I only do New Rules twice a week, so it will take me longer to get through stage 1 than some of you. So far I've already noticed some considerable gains in strength. I did realize halfway through that I was doing step-ups wrong - ugh- too low of a step! So I switched to a higher step and dropped the weights back down to make sure I'm doing it right. I'll try to get the weight back up there as I'm able to. I feel much more stable on lunges than when I first started. I'm still a bit wobbly and adding a third set this week - whew! But I did it!

    Anyways, I have a feeling my progress for stage 1 is not going to be stellar. My weight has bounced back and forth and my clothes are fitting the same. I KNOW I'm getting stronger. I ate at TDEE for the first month of Stage 1. I'm going to eat at a slight cut (200 cal deficit) for the remainder of Stage 1 and see where that gets me!
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone. Third week of stage one completed and I can already can see some body changes in my arms and more muscley obliques (both still under some body fat but I can see/feel the changes). I upped my calories too 1500/1750 for this program and have been really nervous about that. today I braved the scale and have lost one pound. I was just hoping for maintenance weight since I have cut cardio from 3 x per week to 1 (can't give up all the zumba). Anyway I was so excited not to have gained. Yes!!!!!

    So far my dead lift is at 80, squat at 60. Happy Easter everyone and don't eat too many jelly beans!!
  • cphaneuf16
    cphaneuf16 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm doing the 12-workout version, so I'm taking longer to get through, too. I'm focusing more on form than weights, although I really want to move up faster than I should! I pushed myself to deadlift 95 on Friday, after doing 75 the past two B workouts. I was able to do it! The grip/calluses are quickly getting to be an issue, LOL.

    I did what I thought were 'wimpy' step-ups last time, but it turns out the bench height was 17" -- I was happy about that! I thought I was doing 12 or 14 inch steps. I only held a 5lb plate doing them, but my form was spot-on, no rocking or swaying. I might try dumbbells next time; I think I'm ready. I'd gotten up to 20lb per hand but turns out my form was terrible and my step too low, so I backtracked.

    I've backtracked with squats, too, doing goblet squats for now. Hope to end with barbell plus weights! My body weight squats are much improved and I love doing them randomly throughout the day.

    I'm down 1-2 pant sizes. Woohoo! Since starting NROL4W, I'm only down around 5 lbs, but inches and body shape are changing!