Stage 1



  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member

    I did 5A today. I started at the gym, but finished at home. I'm feeling a tad sensitive today, I guess. The meathead that jumped on the row machine between my sets and started running his mouth about the low weight sort of did me in. :( I came home and finished.

    That is just rude behavior and bad gym etiquette. I am usually the only girl using the free weights. You'll get your day...they'll get used to you after awhile and then one day they'll be impressed by how heavy you are lifting! Not that there's any need to impress a turd like that, but at least he'll leave you alone. :)
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Jenthomas I'm floored by the shoulder press weight!! I'm struggling with 15 lbs. lol You rock! Great progress...

    To everyone who's mentioned it: I haven't had a lot of muscle soreness either. Sometimes I can feel it a little bit the next day, but not much. Maybe all the protein? Also, I gained weight last week, too. I've decided to stop weighing for a while.

    I was worried during/after my last workout (B)--my left kneecap was killing me. But, it's better today. Yay!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hello , Ladies. Yall are doing awesome. JThomas, may I ask specifically where did you lose your inches?

    I feel like my arms are getting bigger. Some of my shirts are tighter through the shoulders. My cellulite doesn't look as lumpy either :happy:

    The plan was for me to head to the gym early this morning. I woke up SUPER bloated. Stepped on the scales and had gained 3 pounds from yesterday. NO I am not worried. I did take an OTC diuretic which is not working. My stomach is huge and toes and fingers feel like they are about to explode. I went back to bed after being up 30 minutes and slept another FIVE hours!!

    I won't go to the gym today because I feel like if I do go I won't finish the workout completely. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a good day and I can do workouts T, TH, SA. Then Monday get back on track with my MWF routine.
  • austelle
    austelle Posts: 108 Member

    Shoulder Press 18/dumbbell < 70/olympic bar

    :drinker: HOT DAMN on those shoulder presses!!! I just started using the Oly bar and it burns, oh it burns, toward the end of the last set. That's a VERY impressive overhead press!!!

    Double hot damn! The heaviest I've done is 15's and you started with more!!
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Is anyone else doing yoga in between lifting? I'm thinking of incorporating in order to develop more flexibility. Does doing yoga improve lifting movements? There's a Tues/Thurs yoga class at my gym and thinking about joining in.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Is anyone else doing yoga in between lifting? I'm thinking of incorporating in order to develop more flexibility. Does doing yoga improve lifting movements? There's a Tues/Thurs yoga class at my gym and thinking about joining in.

    I lift T,T,S and do yoga M.W,F most weeks. there are weeks that I only get one session of yoga in, just depends on my schedule. I love doing yoga in between. I don't know if it helps with lifting, but it helps my muscles relax, but work at the same time. I really believe doing yoga for this past year is what has helped my arm strength so much.
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @manic - here are my measurements

    Waist 33.5 < 33
    Hips 38 < 37
    Natural waist 32 < 31.5
    Lower waist 36 < 35
    Upper thigh 21.5 < 21
    Calf 14.25 < 14
    Bicep 12 < 11.75
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    6B today:

    SQUATS (instead of lunges): 95#, 100#, 100# (I tend to do 1 set of where I left last time, then up the weight).

    DEADLIFT: 70#, 75#, 80#

    BALL CRUNCH: 1 x 15 and 2 x 12 w/ 10# plate on chest (I just realized I should hold something, duh).

    DB SHOULDER PRESS: 3 x 20# DBs

    WIDE GAP LAT PULLDOWN: Still stuck at 50#, and could only do 1 set of 10, then 2 sets 8, ugh -- so hard!

    Wiped out this afternoon, but we were up very late last night due to neighbor's house catching fire and having them over for several hours til after midnight.

    Seriously considering switching over to stronglifts after stage 1. Anyone else?

  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    6B today:

    SQUATS (instead of lunges): 95#, 100#, 100# (I tend to do 1 set of where I left last time, then up the weight).

    DEADLIFT: 70#, 75#, 80#

    BALL CRUNCH: 1 x 15 and 2 x 12 w/ 10# plate on chest (I just realized I should hold something, duh).

    DB SHOULDER PRESS: 3 x 20# DBs

    WIDE GAP LAT PULLDOWN: Still stuck at 50#, and could only do 1 set of 10, then 2 sets 8, ugh -- so hard!

    Wiped out this afternoon, but we were up very late last night due to neighbor's house catching fire and having them over for several hours til after midnight.

    Seriously considering switching over to stronglifts after stage 1. Anyone else?


    I'm curious to know why you are considering switching.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    6B today:

    SQUATS (instead of lunges): 95#, 100#, 100# (I tend to do 1 set of where I left last time, then up the weight).

    DEADLIFT: 70#, 75#, 80#

    BALL CRUNCH: 1 x 15 and 2 x 12 w/ 10# plate on chest (I just realized I should hold something, duh).

    DB SHOULDER PRESS: 3 x 20# DBs

    WIDE GAP LAT PULLDOWN: Still stuck at 50#, and could only do 1 set of 10, then 2 sets 8, ugh -- so hard!

    Wiped out this afternoon, but we were up very late last night due to neighbor's house catching fire and having them over for several hours til after midnight.

    Seriously considering switching over to stronglifts after stage 1. Anyone else?


    I'm curious to know why you are considering switching.

    I like the idea of squats every time and deadlifts every other. I like the 5 x 5 reps and adding 5# each time. I like the 3 compound exercises per workout, instead of single leg stuff, especially lunges -- I can't do lunges due to chondromalacia patella; and anyway I think squats are more effective.

    Here's a link:

    have you been to the stronglifts websitte? you can download the program for free and sign up for the newsletter -- it's very helpful! also he has videos and detailed explanations, not just of HOW to do things, but WHY.

    what do you think?
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    6B today:

    SQUATS (instead of lunges): 95#, 100#, 100# (I tend to do 1 set of where I left last time, then up the weight).

    DEADLIFT: 70#, 75#, 80#

    BALL CRUNCH: 1 x 15 and 2 x 12 w/ 10# plate on chest (I just realized I should hold something, duh).

    DB SHOULDER PRESS: 3 x 20# DBs

    WIDE GAP LAT PULLDOWN: Still stuck at 50#, and could only do 1 set of 10, then 2 sets 8, ugh -- so hard!

    Wiped out this afternoon, but we were up very late last night due to neighbor's house catching fire and having them over for several hours til after midnight.

    Seriously considering switching over to stronglifts after stage 1. Anyone else?


    I'm curious to know why you are considering switching.

    I like the idea of squats every time and deadlifts every other. I like the 5 x 5 reps and adding 5# each time. I like the 3 compound exercises per workout, instead of single leg stuff, especially lunges -- I can't do lunges due to chondromalacia patella; and anyway I think squats are more effective.

    Here's a link:

    have you been to the stronglifts websitte? you can download the program for free and sign up for the newsletter -- it's very helpful! also he has videos and detailed explanations, not just of HOW to do things, but WHY.

    what do you think?

    I'm not diggin' the single leg stuff either, so I'm with you. Like you, I also like deadlifts and squats and could do those all day long.:smile: I've gone to his site to check out the squat videos and actually have it on my favorites. I was actually going to do this program after I got done with NROL, but, if I get bored/frustrated with it before I'm done, I know I'll go to stronglifts.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    Last day of stage 1 today! No AMRAP, just repeating workout 8.

    See you in stage 2 next week...
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    @sleepytexan - I've considered switching. My husband and son are doing it right now and seem to like it. I committed to doing NROL and would like to finish it out. If I get too bored though, I'll probably switch later.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    @sleepytexan - I've considered switching. My husband and son are doing it right now and seem to like it. I committed to doing NROL and would like to finish it out. If I get too bored though, I'll probably switch later.
    I've also considered switching back to Chalean Extreme or Stronglifts. Not that I don't like the program but that's just how I am, switching what I want to do for exercise all the time, so I just have to go with what I'm in the mood for lol. I'm going to do stage 2 then see how I feel after I go on vacation.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    awwww ladies don't leave us :frown:

    5A completed. I did not up the weights today. I wanted to make sure I could get through the three sets. It may be a while before I do up them.

    squats 40 pounds
    push up still at a 45 degree angle. Today was the best form I've had. So it may be time to lower the incline.
    seated row 72 pounds
    step ups 15 pounds in each hand
    jackknife NO problem!
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    nice job manic - I may be able to squat heavier than you but I CAN NOT do those jackknifes for crap! my core is so weak
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    Holy cow! I was getting ready for work this morning and was checking my hair before I got dressed. As I was looking at the back of my head with the hand held mirror, I noticed something strange...deltoids! They're AWESOME! :love:
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Holy cow! I was getting ready for work this morning and was checking my hair before I got dressed. As I was looking at the back of my head with the hand held mirror, I noticed something strange...deltoids! They're AWESOME! :love:

    That's awesome!! I wish mine would appear!
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    Stage 1 results - I finished 8B on Saturday

    Squat 65 < 100
    Push up on toes < on 5 step risers
    Row 40 < 70
    step up 45 < 70
    jackknife wobbly < no problem

    Deadlift 65 < 110
    Shoulder Press 18/dumbbell < 70/olympic bar
    Lat pulldown 40 < 70
    Lunges 10 < 18
    Swiss Ball Crunch 10 < 20 overhead

    I lost a total of 4 inches all over and about 1% body fat. I'm pretty pleased with the results and ready to move on to Stage 2.

    I have not posted yet..I dont but I am in stage one week 4... I must say.....Very proud of you. Great job!

    FTR My name is Deb..
  • dandelion39
    dandelion39 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi All...

    WOA6 today--finally got up to 25lb plates for squats today (so 95 lbs total). For some reason, that makes me feel "official", like I'm not ****ing around with multiple small plates anymore, lol.

    Upped step ups to 12.5 kg kettlebells--my forearms are feeling better, and the kettlebells definitely help.

    I was whipped by the end of the workout, and wobbled right off the swiss ball during jacknives.

    I'm happy with my progress, impressed with my gains in strength, but really struggling with the lack of visual/quantitative (yeah, scale) changes. I thought by now (not just from the couple of weeks I've been doing NR, but from my 75 days on MFP) I'd be seeing major results. And it's just not happening. Wah. I'm taking a break from weighing, until after my next TOM, then I'm going to reassess calories, etc. if I don't see any movement in inches/on the scale. Frustrating! Sorry for the whine...and I don't even have any cheese to offer you :)