Stage 1



  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    I did it, I was too timid to approach the squat box so I did dumbell squats. My fiance is going with me the next few times to help me learn to load the barbell and use the rack.

    It went pretty well! I fell off the stupid ball doing the jackknifes and hurt my knee, but it was good!

    Lili, did you go? If your gym has a cable machine without a seat it probably has an adjustable cable that you could move to about the floor and then sit. You could use a weight plate as a footstop. My gym's cable machine is very elaborate and luckily has exactly what i needed.

    Yes, I did go! There actually was a seated cable machine, I had just never seen it!

    Just finished 1b a few hours ago. Love the squats in A workout--I'm starting at 75 for both sets. Can't wait to bump up the weight when the reps are a little lower.

    Deadlifts in B are harder for me. I arch my back too easily so I will try lower weight next time.

    Does your gym have a TRX set up? I substitute a TRX pike for the jackknife. It's the same type of movement and you're still working to stabilize yourself. I also substitute the swiss ball crunch with TRX crunches from hands then forearms.
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member

    Does your gym have a TRX set up? I substitute a TRX pike for the jackknife. It's the same type of movement and you're still working to stabilize yourself. I also substitute the swiss ball crunch with TRX crunches from hands then forearms.

    Yes, we do have trx, I will def do that for the pikes, I will do the crunches on the stability ball though. Thanks for the idea!

    I did 1b yesterday, and was a little over ambitious with the lunges. My legs are hurting today. Also, the motion of a lunge bothered my foot, but that will get better with time. Next WO tomorrow, tonight I run.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member

    Does your gym have a TRX set up? I substitute a TRX pike for the jackknife. It's the same type of movement and you're still working to stabilize yourself. I also substitute the swiss ball crunch with TRX crunches from hands then forearms.

    Yes, we do have trx, I will def do that for the pikes, I will do the crunches on the stability ball though. Thanks for the idea!

    I did 1b yesterday, and was a little over ambitious with the lunges. My legs are hurting today. Also, the motion of a lunge bothered my foot, but that will get better with time. Next WO tomorrow, tonight I run.

    I did 1b1 yesterday as well. My back is VERY sore from the deadlifts! I have only just gotten over the intense quad soreness from the squats in 1a1 and then in 1b you have to do all those lunges! Definitely a bit sore in the butt area too!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    So, trx pike worked better, I did not fall. But woah did they seem harder! And I keep forgetting the ab sets have fewer reps. :-/ I had yoga tonight also, so the combo is sure to kill tomorrow.

    Lili, deadlift hurt your back? Do you use good form? I don't think it should hurt (unless you mean your muscles, they should be sore)
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    Oh, it is just muscle soreness! VERY bad muscle soreness! :happy:
    Guess that means it's working!

    I'm glad the TRX pikes worked for you--they can definitely be challenging. I took TRX classes pretty consistently for almost a year so I think I am kind of used to the movement, so I just do a few more reps!
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Lili - I forgot my form when I did 1b5 DLs which went up to 70 lbs x 3 x 8 for me. I didn't feel anything wrong at first but felt funny (hard to describe) while trying to sleep and then had a sore back the next day. it's been healing throughout the week and I hope to get back to the DLs on Saturday. I really think I rounded my back on the 3rd set because I got tired and forgot to pay attention.

    If you think you might have done that too - check out some youtubes for good and bad DL form and you will see the difference.

    take care ! Let us know how your back feels in a few days.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    Hi Lili - I forgot my form when I did 1b5 DLs which went up to 70 lbs x 3 x 8 for me. I didn't feel anything wrong at first but felt funny (hard to describe) while trying to sleep and then had a sore back the next day. it's been healing throughout the week and I hope to get back to the DLs on Saturday. I really think I rounded my back on the 3rd set because I got tired and forgot to pay attention.

    If you think you might have done that too - check out some youtubes for good and bad DL form and you will see the difference.

    take care ! Let us know how your back feels in a few days.

    Thanks! I have been watching form videos online. It's really only muscular soreness, so I'm trying to figure out if I'm just particularly weak in my lower back, or if my form is off (or maybe a combination). I will be doing 1B2 on Friday and am hoping that my trainer will be around so I can ask him to watch.
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    lili from yoga classes I have learned if you look forward or up, not at the floor, your back is less likely to arch forward. So mayne if you can look into the mirror? That's what I do. Good luck. I did 1b2 this morning, and man my shoulders are weak. :-(
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    So I've found what I think are a few good videos online, and here are the tips I'm hoping will help me the most.

    -Start with feet 4-6 inches back from bar, then bend knees to get shins to touch bar, drop hips.

    I think this is the biggest one for me. I was starting with my shins touching the bar and I think my hips were too high. The starting position did feel awkward to me, so I am going to try out this adjustment. I think moving my feet back a few inches will help me lower my hips more and let my glutes/hamstrings assist a little bit and take some of the pressure off my back.

    -Head in line with spine or slightly raised.

    -When bar is at knees, squeeze glutes and pull straight up. Do not hyper extend back.

    I wasn't hyper extending back but certainly felt the temptation to do so. I like the cue of squeezing my glutes at that point because I think it will help me be more conscience of my form.

    Can anyone comment on these tips? Good, bad?
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Sounds good to me, but what do I know?lol, I will def try that next time it comes aorund though. I feel like it works my quads and arms, but almost nothing else, so I will try those form tips for sure.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    Still no luck with the deadlifts today. Any way I do it feels wrong and awkward and I cannot stop rounding my back! :ohwell:
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    lili, does your gym have a personal trainer on staff? Maybe you can catch him between clients and ask for help. That's what I did the first time I had to use the TRX set up for those stupid pikes (which are so much easier/still super effective that way).
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    Yes, and he was actually trying to help me. His suggestions were right on par with what I posted earlier, but no matter which way I did it my back still rounded. I took weight off the bar thinking that might help, but no luck so far. He sent me some exercises to help strengthen my back, so I'm hoping those will help.

    He also suggested trying the movement with some of the heavier kettlebells, which I think could be a good idea to help strengthen those areas.

    I will keep trying!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Maybe try with the bar alone to get good form. Sounds like either 1) your legs are super tight, preventing you from getting down there, or 2) your back is weak and either way, maybe backing all the way off for a bit might help. I know the bar at my gym is 40#, so that's like lifting a 4 year, which IMO is a pretty good place to start.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    This is an olympic bar, which is 45 pounds. I did several reps with just the bar and although it didn't feel heavy to me, I was still rounding my back. I think I am likely weak in my back. I do think I will modify now with kettlebells and reassess after a few weeks.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Just finished 1 a 7 today - the end is near for stage 1, My strained back from my bad DL day healed and I did 80 pounds on 1b6 . Was pretty nervous about it but it worked out fine so I went to 75 squats today. I love doing the heavy weights on Friday evenings and Sunday afternoons when not as many people are there. The tuesday night workout is always packed and I getting a little stressed out going to the rack. Have a good mem day everyone!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Ari, I like my gym empt as well. If I lift in the morning I usually and alone. The last time I was at the gym there were a couple guys hogging the rack, which was really frustrating.

    I am back in the gym tonight for 1b4 (I think). I felt like 1a4 was really easy, but I had added weight to every single lift. So myabe I should be adding weight more quickly. Right now I am adding in 5# incriments.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    I just finished 1 5 A. I was so glad to see the sets bump to 3 and the reps reduce to 10. I've been wanting to add weight but can't get through the long sets.

    I did 100 on squats today and felt pretty good. My goal is to be able to squat body weight. (Currently about 165).

    I had to wait for the squat rack today when I went over lunch. I usually go around 2pm and it's pretty empty but couldn't go at that time today! Hate waiting, but the woman using it was squatting much more than me so I couldn't work in.
  • Ari112233
    Ari112233 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi Stage 1ers.

    Finished stage 1 a except AMRAPs last night! Here is how I ended up

    Squats 20-->80
    Push ups. 15 on a 45 degree angle and poorly at thet. --> 8x3 on the floor. FINALLY got to the floor last night!
    Seated row 65-->105
    Step ups 5 lb DBs each hand -->25 lb plates each hand
    Prone JK --> got to 15x3 but the last few killed my abs!

    Will post my 1b Sunday after I do it :)