


  • veronicav0502
    veronicav0502 Posts: 112 Member
    Hi! I'm a mother of two. I restarted my weight loss journey yesterday. Since I started walking last November, I have lost about 10 lbs. I think if I had watched what I ate, I probably would have lost more, but my goal is to lose at least 30 lbs more. I really want to do this so I am healthier and feel better about myself. I know I need some help and support.
  • infinitynevermore
    infinitynevermore Posts: 98 Member
    I'm a 30 year old married mom of a nonstop 9 month old. I was already overweight when I got pregnant, gained thirty pounds, lost forty and gained twenty again. I really want to get back to my wedding weight of 125lbs and start exercising again.
    CAMOLOVELADY Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I am a mother of 3. I also have 2 stepdaughters and 8 step grandchildren. I am only 37 so you can imagine how much energy I don't have. My fiance and I have 5 girls ranging in age from 5 up to 29. Our grandchildren range from the ages of 2 months clear up to the age of 11. I am looking to lose weight to not only be able to play with the grandchildren more but to hopefully help some of my physical limitations. I have tried so hard to lose weight in the past but I seem to fail each and every time. I actually weigh more now than I did when I was pregnant with my youngest daughter. I am looking for support, friends and help.
  • klbrown007
    klbrown007 Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi! My name is Katie. I'm a SAHM, homeschooling mom of 4. After over 6 years of constantly having children (they are like doorsteps). I've let myself go over the years and I'm currently 185 lbs. I'd love to get down to 135-140. I'm ready to finally focus on me instead of growing another human. My baby will be 1 in just a few weeks and she's the last one for us. I'm hoping you ladies will encourage me and motivate me to stick with it and get these pesky pounds off.
  • modifiedrabbitt
    modifiedrabbitt Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 24 with a 3 year old and 1 month old. I didn't lose all of the baby weight from my first plus whatever I gained after. I want to lose 60lbs or so and get down to my original weight before I had my kids, as well as be healthier for myself and family.
  • megret02
    megret02 Posts: 1 Member
    I never post on this stuff, but I am a second time mom, baby is almost 11 months and I am in the weaning process (will take me about a month until she is 1 to finish) so it is time to get back into shape now that we are finished having kids. I work full time and sit all day and struggle to get in any workouts after rushing around all morning and night to get the kids and the house all ready for the next day. Using an Apple Watch now to remind myself to get up hourly and just starting tracking calories. Hopefully this works!
  • myraara
    myraara Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! I'm Myranda! I'm a 19 year old first time mom to a two year old son! I'm losing weight because I'm sick of not liking what I see in my reflection, I used to be skinny, but I gained a lot of weight when I got pregnant and just never had the motivation to get rid of it, so here I am, trying now. Better late than never, right?
  • jenfroeschl
    jenfroeschl Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a 39 year old with two teenagers. Ages 15 and 16. I am married to an amazing man. I am looking to lose around 40-45 pounds. My cholesterol is through the roof. ALL of my weight is in my belly and the closer I get to 40, the harder it is to lose it. I work full time and I eat like crap. Time to figure out how to get a hold of this situation.
  • DallasLady87
    DallasLady87 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am a 30 year old mother of two. And I am trying to lose at least 75 lbs., but 100 would be even better. Before the birth my first son I weighed 150 lbs., and after he was born I dropped back down only packing an extra 5 lbs. after the birth of my second son, I weighed 200 lbs. and only dropped to 195 after his birth. I used to run daily, but I went through a lot of self-esteem issues  and gained about 75 more lbs. I have lost about 10 lbs. but I would really like to get to a healthier weight, my problem is I have lost my sense of self-motivation when it comes to weight loss. My hopes is with this app dinging on my phone all the time and practically shaming me when I over eat, it’ll help motivate me a bit. I have already begun drinking more water due to I didn’t like seeing that little glass empty LOL!!!
  • tiffanypaunovic
    tiffanypaunovic Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Tiffany. I'm a 23 year old working mom of two - a 2 year old and a 6 week old baby. My goal is to lose roughly 40 pounds and tone. Years ago I was into eating healthy and working out, and I'm trying to get back into that mindset again. After college and having kids, it's proven difficult so far.

    I need friends to hold me accountable! Please add me on MFP and we'll hold each other to our goals!
  • AleLue_1
    AleLue_1 Posts: 113 Member
    Alex here. 29 year old mom of 2 (7 yr old girl & 3 yr old boy with low functioning Autism). Looking to lose 50lbs. Currently 177lbs. Goal is to exercise twice a week and lose 2-3lbs a week. Goal weight is 130lbs. Feel free to shoot me a FR! Needing friends!
  • ggoss10
    ggoss10 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey all! I just turned 34 and have three kiddos (6, 5 and 2.5). I work full time and have always been on the heavier side. But with 3 pregnancies, full time desk job and a lack of sleep for the past 6 years, I've ballooned up by my heaviest (even when pregnant! Gah!). I tried Keto, but i can't do it while making meals for my family. So here I sit, trying to get a grip on my life when I'm so very used to putting everyone else first. Hoping I can focus more on the physical activity side of things this time around. Gotta get movin....
    I want to lose weight to be able to do more activities with my kids. And to stop being afraid of how I would look or being too big. Its been holding me back.
  • EmmErs0985
    EmmErs0985 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 32 years old. I have a 3-year-old daughter. I have been actively losing weight since January but over the past month, I have really been struggling to stay on track. I really need the support and motivation from others because it inspires me soooo much! I was down 30 lbs but I gained 6 lbs back. I started at 262.2 lbs and I am never going back.

    My main goal is to get my heart and body in shape and healthy so that I can feel confident enough to go through another pregnancy. I had a really hard time in my first pregnancy and ended up having preeclampsia. Since then I have been terrified to have another child.

    I want to prove to myself that my body can be strong and healthy!!

  • ajverloop158
    ajverloop158 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm a 29 year old single mother of 3. A 9 year old daughter, and two sons ages 7 and 4. I have been heavy most of my life, though in my early 20s I was actually very fit. After having my last child, I just haven't been able to get back to what I was in my early 20s (around 130 lbs). I now weigh 178, and am hoping to find motivation to eat healthier. I've always been good about excercising every day, but have lost control on my eating. I'm hoping by being apart of a group, I'll have more accountability for my eating.
  • upwithalyssa
    upwithalyssa Posts: 17 Member
    I need accountability for my recently resurrected poor eating habits. I did so well for a few years and have fallen off the wagon! I'm looking for support and motivation.
  • sylviagnickell
    sylviagnickell Posts: 1 Member
    I'm trying to regain my sense of self after giving birth to my third child. I can't seem to shed this weight and could use the support.
  • RebelAnneDoll
    RebelAnneDoll Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm a 35 yo mother of a 7 yo son. When my son was 1 I got into the best shape of my life, but not quite 2 years later I switched from an active job to a desk job, and a year after that I started my MA degree program, and my health has just been getting worse since then.
  • jtiffany87
    jtiffany87 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello!! Mom of 3 boys (2 step and 1 of my own) I am 31 years old and looking to lose 40lbs to be healthy for all 3 of them. My boys are 13, 9, and 2! This year I have literally tried everything to lose weight and I have found when I track I do way better! I need to lose this weight so I feel confident in my skin and to have a healthy pregnancy in the future!
  • Colsonal92
    Colsonal92 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm 26 almost 27yo. Mom to 3 girls Isabella 5yo, Riley and Regan are 9mo. My SW(CW) is 250lbs, my GW is between 180lbs. I want to lose weight so i can run/play with my kids, so i feel good about myself, so i can fit into regular size clothes, so i'm not tired all the time. So any help/tips will be welcomed!!
  • BubsYouCan
    BubsYouCan Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I am Heather I have a 20 month old daughter and recently weighed myself and just really need to do something about this... I have one friend that is struggling with her weight as well but she is doing weight watchers so... I need people on here that can help me stay motivated. Honestly my weight is a huge motivator because it is so bad... Please reach out!