Week 3



  • ProudMomoftwo
    Tried to get back into it yesterday since the weather was nice.
    Took the kids to the park while I walk/ran around the lake.
    Admittedly, I walked more than I ran.
    Still feeling sluggish from Christmas and detoxing and giving my knee a rest.
    I ran 5min at my first interval to get my legs into it. It is official - I cannot run and chew gum at the same time.
    Couldn't get into my groove or get my breathing ...nothing. I spit it out and everything went better after that. (lol @ self )
    I walked a minute and then took off again and ran for 11 mins.
    My left knee was starting to ache again so I just walked from then on.
    Started to get a blister right at the end but did one more lap around the lake anyway.

    I desperately need new shoes. Taping my toes and my heel and now one spot on my right shoe...
    Felt good about getting back into the groove of it again though.
    Overall not a failure but will have to work back up to my earlier stamina.
    I was going to purchase some new running shoes yesterday while I was in the city but grocery shopping won out.
    Property taxes and my daughter's bday this weekend...sigh. Looks like the shoes will have to wait until January.
    I will not be deterred!!

    Keep pushing forward....
    You all are doing really great.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Well I didn't get anymore runs in before Christmas, or even new year for that matter! But was back on it today, found a lovely route down by the river and cathedral and it's a beautiful day. Also, the timing and distance of this route was perfect, with the opportunity to extend it as per my programme, so, yay!

    Also, busted through 6 miles! Woohoo :smile: Just shy of 10 k too, so am hoping my day 3 run will push me past that.

    Enjoyed it, but had a five minute fatigue towards the end, where I really had to dig deep....hope I can work through that in the coming weeks.

    Well done everyone!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Finally did another decent run today!!! I took 3 breaks instead of the 2 (don't like hills at the end of a long run), but I got the total run time pretty close to what it's supposed to be and I'm pleased with how it went. The other thing I'm pleased about is that the Body Pump class I did last night didn't seem to affect my run negatively; until after! Now everything hurts!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    So happy! I FINALLY got a run in today.
    The weather was beautiful and we almost got to 50 degrees. That is wonderful for winter here.
    Anyway, I was itchy to get out for a run so the kids & I took a break from school and headed out.
    They rode their bikes and I ran.
    We had a wonderful time.
    Great run - great workout - great day.
    Can't wait to get to do it again.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Glad you had a great run!!

    Mine was ok, I'd already done a DVD and a 3 mile walk today, so as I sit here with all my muscles aching, I'm wondering if I overdid it a little!

    Anyhoo....it was cold, there was a strong wind that was coming at me 90degrees, so no chance of running into it and then having it blow me along, nope, I got my right side buffeted and then my left side!!

    I also got a stinky blister on the bottom of my foot, I have to say, I was glad it was over and loved every minute of the hot bath I had when I got home!

    I've entered my first 10k for 25th March- committed now!

    Week 4 starts on Friday!
  • aimsterct
    aimsterct Posts: 37 Member
    STILL sidelined with the injury I incurred during my race last week. But today, after 6 days of rest, I took a 1.8 mi walk, and it feels OK....so I think I am on the mend.

    Everything I've read has said you need to really rest and ease back into things gradually so it will probably be at least another week before I can get back to a place to do my W3D3....but it is what it is. I am eager to do so!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Glad you had a great run!!

    Mine was ok, I'd already done a DVD and a 3 mile walk today, so as I sit here with all my muscles aching, I'm wondering if I overdid it a little!

    Anyhoo....it was cold, there was a strong wind that was coming at me 90degrees, so no chance of running into it and then having it blow me along, nope, I got my right side buffeted and then my left side!!

    I also got a stinky blister on the bottom of my foot, I have to say, I was glad it was over and loved every minute of the hot bath I had when I got home!

    I've entered my first 10k for 25th March- committed now!

    Week 4 starts on Friday!

    Oh Becka - I feel ya sister - I hate days like that. Like nothing goes right - BAH!
    I am glad the soaky bath brightened you right back up.
    GREAT NEWS about entering your first 10K in March. WOW - yes, now you are committed...lol.
  • ProudMomoftwo
    STILL sidelined with the injury I incurred during my race last week. But today, after 6 days of rest, I took a 1.8 mi walk, and it feels OK....so I think I am on the mend.

    Everything I've read has said you need to really rest and ease back into things gradually so it will probably be at least another week before I can get back to a place to do my W3D3....but it is what it is. I am eager to do so!

    So glad to hear you are on the mend!!
    Right here with you on getting back into it
  • ProudMomoftwo
    So happy! I FINALLY got a run in today.
    The weather was beautiful and we almost got to 50 degrees. That is wonderful for winter here.
    Anyway, I was itchy to get out for a run so the kids & I took a break from school and headed out.
    They rode their bikes and I ran.
    We had a wonderful time.
    Great run - great workout - great day.
    Can't wait to get to do it again.

    Above was what I did on the 4th.
    On the 5th I did a 20 min run and walked for about 2hrs.
    Yesterday, the 6th, my legs were still feeling pretty exhausted so we mixed it up and rode the horses instead.
    Today, the 7th, I really pushed myself. 115 mins of hard walking with three 10 min run intervals and one 20 min run interval.
    Wow - my legs are exhausted but feel good.
    Heading to a soaky bath.
    Keep showing up and doing the work my friends. We will get there !!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I'm a little behind as I took a few weeks off to recover from my hip injury. I started W3 this week and it was great, if a little slow. I sure am glad to be back at it after the looooong holidays!
  • TexasNana41
    TexasNana41 Posts: 114 Member
    Finally! I had a wonderful run tonight! Went 63 minutes without stopping except when I had to cross the street and there were cars in the way! I don't know why those cars have to get on my running road. :laugh: It was a bit cold, which is the way I like it and it just felt good to finally have a run where I wasn't worn out before i started. Upping my calories really seems to have made a big difference and it was only 100 more. Of course, we'll see if the streak holds. i sure hope so. And no, I can't finish 10K in that time. But someday. I have my first official 5K on January 28th.
    Mom - You are doing amazing!
    Bees - I'm glad you're back at it and doing well!
    Aimster - You'll be back to tearing it up in no time!
    Becka - Some days just don't go as we planned! Take care of that blister so it doesn't cause any more problems. You've been so dedicated and I bet you'll be brilliant at that 10K run.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    We are completely socked in.This morning I stepped put the door to do W3D2, and was almost blasted off the sidewalk with the sideways snow blizzard, lol! They were announcing a better evening, but, 8pm, and still coming down hard. Oh well, I guess I'll try again tomorrow. This really is starting to get to me, I never thought winter running would end up being SOOOO challenging:( I sure hope the plows come out overnight, as it looks to be 2 or 3 feet of snow out there already, ugh. How I envy you guys and gals in the warmer climes!
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    Finally got W3D2 done! The pace was very slow, however, as the ground was covered in ice and snow and was rather tricky to run on. I hope to finish W3 this and move on to W4.
  • beesareyellow
    beesareyellow Posts: 335 Member
    I guess I'm the only one commenting here for week 3, lol! But, I finally completed it today through slush and snow, ugh. Next step, week 4, hope there's still someone there, lol!
  • ProudMomoftwo
    Managed to squeeze in a 28 min run today.
    The cold air really made it hard to get my breathing down.
    I managed to tough it out though and about the time I started to feel good, I had to stop and cool down.
    Just too cold, the kids were getting cold riding their bikes.

    Will try again soon. I think the forecast is calling for some temps in the 40's over the next couple days ( that is if I can keep from getting sick since we were exposed to strep throat last night ).
    The next 24hrs will tell....

    Stay healthy everyone - I am off to get another water refill to try and stay ahead of this creeping crud.
  • shaynes14
    shaynes14 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey for those still checking. I haven't written because my runs have been so inconsistent due to travels and weather. I am happy to say that today I managed to complete week three in only a week! I am so excited. It finally feels like I am moving forward. I am hoping next week will go smoothly for week four!
  • aimsterct
    aimsterct Posts: 37 Member
    Finally have worked my way back from my leg injury and am hoping to finish up Week 3 next week! Finally....it's been nearly 3 weeks of resting and working my way back to where I was. It sure feels like a lot longer!
  • aimsterct
    aimsterct Posts: 37 Member
    Finished Week 3 today only a month after starting it. OY!

    Feels great to be back out there. A little less mileage than my Day 2 run, but I did that one on a flat trail, where today's run was on roads with some hills (not huge ones, though they feel kinda huge when I'm running them). I was hoping to break 4.5 miles and I clocked in at 4.61, so I am pleased.

    And honestly, it felt really good. I thought it would feel a lot harder after so much time out of the game, but I guess the other cardio I did kept me closer to my same level.

    I can't wait to start Week 4 on Friday!
  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Hello group and Happy Monday :happy:
    Finished up week 2 on Saturday morning, and jumped right into week 3 this fine Monday morning. Actually I think it was more like....drag myself out of bed... then stretch... then jump into run...LOL On W2D3 I challenged myself to 4 intervals plus 5wu and 8 min cd... (5wu-15-1-15-1-15-1-10-8cd) and I am glad I did b/c I believe it got me more mentally prepared for W3D1... my intervals today were (5wu-17-1-17-1-22-5cd). Looking forward to Thursdays run.