Stage 1



  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    So, I started with stage one on January 8th. I am doing really well. With the shoulder presses my gym only jumps on incriments of five and I was not able to go to 15 pounds, I started at 10 and have stayed there when I was supposed to up, but it is still challenging and I am still doing 15 reps. I am assuming this is ok since I can't do the 15 pound weights yet? lol :p

    If you can't increase then you can't increase, nothing wrong with that. There will be plenty of other times during the program that this happens. Just stay at the weight you are currently at and then increase when you can.
    Another thing is I don't have a good base for the step ups. I either have a 6 inch step or 18 (or so) inches. The 18 inches is SUPER tall for me and I have to hop off the leg I have on the ground to get up there, since I don't have the leg strangth to get me up otherwise... This seems counter productive to me :P So, since I dont have a good step, do I just ude a different work out? I was thinking of switching to this:
    Does that seem ok?

    The thing with the step ups is it actually works the same and different muscles than the decline leg presses. Do you have a weight bench? Those are the perfect height. With the step-ups, which not pushing up with the other foot is prefered, it is okay to do if you have to in order to get momentium to get up. Think of when you climb stairs or hike a hill, you don't use only one leg to help you climb, you use one to hoist and the other to push. The combination move comes from the push of one foot and the pull of another.
    And one last thing. When I am working out I work to the point where is doesn't feel like I am capable of doing any more reps and my legs and arms feel like jello, you all know that feel good feeling after a great work out! ;P So, here's the question: I feel some slight soreness in my arms and chest the next day, but nowhere else. Am I still getting a good work out??

    The soreness you feel 2-3 days after is delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS. And it is actually not an indication of how good your exercise went. I hardly ever get DOMS any more, and I workout to the point where I am usually dripping in sweat.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    So, I started with stage one on January 8th. I am doing really well. With the shoulder presses my gym only jumps on incriments of five and I was not able to go to 15 pounds, I started at 10 and have stayed there when I was supposed to up, but it is still challenging and I am still doing 15 reps. I am assuming this is ok since I can't do the 15 pound weights yet? lol :p

    If you can't increase then you can't increase, nothing wrong with that. There will be plenty of other times during the program that this happens. Just stay at the weight you are currently at and then increase when you can.
    Another thing is I don't have a good base for the step ups. I either have a 6 inch step or 18 (or so) inches. The 18 inches is SUPER tall for me and I have to hop off the leg I have on the ground to get up there, since I don't have the leg strangth to get me up otherwise... This seems counter productive to me :P So, since I dont have a good step, do I just ude a different work out? I was thinking of switching to this:

    The thing with the step ups is it actually works the same and different muscles than the decline leg presses. Do you have a weight bench? Those are the perfect height. With the step-ups, which not pushing up with the other foot is prefered, it is okay to do if you have to in order to get momentium to get up. Think of when you climb stairs or hike a hill, you don't use only one leg to help you climb, you use one to hoist and the other to push. The combination move comes from the push of one foot and the pull of another.
    And one last thing. When I am working out I work to the point where is doesn't feel like I am capable of doing any more reps and my legs and arms feel like jello, you all know that feel good feeling after a great work out! ;P So, here's the question: I feel some slight soreness in my arms and chest the next day, but nowhere else. Am I still getting a good work out??

    The soreness you feel 2-3 days after is delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS. And it is actually not an indication of how good your exercise went. I hardly ever get DOMS any more, and I workout to the point where I am usually dripping in sweat.

    Thank you for the feedback! I just remember last time (7 or so years ago) when I started working out on the regular, I was sore all the time, so I wanted to make sure that I was still "working out" as silly as that may sound :p

    I am using a bench for the step ups, but I have shorter legs so my thigh is about 30-14 degrees and not flat and I was kinda worried that was a problem :)

    Thank again!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If you don't have a way for your leg to get 90 degrees, then what ever is close with out going over. You don't want to over bend the knee with a lot of weight. You can, but it puts unnatural stress (using the weights) on your knees and that can cause problems. I started using the bench, until I realized my gym had an actual step-up machine (you can adjust the height, and it has a pully so I can use machine weights of my size is all taken up) then switched to that.

    With the bench, I found it better to have my knee under 90 degrees and less of a step up becuase the cushions made me feel very unstable. I had a lot of balance issues which I am working hard on with this program (this program fixes balance issues like none other I have seen...except for yoga lol).
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    If you don't have a way for your leg to get 90 degrees, then what ever is close with out going over. You don't want to over bend the knee with a lot of weight. You can, but it puts unnatural stress (using the weights) on your knees and that can cause problems. I started using the bench, until I realized my gym had an actual step-up machine (you can adjust the height, and it has a pully so I can use machine weights of my size is all taken up) then switched to that.

    With the bench, I found it better to have my knee under 90 degrees and less of a step up becuase the cushions made me feel very unstable. I had a lot of balance issues which I am working hard on with this program (this program fixes balance issues like none other I have seen...except for yoga lol).

    Thanks for the info! What does a step up machine look like?? lol :p If I google it it shows me stair steppers! :) My gym has a pull up assist machine, could that be used?? :) Thanks so much for all the help!!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I can't find the photo of the machine, so I will have to take a picture of it tonight when I get to the gym.

    As far as the pull-up machine, if it is one like this:

    Then yes, you can use the bottom steps for step-ups. But if it is one of the machines that has the narrow steps, I would suggest not using it.
  • kerbyd13
    kerbyd13 Posts: 46 Member
    Question! how long does each stage take? Ive tried figuring this out but i'm so confused!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Question! how long does each stage take? Ive tried figuring this out but i'm so confused!

    Depends on how many days a week you are training.

    If you are doing it 3 times a week then the first stage is about 6 weeks and then Stages 2 - 5 are about 3 weeks, Stage 6 is 4-5 weeks and then finally Stage 7 is about 3 weeks.

    I do it twice a week, so Stage one lasted 2 months, Stages 2-5 last about 1 month, Stage 6 will last 5 weeks and then Stage 7 will last 3 weeks.
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    Would this machine be ok to replace deadlifts? My gym does not have any "free" olympic bars. (they are all attached to the squat racks, you cannot take them off) The only free bars go up to 60lbs and you cannot change the weight.

  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    stage one completed Friday...

    Workout A:
    Start: Squat: 95lb
    Pushup: ground
    Seated Row- 60lbs
    Step Ups- Shin Height 15lbs in each hand
    Prone Jackknife- 55in ball- 8 reps

    Workout A:
    Finish: Squat: 140lbs
    Pushup: Feet on bench
    Seated Row: 90lb
    Step Ups: Knee Height 20lbs in each hand
    Prone Jackknife: 55 in ball- 15reps


    Workout B:
    Start: Deadlifts: 65lbs
    Shoulder Press: 15 lb each hand
    Wide grip pull-ups: 90lb resistance
    Lunges: 15 lbs each hand- (started at 10 each leg)
    Swiss ball crunch: 55cm ball (8)

    Workout B:
    Finish: Deadlifts: 135lbs
    Shoulder Press: 20 lbs each hand
    Wide Grip Pull-ups: 60 lbs resistance
    Lunges: 20 lbs each hand
    Swiss Ball Crunch: 55 cm ball with 20 lbs
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    Squat.. 20 + bar -> 90 + bar (50 amrap)
    Push-up.. on floor -> T with 3lb (20)
    Row.. 45 -> 150 (35)
    Stepup.. 30 dumbell -> 65 barbell (30)
    Prone jackknife.. 15 whole time (30)

    Deadlift.. 50 + bar -> 90 + bar struggling (16)
    Lat pulldown.. 50 -> 75 (25)
    Lunge.. 30 dumbell -> 60 barbell (25)
    Press.. 20 -> 45 (30)
    Sit-up.. Regular -> with 35 lb (35)

    I did the amrap in the same day which was a lot more than I thought. In order to move up on legs, I had to switch to barbells because my grip was terrible and I could barley get through lifts (happened with deadlifts in end too).
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member

    I am pretty new here, and am excited about the program.

    I started stage 1 a few weeks ago. I do 3 times a week. Today was Workout A-3. When I did A-2, my thighs were extremely sore from A-1, and I couldn't get good form. Today I felt a lot better.
    I am new to weight training and I find some exercises almost impossible and some too easy.
    Anyhoo, today's work, and I know I'm not as impressive as many pals here, but I am still trying to figure out my limitations slowly and carefully.
    Squat: 12x55 and then 12x65 because the 55 was too easy.
    Push up: I still need the 45-degree angle. I can barely finish the 2 sets of 12. It's almost impossible for me but getting slightly better.
    Seated row: 2 sets of 12x55. Still pretty easy.
    Step up: 2 steps under the bench and 20# per arm. 2 sets of 12 each leg. I did them a bit faster because it was easier that way. It's painful to hold those dumbbels! Question- do you rest between legs?
    Prone Jackknife- 2 sets of 10. I could do more! I finally got the hang of it and I only start to feel the challenge at reps 9-10.

    One last question: What do you eat afterwards? Is Greek Yogurt a good choice?
  • refuseresist
    refuseresist Posts: 934 Member
    Just doing my last workout B today. Then Monday and Wednesday I will be doing the bonus AMRAP workouts.
  • charleigh78
    charleigh78 Posts: 247 Member
    First workout today. I did girl push ups, haha.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member

    I am pretty new here, and am excited about the program.

    I started stage 1 a few weeks ago. I do 3 times a week. Today was Workout A-3. When I did A-2, my thighs were extremely sore from A-1, and I couldn't get good form. Today I felt a lot better.
    I am new to weight training and I find some exercises almost impossible and some too easy.
    Anyhoo, today's work, and I know I'm not as impressive as many pals here, but I am still trying to figure out my limitations slowly and carefully.
    Squat: 12x55 and then 12x65 because the 55 was too easy.
    Push up: I still need the 45-degree angle. I can barely finish the 2 sets of 12. It's almost impossible for me but getting slightly better.
    Seated row: 2 sets of 12x55. Still pretty easy.
    Step up: 2 steps under the bench and 20# per arm. 2 sets of 12 each leg. I did them a bit faster because it was easier that way. It's painful to hold those dumbbels! Question- do you rest between legs?
    Prone Jackknife- 2 sets of 10. I could do more! I finally got the hang of it and I only start to feel the challenge at reps 9-10.

    One last question: What do you eat afterwards? Is Greek Yogurt a good choice?

    I don't rest between legs if I don't have to. Sometimes I will grab some water but I would just like to push through and get it over with. I ended up doing step up with a barbell (still do) because of my grip. I couldn't lift more than 25 lb per hand but wasn't feeling the burn. In Stage 2, I am now up to 70 lbs with step up, I would never get there if I was doing dumbell.

    I eat cottage cheese if it is a snack, if I need supper, my go-to is tuna salad on some sort of crackers. I am not too good with eating right away after all the time though.
  • terrie_k
    terrie_k Posts: 406 Member
    First workout today. I did girl push ups, haha.

    Did you try angle pushups? The book kinda goes away from "girl" pushups so you may not be getting the full benefit.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Tonight I will be doing A5. Push Ups are my nemesis. I have been using a bench (hip height). Today I decided I will try real ones for the first time! I hope I can do it.
    3x10.... Yikes!!!
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    Errrrr. Sorry to update I missed my workout. I got delayed on the way home and became extremely fatigued and hungry. I ate and was still hungry and just went straight to bed. This is the first time I've missed a workout since I started (I did 8 total so far). I just knew there was nothing in me that could lift weights that night.
    With renewed strength I will resume the program tomorrow and conquer them push ups!
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    I'm restarting Stage 1 tonight after a looonnnggg break. Too long. Square one, here I come, lol.
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I finally finished Stage One (the regular workouts) last night. I started on February 4th and finished on March 10th. I still have to do the AMRAP workouts, but I'm excited to compare my starting and ending weights. I had to use all dumbbells for the workouts because I couldn't get to a gym and had to lift at home, so my numbers might look a little funky. My shoulders are my weakness. I can't seem to go up much in weight there.

    Exercise-Start Weight/End Weight
    Squat 15/40
    Push-ups (regular "man" style) 7/24
    Row 20/30
    Step Ups 10/25
    Deadlift 20/40
    Shoulder Press 8/10
    Lat Pulldown 8/10
    Lunge 10/30
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    I have a problem doing the step-ups and lunges. I don't feel like I am getting anything out of step-ups (and I just don't like them - lol). So I was doing the leg press weight machine in place of -- but now I read that it may not be doing the same thing. Are there any alternatives?

    And lunges - really hurts my knees and I am going on 50 and I run/walk everyday (which I do to get out of the office and I love it) so I don't want to hurt my knees to a point where I can't run. Last year I had a torn meniscus and it was very painful for about 3 months but I laid off and it healed and has been fine - but I don't want to go through that again. I do find that walking lunges are easier for me so I've been doing those - but again is there another exercise or machine that will work the same muscle but not but so much stress on the knees?