Stage 1



  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    YES!! I am done with Stage 1 - Just finished my AMRAP and was pretty proud of myself I am getting stronger for sure.

    Status -

    Squats - 25lbs to 35lbs
    Push-ups - All 30 degress to half 30 / half floor (still need to work op upper body strength)
    Seat Row - 70lbs to 160lbs - started too low for sure
    Step ups - using weight bench - 15lbs in each hand to 20lbs in each hand
    Prone Jacks - 8 to 20

    Deadlifts - 20lbs to 35lbs
    DB shoulder Press - 15lbs to 25lbs
    Wide-Grip Lat pull down - 55lbs to 80lbs
    Lunge - 15lbs in each hand to 30lbs in each hand
    Swissball crunch - 15 with 25lb plate to 20 with 30lbs over head

    Weight - 152 to 152 .........but
    Measurements - total of -2"
    Body Fat = 1% down

    Holy crap! How is your grip with those rows? I think 160 is my dream!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I really wanted to lift today but my STINKY husband has my ID (day 2) so I couldn't make it to the gym before it closed (stinking weekend hours)

    I was looking forward to increasing my deadlifts and maybe adding 3 sets of romanian as well.

    Grr. grr. grr. Technically, I could do it at home, but DL with dumbells are not exciting. :( I should just do shouldepresses, lunges, and pullovers, and save those tasty deadlifts for later.
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    7A today..

    20 mins run +
    Squats -90 lbs smith machine
    Push-ups - incline from 3rd rung of smith machine
    Seat Row - 70lbs
    I can do 90 at my work gym where it is an elevated/reclining seated row, but the flat out horizontal seated row i can only fully do 70.
    Step ups - using plyo step 50lb barbell
    Prone Jacks - 3 sets of 15..
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Roar! I'm not sure which I'm on. 6B, I think? Heheh. Totally ballin' today.

    Deadlift 135
    Shoulder Press - 1 set at 25, the 2 others at 20. Hopefully I'll be able to get UP there for all 3 sets next week? Maybe
    Lat pulldowns - went back to 100 lbs, the next increase is 120 though, and GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. ahahah. I guess I could use one of the nautiilus machines that have smaller increments.
    Went down to 20 lbs on my lunges from 30, but made each lunge SUPERB. Go team. Also, no knee pain so -super- go team!

    ..did two sets of romanian deadlifts for my sexy thighs at 95 lbs. I know you're not supposed to add random junk, but at least I'm not adding bicep curls. I just love how it really gets the adductors and hamstrings. MMM!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Roar! I'm not sure which I'm on. 6B, I think? Heheh. Totally ballin' today.

    Deadlift 135
    Shoulder Press - 1 set at 25, the 2 others at 20. Hopefully I'll be able to get UP there for all 3 sets next week? Maybe
    Lat pulldowns - went back to 100 lbs, the next increase is 120 though, and GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. ahahah. I guess I could use one of the nautiilus machines that have smaller increments.
    Went down to 20 lbs on my lunges from 30, but made each lunge SUPERB. Go team. Also, no knee pain so -super- go team!

    ..did two sets of romanian deadlifts for my sexy thighs at 95 lbs. I know you're not supposed to add random junk, but at least I'm not adding bicep curls. I just love how it really gets the adductors and hamstrings. MMM!

    You have some SERIOUS strength! Nice!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    You have some SERIOUS strength! Nice!

    I feel like a beast today, so thanks!
    I am man sized, though, so it's probably not as beastly as I think it is! THOUGH, the weird dude who always seems to be there during my completely random gym time doing deadlifts next to me is behind, and he's bigger than I am. So I shall feel beastly again! hahah.
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    Hi All!

    Starting Stage 1 today, I'm so excited! I've recruited my sister, who has lifted weights for many years, to show me the exercises and make sure I don't do anything to injure myself. I've used the machines quite a bit but the free weight part of the gym intimidates the heck out of me. It feels like going from the kitchen table game into a Las Vegas poker room for the first time.
  • epcooper
    epcooper Posts: 161 Member
    I walked into my little gym after work today (it's after 5pm here in GE), all ready to start stage 1. I hopped on the treadmill for a little warm-up, then 10 minutes later, in walk 8 huge army dudes who proceeded to take over the free weights area. I waited around for a while, then eventually chickened out and came home. I spent a good amount of time staring at the equipment though, so I'm even more prepared for my next attempt. Luckily, I have some dumbbells and resistance bands here at home, so I can at least start, even though it won't be as challenging as I was hoping.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Hi All!

    Starting Stage 1 today, I'm so excited! I've recruited my sister, who has lifted weights for many years, to show me the exercises and make sure I don't do anything to injure myself. I've used the machines quite a bit but the free weight part of the gym intimidates the heck out of me. It feels like going from the kitchen table game into a Las Vegas poker room for the first time.

    Woohho! Good luck, Shannon. You're going to loveloveloveit! Don't be afraid! :)
    I walked into my little gym after work today (it's after 5pm here in GE), all ready to start stage 1. I hopped on the treadmill for a little warm-up, then 10 minutes later, in walk 8 huge army dudes who proceeded to take over the free weights area. I waited around for a while, then eventually chickened out and came home. I spent a good amount of time staring at the equipment though, so I'm even more prepared for my next attempt. Luckily, I have some dumbbells and resistance bands here at home, so I can at least start, even though it won't be as challenging as I was hoping.

    Aw! Just dive in. They can't take up the entire section. :) I work out on post too and I lovelovelove it. Nothing like admiration from a hulking beast about your squat depth. Don't let them chase you out. :)
  • Fairieluv77
    Starting the second week of Stage 1 today. I'm so looking forward to it!
  • Tigermad
    Tigermad Posts: 305 Member
    I am still not happy with the weight I am lifting. I finished 5a the other day and am now on

    Deadlifts. 88lbs

    Dumbell shoulder press. 20lbs each dumbell so 40lbs

    Wide grip lat pull down. Struggling between 55lbs and 66lbs. I start at 66lbs but have to finish the set on 55lbs. Just 55lbs is too easy. I wish there was an inbetween setting but there isn't.

    Lunge. 20lbs each side totalling 40lbs

    Squats 88lbs. Bar plus weights.

    Seated row. 66lbs

    Step up on weights bench plus 20lbs each side totalling 40lbs

    I can also do proper pushups for every set. They are a killer but am happy I can do them.

    Do you think I have lost a lot of lean muscle from my large weight loss? I am quite disappointed with my progress when I compare it to others.

    I tried to use the 99lbs barbell for the Deadlifts on my last set but there was no way I could pick that up :-( yet loads of people on here can squat and deadlift and lat pull over 100lbs and are increasing!
  • airplanes00
    airplanes00 Posts: 62 Member
    YES!! I am done with Stage 1 - Just finished my AMRAP and was pretty proud of myself I am getting stronger for sure.

    Status -

    Squats - 25lbs to 35lbs
    Push-ups - All 30 degress to half 30 / half floor (still need to work op upper body strength)
    Seat Row - 70lbs to 160lbs - started too low for sure
    Step ups - using weight bench - 15lbs in each hand to 20lbs in each hand
    Prone Jacks - 8 to 20

    Deadlifts - 20lbs to 35lbs
    DB shoulder Press - 15lbs to 25lbs
    Wide-Grip Lat pull down - 55lbs to 80lbs
    Lunge - 15lbs in each hand to 30lbs in each hand
    Swissball crunch - 15 with 25lb plate to 20 with 30lbs over head

    Weight - 152 to 152 .........but
    Measurements - total of -2"
    Body Fat = 1% down

    Holy crap! How is your grip with those rows? I think 160 is my dream!

    I had good grip with the rows, it is really my goal to push my upper body as hard as I can each time, I want to do the chin up. :)
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I am still not happy with the weight I am lifting. I finished 5a the other day and am now on

    Deadlifts. 88lbs

    Dumbell shoulder press. 20lbs each dumbell so 40lbs

    Wide grip lat pull down. Struggling between 55lbs and 66lbs. I start at 66lbs but have to finish the set on 55lbs. Just 55lbs is too easy. I wish there was an inbetween setting but there isn't.

    Lunge. 20lbs each side totalling 40lbs

    Squats 88lbs. Bar plus weights.

    Seated row. 66lbs

    Step up on weights bench plus 20lbs each side totalling 40lbs

    I can also do proper pushups for every set. They are a killer but am happy I can do them.

    Do you think I have lost a lot of lean muscle from my large weight loss? I am quite disappointed with my progress when I compare it to others.

    I tried to use the 99lbs barbell for the Deadlifts on my last set but there was no way I could pick that up :-( yet loads of people on here can squat and deadlift and lat pull over 100lbs and are increasing!

    Nah, your weights look really good to me! All of us are different size, too. Sometimes I like to look at the "standards" for some of these lifts - especially squat and deadlift and just a few lbs can make such a difference in the average weights lifted. :)

    I think the important part is that we're pushing ourselves. I would definitely add a few repetitions if you can't move up a weight yet and you're close, but the lower weight is too easy and the higher weight is too hard. When you go down to 8 reps for 7/8 you may be able to increase your weight too! :)
  • jenschnack
    jenschnack Posts: 112 Member
    I finished Stage 1 A7 today.
    Squats - 70 lbs
    Seated rows - 75 lbs
    Stepups - 20lbs in each hand
    Workout plus 5 minute walk/run warmup = 215 calories burned in 43 minutes
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I finished Stage 1 A7 today.
    Squats - 70 lbs
    Seated rows - 75 lbs
    Stepups - 20lbs in each hand
    Workout plus 5 minute walk/run warmup = 215 calories burned in 43 minutes

    Nice work, Jen! Almost done with stage one! Are you excited to move on? :)
  • Shannonsto
    Shannonsto Posts: 450 Member
    Well, workout 1A is in the books. Felt great, but I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

    Squats--15lb 1st set, 25lb 2nd. I can definitely go up on that one Friday.
    Pushups--I did them, but only on a counter that was above my waist, and even then couldn't finish 2nd set :-(
    Seated Row--30lb 1st set, 35lb 2nd set
    Step-up--10lbs each hand, but my step was very low.
    Prone jackknife--only did 6, I was falling off the ball

    Looking forward to getting stronger, especially with the pushups and jackknives. Did a little cardio after.
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I am still not happy with the weight I am lifting. I finished 5a the other day and am now on

    Deadlifts. 88lbs

    Dumbell shoulder press. 20lbs each dumbell so 40lbs

    Wide grip lat pull down. Struggling between 55lbs and 66lbs. I start at 66lbs but have to finish the set on 55lbs. Just 55lbs is too easy. I wish there was an inbetween setting but there isn't.

    Lunge. 20lbs each side totalling 40lbs

    Squats 88lbs. Bar plus weights.

    Seated row. 66lbs

    Step up on weights bench plus 20lbs each side totalling 40lbs

    I can also do proper pushups for every set. They are a killer but am happy I can do them.

    Do you think I have lost a lot of lean muscle from my large weight loss? I am quite disappointed with my progress when I compare it to others.

    I tried to use the 99lbs barbell for the Deadlifts on my last set but there was no way I could pick that up :-( yet loads of people on here can squat and deadlift and lat pull over 100lbs and are increasing!

    wow, I seriously think you are a BEAST! THAT IS a ton of weight and NO I don't think it is easy to lose lean muscle, so the answer is probably not! The easiest way to check is start getting your body fat measurements done. My gym has a machine that tells me all the stats, you can ask at yours?

    You are doing just fine.. you can only compare yourself to yourself! For me, I think you are doing GREAT!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Well, workout 1A is in the books. Felt great, but I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

    Squats--15lb 1st set, 25lb 2nd. I can definitely go up on that one Friday.
    Pushups--I did them, but only on a counter that was above my waist, and even then couldn't finish 2nd set :-(
    Seated Row--30lb 1st set, 35lb 2nd set
    Step-up--10lbs each hand, but my step was very low.
    Prone jackknife--only did 6, I was falling off the ball

    Looking forward to getting stronger, especially with the pushups and jackknives. Did a little cardio after.

    Great start!!! you are going to rock this!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Well, I'm completely grounded for the time being. Doc said to keep weights under 30 pounds for now as with my disease, he is afraid of stress fractures. Doing a bone density test in the next bit, awaiting lab results from some other tests now! MRA/MRI is set for Thursday!

    Also, and I quote 'Absolutely NO Physical Exertion'... and I specifically asked about Zumba, he said NO! Yoga and walking only.. :-(

    So, I'll cheer you all on and we will get thru this. I'm just going to look at this time for my body to heal, repair some muscle and get stronger.. then Y'ALL better watch out!
  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    I walked into my little gym after work today (it's after 5pm here in GE), all ready to start stage 1. I hopped on the treadmill for a little warm-up, then 10 minutes later, in walk 8 huge army dudes who proceeded to take over the free weights area. I waited around for a while, then eventually chickened out and came home. I spent a good amount of time staring at the equipment though, so I'm even more prepared for my next attempt. Luckily, I have some dumbbells and resistance bands here at home, so I can at least start, even though it won't be as challenging as I was hoping.

    Next time, just do it.. they won't bite.. they are NOT allowed! and enjoy the scenery while you are there!