Stage 1



  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    So I did each workout once now, a proper newbie :)

    And this is what I learned:
    The weight room is a lot more intimidating when your standing in front of it than it is when your in.
    I really had no idea whatsoever how strong or weak the single parts of my body are (did my deadlifts and rows way to light cause I was scared)
    The prone jack knife looks worse on paper (apart from not losing the balance)
    Ask whether the weights are pounds of kilos BEFORE you choose some for your workout. (I used 6 'pounds' which were actually kilo for the step ups (3) and then had to go down :D)

    And of course I do really like doing weights a billion times more than cardio :D

    Wish I could say this, but I still end up going to the women's only gym to workout even when it does not have all the equipment I need.
    I totally agree, the Jackknife looks harder then it is. Great workout for core & balance.

    Enjoy stage 1, its a lot of fun especially once the # of reps decrease. I am on my last 2 wo and then on to stage 2 :))
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    I can't wait to decrease the reps and up the weight!
    I had no idea that lifting free weights feels so good!

    I just really!!! Have to work on my push ups... Such a weakling there :D
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    question mainly from whom working out at home:
    so i have noticed how weak my left (non dominant) arm is compared to the right. im doing alright with shoulder presses but the lat pulldown substitution aka pullover is just something else! im using 5kg/each dumbbells and while my right arm would be able to manage the set the left gives up halfway through. not once i almost dropped the weights on my face! :O
    im unable to do this workout with my barbell due to lack of space and the book says holding only one (and obviously heavier ~10kg?) dumbbell wont benefit me much?!
    so what, shall i just practice with my weaker side on rest days too to bring its strength level up to my right arms? or shall i just carry on doing half sets? (the next lowest i can go back down is 2.5kg/dumbbell which i could do 15reps easily, both arms, so thats not really an option)

    (just a side note of my mini victory - i finally mastered the prone jackknife properly. about time, whoo!)

    yes, im quoting myself cause i could really use some advice. thankyouplease.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    question mainly from whom working out at home:
    so i have noticed how weak my left (non dominant) arm is compared to the right. im doing alright with shoulder presses but the lat pulldown substitution aka pullover is just something else! im using 5kg/each dumbbells and while my right arm would be able to manage the set the left gives up halfway through. not once i almost dropped the weights on my face! :O
    im unable to do this workout with my barbell due to lack of space and the book says holding only one (and obviously heavier ~10kg?) dumbbell wont benefit me much?!
    so what, shall i just practice with my weaker side on rest days too to bring its strength level up to my right arms? or shall i just carry on doing half sets? (the next lowest i can go back down is 2.5kg/dumbbell which i could do 15reps easily, both arms, so thats not really an option)

    (just a side note of my mini victory - i finally mastered the prone jackknife properly. about time, whoo!)

    yes, im quoting myself cause i could really use some advice. thankyouplease.

    Maybe you could do some additional shoulder presses with your left arm, heavier weight but lower repetitions to try to strengthen it? I'm sort of a newb to lifting myself though, just started Stage 2, so don't take my word alone on that. Maybe you want to post a separate topic within the group to get the attention of the more experienced ladies who might not be lurking in the Stage 1 section.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    question mainly from whom working out at home:
    so i have noticed how weak my left (non dominant) arm is compared to the right. im doing alright with shoulder presses but the lat pulldown substitution aka pullover is just something else! im using 5kg/each dumbbells and while my right arm would be able to manage the set the left gives up halfway through. not once i almost dropped the weights on my face! :O
    im unable to do this workout with my barbell due to lack of space and the book says holding only one (and obviously heavier ~10kg?) dumbbell wont benefit me much?!
    so what, shall i just practice with my weaker side on rest days too to bring its strength level up to my right arms? or shall i just carry on doing half sets? (the next lowest i can go back down is 2.5kg/dumbbell which i could do 15reps easily, both arms, so thats not really an option)

    (just a side note of my mini victory - i finally mastered the prone jackknife properly. about time, whoo!)

    yes, im quoting myself cause i could really use some advice. thankyouplease.

    Maybe you could do some additional shoulder presses with your left arm, heavier weight but lower repetitions to try to strengthen it? I'm sort of a newb to lifting myself though, just started Stage 2, so don't take my word alone on that. Maybe you want to post a separate topic within the group to get the attention of the more experienced ladies who might not be lurking in the Stage 1 section.

    additional reps at a lower weight for your weaker arm is a good suggestion. I would try to do the 15 reps with a rest in the after your weaker arm gives out. Do not do additional work on your rest day. Rest days are very important for building strength!!
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    thank you thank you, much love :)
  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    Hey everyone-

    I finished week 1 of stage 1 about a month ago, then had a crazy week where I didn't get to work out and fell off the wagon for a while. Whoops! I restarted stage 1 yesterday and man, that month of no exercise really shows! I had start at lower weights than I started with the first time - I had just completed Jillian Michaels' Six Week 6 Pack before starting NROL4W, so a lot of my muscles were used to being worked. Hoping posting about it will hold me accountable - it worked for 6W6P!
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    I just started over too. Due to a family crisis I couldn't work out for 3weeks. Finally went to start over stage and could definitely tell I had lost some progress. Ugh. Oh well I plan to get through stage one this time
  • GreenTeaForDays
    GreenTeaForDays Posts: 166 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Tonight I am going to do workout 6a and things have been going so-so. I just started incorporating cardio. I do 3 miles of incline walking and jogging on the treadmill after each lifting session and it is working out pretty well. The first 3 weeks I didn't do any cardio and it doesn't seem like it is doing any harm. I think it also may help cut down on soreness?

    I think the arm/back exercises have been going a lot better than the back/leg exercises. I have had a few hangups with the step-ups. I was increasing weight fairly rapidly when I realized my form was not very good and I was using the other leg to help propel me upwards too much. So I took the weight back down and have been focusing more on form. I also notice that my right leg is significantly stronger and more stable than my left so I have been trying to slow things down and focus on stability. Now that I am at 3x10 reps, I just realized that it is supposed to be 3x10 reps for each leg. This may be another reason for my lack of improvement. :/
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    question mainly from whom working out at home:
    so i have noticed how weak my left (non dominant) arm is compared to the right. im doing alright with shoulder presses but the lat pulldown substitution aka pullover is just something else! im using 5kg/each dumbbells and while my right arm would be able to manage the set the left gives up halfway through. not once i almost dropped the weights on my face! :O
    im unable to do this workout with my barbell due to lack of space and the book says holding only one (and obviously heavier ~10kg?) dumbbell wont benefit me much?!
    so what, shall i just practice with my weaker side on rest days too to bring its strength level up to my right arms? or shall i just carry on doing half sets? (the next lowest i can go back down is 2.5kg/dumbbell which i could do 15reps easily, both arms, so thats not really an option)

    (just a side note of my mini victory - i finally mastered the prone jackknife properly. about time, whoo!)

    yes, im quoting myself cause i could really use some advice. thankyouplease.

    Maybe you could do some additional shoulder presses with your left arm, heavier weight but lower repetitions to try to strengthen it? I'm sort of a newb to lifting myself though, just started Stage 2, so don't take my word alone on that. Maybe you want to post a separate topic within the group to get the attention of the more experienced ladies who might not be lurking in the Stage 1 section.

    additional reps at a lower weight for your weaker arm is a good suggestion. I would try to do the 15 reps with a rest in the after your weaker arm gives out. Do not do additional work on your rest day. Rest days are very important for building strength!!

    My right shoulder is weaker even though my dominant. (long story short-nerve damage)

    This is what I do: I only lift what that shoulder can handle for both arms. For instance: shoulder dumbbell press I can only push up 5 lbs on the right but can do significantly more on the left . I use 5 pounds for each shoulder and increase as I go. My previous trainer said I would be lopsided if I used 20 pounds on left and 5 on right. He told me to strengthen the right first.

    hope that helps.
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Tomorrow is day three!!!

    I would like to add weight to my squats, but my legs are sooooo sore it seems like it's going to be impossible! I'm super excited though!

    The Seated row only goes up in 15lb increments! Which is so stupid. I may have to use dumbbells or a barbell to substitute.

    anddddddd. It's friday tomorrow!. yay!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi, chuckles! I completed the program last year and back for round 2. I would definitely add weight to your squat if you can handle it. Even if it is 5 lb dumbbells on your shoulders or hold a dumbbell like a goblet.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    @ chuckles, my gym has 5 & 10 pound weight increments at the side to adjust. Or some gyms have manual weight bars ( not sure what they are called) lying around for the machines. Ask a staff member and I am sure they will help.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member

    The Seated row only goes up in 15lb increments! Which is so stupid. I may have to use dumbbells or a barbell to substitute.

    Nefetete is right. There are usually 5 pound mini plates that you can stack right on top of the other plates. they are kind of rubberized and have a few holes in them. They are often hanging right on the weight machine.
  • evedroid
    evedroid Posts: 134 Member
    manic: yep, that's exactly what im scared of. i suppose i just have to accept the fact that my arms are and will be significantly weaker than my legs for example. i cant even come back from a full 30degree push-up, only if i go down 3/4 way :(

    on this note: today is my first 8reps day... stage 1 is coming to the end soon, eeek! :)
  • chuckles9189
    chuckles9189 Posts: 343 Member
    Thank you! I definitely can't handle 70! I'll have to check around.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member

    The Seated row only goes up in 15lb increments! Which is so stupid. I may have to use dumbbells or a barbell to substitute.

    Nefetete is right. There are usually 5 pound mini plates that you can stack right on top of the other plates. they are kind of rubberized and have a few holes in them. They are often hanging right on the weight machine.

    Sadly not all gyms have these - mine is one. My lat pulldowns have suffered for the same reason. I'm pull 75, not quite easily, but certainly i could go up to 80 - but the next jump is the same 15 and although I can pull 1 or 2, that's the best I can do. I'll get there, but it's frustrating to say the least. I've asked management to make that investment but so far nope.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    mine jumps in increments of 12. A trainer gave me the advice when I need to increase, do 4 of that next weight. The next time shoot for 6 then 8, etc. That's what makes us stronger , imho. :wink:
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    I didn't realize that these were ongoing conversations! I just finished workout A7 yesterday. I feel like I'm making great gains in my weights. I was able to do 90# squats, I had done that on A5, but form was soooo off, so I backed off and came back this week and I think I could have gone a *little* heavier, but definitely next time. :)

    I'm so ready to be done with Stage 1. Not that I mind the workouts much, it just is a little long and seems pretty redundant. I'm seeing great gains in my upper body, but my lower half has yet to catch up. lol
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Hi guys

    Just wanted to pop in and say that I have completed stage one - Whoop, and give you my stats. I loved it and while I'm not sure about all the lunges in stage 2 I'm giving it my all. I also did it at home so some of these are the modified versions. Oh and I ate 1600-1800 cal a day sometimes more :blushing:

    Weight - 145.5 >>>>>> 145.5 no difference
    Inches lost - 8" woo hoo!

    Squats - 12.1lbs (my bar) >>>>>> 50.7lbs - stalled as at home with no rack.
    Push ups - 45° with bad form >>>>>>>> 4 at 15° / 6 at 45° excellent form
    Seated row - 17.6lbs >>>>>>> 50.7lbs
    Step ups - 10" step 19lbs >>>>>> 13" step 40lbs
    Jackknifes - falling off! >>>>>>> 15 good form

    Deadlifts - 17.6lbs >>>>>>> 68lbs (ran out of weights!)
    Shoulder press - 6.3lbs (each hand) >>>>>>> 17.2lbs (each hand)
    Lat pulldown - 6.2lbs (each hand) >>>>>>> 9.5lbs (each hand)
    Lunges - body weight >>>>>> 30lbs
    Crunches - 2.2lbs on chest >>>>>> 15lbs over head

    I'm really pleased with my progress - I've never lifted heavy so the first few workouts were light to learn form. I stalled on deadlifts as I can't buy more weights, but hope to join a gym in June.

    There are photos on my waist progress in my profile, I'm well chuffed with difference.

    See you all in stage two :bigsmile: