Stage 1



  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Re-posting this here because no one replied to my original post :ohwell:

    So I started NROL4W last Wednesday, and I'm about to do workout B today. I do have a few questions though:

    - I felt a little sore in my upper body after the day 1 workout, but not in my lower body, so I'm wondering if I should increase the weight resistance already, for squats and step-ups? and by how much at a time? Some history: before this, I was doing body pump classes 1-2 times a week for 2.5 months (and lots of Zumba) and had upped my resistance weight slightly while doing the classes, but I never recorded the progress really. But, I am also prone to overdoing it with the weights and assume I can do more than my body is capable of (quite opposite of what Lou says in the book, I guess I "think like a dude" in that respect lol) Last time this happened, I had pretty intense DOMS in my quads for 5 full days after doing too much in a lifting class, so I'm nervous about this but still want to see progress and results.

    - I am not crazy about doing the reverse lunge and twist warmup. I was really unsteady and there isn't enough room for me to do it in my gym walking, I have to remain in one spot. I also have issues with my hip/thigh joints, so lunges make me nervous in general. Does anyone know of a substitute warmup I can do instead, which will work the same muscles?

    - Do any of you try to gauge your calorie burns while lifting? I use a HRM for cardio, and I do know that using it for strength training is not accurate. Is there ANY way to find out what I burn while lifting?

    Thanks, all advice welcome smile

    You should increase your weights based on how easy or difficult the exercise is for you, not based on DOMS. On squat and deadlift, you could probably increase 5-10 lbs at a time and on arms you may want to do smaller increases.

    The warm ups in the book are just a recommendation, I just do static lunges and squats after I warm up on the elliptical. You don't have to do the twisting lunge.

    Since you are calculating your calories to eat based on the method in the book, I don't think it's really important to have an accurate calories burned amount. That said, I use a HRM and it seems pretty close to what I feel it should be.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member

    You should increase your weights based on how easy or difficult the exercise is for you, not based on DOMS. On squat and deadlift, you could probably increase 5-10 lbs at a time and on arms you may want to do smaller increases.

    The warm ups in the book are just a recommendation, I just do static lunges and squats after I warm up on the elliptical. You don't have to do the twisting lunge.

    Since you are calculating your calories to eat based on the method in the book, I don't think it's really important to have an accurate calories burned amount. That said, I use a HRM and it seems pretty close to what I feel it should be.

    Thanks. I guess the first two workouts are just going to be lots of guessing at what weight I should start with, I'm not good at listening to my body and knowing whether it's saying "this is hard, but good" or "this is too hard, go lighter". It'll be a learning process
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member

    I started my first workout Wednesday and did B for the first time today. I was not as sore in my legs but mainly in my core.

    I really don't know any answers to your questions because I just started myself. but just do what feels right to you weight wise. He did state if a weight was too light continue that rep and next rep increase your weight.

    The only warm ups I do are squats and lunges without weights.

    Oh cool, we started on the same day! I'll just stick to squats and regular lunges as well I think.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just wanted to post these in here. These are my 'Before/After' NROLFW photos. This is after SIX WEEKS of lifting heavy weights. I've lost 5kg of scale weight and using the BodyFit fat % calculator I have lost approx 3% body fat. (I know this is approx but I used it as a general tool)


  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    Great results, Lozze! I took baseline measurements today, even though I'm half-way through Stage 1. It'll be interesting to compare at the end of stage 1 where I am.

    And I'm going to shamelessly say it - I love eating more. I can't believe I used to live on 1300 calories a day. Mmm, food!

    I'm another one who thinks they started a little too light. I'm trying to ramp things up now (still listening to my body so I don't injure myself though). I think until you start with heavier weights, we have no frame of reference for what our bodies are capable of, and all those years of hearing "25 reps with 3-8lb weights" is hard to unprogram.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Cloud, GREAT! we can compare notes and "push" each other!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Just wanted to post these in here. These are my 'Before/After' NROLFW photos. This is after SIX WEEKS of lifting heavy weights. I've lost 5kg of scale weight and using the BodyFit fat % calculator I have lost approx 3% body fat. (I know this is approx but I used it as a general tool)

    I can see a change in your waistline!!! great job.
  • amyrobynne
    amyrobynne Posts: 64 Member
    Hi -- I got the book off the library waitlist, but before I could start, my hemmorhoid from my last pregnancy flared up (argh! sorry for the TMI) and then I went on vacation where there wasn't a gym. The book is now 5 days overdue and I finally returned it. I'm going to buy it this week, at least. Before I returned it today, I brought it to the gym to scope out the free weights and figure out how to do everything. I've been going to BodyPump for 4 months, but haven't really ever used free weights. The trainer came over and helped me figure out where to do seated rows. I found the squat rack and the Olympic barbell (egads, that's really heavy! What if it's too heavy for me to do 15 reps even without weights?). I think I'll make a point of going on weekday mornings when the percent of women around is higher so I'm not so intimidated by the big jocks.

    I'm excited to finally get started soon! I've lost over 20 lbs since November, including more than 5% body fat and 3 clothes sizes. Building more strength seems like the logical place to go next.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Just finished workout 7B at the gym. It's crazy how far I've come in only a month. I went up to 105 lbs on the deadlifts and I put the barbell down between each rep, that helped a TON. I'm finally doing them properly instead of rushing because my grip was failing.

    I also did lunges with 2 30 lb kettlebells. I've lost 60 lbs total from my highest weight and it's no wonder I never wanted to work out! That extra 60 lbs is HARD! And it used to be on my body! Ugh, never again...

    I'm excited for the final 2 workouts. I'll get them in Monday and Wednesday this week. Tuesday I have the dentist and Thursday I think I have a kickball game, so it's a bit of an easy workout week. I'm heading to Jersey for Easter weekend Thurs night-Sunday night so that's kind of my break between phases. I'll do the AMRAPs the following week and start Phase 2! Whoot!

    I still need to do measurements. I had the trainer at the gym use the handheld body fat % thing today and it was higher... which is really weird. I"m thinking it's because I did it post-workout and I've read not to do it after. I'll try it again next week before working out.
  • amyrobynne
    amyrobynne Posts: 64 Member

    I also did lunges with 2 30 lb kettlebells. I've lost 60 lbs total from my highest weight and it's no wonder I never wanted to work out! That extra 60 lbs is HARD! And it used to be on my body! Ugh, never again...

    I've been thinking about that, too. My 20 mo old weighs 23-24 lbs and before my vacation last week, I had been down that much. He's heavy to carry around -- I don't want that 24/7! I also think about when I weighed 50 more pounds at the end of my first pregnancy. Walking up the stairs was difficult and now I understand why.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    Did 4A today and squatted 115 pounds and rowed 105 pounds. I'm really happy with that :happy:
  • coquette87
    coquette87 Posts: 114
    Did 5A today and did my first set of ON THE FLOOR push-ups. Super stoked with that. :)
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Did 5A today and did my first set of ON THE FLOOR push-ups. Super stoked with that. :)
    Congrats! It's a heady feeling keep up the good work.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Did 5A today and did my first set of ON THE FLOOR push-ups. Super stoked with that. :)

    I hope to get there! Congrats. I'm still embarrassed that I previously asked about the incline. **slaps my forehead** I totally missed that in the book.

    Do yall dream about lifting? The past 2 nights I have!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Did 5A today and did my first set of ON THE FLOOR push-ups. Super stoked with that. :)

    Congrats! That's the one exercise for me that really made me happy that I could do. Now I've graduated to doing pushups with my feet on the squishy part of a Bosu ball... those are HARD! I get to do them today, oof.

    Today is my last week of Phase 1! I have workout 8A today and 8B on Wednesday and then I'm going to Jersey for a long Easter weekend to visit the family. I haven't re-measured yet, but this weekend I could tell I was smaller in the clothes I was wearing. A pair of jeans that were too snug before I started fit perfectly again, and my t-shirt I was in didn't have crazy muffin top underneath, haha. My waist looked narrower too. Boyfriend said I was looking good, haha. I redid my body fat but I think the results were messed up since I did it post-workout. I've heard the handheld devices are most accurate before working out. I'll try again today or Wednesday when I go to the gym. It said I was 29.7% to start, but I was 30.5% Saturday morning. Who knows, the measurements are really what matter.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started Stage 1 Workout A today. I don't have a swiss ball and was wondering what other exercise I substitute for the prone jackknife?
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hi everyone! I just started Stage 1 Workout A today. I don't have a swiss ball and was wondering what other exercise I substitute for the prone jackknife?

    You could do a reverse crunch. That's when you sit on the floor and bring your knees up to your chest while balancing on your tailbone and hands. The image below shows how to do it.

  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Just did 7A and upped all my weights. I am feeling it now! Legs are aching.

    Really frustrated with my gym though. They only have one squat cage and one Smith machine. There were guys doing deadlifts so I asked if I could use the cage. I grabbed a smaller preloaded bar of 45kg but it wasn't wide enough! Thankfully the guys were really sweet and helped lift it up but it's so hard when you have three guys using the squat rack for 20/30 min and it's one buying lifting 5 reps and then no-one does anything for 5 min. ARGH! They are going to get some spare Olympic bars though so people can squat in their while others are dead lifting.

    I REALLY felt the prone jackknifes tonight! AND I did two lush ups on the floor! I ended up doing a set over the three (still on the weight bench) but its feeling better. Not sure of form but can keep trying!

    Can't wait to start stage 2. I don't know if I'll do the AMRAP. Alwyns blog states its to show women how much they underestimate themselves. But I know that. I don't need to waste two training days to know that. I might still do it just to get the figures but I don't like it!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I completed workout 2A a few minutes ago. I am in my recliner sipping protein shake.:bigsmile:

    Scanning through my pages, I noticed on 3A I decrease reps but I increased some weights today.

    1. Does that mean I increase again?

    2. For my 1st rep (anytime during a workout) do I begin with the weight from previous workout and then increase weight? That's what I did today.